169 research outputs found

    Quantifying anthropogenic and natural contributions to thermosteric sea level rise

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    Changes in thermosteric sea level at decadal and longer time scales respond to anthropogenic forcing and natural variability of the climate system. Disentangling these contributions is essential to quantify the impact of human activity in the past and to anticipate thermosteric sea level rise under global warming. Climate models, fed with radiative forcing, display a large spread of outputs with limited correspondence with the observationally based estimates of thermosteric sea level during the last decades of the twentieth century. Here we extract the common signal of climate models from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 using a signal-to-noise maximizing empirical orthogonal function technique for the period 1950-2005. Our results match the observed trends, improving the widely used approach of multimodel ensemble averaging. We then compute the fraction of the observed thermosteric sea level rise of anthropogenic origin and conclude that 87% of the observed trend in the upper 700-m since 1970 is induced by human activity. Key Points Global thermosteric sea level rise at 87% since 1970 is human induced The S/N maximizing EOF improves the simple multimodel averaging The impact of gases concentrations is spatially heterogeneous © 2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.M. Marcos acknowledges a “Ramon y Cajal” contract funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy. A. Amores was funded by a JAE-PreDoc grant from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and cofunded by Programa Operativo FSE2007–2013Peer Reviewe

    Conflictos i liberación de energia. Los movimientos antipantano y la reinvención de los Pirineos

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    El conflicte de l’aigua té a veure amb la col•lisió de diversos punts de vista en diferents fronts de discussió. Els ecologistes discuteixen el contracte natural modern, l’aragonesisme no està d’acord amb l’actual contracte nacional i els moviments antipantà estan en contra de les relacions que les ciutats han establert amb els pobles des de l’inici de la Modernitat. L’article suggereix que, en concret, els moviments antipantà semblen voler discutir la condició objecte que s’ha adjudicat als Pirineus. També es fa referència als intents de reinventar uns Pirineus que siguin subjecte. Finalment, es parteix de la condició híbrida dels activistes antipantà per mostrar altres formes de relació entre les ciutats i els pobles Paraules clau: conflicte social, hibridacions, aigua, muntany

    Vertical structure and temporal evolution of an anticyclonic eddy in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean)

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    An anticyclonic eddy in the Balearic Sea (western Mediterranean) was described using data from a mooring line deployed at the northern slope of Mallorca Island at about 900 m deep. Its surface signature was investigated using sea surface height and sea surface temperature images. The eddy, which lasted around 1 month, modified the thermohaline characteristics and the currents of the entire water column. Levantine Intermediate Waters, usually resident in the region, were displaced by colder and fresher Western Mediterranean Intermediate Waters associated with the eddy. Along-slope main currents (toward NE) were completely reversed at 500 m and significantly deviated at 900 m. Interestingly, near-bottom velocities were found to be systematically larger than those at intermediate depths. Furthermore, during the eddy, velocities reached values up to 26 cm/s at the bottom, 5 times larger than the bottom average speed. The recurrence of the phenomenon was explored with an eddy detection tool applied to satellite observations. Results indicated that anticyclonic eddies are common structures in the Balearic Current. Key Points Study of the vertical structure of an eddy. Time evolution of the eddy. More common structures than it was thought. ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.Peer Reviewe

    Crip posthumanism and Native American Indian postanthropocentrism: keys to a bodily perspective in science

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    The dominant thought in the Western Culture, put the soul first and despised the body, generating distinctions and hierarchies in which the spiritual or immaterial was considered superior to the corporeal or material. But the bodies have not allowed themselves to be reduced to these dichotomous patterns. The queer discovered the body, worked with it, but returned to the field of immateriality in which the identity is lodged. The crip has completed the gesture of the queer entering fully into the field of the body, denaturalizing categories (deficiency and disability) and interpreting it as radically interdependent. However, in the absence of tradition in dealing with the body, both in reflection and politics, we are inspired by other cultures that always put corporeality in the foreground. The Native American Indians are explicit in terms of contrast between humans and non-humans, because for them there is a unique culture with multiple natures, as opposed to Western, because we believe in plurality of cultures and in a uniform nature. In order to coexist with this diversity, the West has invented ‘cultural relativism’ and ‘multiculturalism’, while the Native American Indians have developed a ‘multinaturalism’ with their ‘perspectivism’. We propose to denominate perspectivism a modality of science and politics that could manifest the radical influence of bodies

    Tidal influence on high frequency harbor oscillations in a narrow entrance bay

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    High frequency sea level oscillations at Wells Harbor (Maine, Northeastern US), with periods in the range of several tens of minutes, display a tidally modulated response. During low tides, these sea level oscillations reach amplitudes of 10–20 cm, while during high tides they are significantly smaller. Wells Harbor is located in a low lying area with a tidal range of about 2 m and is connected to the open ocean through a narrow channel. Thus, the extent and depth of the bay significantly vary over a tidal cycle. This changing geometry determines both the resonant periods and the amplification factor of the bay. Numerical results confirm the link between observed variability and these specific topographic features. Results imply that when exceptionally energetic long waves reach the Wells Harbor entrance (as in the case of a tsunami or meteotsunami) the expected response will be significantly stronger during low tide than during high tide. Although mean sea level would be lower in the former case, the currents inside the bay would be stronger and potentially more dangerous. This tidally modulated response could be extrapolated to other sites with similar topographic characteristics. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.This work was partially performed within the NOAA/NWS project “Toward a meteotsunami warning system along the U.S. coastline (TMEWS),” Award No. NA11NWS4670005. The work of A. Amores has been funded by a JAE-PreDoc Grant from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) and co-funded by Programa Operativo FSE 2007–2013. M. Marcos acknowledges a “Ramon y Cajal” contract funded by the Spanish Ministry of EconomyPeer Reviewe

    Lo social instituyente : materiales para una sociología no clásica

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    Lo social está compuesto por lo que comúnmente se llama Sociedad y una actividad social sobrante que ni la ciencia ni la política se han solido tomar en serio. El libro desarrolla varios conceptos (gente, desorden, imaginario anamnesis y sagrado) que permiten acercarse a ese lado oscuro de lo social. Con ellos se puede practicar una sociología no clásica que se caracteriza por reconocer que no sabe. En efecto, como la sociología es hija de la Sociedad, haga lo que haga, no podrá alejarse mucho de ella. Por eso el libro termina apostando por un estilo radicalmente distinto de reflexión, la sociosofía

    El conflicto ocasionado por la introducción de osos en los Pirineos. Diferentes interpretaciones de los contratos natural y nacional

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    The confilct caused by introducing bears into the Pyrenees, the mountain range dividing France and Spain, seems to be related to two cornerstones of modern life -the natural contract regulating the relationship between humans and animals, and a political contract regulating land ordnance of national territories. With regard to the natural relationship, if the categories of ontology proposed by ph. descola are accepted, against the “naturalism” instituted by science in the present, and the “totemism” revived by the ecology movement, there is also “animism”, promoted by hunters and livestock farmers, who put a very different interpretation on the relationship between humans and animals. notwithstanding land divisions between France and Spain, a type of relationship between the various valleys in the Pyrenees emerges from the political contract, and is one that has existed well before this age. like “animism”, this political social bond has remained on the edge and in some small corners in the order of modern life.El conflicto ocasionado por la introducción de osos en los Pirineos parece afectar a dos pilares fundacionales de la modernidad: el contrato natural que relaciona humanos y no humanos y el contrato nacional que relaciona territorios. En el caso del contrato natural, si hacemos caso a las ontologías de philippe. descola, frente al naturalismo instituido por la ciencia en la modernidad y el totemismo que parece reactivar cierto ecologismo, los cazadores y ganaderos argumentan su relación con los no humanos en términos animistas. Con relación al contrato territorial tutelado por el Estado Nación, lo que regresa es la fluida y directa relación entre valles que existía antes de la Modernidad. Esta sociabilidad pirenaica, como el animismo, también ha permanecido de un modo informal en los márgenes e intersticios del orden inaugurado por la modernidad

    Comportamiento agronómico de las hortalizas de hoja cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) y apio (Apium graveolens) con dos fertilizantes orgánicos en el Centro Experimental “La Playita” UTC 2013

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    Due to the saturation of soils that are currently presented by the implementation of chemical fertilizers on crops, nowadays replacement these fertilizers with an organic product, being this beneficial to the consumer’s health. The objectives were: study of agronomic performance of leafy vegetables coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and celery (Apium graveoens), identify the best organic fertilizer for the production of leafy vegetables celery and coriander, make the economic study of treatments to study. Was applied a Design of Random Block Complete (DRBC) with four treatments and five replications for each vegetable and eight plants as experimental unit.....Debido a la saturación de los suelos que se presentan en la actualidad por la implementación de los abonos químicos en los cultivos, hoy en día se da la sustitución de dichos abonos con un producto orgánico, siendo este beneficioso para la salud del consumidor. Los objetivos fueron: evaluar el comportamiento agronómico de las hortalizas de hoja Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) y Apio (Apium graveolens),identificar el mejor abono orgánico para la producción de hortalizas de hoja Cilantro y Apio,realizar el estudio económico de los tratamientos en estudio. Se aplicó un Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA) con cuatro tratamientos y cinco repeticiones...