91 research outputs found

    Ground Heave Due to Jet Grouting Near an Existing Structure

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    Renovations of the MBTA Copley Station in Boston included construction of a new elevator shaft to improve disabled access to the existing Green Line station. The site is immediately adjacent to the Eastern façade of the historic Old South Church. The construction work required excavation support including a perimeter secant pile wall and a jet-grouted base plug. Significant ground and structural movements were observed during jet grouting, mainly associated with soil displacements during grout injection. A three dimensional numerical model was developed, using the Plaxis 3D Foundation™ program, in order to test the hypothesis that the observed movements of the structure could be associated with the installation of the jet grout piles. The amount of volume expansion associated with installation of jet grout piles is estimated based by calibrating the model to measured ground movements. The finite element model results give a consistent explanation for the observed pattern of movements, including the heave of the church wall and lateral displacements at inclinometers located within the vicinity of the structure, measured at the time when damage occurred. The model assumes there is a vertical line of weakness in the masonry, representative of a pre-existing structural crack, as observed by structural investigations; and hence, confirms the underlying mechanical hypothesis for the source of ground movements

    UA66/8/2 The Climate of Bowling Green & Warren County

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    Climate analysis of Bowling Green and Warren County, Kentucky from 1958 to 1987

    UA66/8/2 Earthquake Risk Assessment for Warren County, Kentucky

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    Earthquake risk assessment report for Bowling Green and Warren County, Kentucky. Include illustrations and maps

    Radio Jet Feedback and Star Formation in Heavily Obscured Quasars at Redshifts ~0.3-3, I: ALMA Observations

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    We present ALMA 870 micron (345 GHz) data for 49 high redshift (0.47<z<2.85), luminous (11.7 < log L(bol) (Lsun) < 14.2) radio-powerful AGN, obtained to constrain cool dust emission from starbursts concurrent with highly obscured radiative-mode black hole (BH) accretion in massive galaxies which possess a small radio jet. The sample was selected from WISE with extremely steep (red) mid-infrared (MIR) colors and with compact radio emission from NVSS/FIRST. Twenty-six sources are detected at 870 microns, and we find that the sample has large mid- to far-infrared luminosity ratios consistent with a dominant and highly obscured quasar. The rest-frame 3 GHz radio powers are 24.7 < log P3.0 GHz (W/Hz) < 27.3, and all sources are radio-intermediate or radio-loud. BH mass estimates are 7.7 < log M(BH) (Msun) < 10.2. The rest frame 1-5 um SEDs are very similar to the "Hot DOGs" (Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies), and steeper (redder) than almost any other known extragalactic sources. ISM masses estimated for the ALMA detected sources are 9.9 < log M(ISM) (Msun) < 11.75 assuming a dust temperature of 30K. The cool dust emission is consistent with star formation rates (SFRs) reaching several thousand Msun/yr, depending on the assumed dust temperature, however we cannot rule out the alternative that the AGN powers all the emission in some cases. Our best constrained source has radiative transfer solutions with ~ equal contributions from an obscured AGN and a young (10-15 Myr) compact starburst.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Astrophysical Journal. Update on Sept 14 to correct the ALMA proposal id. to ADS/JAO.ALMA#2011.0.00397.S and to add a missing acknowledgemen

    Phase distribution, composition and disorder in Y2(Hf,Sn)2O7 ceramics : insights from solid-state NMR spectroscopy and first-principles calculations

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    The authors would like to thank the ERC (EU FP7 Consolidator Grant 614290 “‘EXONMR’”), and EPSRC for support for SS and ASG (EP/L005581/1). SEA would like to thank the Royal Society and Wolfson Foundation for a merit award. We acknowledge support from the Collaborative Computational Project on NMR Crystallography CCP-NC funded by EPSRC (EP/M022501/1).A NMR crystallographic approach, combining 89Y, 119Sn and 17O NMR spectroscopy with X-ray diffraction and first-principles calculations has been used investigate the number and type of phases present, and the local structure and disorder in Y2Hf2–xSnxO7 ceramics. Although a phase change is predicted with increasing Hf content, NMR spectra clearly show the presence of a significant two-phase region, with a Sn-rich pyrochlore and relatively Hf-rich defect fluorite phase co-existing for much of the compositional series. A single-phase pyrochlore is found only for the Sn end member, and a single defect fluorite phase only for x = 0 to 0.2. A solid-solution limit of ~10% is seen for the substitution of Hf into Y2Sn2O7, although no evidence is seen for any cation ordering or antisite disorder in this phase. In the defect fluorite phase there is preferential ordering of oxygen vacancies around Sn, which is only ever seen in a six-coordinate environment. The remaining vacancies are more likely to be associated with Hf than with Y, although this distinction is less apparent at higher Sn concentrations. To acquire 17O NMR spectra samples were post-synthetically exchanged with 17O2(g), although high temperatures (> 900 ºC) were required to ensure uniform enrichment of different chemical species. although these 17O NMR spectra confirm the formation of mixed-metal materials and the presence of two phases, more quantitative analysis is hindered by the overlap of signals from pyrochlore and defect fluorite phases. In all cases, DFT calculations play a vital role in the interpretation and assignment of the NMR spectra, and in understanding the local structure and disorder in these complex multi-phase materials.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Radio Spectra of Luminous, Heavily Obscured WISE-NVSS Selected Quasars

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    We present radio spectra spanning 0.1100.1 - 10 GHz for the sample of heavily obscured luminous quasars with extremely red mid-infrared-optical colors and compact radio emission. The spectra are constructed from targeted 10 GHz observations and archival radio survey data, which together yield 6116-11 flux density measurements for each object. Our suite of Python tools for modeling the radio spectra is publicly available on Github. Our primary result is that most (61%) of the sample have peaked or curved radio spectra and many (36%) could be classified as Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources. This indicates compact emission regions likely arising from recently triggered radio jets. Assuming synchrotron self-absorption (SSA) generates the peaks, we infer compact source sizes (31003 - 100 pc) with strong magnetic fields (61006 - 100 mG) and young ages (3010430 - 10^4 years). Conversely, free-free absorption (FFA) could also create peaks due to the high column densities associated with the deeply embedded nature of the sample. However, we find no correlations between the existence or frequency of the peaks and any parameters of the MIR emission. The high-frequency spectral indices are steep (α1\alpha \approx -1) and correlate, weakly, with the ratio of MIR photon energy density to magnetic energy density, suggesting that the spectral steepening could arise from inverse Compton scattering off the intense MIR photon field. This study provides a foundation for combining multi-frequency and mixed-resolution radio survey data for understanding the impact of young radio jets on the ISM and star formation rates of their host galaxies.Comment: 48 pages, 17 figures, published in Astrophysical Journa

    High-resolution VLA Imaging of Obscured Quasars : Young Radio Jets Caught in a Dense ISM

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    © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd. This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The definitive publisher authenticated version is available online at https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ab9011.We present new subarcsecond-resolution Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) imaging at 10 GHz of 155 ultraluminous (L bol ∼ 1011.7-1014.2 L o˙) and heavily obscured quasars with redshifts z ∼ 0.4-3. The sample was selected to have extremely red mid-infrared-optical color ratios based on data from the Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) along with a detection of bright, unresolved radio emission from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) or Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty cm Survey. Our high-resolution VLA observations have revealed that the majority of the sources in our sample (93 out of 155) are compact on angular scales <0.″2 (≤1.7 kpc at z ∼ 2). The radio luminosities, linear extents, and lobe pressures of our sources are similar to young radio active galactic nuclei (e.g., gigahertz-peaked spectrum [GPS] and compact steep-spectrum [CSS] sources), but their space density is considerably lower. Application of a simple adiabatic lobe expansion model suggests relatively young dynamical ages (∼104-7 yr), relatively high ambient ISM densities (∼1-104 cm-3), and modest lobe expansion speeds (∼30-10,000 km s-1). Thus, we find our sources to be consistent with a population of newly triggered, young jets caught in a unique evolutionary stage in which they still reside within the dense gas reservoirs of their hosts. Based on their radio luminosity function and dynamical ages, we estimate that only ∼20% of classical large-scale FR I/II radio galaxies could have evolved directly from these objects. We speculate that the WISE-NVSS sources might first become GPS or CSS sources, of which some might ultimately evolve into larger radio galaxies.Peer reviewe

    Quasars That Have Transitioned from Radio-quiet to Radio-loud on Decadal Timescales Revealed by VLASS and FIRST

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    We have performed a search over 3440 deg² of Epoch 1 (2017–2019) of the Very Large Array Sky Survey to identify unobscured quasars in the optical (0.2 2500%) but roughly steady fluxes over a few months at 3 GHz are inconsistent with extrinsic variability due to propagation effects, thus favoring an intrinsic origin. We conclude that our sources are powerful quasars hosting compact/young jets. This challenges the generally accepted idea that "radio-loudness" is a property of the quasar/AGN population that remains fixed on human timescales. Our study suggests that frequent episodes of short-lived AGN jets that do not necessarily grow to large scales may be common at high redshift. We speculate that intermittent but powerful jets on subgalactic scales could interact with the interstellar medium, possibly driving feedback capable of influencing galaxy evolution

    Resistance to amorphisation in Ca1-xLa2x/3TiO3 perovskites – a bulk ion-irradiation study

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    The changes induced from 1 MeV Kr+ and 5 MeV Au+ ion irradiation at room temperature have been utilised to determine the impact of cation vacancies on the radiation damage response of bulk Ca1-xLa2x/3TiO3 perovskite structured ceramics. Perovskite systems have long been considered as candidate waste forms for the disposition of actinide wastes, and doping with multi-valent elements such as Pu may lead to cation deficiency. Based on GAXRD and TEM analysis, two regions of resistance/susceptibility to amorphisation have been confirmed with reference to CaTiO3. Increased resistance to amorphisation has been observed for 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4, with an increased susceptibility to amorphisation for x ≥ 0.5. It is proposed that these processes are induced by enhanced recovery from radiation damage for 0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4, and reduced tolerance for disorder/the increasingly covalent nature of the A-O bond for x ≥ 0.5. Lattice parameter analysis of the x = 0 and 0.5 samples showed a saturation in radiation damage induced volume swelling at 4.7 ± 0.1% and 1.8 ± 0.1%, respectively, while the saturation limit for the b parameter was lower than the respective a and c orthorhombic parameters. In the x = 0.2 and 0.4 samples, amorphisation was not observed, however the b parameter was found to swell to a lesser extent than the a and c parameters. Swelling was not observed for the ion irradiated x ≥ 0.6 samples