196 research outputs found

    Area of Nasal Triangle in an Adult Human Dry Skull: An Anatomical Study

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      Background: The nose is a piriform aperture on the face having roots and a tip or base. Root is continuous above with the forehead. It is one of the most prominent parts of the face which comprises of bony and cartilaginous portions. The bony part is formed by nasal bone, frontal bone and maxilla. The cartilaginous part is mainly formed by septal, major alar, lateral cartilage, and a few minor cartilages. Present study was carried out with objectives of determining important measurements like distance between right and left infraorbital foramina to nasion, distance between right and left infraorbital foramina and nasal height. Then findings are used to determine nasal index. Methods:  All twenty-five dry adult human skulls are collected from Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Science, and Chitwan Medical College for study. Gender and ethnicity of scapula were undefined. The ethical clearance was taken from IRC-CMC (Ref: CMC-IRC/079/080-050). All damaged skull and small skull of pediatric age group are excluded. Nasal index was calculated by using formula nasal index = nasal width / nasal height X 100. Photographs were taken. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 20 version software and analyzed as frequency and distribution. Total twenty-five of skulls were measured. Results: Among the twenty-four human dry skulls, with one damaged skull is excluded, study showed that right sided mean distance between nasion and right sided infraorbital foramen and left sided mean distance between nasion and left sided infraorbital foramen are 40.57±3.71 mm and 39.53±4.77 mm respectively. The mean distance between right and left infraorbital foramen, mean nasal height and mean nasal index are 46.80±8.52 mm,16.98±3.008 mm and 47.74±10.90 respectively mm i.e., Hyper Leptorrhine (≤54.9). Conclusion: The data obtained from the present study will be useful when repairing the nose, for facial reconstructive surgeries and also in forensic investigation. Keywords: nasal index, nasal height, nasal width, nasal type.   &nbsp

    Effects of planting time on growth, development and productivity of maize (Zea mays L.)

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    Planting date plays important role in the growth, development and yield of maize. Optimum planting date has becomes a prime importance for higher crop production. The plant establishment as well as pest and disease incidence are affected by planting dates. Crop varieties respond differently to planting dates. Early or late planting dates on maize causes an array of morpho-anatomical, physiological and biochemical changes in plants, which affect plant growth and development and such changes may lead to a drastic reduction in yield. Maize growth and development involves numerous biochemical reactions which are sensitive to variance in weather parameters as affected by planting dates. Delayed planting dates affect traits namely anthesis silking interval, photosynthesis, physiological maturity and dry matter production due to reduction in cumulative interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Late planting dates cause higher non-structural carbohydrate concentration in stems at mid-grain filling stages due to low temperature exposure of crop limiting kernel growth and photosynthesis. The adverse effects of delayed planting dates can be mitigated by forecasting optimum planting dates through crop modeling experiments. This article summarizes various effects of planting dates on maize growth, development and yield parameters. This information may be useful for maize growers and researchers

    Outcome of everted end-to-end urethroplasty in traumatic bulbar and membranous urethra.

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    Introduction: Numerous options are available for the surgical management of urethral strictures. Everted End-to-end anastomosis is the utmost effective management for bulbar and membranous urethral strictures with a documented high success rate with low postoperative morbidity. Methodology: This study was conducted at department of Urology, Lahore General hospital, Lahore from May 2012 till May 2014. Total 30 patients were included in the study. Procedure was done by a single surgical team and Uroflowmetry and subjective evaluation was done on 2nd week, 1st month and 4th month and 12th month post operatively. Results: Mean age of patients was 24.43±12.39 years. Mean stricture length preoperatively was 1.83±0.63 cm. On follow up 50% of patients were in each grade whose subjective grading were 1 and 2 at 2 week post operatively. After 1-month post operatively 76.67% patients had Grade-1 and 6.67% patients had Grade-2. After 1 month follow up 63.34% patients presented with grade-1, 20% with Grade-2 and 6.67% presented with Grade-3. Only 80% of the patients at 4th month and 1-year post operatively presented with grade-1 subjective improvement. 10% of the patients had stricture recurrence at 1-month follow up and another 10% had recurrence at 4 months of follow up. Conclusion: Everted End-to-end urethroplasty is treatment of choice for short traumatic bulbar and membranous urethral strictures with a high success rate. Key Words: Urethral Strictures, Everted End-to-end Urethroplasty, Bulbar Urethra, Membranous Urethr

    Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy and its immediate outcome on neonates in a tertiary care hospital of Western Nepal

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy remain a major cause of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality worldwide. This study prospectively examined the immediate neonatal outcome of women with maternal hypertensive disorder of pregnancy (HPD).Methods: This is a prospective study conducted at NICU in Universal College of Medical Sciences Hospital over a period from 2nd February 2018 to 1st February 2019. Fifty-two mothers and their newborn were selected. Mothers with gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, and preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension and chronic hypertension were included.Results: Mean maternal age was 26.4 years. Mean gestational age was 34±4 weeks. 38 were male and 24 were female with male: female ratio 1.72:1. Thirty seven (71.2%) mothers needed lower uterine caesarian section, fourteen (26.9%) mothers delivered NVD and one (1.9%) forceps delivery. Low birth weight (<2.5kg) babies were 25 (48.1%%), very low birth weight (<1.5kg) were 9 (17.3%) and normal weight were 18 (34.3%). Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) were 18(30%). Perinatal asphyxia 10 (19.2%) were most common cause of admission, other cause of admission were sepsis and prematurity.Conclusions: Eclampsia is still a common and serious complication of pregnancy. Proper antenatal care, detection of preeclampsia with early management and timely referral of high risk patient, administered of MgSO4 in correct doses and properly timed caesarean section in selected cases would reduce the incidence of eclampsia associated maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in our facility

    Predatory Journals: A Threat to Scholarly Publishing

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    Nowadays the world of scholarly publishing is in serious trouble because of the increasing number of predatory publishing. Besides, citation of articles from predatory journals is also unethical that undermines the quality of research papers. Because of ignorance of predatory publishing and/or compulsion of getting published in a limited time, scholars from Universities and young researchers become victim to predatory or hijacked journals. The purpose of this paper is to create awareness among authors, especially novice ones, about predatory publication. Research institutions should encourage their researchers to publish their articles in valuable journals indexed in Web of Science's Journal Citation Reports (JCR), Clarivate Analytics, formerly part of Thomson-Reuters) or other famous scientific databases such as Scopus, PubMed and MEDLINE. In this way, attention to the Thomson Reuters’ Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and Journal Ranking (JRK) and Scopus grade (Q1, Q2 and Q3) may be useful and necessary

    Computed Tomography Findings in Patients with Seizure Disorder

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    Introduction: Seizure occurs in up to 10% of the population, whereas epilepsy is a chronic disease characterized by recurrent seizures that may affect up to 2% of the population. Modern neuroimaging is useful in diagnosis of&nbsp; abnormalities underlying the epilepsies, but the information provided by imaging techniques can also contribute to proper classification of certain epileptic disorders and can delineate the genetics of some underlying syndromes. Neuroimaging is even more important for those patients who have medically intractable seizures. This study was carried out to establish different etiologies of seizures, to correlate the clinical data and radiological findings in cases of seizure, and to identify the common etiologies in different types of seizures. Methods: This was a retrospective hospital-based study conducted in the Department of Radiodiagnosis of Lumbini Medical College Teaching Hospital. Records of patients of past two years, admitted in any department of the hospital with history of seizure disorder and underwent a Computed Tomography&nbsp; (CT) of brain were included. The CT patterns were assessed and the data were tabulated and statistically analyzed. Results: There were a total of 480 cases out of which 263 (55%) were male and 217 (45%) were female with M:F ratio of 1.2:1. Generalized seizure was more frequent than partial seizure in both gender. In 274 cases of generalized seizures, CT scan findings were abnormal in 151 cases and normal finding observed in 123 cases. In 206 cases of partial seizures, 125 cases were abnormal and 81 having normal CT scan findings. Age wise distribution showed highest number (n=218) of cases in young group (&lt;20 yr) and least number (n=45) in eldest group (&gt;60 yr). The most common cause of seizure&nbsp; was&nbsp; calcified granuloma (n=79, 16.5%) followed by neurocysticercosis (NCC, n=64, 13%). Diffuse cerebral edema, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, and hydrocephalus was seen only in lower age group particularly among 1-20 years. Infarct and diffuse cortical atrophy were most common cause of seizure in older age group.&nbsp; NCC and tuberculoma are the most common cause of partial seizure whereas cerebral infarcts, hemorrhage, malignancy, diffuse cortical atrophy are the most common cause of complex seizure. Few rare diseases like Fahr disease and tuberous sclerosis were also found in CT scan of&nbsp; seizure patients. Conclusion: NCC and tuberculoma are the most common cause of partial seizure whereas cerebral infarcts, hemorrhage, malignancy, and diffuse cortical atrophy are the most common cause of complex seizure. CT scan plays an important role as a preliminary tool in radiological assessment of patients presenting with seizures

    Effect of different levels of charcoal and nitrogen on growth and yield traits of broccoli

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    Saabunud / Received 19.11.2021 ; Aktsepteeritud / Accepted 05.02.2022 ; Avaldatud veebis / Published online 05.02.2022 ; Vastutav autor / Corresponding author: Prayusha Bhattarai; [email protected] is a carbon-rich organic matter, which serves as a soil conditioner when applied to agricultural fields. When used in combination with nitrogen fertilizers, it has a synergistic effect that boosts plant growth. However, charcoal application alone or in combination with nitrogen fertilizer on vegetable crops is not fully understood. Therefore, a pots experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of charcoal and nitrogen levels on the growth and yield of broccoli. The variety of broccoli used was Centauro. The experiment was laid out in a two-factor Completely Randomized Design with five replications during the winter season of 2019–2020 at Sundarbazar, Lamjung, Nepal. Treatments consisted of four levels of charcoal (0%, 2.5%, 5%, and 7.5% per weight of soil) and three levels of nitrogen (0, 187.5 and 375 kg N ha–1). Results revealed that increasing nitrogen levels from 0 to 375 kg N ha–1 significantly increased the number of leaves, leaf area, head diameter, head weight and aboveground biomass. The maximum head weight per plant (258.77 g) was found by applying a nitrogen level of 375 kg N ha–1 and the lowest value at 0 kg N ha–1. The application of increasing levels of charcoal significantly improved root length, leaf area and head diameter. It was concluded from the results that the optimum nitrogen level for broccoli production could be 375 kg N ha–1

    Strengthening Supply Chains for a Sustainable Housing Sector in Nepal : Factors Influencing the Organization, Management, Relationships and the Adoption and Use of Green Practices, Products and Services

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    EU’s main approach to sustainable housing is promoting green practices/products within the building construction sectors SCs. EU Switch Asia program financed research conducted in Nepal, 2015, to understand the organization of SCs, identify factors/barriers affecting SCM and existing relationships, the reasons to adopt green concepts/approaches and recommend support for SMEs to strengthen the sector’s management and sustainability. 109 companies, non-probabilistic snowball sampling and semi-closed questionnaires used in the survey. Conclusions: Companies create SCs to increase customer satisfaction, maintain long-term sales and retain clients. Size of company influences SCs organisation, SCM and using/producing green products/services; majority of participants had a person in the company to manage SC’s and had very good knowledge of SC, SCM and greening issues. SMEs need support with: information/communication technology, promotion and improvement/development of green products/services. Government should: increases awareness of green building products

    Phytochemical screening and antihelminthic activity of leaf and root extracts of Cassia tora plant

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    Cassia tora is one of the most important sources of medicinally important phytochemicals and widely used in Ayurvedic and Chinese system of medicine. The fresh plants of cassia tora were collected from the different locality of Dharan, Sunsari district during the month of August. In this study leaves and root extracts were subjected to extraction by soxheletion by using ethanol and water and the extracts were subjected to antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus. and Citrobacter koseri, the ethanolic extracts were screened for antihelmenthic activity against Indian adult earth worm (Pheretima posthuma) with a moderate result. The result of antibacterial activity revealed that aqueous extract&nbsp; of leaves and roots showed better activity in comparison to aqueous extracts particularly against gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus)
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