219 research outputs found


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    In the era of digitalization 5.0, learning can not only be done face-to-face, the hybrid learning method allows learning to be carried out without knowing distance and time. Hybrid combines or mixes face to face learning and computer-based learning (online and offline). The learning process can be designed by adjusting to the needs. Learning design aims to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of a learning system. One of the web-based learning models is to use powtoon as a medium. Powtoon is one of the freeware or programs that are used for free by internet users and not many have developed learning media with Powtoon. Several studies have shown that Powtoon can improve the quality of the teaching and learning process, the material presented using the Powtoon application becomes clearer and real and students become easier to understand the material.  The purpose of this study is to develop the Powtoon application in hybrid learning learning. This research is a development research using a mixed method The design and approach used in this research is the development of Research & Development (R&D). In the development of this learning video, a model is used. 4D (Four D) development. This research was carried out at SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru, in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The research population is productive teachers of TKJ SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru and students of class X TKJ 2 SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Pekanbaru. With a sample of 2 productive TKJ teachers and 15 students of class X TKJ 2, which were taken by purposive sampling techniques. The products and instruments developed are: Powtoon animation learning videos and student ability test questions. The results showed that experimental classes that had used Powtoon learning videos had better learning abilities than t test control classes (0.02 < 0.05). It was concluded that the Powtoon learning videos developed were effective in improving students' learning abilities

    Unsupervised Adaptive Re-identification in Open World Dynamic Camera Networks

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    Person re-identification is an open and challenging problem in computer vision. Existing approaches have concentrated on either designing the best feature representation or learning optimal matching metrics in a static setting where the number of cameras are fixed in a network. Most approaches have neglected the dynamic and open world nature of the re-identification problem, where a new camera may be temporarily inserted into an existing system to get additional information. To address such a novel and very practical problem, we propose an unsupervised adaptation scheme for re-identification models in a dynamic camera network. First, we formulate a domain perceptive re-identification method based on geodesic flow kernel that can effectively find the best source camera (already installed) to adapt with a newly introduced target camera, without requiring a very expensive training phase. Second, we introduce a transitive inference algorithm for re-identification that can exploit the information from best source camera to improve the accuracy across other camera pairs in a network of multiple cameras. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning based alternatives whilst being extremely efficient to compute.Comment: CVPR 2017 Spotligh

    Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sirkulasi Koran Berbasis Web pada PT. Metro Riau Pekanbaru

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    Pada era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini persaingan pada media cetak telah mengalami peningkatan yang cukup besar dan ketat khususnya pada surat kabar harian. Untuk menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat tersebut, maka perusahaan dituntut untuk selalu memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik terhadap pelanggannya khususnya dalam urusan administrasi sirkulasi koran, maka dari itu Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sirkulasi Koran diperlukan sebagai alat untuk membantu kelancaran aktifitas pencatatan, pendistribusian dan operasional pada PT. Metro Riau Pekanbaru. Namun tujuan tersebut tidak dapat terealisasi karena masih ada kekurangan dan kelemahan pada sistem tersebut, oleh karena itu dibutuhkan Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sirkulasi Koran pada PT. Metro Riau Pekanbaru. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahap analisis, tahap peancangan, tahap implementasi dan tahap pemeliharaan, tetapi tahap pemeliharaan tidak diikutsertakan pada pengembangan sistem ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Sirkulasi Koran pada PT. Metro Riau Pekanbaru diharapkan dapat membantu pengolahan, analisa, dan penyajian data serta informasi dari pendistribusian surat kabar harian Metro Riau dapat lebih cepat dan baik sehingga dapat mempermudah kegiatan operasional. &nbsp

    Application of Story Telling Method in Improvement Meaning of Life in The Elderly at Daycare Aisyiyah Pekanbaru

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    Meningkatnya Umur Harapan Hidup (UHH) mengakibatkan peningkatan jumlah penduduk lanjut usia (lansia) secara signifikan. kondisi ini membutuhkan lansia berkualitas, yaitu lansia yang sehat, mandiri, aktif dan produktif. Makin bertambah usia, makin besar kemungkinan seseorang mengalami permasalahan fisik dan psikososial. Krisis psikososial yang dialami lansia juga dapat mengakibatkan seorang lansia mengalami penurunan dalam memaknai hidupnya. Padahal kebermaknaan hidup (meaning of life) merupakan suatu kebutuhan fundamental bagi setiap orang termasuk lansia. Salah satu metode intervensi non farmasi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan pada lansia adalah story telling (mendongeng). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan metode story telling dalam peningkatan meaning of life pada lansia. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif eksperimen one group pre-test post test dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi seluruh Lansia di Day Care Aisyiyah Riau Maret-April 2023 sebanyak 17 orang. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner dan dianalisa secara univariate dan bivariate dengan uji Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Berdasarkan penelitian diketahui bahwa terjadi peningkatan nilai mean (nilai rata-rata) responden pada pretest adalah 53.776 dan pada nilai rata-rata responden pada posttest adalah 60.7776. Berdasarkan analisa bivariate dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon sign rank test, diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara hasil pretest dan posttest dengan nilai Z: -2.731 dengan P value (A-symp.Sig 2 tailed) 0,006.  Increasing Life Expectancy resulted in a significant increase in the number of elderly people. This condition requires quality elderly, namely elderly who are healthy, independent, active and productive. The older you get, the more likely a person is to experience physical and psychosocial problems. The psychosocial crisis experienced by the elderly can also cause an elderly person to experience a decrease in the meaning of his life. Even though the meaning of life is a fundamental need for everyone, including the elderly. One of the non-pharmaceutical intervention methods used to increase happiness and well-being in the elderly is storytelling. This study aims to apply the story telling method in increasing the meaning of life in the elderly. This type of quantitative research is one group pre-test post-test experiment with a cross-sectional approach. The population of all elderly people in Aisyiyah Riau Day Care March-April 2023 is 17 people. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed univariately and bivariately with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. Based on the research, it is known that there is an increase in the mean value (average value) of respondents in the pretest is 53.776 and the average value of respondents in the posttest is 60.7776. Based on bivariate analysis using the Wilcoxon sign rank test, it is known that there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest results with a Z value: -2.731 with a P value (A-symp.Sig 2 tailed) 0.006    

    Konektivitas Struktur Vegetasi Mangrove dengan Keasaman dan Bahan Organik Total pada Sedimen di Kecamatan Wonomulyo Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Mangrove forest ecosystem is one of coastal ecosystem having significant roles as habitat for diverse organisms, as barrier ofseawater intrusion, sediment trap, protection to the shore from abrasion and as nutrient supplier in form of detritus to othercoastal ecosystems i.e. seagrass beds and coral reefs. However, mangrove has experienced degradation caused by natural andanthropogenic factors. One effort to recover the mangrove\u27s function is by rehabilitating this ecosystem through controllingits total organic matter and the soil acidity (pH). Therefore, it is urgent to conduct a study in order to know the relationshipbetween mangrove growth and the total organic matter and pH. The study was conducted May 2014. The study area was locatedin Mampie, Wonomulyo Sub-District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The benefit gained from this study was giving information ondissolved organic matter related to the mangrove rehabilitation. Method used was field survey by determining three observationstations with different environmental condition. Data were presented as tables and pictures. Results of this study indicated thatincreasing of mangrove density and coverage was followed by the increasing of total organic matter percentage within sedimentat station II. Whereas, the higher the acidity, the lower the content of the total organic matter within sediment was found inStation I. In contrast, the organic matter within sediment was high when the acidity value decrease was observed at Station III

    Penerapan Teknik Icebreaker Untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Pada Pokok Bahasan Tata Nama Senyawa Dan Persamaan Reaksi Di Kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru

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    Research has conducted on class X SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The learning process was seriously, rigid, without a sense of excitement, and the state of the learning process at noon during the day, causing student's bored and tired. Form of research was experimented research with pretest-posttest design Research on the application technique Icebreaker has been done to improve student's achievement and uppertain of what category of improve student's achievement on the subject of nomenclature of compounds and chemical equations in class X at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The sample consisted of two classes, X.8 class as experiment class and X.3 class as control class that randomly selected after testing normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was treated with implementing technique Icebreaker and the control class was treated without icebreaker technique. Analysis of data used t-test. Data of research obtained tcount > ttable (8,88 > 1,66). The category improvement of student's achievement in experiment class was high category ( N-Gain = 0,72). It means that using technique Icebreaker can improve student's achievement on the subject of nomenclature of compounds and chemical equations in class X at SMAN 5 Pekanbaru

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Meaningful Intructional Design(MID) terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA 2 Mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNM Makassar

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    Masalah penelitian yaitu apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan Model Pembelajran Meaningful Intructional Design(MID)  Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA 2 Mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNM Makassar?. Penelitian ini, kelas 27 D dan E akan dijadikan sebagai kelompok eksperimen  kelas 27 D dengan jumlah 20 orang Mahasiswa, sedangkan kelas  27 E sebagai kelompok kontrol dengan jumlah 20 orang Mahasiwa. penelitian ini Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian jenisquasi eksperiment (ekperimen semu) yang bersifat nonequivalent Control Grup Design. Hasil penelitian Rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelompok eksperimen lebih tinggi  secara signifikan daripada rata-rata hasil belajar pada kelompok kontrol. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa Model Pembelajran Meaningful Intructional Design(MID) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap Hasil Belajar Mata Kuliah Konsep Dasar IPA 2 Mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNM Makassa

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Sepak Bola Verbal untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrolisis Garam di Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 10 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research is to improve student achievement on the subject of salt hydrolysis in class XI natural sciences (IPA) Senior High School (SMAN) 10 Pekanbaru trough the applying active learning football verbal strategy. This research is experimental study with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted from Maret 2015 - April 2015. The population consisted of five class and the sample consisted of two classes of grade class XI IPA 4 as an class experimental and the class XI IPA 5 as an class control randomly selected after homogeneity test. Class experimental applied active learning Football Verbal strategy while the class control conducted discussions. The analysis technique used t-tes with dk = 35 + 36 = 69 (α = 0,05). Based on end of the data processing obtained trithmetic> ttable (4.3286> 1.994) means the application of active learning football verbal strategy can improve student achievement on the subject of salt hydrolysis in class XI IPA SMAN 10 Pekanbaru. The increase learning achievement in class experimental of 20,62

    Rotating Disk Apparatus: Types, Developments and Future Applications

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    Power consumption reduction investigations attracted the attention of enormous numbers of researchers in the past few decades due to its high academic and economic impacts. The pumping power losses during the transportation of crude oils are considered as one of the main power consuming applications due to the turbulent mode of transportation. Investigating the possible solutions for this problem is expensive and time consuming due to the large apparatuses needed to simulate the flow in real pipelines. Rotating disk apparatus (RDA) is an instrument mainly comprising a rotating disk and an electrical motor to rotate the disk, which was implemented as an efficient and economical path to simulate what can be done in pipelines through generating a controlled degree of turbulence. This technique was also used in many other scientific applications due to its dynamic mode of operation. For example, a rotating disk electrode was used in electrodeposition processes and to characterize deposition film thickness and uniformity. The rotating disk reactor was employed to investigate the reaction rate between fluids and solid surfaces. The present work evaluates the RDA from different prospective and applications in order to introduce it as an efficient research tools for future dynamic investigations