7,662 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal analyses of soil moisture from point to footprint scale in two different hydroclimatic regions

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    This paper presents time stability analyses of soil moisture at different spatial measurement support scales (point scale and airborne remote sensing (RS) footprint scale 800 m × 800 m) in two different hydroclimatic regions. The data used in the analyses consist of in situ and passive microwave remotely sensed soil moisture data from the Southern Great Plains Hydrology Experiments 1997 and 1999 (SGP97 and SGP99) conducted in the Little Washita (LW) watershed, Oklahoma, and the Soil Moisture Experiments 2002 and 2005 (SMEX02 and SMEX05) in the Walnut Creek (WC) watershed, Iowa. Results show that in both the regions soil properties (i.e., percent silt, percent sand, and soil texture) and topography (elevation and slope) are significant physical controls jointly affecting the spatiotemporal evolution and time stability of soil moisture at both point and footprint scales. In Iowa, using point‐scale soil moisture measurements, the WC11 field was found to be more time stable (TS) than the WC12 field. The common TS points using data across the 3 year period (2002–2005) were mostly located at moderate to high elevations in both the fields. Furthermore, the soil texture at these locations consists of either loam or clay loam soil. Drainage features and cropping practices also affected the field‐scale soil moisture variability in the WC fields. In Oklahoma, the field having a flat topography (LW21) showed the worst TS features compared to the fields having gently rolling topography (LW03 and LW13). The LW13 field (silt loam) exhibited better time stability than the LW03 field (sandy loam) and the LW21 field (silt loam). At the RS footprint scale, in Iowa, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests show that the percent clay and percent sand are better able to discern the TS features of the footprints compared to the soil texture. The best soil indicator of soil moisture time stability is the loam soil texture. Furthermore, the hilltops (slope ∌0%–0.45%) exhibited the best TS characteristics in Iowa. On the other hand, in Oklahoma, ANOVA results show that the footprints with sandy loam and loam soil texture are better indicators of the time stability phenomena. In terms of the hillslope position, footprints with mild slope (0.93%–1.85%) are the best indicators of TS footprints. Also, at both point and footprint scales in both the regions, land use–land cover type does not influence soil moisture time stability

    Feedback Enhances Simultaneous Wireless Information and Energy Transmission in Multiple Access Channels

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    In this report, the fundamental limits of simultaneous information and energy transmission in the two-user Gaussian multiple access channel (G-MAC) with and without feedback are fully characterized. More specifically, all the achievable information and energy transmission rates (in bits per channel use and energy-units per channel use, respectively) are identified. Furthermore, the fundamental limits on the individual and sum- rates given a minimum energy rate ensured at an energy harvester are also characterized. In the case without feedback, an achievability scheme based on power-splitting and successive interference cancellation is shown to be optimal. Alternatively, in the case with feedback (G-MAC-F), a simple yet optimal achievability scheme based on power-splitting and Ozarow's capacity achieving scheme is presented. Finally, the energy transmission enhancement induced by the use of feedback is quantified. Feedback can at most double the energy transmission rate at high SNRs when the information transmission sum-rate is kept fixed at the sum-capacity of the G-MAC, but it has no effect at very low SNRs.Comment: INRIA REPORT N{\deg}8804, accepted for publication in IEEE transactions on Information Theory, March, 201

    Community detection and role identification in directed networks: understanding the Twitter network of the care.data debate

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    With the rise of social media as an important channel for the debate and discussion of public affairs, online social networks such as Twitter have become important platforms for public information and engagement by policy makers. To communicate effectively through Twitter, policy makers need to understand how influence and interest propagate within its network of users. In this chapter we use graph-theoretic methods to analyse the Twitter debate surrounding NHS Englands controversial care.data scheme. Directionality is a crucial feature of the Twitter social graph - information flows from the followed to the followers - but is often ignored in social network analyses; our methods are based on the behaviour of dynamic processes on the network and can be applied naturally to directed networks. We uncover robust communities of users and show that these communities reflect how information flows through the Twitter network. We are also able to classify users by their differing roles in directing the flow of information through the network. Our methods and results will be useful to policy makers who would like to use Twitter effectively as a communication medium

    Temperature Control of Node Appearance and Initiation in Soybean

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    Soybean demand remains strong and continues to grow as a source of protein and oil for food and feed. Soybean production is expanding into cooler and warmer environments, thus, it becomes critical to expand the current knowledge about the influence of temperature on soybean. Temperature is the main environmental factor effecting node appearance rate (NAR) and node initiation rate (NIR), which are key parameters controlling soybean growth and development. This study aims to assess the response of NAR and NIR to temperature and investigate the coordination between these two processes under controlled and field conditions. Two greenhouse experiments with four contrasting mean temperatures (15-26ÂșC) and two field experiments with different sowing dates (April 23 to June 19) were conducted using maturity groups 2.1 and 3.0. The number of appeared nodes was measured every 2 to 7 days from sowing to ca. R5 to estimate NAR (nodes d-1). Stem apex was dissected every 4 to 7 days from sowing to ca. R3 to estimate NIR (nodes d-1). A co-ordination model was fitted between the number of initiated nodes and number of appeared nodes. Significant relationship was found in response to temperature of NIR and NAR. A constant plastochron of 36ÂșCd and dual value for phyllochron (83 and 58ÂșCd) depending on ontogeny was observed, with base temperature of ca. 10ÂșC for both processes. There is a strong two-phase co-ordination between node initiation and node appearance. This work established the response of NAR and NIR to temperature which could improve prediction of phenology, leaf area, and yield by the current soybean simulation models. Advisor: Patricio Grassin

    Les emprunts dans le processus de normalisation terminologique du catalan

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    Dans le contexte du catalan, la normalisation terminologique est menĂ©e Ă  bien de maniĂšre planifiĂ©e : c’est un organisme institutionnel, le Consell Supervisor du Termcat, qui s’en charge. Son objectif est d’élaborer des guides de crĂ©ation et d’adaptation de la terminologie, et d’approuver et de diffuser des termes officiels. Le Consell Supervisor suit un ensemble de critĂšres pour la normalisation de la terminologie (Termcat 2006) et a une politique spĂ©cifique concernant l’introduction d’emprunts dans le catalan (Termcat 2005). Étant donnĂ© la situation relative Ă  l’implantation exposĂ©e dans les Ă©tudes rĂ©alisĂ©es en catalan, qui confirment que les termes officiels n’ont pas toujours le succĂšs que l’on pourrait attendre, les objectifs de notre travail sont les suivants : en premier lieu, vĂ©rifier que la terminologie catalane officielle suit les critĂšres Ă©tablis pour les emprunts dans sa politique de normalisation ; en deuxiĂšme lieu, constater que l’application de ces critĂšres contribue Ă  l’utilisation des termes officiels.In the context of Catalan language, terminological standardization is carried out in a planned way: an institutional body, the Consell Supervisor of Termcat, is charged of it. Its objective is to develop guides for the creation and adaptation of terminology, and to approve and disseminate official terms. The Consell Supervisor follows a set of criteria for the standardization of terminology (Termcat 2006) and has a specific policy concerning the introduction of loanwords in Catalan (Termcat 2005). Given the terminological implantation presented in several studies carried out in Catalan, which confirm that the official terms are not always as successful as one might expect, the objectives of our work are the following: first, to verify that official Catalan terminology follows the criteria established for loanwords in its standardization policy; secondly, to confirm that the application of these criteria contributes to the use of official terms.Le prĂ©sent ouvrage est financĂ© par le CNRS (projet PICS – franco-polonais EmpNeo) et par l’Institut d’Études Romanes de l’UniversitĂ© de Ɓód
