11 research outputs found

    Teaching Practices in Mathematics During COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges for Technological Inclusion in a Rural Brazilian School

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    The pandemic caused by COVID-19, on a global scale, brought an unprecedented situation for students from all over the world: the closure of schools. This study presents this theme under the perspective of a rural Brazilian school, located in a town in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Since the closure of schools as a health strategy for the control of the pandemic, the government of the state of Rio de Janeiro adopted the distance learning for school activities, most of which was achieved through technological mediation. This strategy to face the problem highlight reflections on inequality of access to the internet and the different roles played by the school, in addition to cognitive aspects. Considering as a research object the class of ninth grade of elementary school, and as a research theme their mathematics activities in distance learning, it was possible, through a case study, to analyze advances and setbacks in the learning proposal implemented. It is concluded that Brazil, due to its extensive territorial range and multiple specificities, is not yet prepared to legitimize the use of pedagogical practices in mathematics mediated by technology. Investments in infrastructure and teacher training are necessary so that pedagogical proposals mediated by technology can effectively contribute to the training of students

    Democratic Management in Times of COVID-19:: Perspectives and Challenges for Brazilian Public Schools

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    This paper discusses the issue of educational management in a challenging scenario: the closing of Brazilian schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through an exploratory research, in a documentary character, the articulating role that educational management has been developing together with the families of students was evaluated, with the aim to guarantee their access to remote activities during this period, and their maintenance and organization by part of higher departments. Under the clipping of two official documents of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Deliberation No. 376 of the State Council of Education of the state and Resolution No. 5843 of the Secretary of State for Education, it was possible to identify a greater concern with access to content, either through technological mediation or printed material and with “supervision” of teachers and students, to the detriment of strengthening aspects relevant to democratic and participatory management. No references to management or direction were found in the documents under analysis, nor ways to consolidate the participation of all actors involved in the teaching-learning process. The absence of dialogicity with all parties led us to a traumatic and exhausting process for everyone involved. Therefore, the need to rethink the pedagogical practices involved in this pandemic period is discussed, based on the difficulties listed by students, families, teachers and managers, in order to consolidate the contribution of all, in a democratic way, even if there is no social interaction between those involved at the time

    Distance learning in covid-19 times: from opportunism to legitimation / O ensino a distância em tempos de covid-19: do oportunismo à legitimação

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    The legitimation of distance learning for Basic Education, in the direction of the same phenomenon for Higher Education, during the COVID-19 pandemic, brings up a discussion prior to the virus, but present since the 2018 presidential campaign by the current Brazilian government: the regularization of distance learning for Basic Education.  Faced with several uncertainties, this paper presents, from the analysis of three documents that regulated, in an extraordinary character, the distance learning and the modification in the school days of 2020, the argumentation used by both:  the national documents and the state document on the topic, under a emphasis for the state of Rio de Janeiro.  Such guidelines provide a kind of “laboratory” for future implementations, definitively, of this type of teaching for Basic Education and its expansion to Higher Education.  In order to observe some experiences of school activity in the distance learning during the period of social distance, it was chosen to analyze documents and publication on websites and social networks:  two federal institutions of Basic Education located in the state of Rio de Janeiro; from the State Secretariat of Education of the state of Rio de Janeiro; the prefectures of two municipalities also in the state of Rio de Janeiro.  We conclude that the discourse that technology represents the modernization of teaching practices is legitimized, at the same time this it ratifies the process of scrapping Basic Education, especially public, expanding inequalities and social exclusion through digital exclusion.

    Fake News and Post-truth: Numerical Simulations of Information Diffusion in Social Networks

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    The year 2016 was crucial in terms of the use of social networks as tools for disseminating information for political purposes. The election of candidate Donald Trump for the presidency of the United States of America lit a warning signal about the influence that the information disseminated through social networks exerted in the choice of candidates by the American people. Since then, researchers from different areas have focused on the topic, which involves different aspects: computing, social sciences, mathematics, among others. Therefore, the object of study of this work is the phenomenon of behavioral changes brought about by the new social relationships established by digital social networks, under the scope of the spread of fake news through them. To guarantee the intended study, the general objective was to adapt mathematical models consisting of ordinary differential equations for the dissemination of information on social networks for the spread of fake news. As specific objectives, the contribution of the mathematical models proposed in the mitigation, through algorithms, of the spread of false or distorted information was discussed, as well as the discussion on the concepts of fake news and post-truth from a social point of view, in a way that individuals can also distinguish true information from disinformation through individual interpretation tools. As a research methodology, bibliographic research was chosen and a systematic literature review was carried out, to consider published works on the proposed research object. For the numerical simulations, a numerical code was developed in MATLAB, which was able to carry out the desirable experiments. It is concluded that innovation diffusion models can adapt to fake news dissemination models. However, such models are not able to robustly simulate the mitigation of fake news

    The Implementation of Emergency Remote Education in Brazilian Educational Systems

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    This article presents the results of an exploratory research, delineated in a documentary way.  The research aimed to investigate how local educational systems were adapting to offer, via distance learning, the continuity of the school year by occasion of the schools' closure by the COVID-19 pandemic.  A critical documentary research is presented, according the legislation implemented by the Ministry of Education and the State Governments of Brazil, with data from Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (2018) and the School Census (2019). We conclude that remote education, as it was implemented, aims to fulfill only the annual workload by local schools, ignoring the pedagogical issues pertinent to the theme and benefiting students with greater financial resources

    Caracterização de parâmetros hidráulicos em depósitos fluviais paleogênicos na bacia de Volta Redonda, RJ

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo a caracterização de parâmetros hidráulicos dos depósitos fluviais paleogênicos da Bacia de Volta Redonda, através de ensaios de condutividade hidráulica e análises granulométricas. Com este estudo, busca-se produzir uma base de dados hidrogeológicos aplicáveis à caracterização de hidrofácies (corpos sedimentares interconectados com distintas propriedades hidráulicas) e à modelagem de fluxo das águas subterrâneas. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa consistiu em ensaios de permeabilidade in situ (permeâmetro de Guelph) e de laboratório (permeâmetro de carga variável), além de análises granulométricas realizadas em cada fácies sedimentar existente na área de estudo. Essas fácies sedimentares foram caracterizadas por Marques (2006) e pertencem às formações Resende e Pinheiral. Os resultados estimados da condutividade hidráulica apresentaram-se coerentes às características sedimentológicas. Os depósitos sedimentares da Formação Resende são constituídos por areia fina a média com presença de matriz argilosa e apresentaram condutividade hidráulica moderada a muito baixa, variando de 10-4 a 10-8 cm/s, estes valores indicam um reservatório pobre. A Formação Pinheiral apresenta camadas arenosas com níveis conglomeráticos, limitadas por intervalos pelíticos pouco espessos. Esses pelitos possuem muito baixa permeabilidade, com condutividade hidráulica variando de 10-5 a 10-7 cm/s. O topo dessa formação teve a mais alta permeabilidade, em torno de 10-3 cm/s. A Formação Pinheiral apresenta, portanto características de reservatório e deve-se levar em consideração que seu topo funciona como recarga do aqüífero. A partir dos resultados obtidos de condutividade hidráulica, que variaram de 10-8 a 10-3 cm/s, para as formações Resende e Pinheiral da área em estudo, concluiu-se que esses depósitos possuem de muito baixa a média condutividade hidráulica, predominando as permeabilidades mais baixas, o que explica a baixa produtividade do aqüífero multicamadas de Volta Redonda


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    O Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC), que será apresentado trata a respeito da geometria no cotidiano. O tema proposto foi através da percepção de quando se fala em matemática na vida cotidiana, a geometria não é tão relacionada. A partir dessa questão, pude desenvolver a proposta do tema e abordar outra forma de se ensinar a matemática através da geometria plana e espacial

    A escola fechou. E agora? Discutindo as práticas pedagógicas em Matemática em tempos de COVID-19

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    A pandemia de COVID-19 que atingiu a sociedade em escala global em 2020 promoveu mudanças drásticas em comportamentos e formas de vida, associadas sobretudo ao distanciamento social, adotado como política pública de enfrentamento ao problema. Em função do distanciamento social, instituições públicas e privadas de ensino adotaram práticas pedagógicas mediadas por tecnologias, a fim de minimizar os efeitos do fechamento das escolas. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho discute, a partir de um estudo de caso, as práticas pedagógicas adotadas pelos professores de matemática do ensino médio da rede estadual de educação do Rio de Janeiro, envolvendo alunas de uma escola estadual da rede e a professora de matemática destas. Considerando a legislação que amparou as decisões da rede estadual sobre a oferta das aulas mediadas por tecnologias, realizaram-se entrevistas com os atores envolvidos a fim de verificar a percepção destes sobre as atividades docentes e discentes durante a vigência desse regime extraordinário. Pode-se concluir, a partir da análise das entrevistas e de material obtido no site e nas redes sociais da Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Rio de Janeiro, que as diferentes práticas pedagógicas mediadas por tecnologia realizadas nesse contexto resultaram benéficas, mas em geral insatisfatórias, em função de dificuldades para docentes e discentes ligadas ao acesso, à escassez de recursos e a limitações da formação prévia. Por fim, a questão que se coloca é quanto à validação das atividades mediadas por tecnologias como horas letivas, apesar da precariedade das práticas pedagógicas em matemática apontadas pelo estudo de caso


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    This article aims to study the development of so-called remote teaching during the closure of Brazilian schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, a research approach was chosen mixed in a convergent way through a case study of the municipal system of Petropolis education. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the existence (or not) of pedagogical theories, such as new school, technician, or socio-critical pedagogy, that have supported the different pedagogical practices carried out during the school closing period. Through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, conducting a qualitative study on the topic was possible using Content analysis. It is concluded that the adaptation to remote teaching was made suddenly without preparing teachers, students, managers, and families. Little was reflected about existing pedagogical theories to improve the effectiveness of  Education during the school closure period.Este artículo tiene como objetivo estudiar el desarrollo de la llamada enseñanza remota durante el cierre de las escuelas brasileñas debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Para ello, optamos por un enfoque de investigación mixta convergente realizado a través de un estudio de caso de la red educativa municipal de Petrópolis. El principal objetivo de la investigación es evaluar la existencia (o no) de teorías pedagógicas, como la nueva escolarización, el tecnicismo o la pedagogía sociocrítica que han sustentado las diferentes prácticas pedagógicas realizadas durante el período de cierre escolar. Mediante cuestionarios y entrevistas semiestructuradas fue posible realizar un estudio cualitativo sobre el tema a través del análisis de contenido. Se concluye que la adaptación a la enseñanza remota se realizó de manera repentina, sin preparación de docentes, estudiantes, directivos y familias. Poco se reflexionó sobre las teorías pedagógicas existentes para mejorar la eficacia de la Educación durante el período de cierre de escuelas.Este artigo tem como objetivo estudar o desenvolvimento do chamado ensino remoto durante o fechamento das escolas brasileiras devido à pandemia do COVID-19. Para tanto, optou-se por uma abordagem de pesquisa mista de forma convergente realizada por meio de um estudo de caso da rede municipal de ensino de Petrópolis. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é avaliar a existência (ou não) de teorias pedagógicas, como escolanovismo, tecnicismo ou pedagogia sócio-crítica que tenham sustentado as diferentes práticas pedagógicas realizadas durante o período de fechamento da escola. Por meio de questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas, foi possível realizar um estudo qualitativo sobre o tema por meio da análise de conteúdo. Conclui-se que a adaptação ao ensino remoto foi feita repentinamente, sem a preparação de professores, alunos, gestores e famílias. Pouco se refletiu sobre as teorias pedagógicas existentes para melhorar a efetividade da Educação durante o período de fechamento escolar

    Atuação Docente na Educação Básica em Tempo de Pandemia

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    This article considers teaching in Educação Básica, in the Brazilian context, during the Covid-19 pandemic and suspension of face-to-face classes. The survey was attended by 209 teachers from the city of Juiz de Fora, at Minas Gerais state, who answered the questionnaire used as an instrument. The objective was to analyze the thoughts, feelings, challenges, and perspectives of teachers in this period of calamity. Content analysis and descriptive statistics were performed. The findings point to emerging categorical sets that highlight the teachers’ concerns with the marked inequalities, the main difficulties in curricular educational practices and the expectations of education professionals with the return to schools.Este artigo considera a docência na Educação Básica, no contexto brasileiro, durante a pandemia da Covid-19 e suspensão das aulas presenciais. A pesquisa contou com a participação de 209 professores da cidade de Juiz de Fora, MG, que responderam ao questionário utilizado como instrumento. O objetivo foi analisar os pensamentos, sentimentos, desafios e perspectivas dos docentes nesse período de calamidade. Foi realizada a análise de conteúdo e a estatística descritiva dos dados. Os achados apontam conjuntos categoriais emergentes que destacam as preocupações docentes com as acentuadas desigualdades, as principais dificuldades nas práticas educativas curriculares e as expectativas dos profissionais da educação com o retorno às escolas