91 research outputs found

    Thyroid scintigraphy in the management of benign thyroid disease

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    Thyrotoxicosis as a clinical entity has varied aetiologies. Accurate distinction of the underlying aetiology is important to guide therapy. Clinical findings are not always accurate in identifying the underlying aetiology. There is considerable overlap between the various aetiologies when using serum T3/T4 ratio. Although ultrasound is widely available and has reasonable sensitivity, it is operator dependent and misses many cases of early Grave's disease. 99mTc scintigraphy is a simple and accurate modality for assessing the functional status of the thyroid gland and delineating the aetiology of thyrotoxicosis. This paper seeks to inform on the use of thyroid scintigraphy in the management of benign thyroid disorders. Funding: None Keywords: Scintigraphy, thyroid gland, functional imaging, Grave’s disease, Ghan

    [123I]-metaiodobenzylguanidine imaging findings and outcome in patients with metastatic neuroblastoma

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    Background: 123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine ([123I]mIBG) is the agent of choice to assess for presence of metastases and therapy response in patients with neuroblastoma. Aim: To assess [123I]mIBG scan results and outcome in patients with stage 4 neuroblastoma at our institution. Setting: Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital. Methods: A retrospective review of baseline and follow-up [123I]mIBG scans of patients who presented between January 2001 and May 2015. The clinical follow up extended until October 2019. The association between the baseline and post-induction Curie score (CS) and overall survival (OS) were assessed. Results: Thirty-four patients with stage 4 disease were included. Twenty-two (65%) patients died. The median age at diagnosis for survivors was 15.5 months vs 39 months for those who died (Kruskal Wallis c2 = 4.63, p = 0.03). Neither the baseline CS nor the post-induction CS predict the outcome or duration of survival. The median OS for a baseline CS ≤ 12 and CS 12 was 19 and 26 months, p = 0.13. The median OS for a post-induction CS 2 and CS ≤ 2 was 28 and 26 months, p = 0.66. Conclusion: In this study, baseline, post-induction and reduction in CS did not predict OS in stage 4 neuroblastoma. Factors such as small patient numbers, less intensive treatment regimes, and possible poorly dedifferentiated disease have been identified for this finding. Contribution: In contrast to international studies the Curie score did not predict treatment outcome in the South African setting where the vast majority of patients are treated with OPEC/OJEC OPEC/OJEC (vincristine [O], cisplatin [P], etoposide [E], cyclophosphamide [C] and carboplatin [J]) chemotherapy

    Diaspora Entrepreneurs’ Push and Pull Institutional Factors for Investing in Africa: Insights from African Returnees from the United Kingdom

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    Applying the institution-based views, this article conceptualises how diaspora entrepreneurs take stimuli from the push and pull institutional factors to develop business enterprises in their countries of origin. Using cases of African diaspora entrepreneurs in the UK and the grounded theory methodological approach, our conceptualised model demonstrates that the diasporas use the new knowledge, skills and wealth they have gained in the UK in tandem with support from trusted family, kinship and business ties at home to develop enterprises. It further demonstrates that diaspora entrepreneurs foster resilience to withstand weak formal institutions in their countries of origin and the discriminatory obstacles in the UK. We also found that institutional barriers which served as push factors that encouraged or forced migrants to leave their home countries to seek greener pastures abroad may later become pull factors that enable them to engage in diaspora entrepreneurship which is often characterised by paradoxes. Particularly, the informal institutions that constrain foreign investors can become assets for African diaspora entrepreneurs and help them set up new businesses and exploit market opportunities in Africa. The implications of the study for diaspora entrepreneurship literature are outlined

    Gastroenterology practice in the COVID-19 era: Ghana Association for the Study of Liver and Digestive Diseases (GASLIDD) position statement

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted healthcare negatively across the globe. The practice of gastroenterology has been affected especially gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy which is considered high risk for transmission of the virus. As a community of practitioners there is the need to share information and make evidence-based statements to guide GI practice in Ghana. This GASLIDD position statement based on the growing and rapidly evolving body of knowledge is to provide up to date information on the COVID-19 disease and guidance for the practice of gastroenterology in Ghana and beyond. It is to help the GI community of practice to maintain the highest level of health delivery and safety for our patients, staff, community and GI practitioners

    Barriers to Buruli ulcer treatment completion in the Ashanti and Central Regions, Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Buruli ulcer is a chronic ulcerating skin condition, with the highest burden found in Central and West Africa where it disproportionately affects the most vulnerable populations. Treatment is demanding, comprising eight-weeks of daily antibiotics, regular wound care and possible surgical intervention. Treatment completion is key to optimising outcomes, however the degree of and barriers to this are not well understood. Recent change from injectable treatment (SR8) to oral treatment (CR8) has made it feasible to further decentralise care, potentially improving treatment access and completion. However, the impact of this and of other demographic and clinical influences on treatment completion must be explored first to ensure appropriate models of care are developed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A retrospective clinical notes review and secondary data analysis of records from patients diagnosed between 1 January 2006-31 December 2018 at four district hospital clinics in the Ashanti and Central Regions, Ghana. Univariable analyses and multivariable logistic regression were performed to assess the association between explanatory variables and treatment completion. There were 931 patient episodes across the four clinics with overall treatment completion of 84.4%. CR8 was associated with higher treatment completion compared to SR8 (OR 4.1, P = 0.001). There was no statistically significant association found between distance from patient residence to clinic and treatment completion. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Improved treatment completion with CR8 supports its use as first line therapy and may enable decentralisation to fully community-based care. We did not find an association between distance to care and treatment completion, though analyses were limited by data availability. However, we did find evidence that distance to care continues to be associated with more severe forms of disease, which may reflect the higher costs of accessing care and lower awareness of the condition the further a patient lives. Decentralised care must therefore also continue to support community engagement and active outreach to identify cases early

    Recommendations for empowering early career researchers to improve research culture and practice

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    Early career researchers (ECRs) are important stakeholders leading efforts to catalyze systemic change in research culture and practice. Here, we summarize the outputs from a virtual unconventional conference (unconference), which brought together 54 invited experts from 20 countries with extensive experience in ECR initiatives designed to improve the culture and practice of science. Together, we drafted 2 sets of recommendations for (1) ECRs directly involved in initiatives or activities to change research culture and practice; and (2) stakeholders who wish to support ECRs in these efforts. Importantly, these points apply to ECRs working to promote change on a systemic level, not only those improving aspects of their own work. In both sets of recommendations, we underline the importance of incentivizing and providing time and resources for systems-level science improvement activities, including ECRs in organizational decision-making processes, and working to dismantle structural barriers to participation for marginalized groups. We further highlight obstacles that ECRs face when working to promote reform, as well as proposed solutions and examples of current best practices. The abstract and recommendations for stakeholders are available in Dutch, German, Greek (abstract only), Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, and Serbian.Instituto de Patología VegetalFil: Kent, Brianne A. Simon Fraser University. Department of Psychology; CanadáFil: Holman, Constance. Universitätsmedizin Berlin. BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research. Berlin Institute of Health at Charité; AlemaniaFil: Amoako, Emmanuella. Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. Department of Paediatrics and Child Health; GhanaFil: Amoako, Emmanuella. University of Cape Coast. School of Medicine. Department of Paediatrics and Child Health; GhanaFil: Antonietti, Alberto. Politecnico di Milano. Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering; ItaliaFil: Azam, James M. Stellenbosch University. DSI-NRF Center of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis. Department of Mathematics; SudáfricaFil: Ballhausen, Hanne. Universitätsmedizin Berlin. BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research. Berlin Institute of Health at Charité; AlemaniaFil: Fil: Ballhausen, Hanne. Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, Charité; AlemaniaFil: Bediako, Yaw . University of Ghana. West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens; GhanaFil: Belasen, Anat M. Cornell University. Society for Conservation Biology. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Estados UnidosFil: Carneiro, Clarissa F. D. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Institute of Medical Biochemistry Leopoldo de Meis; BrasilFil: Chung Chen, Yen. New York University. Department of Biology; Estados UnidosFil: Debat, Humberto Julio. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Debat, Humberto Julio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Fitopatología y Modelización Agrícola (UFyMA); ArgentinaFil: Weissgerber, Tracey L. Universitätsmedizin Berlin. BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research. Berlin Institute of Health at Charité; Alemani

    Diagnostics for COVID-19: A case for field-deployable, rapid molecular tests for community surveillance

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    Across the globe, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is causing distress with governments doing everything in their power to contain the spread of the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) to prevent morbidity and mortality. Actions are being implemented to keep health care systems from being overstretched and to curb the outbreak. Any policy responses aimed at slowing down the spread of the virus and mitigating its immediate effects on health care systems require a firm basis of information about the absolute number of currently infected people, growth rates, and locations/hotspots of infections. The only way to obtain this base of information is by conducting numerous tests in a targeted way. Currently, in Ghana, there is a centralized testing approach, that takes 4-5 days for samples to be shipped and tested at central reference laboratories with results communicated to the district, regional and nationalstakeholders. This delay in diagnosis increases the risk of ongoing transmission in communities and vulnerable institutions. We have validated, evaluated and deployed an innovative diagnostic tool on a mobile laboratory platform to accelerate the COVID-19 testing. A preliminary result of 74 samples from COVID-19 suspected cases has a positivity rate of 12% with a turn-around time of fewer than 3 hours from sample taking to reporting of results, significantly reducing the waiting time from days to hours, enabling expedient response by the health system for contact tracing to reduce transmission and additionally improving case management

    Overview of preparedness and response to COVID-19 in Ghana

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    The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Ghana is part of an ongoing pandemic caused by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Ghana on 12th March 2020. COVID-19 was consequently declared a Public Health Emergency of National Concern, triggering several response actions, including enhanced surveillance, case detection, case management and contact tracing, closure of borders, suspension of international flights, ban on social gatherings and closure of schools. Preparedness and response plans were activated for implementation at the national, regional, district and community levels. Ghana’s Strategic approaches were to limit and stop the importation of cases; detect and contain cases early; expand infrastructure, logistics and capacity to provide quality healthcare for the sick; minimise disruption to social and economic life and increase the domestic capacity of all sectors to deal with existing and future shocks. The health sector strategic frame focused on testing, treatment, and tracking. As of 31st December 2020, a total of 535,168 cases, including 335 deaths (CFR: 0.61%), have been confirmed with 53,928 recoveries and 905 active cases. All the regions have reported cases, with Greater Accra reporting the highest number. The response actions in Ghana have seen highlevel political commitment, appropriate and timely decisions, and a careful balance of public health interventions with economic and socio-cultural dynamics. Efforts are ongoing to intensify non-pharmaceutical interventions, sustain the gains made so far and introduce COVID-19 vaccines to reduce the public health burden of the disease in Ghan

    Kinetics of mycolactone in human subcutaneous tissue during antibiotic therapy for Mycobacterium ulcerans disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium ulcerans (M. ulcerans) causes a devastating necrotising infection of skin tissue leading to progressive ulceration. M. ulcerans is the only human pathogen that secretes mycolactone, a polyketide molecule with potent cytotoxic and immunomodulatory properties. These unique features make mycolactone an attractive biomarker for M. ulcerans disease. We sought to measure the concentration of mycolactone within lesions of patients with Buruli ulcer before, during and after antibiotic treatment to evaluate its association with the clinical and bacteriological response to therapy. METHODS: Biopsies of M. ulcerans infected skin lesions were obtained from patients before, during and after antibiotic therapy. Lipids were extracted from the biopsies and concentration of mycolactone was assayed by mass spectrometry and a cytotoxicity assay and correlated with clinical and bacteriological response to therapy. RESULTS: Baseline concentration of mycolactone measured by mass spectrometry predicted time to complete healing of small nodules and ulcers. Even though intra-lesional concentrations of mycolactone declined with antibiotic treatment, the toxin was still present after antibiotic treatment for 6 weeks and also 4 weeks after the end of treatment for 8 weeks in a subgroup of patients with slowly healing lesions. Additionally viable bacilli were detected in a proportion of these slowly healing lesions during and after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that baseline intra-lesional mycolactone concentration and its kinetics with antibiotic therapy are important prognostic determinants of clinical and bacteriological response to antibiotic treatment for Mycobacterium ulcerans disease. Mycolactone may be a useful biomarker with potential utility in optimising antibiotic therapy
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