693 research outputs found

    Vacina universal para a gripe

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    Monografia realizada no âmbito da unidade de Estágio Curricular do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentada à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de CoimbraO vírus responsável pela gripe possui atualmente um grande impacto na saúde pública, a nível mundial. A maneira mais simples de proteger a população contra este vírus é através da sua prevenção e, para isso, recorre-se à vacinação. É de salientar no entanto que, devido às recorrentes alterações a nível dos antigénios virais circulantes e ao aparecimento de novas estirpes do vírus, torna-se necessário proceder a uma reformulação anual da vacina. Para além desta situação, estas vacinas serão ainda inefetivas em possíveis pandemias que poderão surgir. Assim, denota-se a importância da formulação de uma vacina universal que promova uma proteção duradoura contra as diferentes estirpes, ultrapassando assim as limitações que atualmente se verificam – proteção limitada e pouco duradoura e a dificuldade da formulação de uma vacina eficaz, num período de tempo adequado, após o aparecimento de uma pandemia. Ao longo deste trabalho serão apresentadas diferentes abordagens/estratégias que atualmente estão sob investigação, nomeadamente a utilização de proteínas altamente conservadas como a M2 e a nucleoproteína (NP), a utilização da neuraminidase (NA), a utilização de partes conservadas da hemaglutinina (HA) e ainda a utilização de misturas de partículas tipo vírus (VLPs) que expressam diferentes subtipos de HA e de outras proteínas.Currently, the responsible virus for the flu has a major impact on public health worldwide. Immunization campaigns are the simplest way to protect the population against this virus. It should be noted however that, due to recurrent changes in circulating viral antigens and to the emergence of new strains of the virus, it becomes necessary to carry out an annual reformulation of the vaccine. In addition, these vaccines will still be ineffective in possible pandemics that may arise. Thereby denotes the importance of the formulation of a universal vaccine that promotes long-lasting protection against different strains, thus overcoming the limitations that currently occur - limited and short-lived protection and the difficulty of formulating an effective vaccine in a period of suitable time after the occurrence of a pandemic. Throughout this work are shown different approaches/strategies are currently under investigation, namely the use of proteins highly conserved as the M2 and the nucleoprotein (NP), the use of neuraminidase (NA), the use of parts conserved of hemagglutinin (HA ) and also the use of mixtures of virus-like particles (VLPs) expressing the different subtypes of HA and other proteins

    Evaluation of the Sigma Quality level for Serum Iron determination by two colorimetric methods, Ferrozine and Ferene S

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    Iron plays important functions in the body such as the formation and functioning of hemoglobin and it’s disorders are among the most common diseases of human1. It is essential to ensure that its levels determination through laboratory tests are accurate and precise. The participation of laboratories in the External Quality Assessment (EQA) allows the increases of the quality level of the laboratory results and improvement of its performance.2This study was developed in the Portuguese Nacional EQA Program (PNAEQ) concerning the laboratories results from the Clinical Chemistry Scheme. The main objective of this study was to evaluate and improve the sigma quality level regarding the Iron parameter and reduce the variability of the laboratories results participating in the EQA program of Clinical Chemistry of the Nacional External Quality Assessment Program (PNAEQ). The mean Sigma quality level indicated that the Ferrozine method had a better performance compared with Ferene S method. Half of the control samples had a sigma quality level higher than 3.0, which is set as the minimum acceptable quality.3 Despite of the improved of the Sigma quality level in the Pilot Test, the results demonstrated a need to improved the analytical process performance and to identified more potential causes and implement new improvement actions. It becomes necessary to raise awareness with the laboratories, improving the Pilot Test participation frequency, resulting in a recurrent and current assessment of the laboratory activity performance. Developing Six Sigma projects on a periodic basis is important for continuously and progressively increasing the level of Sigma quality in laboratory examinations. The main advantage of quality assessment on the sigma scale is providing evidence of overall laboratory performance, taking into account random and systematic errors.N/

    Relatório de estágio em farmácia comunitária

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    Relatório de estágio realizado no âmbito do Mestrado Integrado em Ciências Farmacêuticas, apresentado à Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbr

    Synthesis and characterization of abiotic electrocatalysts based on reduced graphene oxide for oxygen reduction reaction

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    Tese de mestrado, Química (Química) Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2019The use of low-temperature fuel cells as power supplies of energy conversion devices is attracting considerable interest because of the direct electrochemical conversion of a fuel, e.g. hydrogen and glucose, and an oxidant, such as oxygen, producing electrical current. The sluggish kinetic of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on the cathode half-reaction is particularly investigated since its acceleration relies on the development of efficient electrocatalysts. Unfortunately, the most promising catalysts for ORR are platinum-based materials that exhibit poor durability, limited resource and high cost. Under such circumstances, the development of non-noble, efficient and low-cost electrocatalysts has attracted a great deal of attention. The present dissertation focuses on the synthesis and physicochemical characterization of graphene-based materials doped with nitrogen and 2 and 10 wt % transition metals (Fe, Co, Mn, Cu, Ni and Rh), denoted as rGO/M 2 and 10 %, capable of reducing molecular oxygen. Firstly, nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxide with atomically dispersed transition metal materials were synthesized using commercial graphene as precursor. A sequential extra-exfoliation and oxidation of the graphene increased the d-spacing between carbon layers and created porosity on the structure, which is essential for the diffusion of reactants on the material. Further simultaneous N doping and reduction of graphene oxide using thermal and low-temperature plasma treatment allowed the formation of M-Nx active sites that contribute greatly on the ORR activity. The obtained carbon structure exhibited a large specific surface area (c.a. 800 m2 g-1) doped with c.a. 1.98 wt % of nitrogen. The incorporation of atomically dispersed metal reached 21 % of 2 wt %, 3 % and 0.46 % of 10 wt % using different reduction methods. The engagement of aromatic macrocycle molecules, particularly iron and cobalt metalloporphyrins, in the graphene oxide structure was also studied. The synthesis of these hybrid materials was based on a procedure described previously, relying on the addition of the metalloporphyrin to the graphene structure, followed by its pyrolysis under N2 atmosphere. The ORR electrochemical characterization of the materials was performed using hydrodynamic convective systems: the rotating disk electrode (RDE) and the rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE), in acidic, alkaline and neutral media. Among all the synthesized materials, iron- and cobalt-based materials showed the highest performance towards ORR. In particular rGO/Fe 2 % exhibited a remarkable activity in acidic (Eonset 0.76 V vs. RHE), alkaline (Eonset 0.91 V vs. RHE) and neutral (Eonset 0.78 V vs. RHE) media, comparable to Pt/C catalysts. A mixed 2- and 4-electron pathway was observed for rGO/Fe 2 % in acidic and alkaline media due to the contributions of several functional groups in the structure. The remaining materials displayed lower onset potential in acidic (0.44 to 0.71 V vs. RHE), alkaline (0.80 to 0.87 V vs. RHE) and neutral (0.64 to 0.74 V vs. RHE) media. The outstanding ORR performance of these materials is attributed to the presence of M-Nx actives sites dispersed in the carbon structure and intrinsic ORR activity of metalloporphyrins

    Hábitos alimentares, actividade física e estado nutricional em doentes com depressão

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    A depressão, humor e stress nos indivíduos influencia a quantidade e tipo de alimentos ingeridos, o que se reflecte no estado nutricional e pode agravar o quadro clínico depressivo. O objectivo do estudo era avaliar a relação entre depressão, ansiedade e stress, hábitos alimentares, actividade física e estado nutricional, numa amostra de 29 indivíduos de um Hospital Psiquiátrico Português. Usou-se um questionário contendo dados antropométricos, questionário de frequência alimentar, questionário de actividade física IPAQ versão 8 adaptado e escala EADS de 21 itens para avaliar as afectividades. Os indivíduos tinham IMC de 29 6 kg/m2. 72,4% dos indivíduos tinha ingestão calórica insuficiente e os restantes excessiva. 55,2% tinham actividade física moderada, 27,6% intensa e 17,2% ligeira. A correlação da ingesta alimentar com as afectividades demonstrou que: maiores níveis de stress e ansiedade relacionavam-se com menor ingesta de frutas; maiores níveis de ansiedade relacionavam-se com menor ingesta de tomate e de proteínas; maiores níveis de depressão relacionavam-se com menor ingesta de carnes brancas. Estes resultados poderão evidenciar que a ingestão inadequada de proteínas e frutos ricos em glícidos importantes para regular os níveis de serotonina possivelmente estarão a contribuir para o quadro de depressão e o menor consumo de carnes brancas ricas em lípidos monoinsaturados importantes no controlo de peso podem estar a contribuir para o aumento do IMC

    Effects of Ballroom dancing in older adults: systematic review

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    The combination of scientific progress and improvement of public health status, housing and working conditions has led to a decrease in birth and death rates and an increase of the average life expectancy. As a result the world’s population is aging (NIS – “Projections of resident population from 2012 to 2060.”). This scenario urged the need to promote a healthy and active aging among the population through physical activity programs, for example cardiorespiratory, neuromotor, flexibility and endurance exercises. (Garber, et al. 2011). Ballroom dancing is an activity that combines cardiorespiratory, endurance, balance, coordination and flexibility training activities. Systematic revision is a very accurate way of summarising data and determining the methodologic quality of various research articles. Here we present the first systematic review of studies that investigated the effects of ballroom dancing on aging population. To assess the effectiveness of ballroom dancing in promoting healthy aging in the elderly. We searched 6 databases (Scielo, PEDro, Lilacs, PubMed, SportDiscus and Medline) for published research on the topic of ballroom dancing in the elderly using a selection of keywords: Dance, Ballroom, Elderly, Older adults, Age, Dança, Danças de Salão, Idoso e Sénior. The studies were selected according to the inclusion criterions and the quality and the strength of the evidence reported were assessed. Specifically, the methodological quality was assessed using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and the strength of the evidence using an evidence synthesis grading system (Van Tulder, et al. 1997). Four articles were evaluated according to the PEDro scale, which obtained a mean score of 4.75, i.e. a low methodological quality. The papers showed improvements in terms of balance (3 of 4 articles analysed), strength, overall fitness, cognitive function, autonomy or gait speed. This systematic review showed, although with limited evidence, that ballroom dancing promotes the improvement of several variables such as balance, overall physical condition and gait. It is clear that the effects of Ballroom Dancing as a promoter of healthy aging, although a very promising area of research given the current status of the developed world’s population, is still in its infancy

    Modulation of the tumor microenvironment by microbiota-derived short-chain fatty acids: impact in colorectal cancer therapy

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    Finding new therapeutic approaches towards colorectal cancer (CRC) is of increased relevance, as CRC is one of the most common cancers worldwide. CRC standard therapy includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, which may be used alone or in combination. The reported side effects and acquired resistance associated with these strategies lead to an increasing need to search for new therapies with better efficacy and less toxicity. Several studies have demonstrated the antitumorigenic properties of microbiota-derived short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The tumor microenvironment is composed by non-cellular components, microbiota, and a great diversity of cells, such as immune cells. The influence of SCFAs on the different constituents of the tumor microenvironment is an important issue that should be taken into consideration, and to the best of our knowledge there is a lack of reviews on this subject. The tumor microenvironment is not only closely related to the growth and development of CRC but also affects the treatment and prognosis of the patients. Immunotherapy has emerged as a new hope, but, in CRC, it was found that only a small percentage of patients benefit from this treatment being closely dependent on the genetic background of the tumors. The aim of this review was to perform an up-to-date critical literature review on current knowledge regarding the effects of microbiota-derived SCFAs in the tumor microenvironment, particularly in the context of CRC and its impact in CRC therapeutic strategies. SCFAs, namely acetate, butyrate, and propionate, have the ability to modulate the tumor microenvironment in distinct ways. SCFAs promote immune cell differentiation, downregulate the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators, and restrict the tumor-induced angiogenesis. SCFAs also sustain the integrity of basement membranes and modulate the intestinal pH. CRC patients have lower concentrations of SCFAs than healthy individuals. Increasing the production of SCFAs through the manipulation of the gut microbiota could constitute an important therapeutic strategy towards CRC due to their antitumorigenic effect and ability of modulating tumor microenvironment.This article is a result of the project EcoAgriFood NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-00009, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Sara Gomes thanks FCT for her PhD grant SFRH/BD/140965/2018. This work was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT) within the scope of project PTDC/QUIQIN/28662/2017. This work was also supported by “Contrato-Programa” UIDB/04050/2020 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P