117 research outputs found

    Coagulopathy of Acute Sepsis

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    Coagulopathy is common in acute sepsis and may range from subclinical activation of blood coagulation (hypercoagulability), which may contribute to venous thromboembolism, to acute disseminated intravascular coagulation, characterized by widespread microvascular thrombosis and consumption of platelets and coagulation proteins, eventually causing bleeding. The key event underlying this life-threatening complication is the overwhelming inflammatory host response to the pathogen leading to the overexpression of inflammatory mediators. The latter, along with the microorganism and its derivatives drive the major changes responsible for massive thrombin formation and fibrin deposition: (1) aberrant expression of tissue factor mainly by monocytes-macrophages, (2) impairment of anticoagulant pathways, orchestrated by dysfunctional endothelial cells (ECs), and (3) suppression of fibrinolysis because of the overproduction of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 by ECs and thrombin-mediated activation of thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor. Neutrophils and other cells, upon activation or death, release nuclear materials (neutrophil extracellular traps and/or their components such as histones, DNA, lysosomal enzymes, and High Mobility Group Box-1), which have toxic, proinflammatory and prothrombotic properties thus contributing to clotting dysregulation. The ensuing microvascular thrombosis–ischemia significantly contributes to tissue injury and multiple organ dysfunction syndromes. These insights into the pathogenesis of sepsis-associated coagulopathy may have implications for the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools

    Sepsis-Associated Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation and Thromboembolic Disease

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    Sepsis is almost invariably associated with haemostatic abnormalities ranging from subclinical activation of blood coagulation (hypercoagulability), which may contribute to localized venous thromboembolism, to acute disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), characterized by massive thrombin formation and widespread microvascular thrombosis, partly responsible of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), and subsequent consumption of platelets and coagulation proteins causing, in most severe cases, bleeding manifestations. There is general agreement that the key event underlying this life-threatening sepsis complication is the overwhelming inflammatory host response to the infectious agent leading to the overexpression of inflammatory mediators. Mechanistically, the latter, together with the micro-organism and its derivatives, causes DIC by 1) up-regulation of procoagulant molecules, primarily tissue factor (TF), which is produced mainly by stimulated monocytes-macrophages and by specific cells in target tissues; 2) impairment of physiological anticoagulant pathways (antithrombin, protein C pathway, tissue factor pathway inhibitor), which is orchestrated mainly by dysfunctional endothelial cells (ECs); and 3) suppression of fibrinolysis due to increased plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) by ECs and likely also to thrombin-mediated activation of thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI). Notably, clotting enzymes non only lead to microvascular thrombosis but can also elicit cellular responses that amplify the inflammatory reactions. Inflammatory mediators can also cause, directly or indirectly, cell apoptosis or necrosis and recent evidence indicates that products released from dead cells, such as nuclear proteins (particularly extracellular histones), are able to propagate further inflammation, coagulation, cell death and MODS. These insights into the pathogenetic mechanisms of DIC and MODS may have important implications for the development of new therapeutic agents that could be potentially useful particularly for the management of severe sepsis

    Histones differentially modulate the anticoagulant and profibrinolytic activities of heparin, heparin derivatives and dabigatran.

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    The antithrombin activity of unfractionated heparin (UFH) is offset by extracellular histones, which, along with DNA, represent a novel mediator of thrombosis and a structural component of thrombi. Here, we systematically evaluated the effect of histones, DNA, and histone-DNA complexes on the anticoagulant and profibrinolytic activities of UFH, its derivatives enoxaparin and fondaparinux, and the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran. Thrombin generation was assessed by calibrated automated thrombinography, inhibition of factor Xa and thrombin by synthetic substrates, tissue plasminogen activator–mediated clot lysis by turbidimetry, and thrombinactivatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) activation by a functional assay. Histones alone delayed coagulation and slightly stimulated fibrinolysis. The anticoagulant activity of UFH and enoxaparin was markedly inhibited by histones, whereas that of fondaparinux was enhanced. Histones neutralized both the anti-Xa and anti-IIa activities of UFH and preferentially blocked the anti-IIa activity of enoxaparin. The anti-Xa activity of fondaparinux was not influenced by histones when analyzed by chromogenic substrates, but was potentiated in a plasma prothrombinase assay. Histones inhibited the profibrinolytic activity of UFH and enoxaparin and enhanced that of fondaparinux by acting on the modulation of TAFI activation by anticoagulants. Histone H1 was mainly responsible for these effects. Histone-DNA complexes, as well as intact neutrophil extracellular traps, impaired the activities of UFH, enoxaparin, and fondaparinux. Dabigatran was not noticeably affected by histones and/or DNA, whatever the assay performed. In conclusion, histones and DNA present in the forming clot may variably influence the antithrombotic activities of anticoagulants, suggesting a potential therapeutic advantage of dabigatran and fondaparinux over heparin

    Mechanical Stability and Fibrinolytic Resistance of Clots Containing Fibrin, DNA, and Histones

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    Neutrophil extracellular traps are networks of DNA and associated proteins produced by nucleosome release from activated neutrophils in response to infection stimuli and have recently been identified as key mediators between innate immunity, inflammation, and hemostasis. The interaction of DNA and histones with a number of hemostatic factors has been shown to promote clotting and is associated with increased thrombosis, but little is known about the effects of DNA and histones on the regulation of fibrin stability and fibrinolysis. Here we demonstrate that the addition of histone-DNA complexes to fibrin results in thicker fibers (increase in median diameter from 84 to 123 nm according to scanning electron microscopy data) accompanied by improved stability and rigidity (the critical shear stress causing loss of fibrin viscosity increases from 150 to 376 Pa whereas the storage modulus of the gel increases from 62 to 82 pascals according to oscillation rheometric data). The effects of DNA and histones alone are subtle and suggest that histones affect clot structure whereas DNA changes the way clots are lysed. The combination of histones + DNA significantly prolongs clot lysis. Isothermal titration and confocal microscopy studies suggest that histones and DNA bind large fibrin degradation products with 191 and 136 nm dissociation constants, respectively, interactions that inhibit clot lysis. Heparin, which is known to interfere with the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps, appears to prolong lysis time at a concentration favoring ternary histone-DNA-heparin complex formation, and DNase effectively promotes clot lysis in combination with tissue plasminogen activator

    Plasminogen activator-coated nanobubbles targeting cell-bound ÎČ2-glycoprotein I as a novel thrombus-specific thrombolytic strategy

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    Beta2-glycoprotein I (ÎČ2-GPI) is a serum protein widely recognized as the main target of antibodies present in patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS). ÎČ2-GPI binds to activated endothelial cells, platelets and leukocytes, key players in thrombus formation. We developed a new targeted thrombolytic agent consisting of nanobubbles (NBs) coated with recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and recombinant antibody specific for cell-bound ÎČ2-GPI. The therapeutic efficacy of targeted nanobubbles was evaluated in vitro, using platelet-rich blood clots, and in vivo in three different animal models: 1) thrombosis developed in a rat model of APS; 2) ferric chloride-induced mesenteric thrombosis in rats, and 3) thrombotic microangiopathy in a mouse model of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (C3-gain-of-function mice). Targeted nanobubbles bound preferentially to platelets and leukocytes within thrombi and to endothelial cells through ÎČ2-GPI expressed on activated cells. In vitro, rtPA-targeted NBs (rtPA-tNBs) induced greater lysis of platelet-rich blood clots than untargeted NBs. In a rat model of APS, administration of rtPA-tNBs caused rapid dissolution of thrombi and, unlike soluble rtPA that induced transient thrombolysis, prevented new thrombus formation. In a rat model of ferric chloride triggered thrombosis, rtPA-tNBs, but not untargeted NBs and free rtPA, induced rapid and persistent recanalization of occluded vessels. Finally, treatment of C3-gain-of-function mice with rtPA-tNBs, that target ÎČ2-GPI deposited in kidney glomeruli, decreased fibrin deposition, and improved urinalysis data with a greater efficiency than untargeted NBs. Our findings suggest that targeting cell-bound ÎČ2-GPI may represent an efficient and thrombus-specific thrombolytic strategy in both APS-related and APSunrelated thrombotic conditions

    Gene expression signature induced by grape intake in healthy subjects reveals wide-spread beneficial effects on peripheral blood mononuclear cells

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    Abstract Using a transcriptomic approach, we performed a pilot study in healthy subjects to evaluate the changes in gene expression induced by grape consumption. Blood from twenty subjects was collected at baseline (T0), after 21 days of grape-rich diet (T1) and after one-month washout (T2). Gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from six subjects identified 930 differentially expressed transcripts. Gene functional analysis revealed changes (at T1 and/or T2) suggestive of antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects, confirming and extending previous finding on the same subjects. Moreover, we observed several other favourable changes in the transcription of genes involved in crucial processes such as immune response, DNA and protein repair, autophagy and mitochondrial biogenesis. Finally, we detected significant changes in many long non-coding RNAs genes, whose regulatory functions are being increasingly appreciated. Altogether, our data suggest that a grape diet may exert its beneficial effects by targeting different strategic pathways

    Early results of mechanochemical ablation with FlebogrifÂź in great saphenous vein insufficiency: does polidocanol concentration affect outcome?

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    FlebogrifÂź (Balton, Poland) is a novel mechanochemical ablation (MOCA) device for saphenous vein insufficiency. It combines endothelial damage performed by radial retractable cutting hooks together with chemical ablation through sclerosant injection of 3% polidocanol foam according to its IFU. The objective of this study is to evaluate Flebogrif's efficacy in terms of recanalization rate and recurrence by varying polidocanol foam concentrations

    Potentiation of thrombus instability: a contributory mechanism to the effectiveness of antithrombotic medications

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    © The Author(s) 2018The stability of an arterial thrombus, determined by its structure and ability to resist endogenous fibrinolysis, is a major determinant of the extent of infarction that results from coronary or cerebrovascular thrombosis. There is ample evidence from both laboratory and clinical studies to suggest that in addition to inhibiting platelet aggregation, antithrombotic medications have shear-dependent effects, potentiating thrombus fragility and/or enhancing endogenous fibrinolysis. Such shear-dependent effects, potentiating the fragility of the growing thrombus and/or enhancing endogenous thrombolytic activity, likely contribute to the clinical effectiveness of such medications. It is not clear how much these effects relate to the measured inhibition of platelet aggregation in response to specific agonists. These effects are observable only with techniques that subject the growing thrombus to arterial flow and shear conditions. The effects of antithrombotic medications on thrombus stability and ways of assessing this are reviewed herein, and it is proposed that thrombus stability could become a new target for pharmacological intervention.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    A cross-sectional study evaluating hospitalization rates for chronic limb-threatening ischemia during the COVID-19 outbreak in Campania, Italy

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    The expansion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) prompted measures of disease containment by the Italian government with a national lockdown on March 9, 2020. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rate of hospitalization and mode of in-hospital treatment of patients with chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) before and during lockdown in the Campania region of Italy. The study population includes all patients with CLTI hospitalized in Campania over a 10-week period: 5 weeks before and 5 weeks during lockdown (n = 453). Patients were treated medically and/or underwent urgent revascularization and/or major amputation of the lower extremities. Mean age was 69.2 +/- 10.6 years and 27.6% of the patients were women. During hospitalization, 21.9% of patients were treated medically, 78.1% underwent revascularization, and 17.4% required amputations. In the weeks during the lockdown, a reduced rate of hospitalization for CLTI was observed compared with the weeks before lockdown (25 vs 74/100,000 inhabitants/year; incidence rate ratio: 0.34, 95% CI 0.32-0.37). This effect persisted to the end of the study period. An increased amputation rate in the weeks during lockdown was observed (29.3% vs 13.4%; p < 0.001). This study reports a reduced rate of CLTI-related hospitalization and an increased in-hospital amputation rate during lockdown in Campania. Ensuring appropriate treatment for patients with CLTI should be prioritized, even during disease containment measures due to the COVID-19 pandemic or other similar conditions

    Position Paper on Young Vascular Surgeons Training of the Mediterranean Federation for the Advancing of Vascular Surgery (MeFAVS):State of the Art and Perspectives

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    The Mediterranean Federation for the Advancing of Vascular Surgery (MeFAVS) was founded in 2018, with the aim to promote cooperation among vascular professionals within Mediterranean countries. Due to its prominent social and economic impact on national health systems, diabetic peripheral artery was selected as the very first topic to be investigated by the federation. In this second paper, different experiences from delegates of participating countries were shared to define common strategies to harmonize, standardize, and optimize education and training in the Vascular Surgery specialty
