17 research outputs found

    Recepcija filozofske antropologije u anglo–saksonskoj filozofskoj tradiciji

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    Ovaj rad predstavlja kratki i sažeti prikaz recepcije filozofske antropologije kao discipline u anglo–saksonskoj filozofskoj tradiciji na temelju dostupne literature. Obuhvaća vremenski period od početka 20.st. do današnjih dana te prati razvoj odnosa ove tradicije prema temama, metodologiji i najistaknutijim predstavnicima filozofske antropologije. U prikazu je vidljiva promjena ovog odnosa od u početku gotovo potpuno negativnog stava i nepriznavanja ove discipline kao legitimne, preko prepoznavanja njezinog značaja i važnosti za filozofsku misao do potpunog zaokreta prema antropološkim temama. Pojmovi čovjek i ljudska priroda, kao i kultura, početkom 21.st. se nanovo aktualiziraju, a filozofskoj antropologiji okreću se suvremeni mislioci različitih orijentacija, od ekofilozofije do feminističke orijentacije, u promišljanju aktualnih problema u kojima se nalazi današnje društvo.Main goal of this thesis was to give a short and concise review of the reception of philosophical anthropology in the Anglo–Saxon philosophical tradition based on available literature. This review covers a large time period from the beginning of 20th century until modern days and it shows a way in which philosophical anthropology's central conceptions, methodology and eminent thinkers have been viewed by this tradition. It shows this view changing from a standpoint of complete rejection and neglect of philosophical anthropology in Anglo – Saxon philosophical tradition to recognition of philosophical anthropology as a legitimate philosophical discipline, and recognition of her importance for philosophical thought in general, to a general acceptance of anthropological concepts and problems. Notions such as human and human nature, as well as culture, are being recognized today as the central conceptions and starting points in coping with contemporary issues. As a consequence of that, modern philosophers of diverse orientations, from ecophilosophers to feminists, have reached out to philosophical anthropology in an attempt to deal with problems of today's society

    Deep eutectic solvents for purification of waste cooking oil and crude biodiesel

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    The goal of this work was to explore the applicability of deep eutectic solvents in biodiesel production process. Biodiesel was produced from waste cooking oil via base-catalysed transesterification. The efficacy of two base catalysts KOH and NaOH on the conversion of triglycerides into biodiesel was tested. Eutectic mixtures DES 1 (K2CO3  : C2H6O2  = 1 : 10) and DES 2 (C5H14ClNO  : C2H6O2 = 1 : 2) were prepared. DES 1 was used for feedstock deacidification and DES 2 for biodiesel purification via extraction. Effects of DES 2 to biodiesel ratio and the extraction duration on free glycerol removal were tested. Samples were analysed using FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of biodiesel was carried out for 3 h at 60 ° C with mass ratio KOH : methanol : oil = 1 : 40 : 100. DES 2 was effective for purification of biodiesel. Mass ratios 0.5:1 and 1:1 proved best and 45 minutes of extraction was enough to reduce free glycerol and increase the content of fatty acid methyl esters

    Deep eutectic solvents for purification of waste cooking oil and crude biodiesel

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    The goal of this work was to explore the applicability of deep eutectic solvents in biodiesel production process. Bi-odiesel was produced from waste cooking oil via base-catalysed transesterification. The efficacy of two base cata-lysts KOH and NaOH on the conversion of triglycerides into biodiesel was tested. Eutectic mixtures DES 1 (K2CO3 : C2H6O2 = 1 : 10) and DES 2 (C5H14ClNO : C2H6O2 = 1 : 2) were prepared. DES 1 was used for feedstock deacidification and DES 2 for biodiesel purification via extraction. Effects of DES 2 to biodiesel ratio and the extraction duration on free glycerol removal were tested. Samples were analysed using FTIR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Synthesis of biodiesel was carried out for 3 h at 60 ° C with mass ratio KOH : methanol : oil = 1 : 40 : 100. DES 2 was effective for purification of biodiesel. Mass ratios 0.5:1 and 1:1 proved best and 45 minutes of extraction was enough to reduce free glycerol and increase the content of fatty acid methyl esters

    Treatment of severe acquired haemophilia A with an immunosuppressive agent

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    Acquired haemophilia A (AHA) is a rare hemorrhagic disease caused by an autoantibody against coagulation factor VIII. Nonhaemophiliac patients develop autoantibodies (inhibitors) directed against the factor VIII circulating coagulation protein. Disease is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality. Inhibitors against FVIII induce acute and life-threatening hemorrhagic diathesis because of abnormal blood clotting. FVIII inhibitors demonstrate bleeding disorders and prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time and a normal prothrombin time. AHA should be considered in the differential diagnosis particularly in postpartum women and in the elderly patients with bleeding tendency. Treatment of acute hemorrhage is focused in the control of the acute bleeding episode and the long term suppression of the autoantibody. In congenital hemophilia A with inhibitors, in which using repetitive infusions of high dose FVIII concentrates is effective for inhibitor eradication. This report presents one patient treated with immunosuppressive regimens. The most effective first-line treatment for the eradication of factor VIII autoantibodies is the combination of steroides and cyclophosphamide


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    Difuzni B-velikostanični limfom (DLBCL) s fenotipom germinalnog centra B stanica (GCB) ima bolju prognozu nego limfom aktiviranih zrelih B-stanica (ABC) fenotip ili tip 3 podskupina. Prethodne studije su navodile da nuklearni faktor-κB (NF- κB) ima značajnu ulogu kod ABC i tip 3 fenotipa, dok GCB fenotip karakteriziraju česte REL amplifi kacije. Upotrebom imunohistokemijske metode analizirali smo kod 99 bolesnika kojima je postavljena dijagnoza DLBCL prisutnost DC10, BCL6 i MUM1, da bismo mogli bolesnike podijeliti u GCB, ABC i tip 3 podskupine, te smo zatim analizirali prisutnu ekspresiju NF- κB u jezgri i u citoplazmi. Kod 22 (22 %) slučajeva prisutna je ekspresija NF-κB u jezgri kod svih podskupina DLBCL. NF-κB ekspresija u citoplazmi prisutna je u svim podskupinama DLBCL i nalazi se kod 77 (77%) bolesnika, i rezultat je značajan. Analizirali smo prisutnost CD10, Bcl6 i MUM1 i prisutnost NF-κB u jezgri i rezultati nisu značajni. Analiza nuklearne akumulacije NF-κB nije povezana ni s jednim kliničkim parametrom uključujući dob, spol, stadij bolesti, primijenjenu terapiju i MPI. Bolesnici s prisutnim NF κB u citoplazmi bez obzira na podskupine prema Hansu i sur. imaju značajno lošije preživljenje nego bolesnici koji nemaju prisutan NF-κB i rezultati su značajni. Bolesnici s GCB fenotipom i negativnom ekspresijom NF-κB u jezgri imaju bolje preživljenje nego bolesnici s GCB fenotipom i pozitivnom ekspresijom NF-κB u jezgri i rezultati su značajni. Bolesnici koji su primali kemoterapiju po shemi R-CHOP i imaju pozitivan NF-κB u jezgri imaju bolje preživljenje, ali rezultati nisu značajni. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da NF-κB ekspresija u jezgri i citoplazmi može biti prognostički čimbenik kod DLBCL i to može pojasniti slojevitost rizika kod bolesnika u kombinaciji s GCB / ne-GCB fenotipom. Naša analiza pokazuje da je NF-κB aktivnost kod svih podskupina DLBCL ključna i na taj način može predstavljati obećavajući molekularni cilj za buduće terapije.Objective: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) with germinal center B-cell (GCB) phenotype has better prognosis than activated mature B-cell (ABC) phenotype or type 3 subgroup. Previous studies have reported on a major role of the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in ABC and type 3 phenotypes, whereas GCB phenotype is characterized by frequent REL amplifi cations. Methods: In 99 patients diagnosed with DLBCL, the presence of CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 was analyzed by immunohistochemical method to divide them into the GCB, ABC and type 3 subgroups. Then, NF-κB expression was analyzed in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Nuclear NF-κB expression was detected in 22 (22%) cases from all DLBCL subgroups. NF-κB expression in the cytoplasm was recorded in 77 (77%) cases from all DLBCL subgroups and this fi nding was signifi cant. Results: Results on the presence of CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 and the presence of NF-κB in the nucleus were not signifi cant. Analysis of nuclear NF-κB accumulation is not associated with any of the clinical parameters including age, sex, stage of disease, therapy administered and IPP. According to Hans et al., patients with NF-κB expressed in the cytoplasm have signifi cantly poorer survival irrespective of the subgroup than patients without cytoplasmic NF-κB, and these results are signifi cant. Patients with GCB phenotype and negative nuclear NF-κB expression have better survival than those with GCB phenotype and positive nuclear NF-κB expression, and these results are also signifi cant. Patients having received chemotherapy according to the R-CHOP schedule and with positive nuclear NF-κB expression have better survival; however, these results are not signifi cant. Discussion and Conclusion: These data suggest that nuclear and cytoplasmic NF-κB expression may be a prognostic factor in DLBCL, thus explaining the stratifi ed risk observed in patients in combination with GCB/non-GCB phenotype. Our study showed the NF-κB activity to be crucial in all DLBCL subgroups, thus potentially representing a promising molecular target for future therapies

    Epidemiološke karakteristike i čimbenici povezani sa smrtnošću teško opečenih bolesnika - iskustvo hrvatskog opeklinskog centra

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    The authors conducted a single-center retrospective study during the last 6.5 years. The study aimed to describe demographic data of burn patients in the Croatian Burn Center and investigate factors affecting mortality for the first time after the Center was established. The study included 109 severely burned patients with a total body surface area (TBSA) burned ≥20%, admitted to the burn intensive care unit. The relationship between the fatal outcome and age, sex, comorbidity, mechanism of injury, TBSA burned, and inhalation injury was investigated. The mean patient age was 54.50±20.21 years and the mean TBSA burned was 42.48±18.64%, with the mortality rate of 50%. The results demonstrated that patients with 2 or more comorbidities compared with those with no comorbidities had a higher chance of lethal outcome (p<0.0001). With an increase of TBSA by 1%, the odds of lethal outcome are expected to increase by 7% (p<0.0001). Other variables included in the analysis did not show statistical significance. TBSA percentage is a well-known predictor of mortality and numerous studies indicate an association between comorbidities and mortality but there are conflicting results about other demographic factors and injury characteristics.Provedena je prva retrospektivna studija u tercijarnom centru u Hrvatskoj u posljednjih 6,5 godina s ciljem opisivanja demografskih podataka te čimbenika koji utječu na smrtnost teško opečenih bolesnika. U istraživanje je uključeno 109 teško opečenih bolesnika s ukupnom opečenom površinom ≥20%, hospitaliziranih u Jedinici intenzivnog liječenja. Analizirana je povezanost smrtnog ishoda i dobi, spola, supostojećih bolesti, mehanizma ozljede, postotka opečene površine i prisutnosti inhalacijske ozljede. Srednja dob bolesnika uključenih u istraživanje bila je 54,50±20,21 godina, srednja vrijednost postotka opečene površine bila je 42,48±18,64%, a smrtnost je iznosila 50%. Rezultati pokazuju veće izglede za smrtni ishod kod bolesnika s 2 ili više supostojećih bolesti u odnosu na one bez takvih bolesti (p<0,0001). Porastom postotka opečene površine kože za 1% izgledi za smrtni ishod rastu za 7% (p<0,0001). Analizom nije nađena statistički značajna razlika za ostale varijable. Postotak opečene površine je dobro poznati prediktor smrtnosti i brojne studije ukazuju na povezanost supostojećih bolesti i smrtnosti, dok su za ostale demografske čimbenike i značajke ozljede rezultati studija oprečni


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    Difuzni B velikostanični limfom (DLBCL) je klasificiran kao limfom različitog entiteta i pomoću genske ekspresije proteina klasificiran je u tri podskupine. Cilj ovog rada je da pojasni kliničke, biološke, imunofenotipske i citogenetske značajke DLBCL s translokacijom t(14;18) i 8q24/c-MYC. Jedanaest bolesnika s DLBCL s dvostrukom translokacijom praćeno je u razdoblju od 2000. do 2009. god. Obilježja tih bolesnika uključuju morfološke, imunohistokemijske i citogenetske analize. Svi bolesnici imaju agresivna obilježja, prisutnost B simptoma (64 %), opće stanje bolesnika prema ECOG ljestvici ≥2 (55 %), povišenu aktivnost serumske laktat dehidrogenaze (73 %), klinički stadij III i IV (82 %), ekstranodalnu zahvaćenost bolesti (73 %), IPI ≥2 (73 %). Parcijalna remisija je postignuta kod 73 %, svi su bolesnici (73 %) umrli u kratkom roku. Bolesnici su liječeni CHOP i sličnim protokolima (COP, CVP, CNOP) uz dodatak Mabthere. Učinjena je imunofenotipizacija te određena ekspresija biljega CD20, CD3, CD10, Bcl6 i MUM1. u svih je učinjena citogenetska analiza ⌠fluorescentna hibridizacija in situ - FISH)⌡i nađene su kompleksne kariotipske promjene. Tako smo analizirali prisutnost gena BCL2, BCL6 i c-MYC, osam bolesnika je imalo translokacije gena BCL2 i c-MYC, dok je troje imalo translokaciju gena BCL6 i c-MYC. Usprkos provedenoj adekvatnoj terapiji, prognoza bolesnika je loša. Medijan preživljenja tih bolesnika je 1,85 godina. Zaključujemo da je DLBCL s BCL2 i c-MYC preuređenjem podskupina limfoma s vrlo lošim preživljenjem. Prisutnost tih dviju translokacija ima agresivan klinički tijek.Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is classified as lymphoma and various entities using the gene expression of proteins are classified into three groups. The aim of this study was to clarify the clinical, biological, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic features of DLBCL with translocation t (14; 18) and 8q24/c-MYC. Eleven DLBCL patients with dual translation were monitored during the 2000-2009 period. The characteristics of these patients included morphological, immunohistochemical and cytogenetic analysis. Study results showed that all patients had aggressive characteristics, presence of B symptoms (64%), general patient condition according to ECOG scale ≥2 (55%), elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase activity (73%), clinical stage III and IV (82%), extranodal involvement of the disease (73%), and IPI ≥2 (73%). Partial remission was achieved in 73% of all patients and all patients (73%) died within a short time. Patients were treated with CHOP and similar protocols (COP, CVP, CNOP), with the addition of MabThera. Immunophenotyping was performed and determined expression of the CD20, CD3, CD10, BCL6 and MUM1 markers. The cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed complex karyotype changes. Thus, we analyzed the presence of BCL2, BCL6 and c-MYC genes and found eight patients to have BCL2 and c-MYC translocation genes, while three had translocation of the BCL6 and c-MYC genes. Despite appropriate therapy, the patient prognosis is poor. The median survival in these patients was 1.85 years. DLBCL with BCL2 and c-MYC rearrangement of the subgroups of lymphoma is associated with very poor survival. The presence of these two translocations has an aggressive clinical course

    The Influence of Olive Pomace on the Environment

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    Komina masline kao ostatna materija u prehrambenoj industriji ne ubraja se u opasni otpad ili otpad općenito. To je potencijalni problem zbog njezinih određenih komponenata koje negativno utječu na ekosustav, a osobito na vodene organizme i biljke. Uslijed neadekvatnog odlaganja, spojevi komine bivaju isprani i procjeđivanjem dospijevaju u tla i podzemne vode gdje uzrokuju onečišćenja. Tema privlači dodatan interes zbog potencijala iskorištavanja komine masline u raznorazne svrhe, te je predmet mnogih znanstvenih istraživanja današnjice. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Olive pomace is a residue substance in the food industry. It is not considered a hazardous waste or even a waste in general. This is potentially problematic because olive pomace contains certain compounds that can have a negative impact on the ecosystem, especially on aquatic organisms and plants. In case of inappropriate disposal, these toxic compounds may be leached into the soil and groundwater. This topic attracts additional interest due to the potential of olive pomace. Nowadays, olive pomace can be used for various purposes, which are a frequent subject of a lot of scientific research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Hydrodistillation as a method for extraction of essential oils and bioactive natural products

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    Eterična ulja smjese su hlapljivih, slabo viskoznih spojeva od kojih većina čine terpeni (monoterpeni i seskviterpeni). Dobra topljivost eteričnih ulja u drugim biljnim uljima i laka apsorpcija kroz kožu omogućuje im primjenu u medicinskoj masaži i aromaterapiji. Najzastupljeniji spojevi u eteričnom ulju šmrike (Juniperus oxycedrus), somine (Juniperus phoenicea), lovora (Laurus nobilis), ružmarina (Rosmarinus officinalis) i tršlje (Pistacia lentiscus) su monoterpeni, dok u eteričnom ulju kadulje (Salvia officinalis) su to seskviterpeni. Primjenom hidrodestilacije dobivena su eterična ulja navedenih biljaka koja su se zatim okarakterizirana različitim metodama analize kao što je tankoslojna kromatografija, plinska kromatografija-masena spektrometrija, Furier-transformirana infracrvena spektroskopija i mikrobiološka analiza. Na temelju provedenih metoda analize dobio se uvid u kemijski sastav i antimikrobnu aktivnost eteričnih ulja ispitanih biljaka. Rezultati dobiveni različitim metodama analize su usporedivi i govore o kemijskom sastavu eteričnih ulja. Najpoznatija metoda mikrobiološke analize je disk-difuzijski test kojim se ispitala antimikrobna aktivnost eteričnih ulja. Ovisno o kemijskom sastavu različit je utjecaj na bakterije Escherichia coli i Bacillus subtilis te kvasac Candida lipolytica na koje se disk-difuzijski test ispitivao. Rezultati su pokazali kako najbolju antimikrobnu aktivnost za bakterije ima eterično ulje mediteranskog lovora, a na kvasac eterično ulje tršlje. Dobiveni rezultati su usporedivi s literaturnim uz mala odstupanja u kemijskom sastavu i zastupljenosti komponenti eteričnih ulja.Essential oils are mixtures of volatile, low-viscosity compounds, most of which are terpenes (monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes). Good solubility of essential oils in other vegetable oils and easy absorption through the skin allows them to be used in medical massage and aromatherapy. The most common compounds in the essential oil of prickly juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus), phoenician juniper (Juniperus phoenicea), laurel (Laurus nobilis), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus) are monoterpenes, while in the essential oil of sage (Salvia officinalis) are sesquiterpenes. Using hydrodistillation, essential oils of these plants were obtained and characterized by various methods of analysis such as thin layer chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy and microbiological analysis. Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of tested essential oils were analytically determined. The results obtained by different analytical methods are comparable and they describe chemical composition of essential oils. The best known method of microbiological analysis is the disk diffusion test which examined the antimicrobial activity of essential oils. Depending on the chemical composition of essential oil, in disk diffusion test the effect on bacteria Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis and yeast Candida lipolytica is different. The results showed that the essential oil of Mediterranean laurel has the best antimicrobial activity for tested bacteria, and the essential oil of mastic tree for tested yeast. The obtained results are comparable with the literature with small deviations in the chemical composition and representation of the components of essential oils