11 research outputs found

    New observation of two species of sea cucumbers from Chabahar Bay (Southeast Coasts of Iran)

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    Although, sea cucumbers are well known animals in Eastern Asia, in Iran they are not popular marine animals. Divers recorded these animals in their dives but this is the first scientific approach in identification of holoturians in Southeast coast of Iran. All sea cucumbers were collected with SCUBA diving and species identification was done through morphological keys and review of their dermal ossicles. There are two species of sea cucumber belong to genus Holothuria were collected on subtidal zone of Chabahar Bay in the late of 2007. This is the first report of H. hilla, H. parva from Chabahar Bay (North of Oman Sea). This study is revealed the special characteristics of the presented species in order to just identification of them. In the studied areas, H. parva has known as a rare species

    New observation of three species of sea cucumbers from Chabahar Bay (Southeast Coasts of Iran)

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    Three species of sea cucumber (2 species belong to genus Holothuria and one species of Stichopus) were collected on subtidal zone of Chabahar Bay in the late of 2007. The literature review on the distribution was revealed that this is the first report of H. leucospilota, H. arenicula and S. variegatus from Chabahar Bay (Sea of Oman). The species identification was done through morphological keys and review of their ossicles. This study is revealed the special characteristics of the presented species in order to just identification of them

    Fisebility study of collection and rearing of proleus stage of lobster (Panolirus homarus) in the cement tanks

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    The present study was carried out from late October2010 to end of June 2011. Executive operations were done in two stages; proleus catching from the sea and stocking/rearing them in a control conditions. Totally, it took 8 months from start to finish. The research objectives were; - Proleus catching techniques achievement. -Proleus keeping, stoking and rearing achievement. 32 pieces of proleus and post-proleus were collected by special installed collectors at the beneath of the sea. They were stocked after adaptation and initially biometry. In order to stocking, two 4th-tone tanks (one for proleus stage and another one for post-proleus stage) were applied. 0.77 gram and 11.8 gram was recorded as average weighted for proleus and post- proleus, respectively. Four stations were chosen for collecting of require samples. They were starched from west side of Ramin’s Jetty toward east. 84% of the samples were caught from the station two, using sandwich collectors. Collector’s efficiencies were compared to each others, in this study. A significant difference was observed between the sandwich collectors efficiency with the other collectors (p0.05). Comparison of the proleus abundance between stations showed a significant difference between station 2 and other stations, but there wasn’t any sig. difference between the stations number 2, 3 and 4, together (p>0.05). The samples were fed by fish waste, bivalves and squid. The amount of larval requirement food was calculated based on 15% of their body weight. During breading period, 50% of the rearing tanks water was exchanged, daily. Total weight, total length and carapace length was measured, monthly. 0.6 gram, 5.5 mm and 1 mm was recorded for mean total weight, mean total length and mean carapace length for proleus and 18.3 gram, 25.4 mm and 8 mm was recorded for mean total weight, mean total length and mean carapace length for post-proleus. According to the results, can be realized that growth rate in post-proleus was much faster than the growth rate of proleus. Finally, comparison of the total weight, total length and carapace length between proleus and post-proleus were showed a sig. differences between the two reared groups (p>0.05)

    Review of management and monitoring of two crop shrimp production of Indian white shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus in intensive culture system in Guatr Shrimp Farm, Sistan & Baloochestan Province

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    In line with the implementation of two Crop shrimp culture in year in Gwater shrimp Farming Site credits UNDP aims to increase production of crops per year, reducing the days of culture in the second crop using the nursery pond, control feed conversion ratio (FCR) and production management, Farming of Indian white Shrimp P.indicus in 4 private farm was done in 2008. Surveillance and monitoring of these farms, the possible obstacles to the harmful effects of management strengths and weaknesses and develop in the future was done in corporation of Offshore Fisheries Research Center of Chabahar and fisheries of Sistan and Balouchestan. First crop was successful, but the shrimp of Nursery pond and second crop due to the occurrence of white spot disease (WSSV) disease and casualties were died and did not actually do the work. The average minimum and maximum feed conversion in Culture period 1.46 and 1.96 respectively, in C2 _31 and C2 _ 14 farms were observed. Maximum production was 41,376 kg in farm C2 _31. The rainfall on 14 August severe flooding and water supplying cussed suddenly fall down of Inland channel water salinity at day 16-20 the August to 4-5 PPT and the PH go up to 8.8-9. After 2 days the white spot disease in South of site was confirmed and was transferred immediately to the north of site. (The pilots farm) The important thing was that the farm under two crop system as a last resort so that all First crop harvest but shrimp in Nursery pond were infected and with veterinary supervision of all infected ponds were then killed. The results showed that shrimp farming can be done in two periods in year with a predetermined .In this study the only factor that could have adverse effects on the project was Feed supply problems during the growing period and the consequences that it caused low average body weight and final harvested Shrimp resulted to delay in daily growth

    How to predict environmental attitude by neighborhood sense of community

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    The environmental attitude is interested with the relationship between human and its environment, as a subject of environmental psychology. Environmental problems that come up with the industrial revolution have led to increasing awareness and consciousness on the environment since from 1970s in the scope of sustainability. It is expected from the persons who have conscious on environmental issues raise awareness and conscious at the community level as well. Normally, it is expected from the community members that have strong environmental awareness and conscious to be alive and have strong social relations. Neighborhood scale should be considered as the core place to build community and ensure social sustainability. This study aims to reveal the experimental relationship between environmental attitude and sense of community and determine how various socio-demographic objective variables explain subjective environmental attitude variable. Oral interviews applied to the inhabitants of Kultur Neighborhood from Duzce City as our study area. Linear regression model was conducted to test the experimental relationship between the concepts of sense of community and environmental attitude, and one-way ANOVA and t-tests were operated to learn relationships between environmental attitude and socio-demographic variables. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021.2-s2.0-8510114134