Thyroid scintigraphy in the management of benign thyroid disease


Thyrotoxicosis as a clinical entity has varied aetiologies. Accurate distinction of the underlying aetiology is important to guide therapy. Clinical findings are not always accurate in identifying the underlying aetiology. There is considerable overlap between the various aetiologies when using serum T3/T4 ratio. Although ultrasound is widely available and has reasonable sensitivity, it is operator dependent and misses many cases of early Grave's disease. 99mTc scintigraphy is a simple and accurate modality for assessing the functional status of the thyroid gland and delineating the aetiology of thyrotoxicosis. This paper seeks to inform on the use of thyroid scintigraphy in the management of benign thyroid disorders. Funding: None Keywords: Scintigraphy, thyroid gland, functional imaging, Grave’s disease, Ghan

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