2,470 research outputs found

    Some studies on dynkin diagrams associated with Kac-moody algebra

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    In the present project report, a sincere report has been made to construct and study the basic information related to Simple Lie Algebras, Kac-Moody algebras and their corresponding Dynkin Diagrams. In chapter-1, I have given the definitions of Lie Algebra and some of the terms related to Lie algebra, i.e. subalgebras, ideals, Abelian, solvability, nilpotency etc. Also, I have done the classifications of Classical Lie algebras. In chapter-2, I addressed the basics of Representation Theory, i.e. structure constants, modules, reflections in a Euclidean space, root systems (simple roots) and their corresponding root diagrams. Then I have discussed the formation of Dynkin Diagrams and cartan matrices associated with the roots of the simple lie algebras. In chapter-3, I have given the necessary theory based on Kac-Moody lie algebras and their classifications. Then the definition of the extended Dynkin diagrams for Affinization of Kac-Moody algebras and the Dynkin Diagrams associated with the affine Kac-Moody algebras are provide

    Catalysis of protein folding by the chaperonin GroEL/ES

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    Sialolithiasis is one of the most common pathologies of the submandibular gland; sialoliths account for about 80 percent of all salivary duct calculi.The majority of sialolith occurs in the submandibular gland or its duct and is common cause of acute and chronic infection. Salivary stones larger than 15 mm are classified as giant sialoliths. They are uncommon in the practice of otolaryngology, and their management has always been a therapeutic challenge. This report presents the two unusual and rare cases of large sialolith of the submandibular duct as well as gland measuring 70x11mm and 54x25mm respectively.

    A Review on Impulse RADAR

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    RADAR plays a vital role in military applications since its origin in the 2nd world war. Recently it has been used in surface inception, health monitoring, infrastructure health monitoring, etc. In these applications, Ultra-wideband RADAR systems are more popular than traditional RADAR systems. Impulse RADAR is a special kind of ultra-wideband RADAR, which is mostly used for surface penetration, through-wall imaging, antimissile detection, anti-stealth technology, etc. because of its high resolution and low center frequency. Out of all these applications, impulse RADAR has been used intensively as a ground-penetrating RADAR for the detection of land mines, underlying pipelines, buried objects, etc. This report has attempted to provide the steps for designing the impulse ground penetrating RADAR (GPR) as well as provides the value of crucial parameters required in the design process of commercial GPR systems

    Antioxidant Potential of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. roots: In-Vitro Evidences

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    Background: The study was aimed to determine the mechanism of antioxidant effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. (GG) roots using in-vitro assays.Methods: The various extracts of GG roots were prepared and evaluated for DPPH scavenging, reducing effects and nitric oxide inhibiting activities. Prepared extracts were screened for the presence of various phytochemicals and quantified on the basis of phytochemical present therein.Results: The results showed that all the prepared extracts contained phenolic compounds. Also, extract showed appreciable antioxidant effects in all three assays employed. However, among prepared extracts, ethylacetate extract was found to have strong free radical inhibition, ferric reducing potential and nitric oxide inhibitory effects. The reason for high antioxidant activity in ethylacetate extract could be attributed to the significant amount of phenol compounds present in it. Conclusion: Evidently, GG’s capacity to scavenge free radicals, reducing potential and inhibit nitric oxide contributes to its antioxidant effects and thus, could be a strong candidate for developing antioxidant based drug therapy

    Design of Compact MIMO Antenna for 5G/Ultra-Wideband Communications

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    In this contribution, a compact 13 GHz notched band Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antenna is accessible for Ultra-Wide Band/broadband communication in metric linear unit wave band. The antenna structure has been designed on one substrate of FR-4 of thickness 1.6 mm.Two symmetrical microstrip patch antenna elements positioned in vertical direction to realised better diversity performance.The antenna elements are made up of a rectangular patch with microstrip feed line, operatingon the frequency of 28 GHz for Ultra-wide band applications. The result of designed structure has been computed numerical by FEM based solver HFSS v 13. Fromthe simulation results, it is clear that the proposed MIMO antenna structure covers 24.048 GHz to 37.04 GHzwith impedance bandwidth of 13 GHz (S11 better than -10dB) and also the isolation is found better than -20 dB in full wideband application. The gain of proposed MIMO antennadesigned structure has found approximately 2.11 dB

    Filogenetska analiza izolata pasjeg parvovirusa izdvojenih u Mathuri u Indiji.

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    Canine parvovirus (CPV) is an important pathogen causing acute hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs and myocarditis in pups. The present study deals with an analysis of partial nucleotide sequences of the VP1/VP2 gene of CPV isolates from Mathura, India to establish their phylogenetic relationship with other CPV isolates. Out of 100 samples from dogs showing the clinical signs of gastroenteritis viz., vomiting, diarrhea and dysentery, 63 were found positive for CPV-2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Among the 63 positive samples, eight samples were processed further for nucleotide sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the CPV variants were not only closely related among themselves but also showed minimum divergence from their ancestors, such as MEV, indicating very little divergence since their origin. From the study, it may be concluded that canine parvovirus-2 variants may represent a potential threat to canine populations. Thus more efforts is required to increase epidemiological monitoring and surveillance, along with the measures necessary to control this disease in the canine population, and to assess the efficacy of the current vaccines.Pasji parvovirus važan je uzročnik hemoragijskog gastroenteritisa u odraslih pasa i miokarditisa u štenadi. U ovom su istraživanju djelomično analizirane nukleotidne sekvencije gena VP1/VP2 izolata pasjeg parvovirusa iz Mathure u Indiji sa svrhom da se njihova filogenetska svojstva usporede s drugim izolatima toga virusa. Od 100 uzoraka izdvojenih iz pasa s gastroenteritisom odnosno s povraćanjem i proljevom, 63 su bila pozitivna na pasji parvovirus 2 upotrebom lančane reakcije polimerazom. Od toga je osam uzoraka uzeto za određivanje njihova nukleotidnog slijeda. Filogenetska analiza je pokazala da varijante pasjeg parvovirusa nisu bile samo međusobno usko srodne, već su s neznatnim skretanjem bile srodne i sa svojim predcima, kao što je virus enteritisa američke vidrice, što upućuje na njihove neznatne razlike od njihova nastanka. Može se zaključiti da varijante pasjeg parvovirusa 2 predstavljaju moguću prijetnju za populaciju pasa. Potrebno je uložiti više napora u smjeru epizootioloških istraživanja i donošenja mjera nadzora te kontrole ove zarazne bolesti zajedno s naporima za procjenu učinkovitosti postojećih cjepiva