70 research outputs found

    Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Aktif Tipe Learning Tournament untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Hidrolisis Garam di Kelas XI SMA Negeri 4 Pekanbaru

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    This Research is about the application of active learning strategy learning tournament type that has conducted to know the increasing of student's learning achievement on of salt hydrolysis at class XI SMAN 4 Pekanbaru. This research is experimental research with randomized control group pretest-posttest design. The sample consisted of two classes, XI IPA 2 class as experimental class and XI IPA 5 class as control class. Experimental class is a class that is used application of active learning strategy learning tournament, while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained tarithmetic > ttable is 3,37 > 1,67, means that the application of active learning strategy learning tournament can improve student achievement on the subject of reaction rate in class XI SMAN 4 Pekanbaru where the effect of an increase is 16,34%

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Aktif Learning Starts With A Question (Lsq) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom di Kelas X SMA Negeri 11 Pekanbaru

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    The research on application of active learning method Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ) has been done to improve of student achievement on the subject of Atomic Structure in class X SMAN 11 Pekanbaru. Form of the research is experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The sample consist of two classes, namely class X IPA 4 as the experimental and class X IPA 2 as control class which randomly selected after had tested normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was given implementing active learning method Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ) while the control class was not given implementing active learning method Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ). Data analysis technique used the t-test. Based on the result of the final data processing t-test formula obtained tarithmetic>ttable (1,97 > 1,67) means the application of active learning method Learning Starts With A Question (LSQ) can improve student achievement on the subject of Atomic Structure in class X SMAN 11 Pekanbaru, with an increase of 5,59%

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Kartu Arisan untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Reaksi Reduksi dan Oksidasi di Kelas X SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru

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    Detailed examination has been completed about subject reduction and oxidation in class X SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This research aims to increase student achievement on the subject reduction and oxidation in class X SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. This research is a kind of experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in SMAN 5 Pekanbaru. The samples of this research were the students of class X1 as the experimental class and students of class X2 as the control class. Experimental class is a class that is applied the application. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained tarithmetic> ttable is 5,53 > 1,67. The conclusion of examination is the application of lottery card model can improve student achievement on the subject of atomic structure class X SMAN 5 Pekanbaru, increase learning of 29,62%

    Adaptive control simulation for multiagent autonomous underwater cleaning robot

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    938-943The purpose of this research is to develop an adaptive control system for multiagent autonomous underwater cleaning robots that can handle problems that occur due to large areas of underwater environment cleaning operations, single robot challenges, and ineffective tactics that could cause a system failure. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to develop an adaptive control system for multiagent autonomous underwater cleaning robots that can be used to handle difficulties such as underwater environment cleanliness, single robot issues, and avoiding ineffective approaches that might cause system failure. This research used the MATLAB and Simulink tools to create an adaptive control system and simulate the designed controller with various unknown parameters and disturbances. The results demonstrate the adaptivity, adjustability, and stability of the multiagent underwater cleaning robot’s adaptive control system to cope with the underwater environment’s situations such water current using simulation

    BIM benefits and its influence on the BIM implementation in Malaysia

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    Building Information Modelling (BIM) implementation is considered a daunting reality because majority of the construction players don’t know the potential benefits of the technology. Awareness of BIM benefits and its implementation could significantly increase project productivity and performance. This study is aimed to determine the influence of BIM benefits from the Malaysian construction stakeholders’ perception towards its implementation. The study was carried out using survey questionnaire. Out of 590 questionnaires 268 were collected that represent a sample size of 346. Results revealed that most of the construction companies lack of awareness about BIM technology. The statistical analysis showed that productivity, time, cost, clashes, and communication are the most essential BIM benefits that concerned the participants. The driving factors of implementation, on the other hand, were identified as Trust, respect, commitment, early involvement, and knowledge. It is also found that there is a significant relationship between BIM benefits and its implementation

    Quality of life satisfaction among converted Kelantan Chinese Muslims

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    This article investigates the quality of life of the Kelantan Chinese Muslim community before and after conversion to Islam, focusing on their level of satisfaction in term of economic aspect. This research was carried out using the sequential explanatory mixed method design involving 75 respondents selected for quantitative and five respondents for qualitative. The sampling method adopted was convenience and snowball samplings. The research data was collected using questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The results revealed that respondents were moderately satisfied before conversion and satisfied after conversion. Besides that, there is no significant difference of quality of life before and after conversion to Islam (F = 0.868, p = 0.355) and it was not influenced by the period of conversion to Islam (F = 0.832, p = 0.589). This analysis indicates numerous respondents are still moderately satisfied in their quality of life even though the average data shows they are satisfied after conversion

    Coercive Pressures and Anti-corruption Reporting: The Case of ASEAN Countries

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    This paper aims to investigate the extent of anti-corruption reporting by ASEAN companies and examine whether coercive factors influence the level of disclosure. The authors adopt indicators from the Global Reporting Initiative version 4.0 to measure the extent of anti-corruption disclosures in 117 companies’ reports. Informed by a coercive isomorphism tenet drawn from the institutional theory, the authors propose that several institutional factors influence the extent of their voluntary disclosures. The findings reveal that a large degree of variability difference between the average levels of anti-corruption disclosure in Thailand (434 words) and the Philippines (149 words). The dependence on government tenders and foreign ownership are associated with the level of disclosure. Surprisingly, the United Nation Global Compact membership is not a significant determinant of anti-corruption reporting. This signifies that the membership in the international initiative does not correspond to individual company’s commitment to disclose anti-corruption information. In spite of significant efforts undertaken by global organizations to combat corruption, the level of anti-corruption disclosure is significantly different among the four countries under study. The disclosure of sensitive information such as the confirmed incidences of corruption cases requires careful consideration by the top management as it is subjected to legal implications and reputational risks. Thus, impression management can complement the coercive pressure in explaining the level of anti-corruption reporting. This study is among the first studies which explores the association between coercive factors and the level of anti-corruption disclosure in ASEAN region

    Galectin-3 alters the lateral mobility and clustering of beta 1-integrin receptors

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    Glycoprotein receptors are influenced by myriad intermolecular interactions at the cell surface. Specific glycan structures may interact with endogenous lectins that enforce or disrupt receptor-receptor interactions. Glycoproteins bound by multivalent lectins may form extended oligomers or lattices, altering the lateral mobility of the receptor and influencing its function through endocytosis or changes in activation. In this study, we have examined the interaction of Galectin-3 (Gal-3), a human lectin, with adhesion receptors. We measured the effect of recombinant Gal-3 added exogenously on the lateral mobility of the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin on HeLa cells. Using single-particle tracking (SPT) we detected increased lateral mobility of the integrin in the presence of Gal-3, while its truncated C-terminal domain (Gal-3C) showed only minor reductions in lateral mobility. Treatment of cells with Gal-3 increased beta 1-integrin mediated migration with no apparent changes in viability. In contrast, Gal-3C decreased both cell migration and viability. Fluorescence microscopy allowed us to confirm that exogenous Gal-3 resulted in reorganization of the integrin into larger clusters. We used a proteomics analysis to confirm that cells expressed endogenous Gal-3, and found that addition of competitive oligosaccharide ligands for the lectin altered the lateral mobility of the integrin. Together, our results are consistent with a Gal-3-integrin lattice model of binding and confirm that the lateral mobility of integrins is natively regulated, in part, by galectins
