203 research outputs found

    “O engenho nunca parou”: permanências culturais nos engenhos de farinha – o exemplo do Engenho de Farinha e Alambique Vô Zeca, da cidade de Garopaba

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    Este artigo abordará a continuidade da produção e da cultura, no Engenho de Farinha e Alambique Vô Zeca, situado na cidade de Garopaba, através da produção familiar, utilizando como principal método, a história oral, sendo realizada uma entrevista. Essa discussão tem como principal finalidade, investigar o porquê que este engenho continua a funcionar há mais de 70 anos, tendo em vista, que existem vários fatores que podem impossibilitar esta produção.  Este assunto é importante para a história, pois se trata da permanência de uma prática cultural, que se torna essencial na vida dessas pessoas

    Aspectos sociais e jurídicos da constituição familiar poliafetiva no direito civil contemporâneo: a decisão do CNJ de suspensão do registro de novas escrituras públicas de união estável entre mais de duas pessoas

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    O presente artigo traz como objeto de estudo a constituição e o reconhecimento das relações poliamorosas e suas repercussões jurídicas. Busca-se demonstrar, por meio de técnica bibliográfica, a constitucionalização das entidades familiares, principalmente após a Constituição Federal de 1988, que, porosa e aberta, possibilita (ou, ao menos, deveria possibilitar) a viabilização do pluralismo familiar e da intervenção mínima do Estado na família. Considera-se, ainda, a obrigação jurídica de acompanhamento legislativo para a proteção estatal de novas situações percebidas pela coletividade. Assim, baseado nos princípios, direitos e fundamentos constitucionais, as decisões contrárias ao reconhecimento jurídico das uniões poliafetivas devem ser revistas como medida socialmente justa, adequada e legal, a fim de garantir que a Dignidade da Pessoa Humana seja o princípio basilar do Estado Democrático de Direito

    Educação Especial na Primeira Infância: a Perspectiva dos Professores Sobre a Inclusão de Crianças Surdas

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    The National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education aims to access, participation and learning of students with disabilities in regular schools, aggregate subjects respecting their differences, cultures and historicity, being a modality that permeates all levels and stages, is also present in Early Childhood Education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perspective of teachers regarding the care offered to infants and children deaf in the Early Childhood Education Centers (CEIs). For this purpose, a questionnaire on the subject was developed for 30 teachers, CEI employees of the municipal network of the Municipality of São Paulo, 30 women, aged between 21 and 50 years, from the Butantã region. The results of this research showed the opinion and concern of these teachers in relation to inclusion, the importance of their participation in the construction of a quality education, and their insecurity regarding their formation for an action that optimizes the potentialities of all subjects

    Educação Especial na Primeira Infância: a Perspectiva dos Professores Sobre a Inclusão de Crianças Surdas

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    A Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva tem como objetivo o acesso, a participação e a aprendizagem dos alunos com deficiência nas escolas regulares, a Educação Inclusiva, é aquela que agrega os sujeitos respeitando suas diferenças, culturas e historicidade. A Educação Especial sendo uma modalidade que perpassa todos os níveis e etapas, também está presente na Educação Infantil, que atende a Primeira Infância. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a perspectiva de professores quanto ao atendimento oferecido aos bebês e crianças Surdas nos Centros de Educação Infantil - CEIs. Para isto foi elaborado e aplicado um questionário sobre a temática a 30 professores, funcionários de CEIs da rede Municipal da Prefeitura de São Paulo, sendo as 30, mulheres, com idades entre 21 e 50 anos, da região do Butantã. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostraram a opinião e a preocupação desses professores em relação à Educação Inclusiva, a importância de sua participação na construção de uma educação de qualidade, e sua insegurança quanto a sua formação para uma atuação que  otimize as potencialidades de todos os sujeitos.

    Selection criteria for immediate implant placement and immediate loading for single tooth replacement in the maxillary esthetic zone: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to review available evidence for Type 1A (immediate implant placement and immediate loading) of single tooth replacement in the maxillary esthetic zone. MATERIALS AND METHODS An electronic search was conducted utilizing the databases of MEDLINE, Embase, and Cochrane to identify publications reporting on the outcomes of Type 1A for single tooth replacement in the maxillary esthetic zone. The success and survival rates of the included articles were reported, which were further categorized according to the clinical criteria reported in Type 1A. Mean survival rates were univariately compared between risk groups and additionally between studies published before and since 2012 using bias-corrected and study size-weighed bootstrap tests. A study time-correcting meta-analysis was then performed to obtain an overall effect for the study pool. RESULTS A total of 3118 publications were identified in the search, with a total of 68 articles included. A mean number of implants per study were 37.2 and mean follow-up was 2.8 years. All the included studies utilizing Type 1A report highly selective inclusion and exclusion criteria. Univariate risk group comparison determined that studies before 2012 report a significantly lower mean survival rate (difference of -1.9 percentage points [PP], 95% CI: [-0.3, -4.0], p = .02), facial gap dimension had an impact on survival rates (+3.1 PP [0.2, 5.3] for width >2 mm, p = .04), as well as presence of endodontic infection (+2.6 PP [0.9, 5.1], p = .004). CONCLUSIONS Type 1A has a high survival rate in studies reporting strict patient and site selection criteria. Further research is required to assess esthetic and functional success with Type 1A treatments

    Exposure of periodontal ligament progenitor cells to lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli changes osteoblast differentiation pattern

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    Periodontal ligament mesenchymal stem cells (PDLMSCs) are an important alternative source of adult stem cells and may be applied for periodontal tissue regeneration, neuroregenerative medicine, and heart valve tissue engineering. However, little is known about the impact of bacterial toxins on the biological properties of PDLSMSCs, including self-renewal, differentiation, and synthesis of extracellular matrix. This study investigated whether proliferation, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and osteogenic differentiation of CD105-enriched PDL progenitor cell populations (PDL-CD105+ cells) would be affected by exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide fromEscherichia coli (EcLPS). Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression was assessed in PDL-CD105+ cells by the immunostaining technique and confirmed using Western blotting assay. Afterwards, these cells were exposed to EcLPS, and the following assays were carried out: (i) cell viability using MTS; (ii) expression of the interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) genes; (iii) osteoblast differentiation assessed by mineralization in vitro, and by mRNA levels of run-related transcription factor-2 (RUNX2), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin (OCN) determined by quantitative PCR.PDL-CD105+ cells were identified as positive for TLR4. EcLPS did not affect cell viability, but induced a significant increase of transcripts for IL-6 and IL-8. Under osteogenic condition, PDL-CD105+ cells exposed to EcLPS presented an increase of mineralized matrix deposition and higher RUNX2 and ALP mRNA levels when compared to the control group. These results provide evidence that CD105-enriched PDL progenitor cells are able to adapt to continuous Escherichia coli endotoxin challenge, leading to an upregulation of osteogenic activities232FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPNão te

    Exposure of periodontal ligament progenitor cells to lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli changes osteoblast differentiation pattern

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    Periodontal ligament mesenchymal stem cells (PDLMSCs) are an important alternative source of adult stem cells and may be applied for periodontal tissue regeneration, neuroregenerative medicine, and heart valve tissue engineering. However, little is known about the impact of bacterial toxins on the biological properties of PDLSMSCs, including self-renewal, differentiation, and synthesis of extracellular matrix. Objective : This study investigated whether proliferation, expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and osteogenic differentiation of CD105-enriched PDL progenitor cell populations (PDL-CD105+ cells) would be affected by exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli (EcLPS). Material and Methods : Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) expression was assessed in PDL-CD105+ cells by the immunostaining technique and confirmed using Western blotting assay. Afterwards, these cells were exposed to EcLPS, and the following assays were carried out: (i) cell viability using MTS; (ii) expression of the interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-8 (IL-8), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) genes; (iii) osteoblast differentiation assessed by mineralization in vitro, and by mRNA levels of run-related transcription factor-2 (RUNX2), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and osteocalcin (OCN) determined by quantitative PCR. Results : PDL-CD105+ cells were identified as positive for TLR4. EcLPS did not affect cell viability, but induced a significant increase of transcripts for IL-6 and IL-8. Under osteogenic condition, PDL-CD105+ cells exposed to EcLPS presented an increase of mineralized matrix deposition and higher RUNX2 and ALP mRNA levels when compared to the control group. Conclusions : These results provide evidence that CD105-enriched PDL progenitor cells are able to adapt to continuous Escherichia coli endotoxin challenge, leading to an upregulation of osteogenic activities

    Cogan’s syndrome: ocular findings in an atypical case

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    A síndrome de Cogan é entidade multissistêmica rara caracterizada por ceratite intersticial associada à disfunção áudio-vestibular e possível surdez irreversível classificada em duas formas clínicas: típica e atípica. Há discordância na literatura quanto à presença de acometimento corneano na forma atípica. Uma paciente de 32 anos queixando-se de hiperemia e dor ocular, fotofobia e baixa da acuidade visual no olho direito, associada à perda súbita de audição à esquerda, vômitos, diarréia, oligúria, dor na orofaringe e febre. História prévia de semelhante acometimento do olho esquerdo e audição direita. Havia intensa hiperemia conjuntival, esclerite nodular, episclerite e infiltrados circulares no estroma corneano. A paciente recebeu pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona e ciclofosfamida. Evoluiu com grande melhora ocular, porém com resposta auditiva pobre. O caso reportado pode constituir forma típica da síndrome de Cogan (de acordo com autores que defendem o nãoacometimento corneano na forma atípica) com alguns achados característicos da forma atípica ou um caso da forma atípica da síndrome de Cogan (para aqueles que defendem o acometimento corneano na forma atípica). O diagnóstico diferencial também é discutid