124 research outputs found

    The role of pinning and instability in a class of non-equilibrium growth models

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    We study the dynamics of a growing crystalline facet where the growth mechanism is controlled by the geometry of the local curvature. A continuum model, in (2+1) dimensions, is developed in analogy with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model is considered for the purpose. Following standard coarse graining procedures, it is shown that in the large time, long distance limit, the continuum model predicts a curvature independent KPZ phase, thereby suppressing all explicit effects of curvature and local pinning in the system, in the "perturbative" limit. A direct numerical integration of this growth equation, in 1+1 dimensions, supports this observation below a critical parametric range, above which generic instabilities, in the form of isolated pillared structures lead to deviations from standard scaling behavior. Possibilities of controlling this instability by introducing statistically "irrelevant" (in the sense of renormalization groups) higher ordered nonlinearities have also been discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, references updated and minor changes in the text, to appear in Euro. Phys. J.

    Dynamics of Pulsed Flow in an Elastic Tube

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    Internal haemorrhage, often leading to cardio-vascular arrest happens to be one of the prime sources of high fatality rates in mammals. We propose a simplistic model of fluid flow to specify the location of the haemorrhagic spots, which, if located accurately, could be operated upon leading to a possible cure. The model we employ for the purpose is inspired by fluid mechanics and consists of a viscous fluid, pumped by a periodic force and flowing through an elastic tube. The analogy is with that of blood, pumped from the heart and flowing through an arte ry or vein. Our results, aided by graphical illustrations, match reasonably well with experimental observations.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figure

    Memory effects in a non-equilibrium growth model

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    We study memory effects in a kinetic roughening model. For d=1, a different dynamic scaling is uncovered in the memory dominated phases; the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling is restored in the absence of noise. dc=2 represents the critical dimension where memory is shown to smoothen the roughening front (a=0). Studies on a discrete atomistic model in the same universality class reconfirm the analytical results in the large time limit, while a different scaling behavior shows up for t<t, with t being the memory characteristic of the atomistic model. Results can be generalized for other nonconservative systems

    Dynamics of cholesteric liquid crystals in the presence of a random magnetic field:stochastic dynamics of cholesteric liquid crystal

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    Based on dynamic renormalization group techniques, this letter analyzes the effects of external stochastic perturbations on the dynamical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals, studied in presence of a random magnetic field. Our analysis quantifies the nature of the temperature dependence of the dynamics; the results also highlight a hitherto unexplored regime in cholesteric liquid crystal dynamics. We show that stochastic fluctuations drive the system to a second-ordered Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition point, eventually leading to a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. The results go beyond quasi-first order mean-field theories, and provides the first theoretical understanding of a KPZ phase in distorted nematic liquid crystal dynamics

    Stokes waves revisited:exact solutions in the asymptotic limit

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    The Stokes perturbative solution of the nonlinear (boundary value dependent) surface gravity wave problem is known to provide results of reasonable accuracy to engineers in estimating the phase speed and amplitudes of such nonlinear waves. The weakling in this structure though is the presence of aperiodic “secular variation” in the solution that does not agree with the known periodic propagation of surface waves. This has historically necessitated increasingly higher-ordered (perturbative) approximations in the representation of the velocity profile. The present article ameliorates this long-standing theoretical insufficiency by invoking a compact exact n-ordered solution in the asymptotic infinite depth limit, primarily based on a representation structured around the third-ordered perturbative solution, that leads to a seamless extension to higher-order (e.g., fifth-order) forms existing in the literature. The result from this study is expected to improve phenomenological engineering estimates, now that any desired higher-ordered expansion may be compacted within the same representation, but without any aperiodicity in the spectral pattern of the wave guides

    Wall-bounded turbulent shear flow:Analytic result for a universal amplitude

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    In the turbulent boundary layer above a flat plate, the velocity profile is known to have the form v =v0[(1/κ)ln z+const]. The distance from the wall in dimensionless units is z and v0 is a uniquely defined velocity scale. The number κ is universal, and measurements over several decades have shown that it is nearly 0.42. We use a randomly stirred model of turbulence to derive the above law and find κ=√108/125π≃0.52