642 research outputs found

    Independent nonclassical tests for states and measurements in the same experiment

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    We show that one single experiment can test simultaneously and independently both the nonclassicality of states and measurements by the violation or fulfillment of classical bounds on the statistics. Nonideal measurements affected by imperfections can be characterized by two bounds depending on whether we test the ideal measurement or the real one.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of 17th CEWQO 201

    Comparing the effect of using normal saline, N-acetyl cysteine and not using them in endotracheal tube suction on physiologic parameters and the amount of secretions in intubated patients under mechanical ventilation

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    Aims: Today a large number of patients hospitalized in Intensive Care Unit need mechanical ventilation via an artificial air way. Since these patients have endotracheal tube, endotracheal suctioning is necessary for increasing oxygenation, cleaning the airway and keeping it open. But this method consists of various side effects such as increased blood pressure and heart rate and respiratory rate, cyanosis, dizziness and increased intracranial pressure and hypoxia. This study aimed at comparing the effect of using normal saline serum, N-acetyl cysteine and not using them in endotracheal suctioning on physiologic parameters and the amount of secretions in intubated patients under mechanical ventilation. Material & Methods: It was a controlled clinical trial study with random allocation that was performed on 54 intubated patients hospitalized in ICU of health educational centers of Babol Medical Sciences University in 2014. Endotracheal tube suctioning was performed for each patient once without saline, the second time with 3 ml of normal saline and the third time with 2 ml of N-acetyl cysteine. Blood pressure, Heart rate, Respiratory rate, Arterial oxygen saturation were measured and recorded before each stage of suctioning and two and five minutes after that. Amount of secretions was measured after each method of suctioning. Data were analyzed by SPSS16 statistical software, variance analysis with repeated measures, ANOVA and paired t statistical tests. Results: Blood pressure, Heart rate and Respiratory rate were increased after suction in all the three groups, but these changes were higher in the group that received normal saline. Mean decrease of Arterial oxygen saturation was more in the method of receiving normal saline (p<0.05). The amount of secretion was more in the method of receiving N-acetyl cysteine (p=0.004). Conclusions: Endotracheal tube suctioning by using normal saline had more adverse effects on post- suction physiological parameters in compare with the other two methods. Therefore, it is recommended to not use normal saline in endotracheal tube suctioning to the possible extent, and if removing secretions is required, endotracheal N_acetyl cysteine should be used according to the patient's condition

    Kajian Efisiensi Desain Sirkulasi pada Fungsi Bangunan Mall dan Hotel BTC

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    Bandung Trade Center ( BTC ) is a commercial building that has two functions of building a Mall and Hotel . The building stands on the same region without any barrier to reach the second function of the building , so that the second function of this building is very interesting to study the sustainability of the design efficiency of circulation . Studies of both commercial buildings function is to know and understand the form of circulation space , zone function space , circulation space design patterns and some aspects of the circulation of such convenience of distance and time as well as the achievement of the application of circulation elements ( signage ) are efficient at building Mall and Hotel BTC . The study was conducted through descriptive analysis , so that the two functions in one area of the building , effectively and efficiently in the distance and travel time can be realized by minimizing the application of a circulating bridge design and the use of circulation elements ( signage ) for comfort and ease of circulation

    Penerapan Algoritma C4.5 Dalam Mengklasifikasi Status Gizi Balita Pada Posyandu Desa Dames Damai Kabupaten Lombok Timur

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    Nutrition is very important for human growth, especially in toddlers. Lack of or excess intake of nutrients in toddlers can affect nutritional status and health status. Children who have poor nutritional status will experience a decrease in body resistance and are susceptible to disease. The problem with Posyandu in Dames Damai Village is that toddler data reports are stored in a notebook containing toddler data along with the results of weighing which is carried out every month. However, the data only becomes a pile in the houses of the cadres. There is a need for data processing which will later produce useful information for the posyandu. The C4.5 algorithm is a classification technique used in this study which consists of 4 attributes used in the classification, namely gender, age, weight and height. The accuracy results obtained are very good or quite perfect, namely 97.02% while the AUC value obtained from the decision tree is 0.92

    Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Kinerja USAha Wanita Wirausaha pada Industri Makanan Ringan di Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Women entrepreneurs as the family support unit that plays a role in increasing the family income, has a performance which is still low compared to male entrepreneurs. The purpose of this study was to analyze (1) the profile of women entrepreneurs and snack food industry; (2) the influence of personal characteristics, internal and external business environment, as well as entrepreneurial behavior to business performance of women entrepreneurs. This study used survey method that conducted in Limapuluh Kota Regency and Payakumbuh City. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for descriptive and quantitative analysis. The respondents used were 105 women entrepreneurs. The results showed that: (1) women entrepreneurs engaged in the snack food industry in West Sumatera in general are in the productive age above 40 years, the business managed by women entrepreneurs in general is still relatively small business with income average of Rp1.687.000 per week; (2) the personal characteristics, internal environment of business, external environment of business, and the entrepreneurial behaviour has positive and significant influence to business performance. The most dominant personal characteristics which influence the business performance were education and family background, the most dominant internal environment which influence business performance was financial aspect, the most dominant external environment which influence business performance was marketing and the most dominant entrepreneurial behavior influences the business performance was innovation. Women entrepreneurs were encouraged to improve human resources and risk taking by borrowing capital to develop the business

    Analisis Potensi Dan Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan Buah Terhadap Mutu Minyak Kelapa Sawit Tipe Dura, Pisifera, Dan Tenera Di Kebun Bangun Bandar, Dolok Masihul, Sumatera Utara

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    Indonesia is currently the largest producer palm oil in the world with its production about 33.000.000 ton/year in 2014. This research is dealing with potency and quality of palm oil types of dura, pisifera and tenera based on time storage of fruit (0, 7, 14, 21, 28 days). The research was performed on August to December 2014, in Bangun Bandar plantation, Dolok Masihul, North Sumatera. Parameters measured for oil potency was crude palm oil (CPO) content and for quality of palm oil were β-carotene content, deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI), free fatty acid content, and moisture content β-carotene content and DOBI were analyzed by Spectrophotometer at 446 nm and 269 nm. Free fatty acid was determined by titration, and moisture content was measured by an electronic moisture analyzer. Results showed that potency of palm oil types of dura, pisifera, tenera were 23,5 %, 26,2 %, 23,6 %, respectively. β-carotene content and DOBI of palm oil types of dura, pisifera, and tenera were decreased by time storage of fruit. Free fatty acid and moisture content of palm oil types of dura, pisifera, and tenera were increased by time storage of fruit. Based on the results, time of storage of fruit affected poorly in quality of palm oil

    Perancangan Software Interface Pengendalian Lampu Lalu Lintas Simpang Lima Berbasis Mikrokontroller Atmega 8535

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    Design software interface controlling traffic light intersection ATMega8535 five-basic microcontroller is design to facilitate operator traffic light. This software design involves two different software,software Visual Basic 6.0 and CodeVision avr, Visual Basic 6.0 as a software interface that will send data and CodeVision avr as recipient of the data that is in its hardware. Sending and receiving data here using the existing serial port in komputere that use serial usb rs232 which serves to connect or bridge the respective software sendiri.Pengiriman data through the interface that Visual Basic 6.0, this shipment using the DO pin as data transmission (RX) which in usb serial and in ATMega8535 and received using D1 pin that serves as a data receiver (TX) .Each pin is connected using the USB serial rs232. This method allows an operator to use and change the time when need it. Because the software interface gives the ease of service at rush hour or operarator like solid hours already available, and only enter a number already there dikolom disediakan.Perpindahan in this column automatically, and a solid hour or busy can also be arranged according to the wishes of the operator