4 research outputs found

    Student - teacher ratio of senior secondary school in South Aceh District

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    This study is based on the regulation of five ministries which aimed to generate an even teacher distribution to all over Indonesia and its implementation at district level. One of education quality indicators, Student Teacher Ratio (STR) is the indicator that examines the real situation of teacher distribution in South Aceh district, especially at Senior Secondary School (SSS) level of education. By using simple statistic, the results show STR among SSS exceeds the STR of national and provincial level. STR disparities exist among SSS and rural versus urban area, while general SSS (GSSS) versus vocational SSS (VSSS) shown no disparity.The interviews with some education stakeholders in South Aceh district was used to identify the factors that contribute to these disparities. The results show that there are seven factors of internal and external environment that could contribute to the STR disparities among SSS in South Aceh district. Thus, the proposed factors are expected to give a significant contribution to a better teacher distribution within the district of South Aceh in the futur

    Identifikasi Kandungan Unsur pada Pasir Kuarsa Menggunakan Metode X-Ray Flourescence di Kecamatan Samadua, Aceh Selatan : Identification of Elemental Contents in Quartz Sand Using the X-Ray Flourescence Method in Samadua District, South Aceh

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    Quartz sand is a non-metallic natural resource that can be used to develop various kinds of human needs, however, it is necessary to know in advance the amount and elements contained therein. This research will conduct a study related to the amount of element concentration in quartz sand in Samadua District, South Aceh Regency. The research method used in this research is the X-Ray Fluorescence technique. The results showed that the elements found in the quartz sand samples were Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Sr, Ba, and Eu. From these results, there are three elements that have the highest concentration, namely the element Si as much as 62%, Ca as much as 15.7%, and element K as much as 13.7%

    Nutmeg Pulp Herbal Tea Produced Using Shredding Method

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    The existing nutmeg pulp herbal tea is produced from slice process which resulted with hard and big particle size of the powder. It is estimated to negatively affect the packaging process and defective product might be possible to occur when distribution taking place. Consequently, the study need to be done to produce nutmeg pulp herbal tea with small particle size of the powder using shredding method and define one of its substance quantity, Vitamin C as the comparable data towards the existing nutmeg pulp herbal tea product. The study reveals that the tea powder produced from shredding method is greatly smaller than slice method. Idiometri titration analysis of 5 nutmeg pulp herbal tea produced from shredding method samples shows that the average quantity of Vitamin C quantity is less significant than slice method which is only 3.514%. Thus, shredding method produces small particle size of nutmeg pulp herbal tea powder and containing less Vitamin C


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan pengukuran luasan sawah bertujuan memberikan solusi atas permasalahan terkait dengan luasan sawah di Desa Gunung Ketek dan Desa Dalam Kec. Samadua Kab. Aceh Selatan yang datanya tidak diketahui. Solusi yang ditawarkan berupa pelatihan pengukuran luasan sawah, sehingga dapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat Desa Gunung Ketek dan Desa Dalam tentang tata cara pengukuran lahan sawah serta dapat menganalisis luasan sawah dan mengetahui informasi luasan sawah dari hasil pengukuran menggunakan alat GPS. Metode yang digunakan berupa penyuluhan dan pelatihan. Adapun tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian, yaitu Adapun tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM ini, yaitu survey kondisi lahan sawah, mengajak aparatur kecamatan untuk mengarahkan batas lahan sawah yang akan diukur karena lahan sawah yang diukur berada di tiga Desa, yaitu Desa Gunung Ketek, Desa Dalam dan Desa Tengah yang termasuk wilayah Kec. Samadua Kab. Aceh Selatan. Lalu, melakukan pengukuran dengan pengambilan waypoint, yaitu dengan mengambil titik-titik batas lahan sawah yang diukur menggunakan GPS Garmin, dari hasil waypoint digunakan software map source dan software GIS. Berdasarkan hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM berupa pelatihan pengukuran luasan sawah di Desa Gunung Ketek dan Desa Dalam Kec. Samadua Kab. Aceh Selatan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa luas lahan dan peta sawah ketiga desa tersebut didapatkan perhitungan luas lahan sawah di Desa Dalam adalah ± 1 Ha dan luas lahan sawah di Desa Gunung Ketek berkisar ± 11 Ha, sedangkan Desa Tengah diperoleh luas lahan sawah berkisar ± 2 Ha.Kata Kunci: GPS, luasan sawah, pelatihan, pengukuran, pet