987 research outputs found

    Alexa and the Making of the Neoliberal Ear

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    Smart home device Amazon Echo, equipped with a voice assistant named Alexa, is a new ear within the home, gathering previously inaccessible sounds of the domestic sphere. Devices such as Echo are constantly ‘on’ and listening, but whether Echo is always recording is subject to speculation and ambiguity. In this article, I use Echo to theorise sonic surveillance through what I term the ‘neoliberal ear’– a twenty-first century mode of listening to the world embedded into ‘surveillance capitalism.’ (Zuboff 2019) I examine the relationship between non-creative recording practices and voice-enabled technology within the context of neoliberalism and its legislative allowances. Conceptualizing Amazon Echo as a complex sonic object that listens to voices in the domestic space in order to gather information on the subjectivity of its users while normalizing the ubiquity of listening in, I investigate the surveillance capabilities of the device, and conduct a sound studies analysis of dispossession and displacement in surveillance capitalism, which I argue are rooted in the split between listening and recording in US copyright law. To discuss Echo’s legal ground, I focus on a murder case in which Echo was requested as evidence, considering the specificity of sound within privacy law, and analysing the relationship between Echo and the First and Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution. I view these sonic theorisations of the US legal framework as an initial step to form a neoliberal history of aurality through the conception of the neoliberal ear

    Efficacité des corridors : qu’en savons-nous vraiment ?

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    La trame verte et bleue et toutes les politiques de préservation et de restauration de réseaux écologiques identifient la fragmentation comme un facteur majeur de dégradation du fonctionnement des paysages. Elles y remédient par la préservation de corridors permettant de restaurer des connexions entre habitats pour les espèces. Issue de l’écologie du paysage, la notion de corridor s’est modifiée dans le vocabulaire de la trame verte et bleue. Les connaissances écologiques sur le rôle des corridors ne permettent pas forcément de répondre aux attentes des décideurs politiques mais confortent un certain nombre d’enjeux (déplacement des espèces notamment pour permettre l’adaptation au changement climatique, services écosystémiques…). L’apport scientifique à la mise en ½uvre de corridors reconnectant des espaces auparavant isolés sera de pouvoir proposer des protocoles permettant d’évaluer l'efficacité de la construction de passage à faune sur des infrastructures anciennes qui en étaient dépourvues et avaient donc fragmenté des habitats. / The Trame verte et bleue and preservation and restoration of ecological networks policies identify fragmentation as a major factor of degradation of landscapes functions. Preservation of corridors aims to restore connections between habitats for species. The concept of corridors, developed by landscape ecology research, is changed when used for ecological network. Ecological knowledge on the role of corridors do not necessarily answer the expectations of policy makers but are consistent with a number of issues (moving species particular to enable the adaptation to climate change, ecosystem services..). The scientific contribution to the implementation of corridors reconnecting spaces previously isolated (by infrastructure) will be to propose protocols for assessing the achievement of these transparency rehabilitation operations

    Contributo de um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão para a Inserção no Mercado de Trabalho de Pessoas com Deficiência: Estudo de Caso e Proposta de Intervenção na ARCIL.

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    Nos últimos anos, o conceito de inclusão de pessoas com deficiência ou incapacidade tem-se enraizado cada vez mais na sociedade, enquanto fator decisivo para a melhoria da qualidade de vida ao nível da independência económica e consecutiva valorização e concretização pessoal. Por outro lado, as empresas debatem-se cada vez mais com a necessidade de atrair e reter talentos capazes de se adaptar às rápidas mudanças dos mercados, avalizando a sobrevivência das mesmas. A necessidade da conceção de estratégias de recrutamento que fossem além do simples conjúgio entre o perfil do cargo e o perfil do candidato, levaram as empresas a adotar práticas associadas ao conceito de employer branding, cujo objetivo consiste na promoção da empresa como marca empregadora honesta e atrativa. Concomitantemente, a implementação de medidas socialmente responsáveis atenta às condições de trabalho dos seus colaboradores e, às transgressões dos direitos humanos e ambientais, associadas a ações de comunicação e marketing tornaram-se essenciais na construção de uma marca empregadora. A presente dissertação procurou compreender e identificar, os principais desafios que as organizações de cariz social se debatem aquando da inserção no mercado de trabalho de pessoas com deficiência. As respostas obtidas, a partir do estudo de caso realizado, foram de encontro à necessidade de implementação de um sistema que permita um aconselhamento adequado às necessidades específicas dos intervenientes no processo de inclusão na sociedade e, consecutivamente, no mercado de trabalho. A falta de programas de aconselhamento adequado às necessidades específicas de cada interveniente, bem como um adequado mapeamento das competências individuais que permita agilizar os processos de integração no mercado de trabalho e, facilitar o alinhamento com as necessidades de recrutamento das organizações, representam alguns dos fatores decisivos na escolha desta investigação. Por sua vez, a temática de sistemas de apoio à decisão em contexto das OSFL, não tem merecido a necessária atenção por parte dos investigadores. Mais do que preencher uma lacuna detetada na literatura, pretendemos com este estudo prestar uma contribuição prática para o desenvolvimento de metodologias de apoio à inserção no mercado normal de trabalho de pessoas com deficiência ou incapacidade. Para o efeito, procedemos a um estudo de caso conduzido no contexto do centro de recursos local da Associação para a Reabilitação de Cidadãos Inadaptados da Lousã, com recurso à metodologia de investigação-ação. A amostra foi constituída pelos elementos da equipa técnica (um responsável e dois técnicos) do respetivo departamento e, foi conduzida sob a forma de entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados apontaram para a necessidade de um sistema informático capaz de armazenar informação e auxiliar em todas as fases do processo de inserção no mercado normal de trabalho. Assim sendo, a partir da referida metodologia de investigação-ação, partimos para a conceção de um sistema sob a forma de plataforma online que, juntamente com as empresas contratantes, permitisse auxiliar os técnicos responsáveis na seleção de pessoas com deficiência ou incapacidade que mais se adequam às necessidades específicas da empresa. Neste contexto, as conclusões sugerem que o desenvolvimento de um sistema de apoio à decisão pode ter um contributo significativo, no percurso da inserção de pessoas com deficiência e incapacidades no mercado de trabalho, bem como contribuir para uma maior visibilidade destas organizações. / In recent years, inclusion of people with disabilities has risen in importance within the civil society as a main vehicle for improving people’s lives at an economic and social level. At the same time, companies are more than ever willing to recruit flexible and skilled individuals, easily adaptable to the market pressures. The need to design new recruitment strategies, beyond the simple relation job role-candidate profile, contributed to the adoption of practices associated with the concept of employer branding, whose primary objective is the promotion of the company itself, as an honest and attractive brand. Simultaneously, the adoption of measures of social responsibility, focused on employees work conditions and human and environmental rights, have become vital, in conjunction with marketing communication actions, for the development of a strong employer brand. The present dissertation sought to understand and identify the main challenges that social organizations are struggling at the time of insertion in the labour market of people with disabilities. The answers were obtained against the need for implementation of a system that allows a suitable advice to the specific needs of stakeholders in the process of inclusion in society and, consecutively, in the labour market. The lack of appropriate counselling programs to the specific needs of each party, as well as an appropriate mapping of individual skills in order to facilitate their integration in the labor market and their alignment with company’s needs, represent some of the most prominent factors in the choice of this investigation. By its turn, decision support systems in context of OSFL is a topic only rarely seen in the literature. More than filling a gap in the literature, our objective is to provide a practical contribution to the development of methodologies to support a more smoother (market) integration of people with disabilities. For this end, our case study was conducted in the context of the local resource centre of the Association for the rehabilitation of Citizens Misfits da Lousã, using the so-called research-action methodology. The studied sample was constituted by elements of the coaching staff (an officer and two technicians) of the respective Department and was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews. Results have clearly demonstrated the need for a computer system capable of storing all the information and assist in all phases of the regular market integration work process. Therefore, an online platform was designed to assist the technicians responsible for selecting those people more qualified for the specific needs of the companies involved. In this context, our findings suggest that the development of a decision support system can have a significant impact in the course of PCDI insertion in the market labor, as well as contributing to a greater visibility of these organizations

    La construction de la confiance dans le commerce électronique interentreprises (e-business B2B) : les mécanismes d'autorégulation

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Biodentine™ versus MTA: comparação da performance clínica na regeneração de dentes permanentes – revisão sistemática

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    Objetivo: Comparar o desempenho clínico do Biodentine™ e do MTA na regeneração pulpar de dentes permanentes, com ápices fechados, após exposição pulpar. Metodologia: Pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados eletrónicas PubMed, ScienceDirect e ResearchGate. A pesquisa foi submetida a critérios de inclusão e exclusão e os estudos foram selecionados de acordo com critérios PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). A qualidade metodológica dos artigos foi avaliada utilizando a checklist CONSORT (Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials) para ensaios clínicos randomizados. Resultados: Dos 126 artigos identificados foram selecionados 11 estudos. Os resultados mostraram não existir diferença entre os dois materiais na sua capacidade de regenerar a polpa e mantê-la vital. No entanto, o Biodentine™ mostrou menor propensão para descoloração coronária, enquanto que o MTA apresentou maior capacidade para formação de pontes dentinárias. Conclusão: O Biodentine™ e o MTA são materiais adequados para recobrimento pulpar direto, com vantagens e desvantagens associadas, cabendo ao Médico Dentista optar de acordo com a situação clínica. Estudos adicionais mostram-se necessários para confirmar os resultados desta revisão sistemática.Objective: To compare the clinical performance of Biodentine™ and MTA in pulp regeneration of permanent teeth with closed apices after pulpal exposure. Methodology: Bibliographic search in PubMed, ScienceDirect, and ResearchGate electronic databases. The search was subjected to inclusion and exclusion criteria, and studies were selected according to PRISMA criteria (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses). The methodological quality of the articles was assessed using the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials) checklist for randomized clinical trials. Results: Of the 126 articles identified, 11 studies were selected. The results showed no difference between the two materials in their ability to regenerate the pulp and keep it vital. However, Biodentine™ showed less tendency for coronal discoloration, while MTA showed greater capacity for dentin bridge formation. Conclusion: Biodentine™ and MTA are suitable materials for direct pulp capping, with associated advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the Dentist to choose accordingly to the clinical situation. Further studies are needed to confirm the results of this systematic review

    A composite approach to Al2O3 based plasma-sprayed coatings

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    25-29 septembreInternational audienceThermally-sprayed ceramic coatings such as plasma-sprayed alumina show a composite microstructure actually due to the presence of defects such as pores, inter-lamellar and intralamellar cracks. These 2nd phase-typed features influence the mechanical behavior and electrical insulation of the coating dramatically. In this study, a composite approach to the microstructure of plasma-sprayed alumina was developed for the optimising of component properties such as electrical gaps used in the oil industry. This approach consisted of a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of thermo-mechanical and electrical properties from simulated microstructures. Series of composite microstructures were tested, i.e that of air plasma-sprayed (APS) alumina basically plus those obtained by addition of glass or resin using co-spraying and impregnation respectively. Various degrees of porosity and cracks could be obtained from different spraying conditions and by subsequent laser surface remelting. Every composite microstructure was studied using quantitative image analysis of series of SEM cross-sections. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in NaCl solution was also performed to characterize the level of connected pores and the resulting electrical insulating properties. From experiments, a Finite Element Model (FEM) based on the actual microstructure was developed. The latter was simulated with involving of all significant features, such as phase distribution, porosity and defects. This simulation was developed to optimize the composite microstructure to meet industrial applications

    Conférence introductive : « Elle je ne l’ai pas vue venir ». Quand les premiers emplois révèlent les solidarités et concurrences entre filles dans les espaces ruraux

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    Introduction La mobilité est considérée – en particulier par les adultes des classes sociales supérieures et les institutions – comme un impératif, une obligation, notamment dans une logique d’ascension sociale. Les grandes villes offriraient des formations plus diversifiées et permettraient d’aspirer à de meilleures conditions professionnelles, ressources indisponibles sur les territoires ruraux. Pourtant, une partie des jeunes s’inscrit en faux par rapport à cette norme des mobilités intert..
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