20 research outputs found

    A Proposed Role for Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines in Damaging Behavior in Pigs

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    Sickness can change our mood for the worse, leaving us sad, lethargic, grumpy and less socially inclined. This mood change is part of a set of behavioral symptoms called sickness behavior and has features in common with core symptoms of depression. Therefore, the physiological changes induced by immune activation, for example following infection, are in the spotlight for explaining mechanisms behind mental health challenges such as depression. While humans may take a day off and isolate themselves until they feel better, farm animals housed in groups have only limited possibilities for social withdrawal. We suggest that immune activation could be a major factor influencing social interactions in pigs, with outbreaks of damaging behavior such as tail biting as a possible result. The hypothesis presented here is that the effects of several known risk factors for tail biting are mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines, proteins produced by the immune system, and their effect on neurotransmitter systems. We describe the background for and implications of this hypothesis.Peer reviewe

    Creatinine Phosphokinase (CPK) Elevation in the Coexistence of Wilson's Disease and Autoimmune Hepatitis with Atypical Presentation: A Diagnostic Dilemma

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    Background: Wilson's disease (WD) is a genetic disorder with various clinical presentations due to excessive accumulation of copper in the liver and other organs. It can present as acute/chronic hepatitis, liver failure, extrahepatic and neuromuscular manifestations. Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is a necroinflammatory disease of the liver, which affects a lot of people particularly the children population. AIH has a broad clinical presentation that is similar to WD. Coexistence of WD with elevated creatinine phosphokinase (CPK) and AIH, may be a diagnostic dilemma. Case Report: We presented a 6 years old boy with dysarthria, aggressive behavior, weak attention, concentration and weight loss with abnormal physical examination. Laboratory, histochemical, genomic studies, muscle/liver biopsy and atomic absorption test confirmed the diagnosis of both WD and AIH in the boy. Conclusion Although CPK and liver enzyme elevation is a rare presentation of chronic hepatitis with dominant feature of WD and AIH; however, simultaneous therapy with immunosuppressive drugs and Penicillamine may have superior benefit with a significant response

    Deoxynivalenol hos gris : effekter, toksikokinetikk, vertikal overføring og mikrobiell avgiftning

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of fungi that can have a variety of adverse effects on animals and humans. One of the most common mycotoxins produced by Fusarium fungi is the trichothecene deoxynivalenol (DON), and this toxin can contaminate wheat, oats, maize, and barley. DON is known to cause significant economic losses in farm animal production, due to impaired growth performance. According to the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), DON, T-2, and HT-2 are the trichothecenes most frequently found in Norwegian cereal grain. Pigs are more sensitive to DON exposure than other farm animals, possibly due to differences in uptake. Acute exposure of the pigs to high levels of DON (20 mg/kg or above) will typically cause emesis. Chronic dietary exposure of pigs to diets naturally or artificially contaminated with DON has led to decreased feed consumption, visible feed aversion, and reduced weight gain, with the lowest observed adverse effect levels (LOAEL) varying from 0.35 to 2 mg DON/kg feed in different experiments. Transient reduction in feed intake at relatively low contamination levels has been observed in several of these experiments. The exposed animals may sometimes manage to compensate for some or most of the reduction in weight gain later in the growing period. The European Commission Recommendation 2006/576/EC has set the recommended maximum acceptable level for DON to 0.9 mg/kg, while the Norwegian national feed safety authority recommends a lower maximum acceptable level of 0.5 mg DON/kg for pig feed. Despite this national recommendation, Norwegian pig farmers and feed industry have reported observations of temporary reduction in feed consumption and increased stress in the pigs when using feed batches with DON levels close to the Norwegian limit. Therefore, Norwegian pig farmers, feed industry, and authorities are in need of additional knowledge about the occurrence, importance and prevention methods of mycotoxin contamination in pig production. The risk of toxic effects of mycotoxins can be reduced by different methods and strategies. The supplementation of detoxifying feed additives, such as mycotoxin adsorbents, chemical supplements or active biotransforming agents containing bacteria, fungi or enzymes that can degrade mycotoxins into non -or less toxic metabolites have all been used in feed processing. Some of these methods, such as the addition of adsorbents, are valuable in binding of aflatoxins and several other mycotoxins, but less effective in binding and deactivating of trichothecenes. Addition of the ruminal microbe Coriobacteriaceae gen. nov. sp. nov. DSM 11798 (also known as BBSH 797), which can detoxify DON to de-epoxy-DON (DOM-1) has been investigated by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). This product has been used as a commercialized method, and has been shown to de-epoxidize DON in vitro. It has also been shown to have activity against DON in some in vivo studies, but the results of different studies have varied. Thus, the ability of DSM 11798 to detoxify DON in animals under practical feeding conditions still needed clarification. An objective of the present thesis was to study the effects of DON on pigs in different stages of their life cycle. The thesis is based on two main feeding studies. The first study aimed to investigate the effects of 6 weeks’ exposure of growing pigs to DON (up to 5.7 mg/kg) in pelleted feed produced from naturally contaminated oats, with and without the addition of DSM 11798; by analyzing feed uptake, growth performance, clinical parameters, hematology and biochemistry parameters, as well as plasma levels of DON and its metabolites. The second feeding study consists of two main study-parts conducted under a real-word condition in a commercial specific pathogen-free (SPF) high-yield piglet production unit. The first study-part (clinical study) aimed to elucidate the effects of DON (up to 1.7 mg/kg) on sow feed consumption, body weight (BW ) changes, litter gain, and reproduction performance in late gestation and during lactation. In addition, the effect of different levels of DON contamination on hematology and biochemistry parameters, skin temperature, litter size, number of stillborn piglets, and production results in the subsequent litter were studied in this field trial. The second study-part aimed to study the DON uptake of the sows and vertical transmission from the sows to their offspring; through the placenta in the last stage of gestation and through colostrum and milk during lactation. Before the start of the study on growing pigs, a toxicokinetic study of uptake and metabolism of pure DON in growing pigs was also performed, in order to get a better basis for the evaluation of the results of the main experiments. The results of the growing pig study showed that feeding growing pigs with DON-contaminated diets (up to 5.7 mg/kg) resulted in a temporary reduction in feed intake and weight gain, in the highest DON level groups. This effect on growth performance was reduced and the growth was normalized towards the end of the experiment. DON exposure reduced serum protein levels in pigs after 3 weeks of exposure and at the end of the experiment, in a dose-dependent manner. Serum calcium and phosphorous were also reduced in DON-exposed pigs at the end of the experiment. DON did in contrast not affect hematological parameters. No association between gender and DON-related toxicity was found in tested animals. In this study, the addition of DSM 11798 to experimental diets had no influence on the DON-related changes in feed intake and growth performance. Furthermore, the data from the plasma analyses of DON and its metabolites, especially DOM-1, showed that DSM 11798 was ineffective in detoxifying DON. There were also no differences in plasma concentrations of DON and its metabolites between male and female piglets. Addition of DSM 11798 had also no effect on the DON related changes in serum biochemical parameters. A possible reason for the ineffectiveness of DSM 11798 in this study could be the incorporation of the microbial feed additive into pelleted feed. It should also be mentioned that the stabilizing matrix used by Biomin in the preparation of the DSM 11798 product for our experiments was somewhat different from the standard commercial product. The results of the first (clinical) part of the feeding study in sows demonstrated that naturally contaminated diets with DON concentrations up to 1.7 mg/kg did have a small but significant effect on feed intake during lactation; but no significant effect on sow BW or performance, including backfat thickness. No effects on production or reproduction performance were detected. The blood parameters were unaffected and the effects on skin temperature were variable. The possibility that SPF status made the sows in this herd more resistant to DON-related toxicity can not be ruled out. This may be an important issue for future studies. The results from the second part (uptake and transmission study) of the study in sows demonstrated a high degree of variability in the uptake of DON, both among individuals and between different times of sampling, probably due to the variation in feed intake at different stages during gestation, farrowing and lactation. However, the results for glucuronidation rates showed that metabolism of DON was not strongly affected by the different stages in gestation and lactation. A comparison between the data in the sow study and the data from the growing pig study, indicated a somewhat higher glucuronidation rate in the sows, compared with the growing pigs. The transmission data showed that DON is transferred across placenta and through milk, from sows to their full-term, new-born and suckling piglets. However, the results from plasma DON concentrations in sows and piglets and the levels of DON in milk samples showed that the DON transfer is more efficient across placenta than through milk, indicating that piglets are most strongly at risk of DON exposure during the fetal period and in the first days of life. Taken together, these studies provide a knowledge update on DON and its toxicity in pigs in different stages of the production cycle, under both controlled and realistic, practical conditions. In addition, vertical transmission of DON and exposure of sows and their piglets in late gestation and during lactation were elucidated.Mykotoksiner (muggsoppgifter) er giftstoffer produsert av forskjellige muggsopparter som kan forårsake akutt forgiftning eller langvarige bivirkninger hos dyr og mennesker. En av de vanligste mykotoksinene produsert av Fusarium-arter er trichothecenet deoxynivalenol (DON). Dette giftstoffet kan forekomme i hvete, havre, mais og bygg. DON er kjent for å forårsake betydelige økonomiske tap i husdyrproduksjon på grunn av negative effekter på fôropptak og tilvekst. Ifølge Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM) er trichothecenene DON, T-2 og HT-2 de som oftest finnes i norske kornvarer. Grisen er en art som er mer følsom for mykotoksiner av trichotecene-typen enn andre husdyr, muligens på grunn av forskjeller i opptak. Akutt eksponering av grisene til høye nivåer av DON (20 mg/kg eller høyere) vil typisk forårsake oppkast. Kronisk eksponering av gris for naturlig eller kunstig DON-kontaminert fôr har ført til redusert fôrforbruk, synlig fôraversjon og nedsatt vektutvikling, med de laveste observerte skadelige effektnivåene (LOAEL) varierende fra 0,35 til 2 mg DON/kg i fôr i ulike studier. Forbigående reduksjon i fôropptak ved relativt lave forurensningsnivåer er observert i flere av disse studiene. De eksponerte dyrene kan i noen tilfeller klare å kompensere for noe eller det meste av reduksjonen i tilvekst senere i produksjonsfasen. En anbefaling fra EU-kommisjonen (2006/576/EC) har satt det anbefalte maksimale akseptable nivået for DON i svinefôr til 0,9 mg/kg, mens Mattilsynet i Norge anbefaler en lavere grenseverdi på 0,5 mg DON/kg i fôr til norske griser. Til tross for denne nasjonale anbefalingen har norske griseprodusenter og fôrindustrien rapportert om observasjoner av midlertidig reduksjon i fôrforbruk og økt stress hos grisene ved bruk av fôrpartier med DON-nivåer nær den anbefalte grenseverdien i Norge. Derfor har norske griseprodusenter, fôrindustri og myndigheter behov for ytterligere kunnskap om forekomst, betydning og forebyggende metoder for mykotoksiner i griseproduksjonen. Risikoen for toksiske effekter av mykotoksiner kan reduseres med forskjellige metoder og strategier. Tilskudd av avgiftende tilsetningsstoffer som mykotoksinadsorbenter, kjemiske tilsetninger eller aktive biotransformasjons-produkter som inneholder bakterier, sopp eller enzymer kjent for å kunne nedbryte mykotoksiner til mindre giftige metabolitter, har blitt brukt i fôrprosessering. Noen av disse metodene, som tilsetning av adsorbenter, har dokumentert effekt i binding av aflatoksiner og flere andre mykotoksiner, men de er mindre effektive i binding og deaktivering av trichotecener. Tilsetning av vommikroben Coriobacteriaceae gen. nov. sp. nov. DSM 11798 (også kjent som BBSH 797), som kan konvertere DON til de-epoxy-DON (DOM-1), har blitt undersøkt av European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Dette produktet har blitt brukt som en kommersiell metode, og har vist seg å de-epoxidisere DON in vitro. Produktet har også vist en viss effekt in vivo, men med noe varierende resultater. Dermed er det fortsatt behov for avklaring om evnen til DSM 11798 til å avgifte DON hos dyr, under praktiske fôringsbetingelser. Denne avhandlingen tar sikte på å etablere kunnskap om effekter av muggsoppgiften deoxynivalenol (DON) på helse, velferd og produktivitet hos griser i ulike stadier av livssyklusen. Avhandlingen er basert på to fôringsstudier. Den første studien er et 6 ukers eksponeringsforsøk, og hadde til hensikt å undersøke effekter av DON (opptil 5,7 mg/kg) i pelletert fôr laget av naturlig kontaminert havre, med og uten tilsatt DSM 11798, på nylig avvente griser. Dette er oppnådd ved å analysere fôropptak, tilvekst, kliniske parametere, hematologi og biokjemiske parametere, samt plasmanivåer av DON og dets metabolitter. Den andre fôringsstudien, som er utført på purker under reelle praktiske forhold i en kommersiell spesifikk-patogenfri (SPF) smågrisproduksjonsbesetning med høye produksjonsresultater, består av to hoveddeler. Den første (kliniske) delen hadde til hensikt å belyse effekten av DON (opptil 1,7 mg / kg) på fôropptak, endringer i kroppsvekt, kulltilvekst og reproduksjonsevne hos purker i de siste faser av drektigheten og under laktasjon. I dette feltforsøket ble effekten av forskjellige nivåer av DON på blodparametere (hematologi og kjemi), hudtemperatur, kullstørrelse, antall dødfødte grisunger og produksjonsresultater i det etterfølgende kullet også studert. Den andre delen av studien på purker (opptaks- og overføringsstudien) hadde som mål å studere DON-opptaket hos purkene og vertikal overføring fra purker til deres avkom; gjennom morkake i den siste fasen av drektigheten og gjennom råmelk og vanlig melk under laktasjonen. Før starten av fôringsforsøkene ble det også utført en toksikokinetikkstudie på avvente smågriser, for å etablere kunnskap om toksikokinetikk av ren DON ved oral og intravenøs eksponering. Resultater fra denne studien har blitt brukt til å få bedre grunnlag for evalueringen av resultatene i hovedeksperimentene (fôringsstudiene). Resultatene fra smågrisforsøket viste at fôring av avvente smågriser med DON-kontaminert havre (opptil 5,7 mg/kg) førte til en forbigående reduksjon i fôropptaket og tilvekst i de høyeste DON-nivågruppene. Denne effekten ble redusert, og veksten ble normalisert mot slutten av forsøket. En doseavhengig DON-indusert reduksjon i serumproteinnivået ble registeret hos griser etter 3 ukers eksponering og på slutten av forsøket. Serumkalsium og fosfor ble også redusert i DON-eksponerte griser ved slutten av eksperimentet. DON-nivået påvirket derimot ikke de hematologiske parametrene. Det ble ikke funnet noen sammenheng mellom kjønn og DON-relatert toksisitet i testede dyr. I denne studien hadde tilsetningen av DSM 11798 til forsøksfôret ingen effekt på DON-relaterte endringer i fôropptak og tilvekst. Videre viste de målte konsentrasjonene av DON og dets metabolitter (særskilt DOM-1) i plasma at DSM 11798 var ineffektiv i detoksifisering av DON. Det var heller ingen kjønnsforskjeller i plasmakonsentrasjonene av DON og dets metabolitter. Tilsetning av DSM 11798 hadde heller ingen effekt på DON-relaterte endringer i serumbiokjemiske parametere. En mulig årsak til manglende effekt av DSM 11798 i denne studien kan være inkorporeringen av det mikrobielle tilsetningsstoffet i pelletert fôr. Det bør også nevnes at den stabiliserende matrisen som ble brukt av Biomin i fremstillingen av DSM 11798-produktet for smågrisstudien var noe annerledes enn det kommersielle produktet. Resultatene fra den første (kliniske) delstudien i fôringsforsøket på purker viste at naturlig kontaminert fôr med DON-konsentrasjoner opptil 1,7 mg/kg hadde mild, men signifikant effekt på fôropptaket under laktasjonen. DON hadde derimot ikke signifikant effekt på kroppsvekt og andre tilvekstparametre, inkludert målt spekktykkelse. Ingen effekter på produksjon eller reproduksjonsytelse ble oppdaget. Blodparametere var upåvirket og effektene på hudtemperaturen var variable. Muligheten for at SPF-status gjorde purkene i denne besetningen mer robuste mot DON-relatert toksisitet kan ikke utelukkes. Dette kan være et viktig tema for fremtidige studier. Resultatene fra den andre delstudien (opptaks- og overføringsstudien) i forsøket på purker viste stor variasjon i DON-opptak hos purkene, både blant individer og mellom forskjellige prøvetidspunkt. Dette kan være forårsaket av forskjellene i fôropptak på forskjellige stadier i sen drektighet, under grising og gjennom laktasjonen. Resultatene for glukuronideringsgrad viste imidlertid at DON metabolismen ikke var sterkt påvirket av tidspunktet, under drektighet og laktasjon. Ved sammenligning av dataene i smågrisforsøket og dataene fra purkeforsøket fant vi en aldersrelatert forskjell i glukuronideringsgrad, i form av noe høyere glukuronideringsgrad i purker sammenlignet med smågriser. Overføringsdataene viste videre at DON overføres både gjennom morkake og melk fra purker til nyfødte og diende smågriser. Resultatene fra plasma DON-konsentrasjoner hos purker og grisungene og DON-nivåene i melkeprøver viste imidlertid at DON-overføringen er mer effektiv gjennom morkake enn via melk, noe som indikerer at spegrisene har størst risiko for DON-eksponering som fostre i den siste del av drektigheten og i de første dagene av livet. Samlet sett gir disse studiene en kunnskapsoppdatering om DON og dets toksisitet hos griser i ulike stadier av produksjonssyklusen, under både kontrollerte og realistiske/praktiske forhold. I tillegg ble vertikal overføring av DON og eksponering av purker og deres smågris i sen drektighet og under laktasjon belyst

    Deoxynivalenol in pigs : effects, toxicokinetics, vertical transmission and microbial detoxification

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    Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of fungi that can have a variety of adverse effects on animals and humans. One of the most common mycotoxins produced by Fusarium fungi is the trichothecene deoxynivalenol (DON), and this toxin can contaminate wheat, oats, maize, and barley. DON is known to cause significant economic losses in farm animal production, due to impaired growth performance. According to the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (VKM), DON, T-2, and HT-2 are the trichothecenes most frequently found in Norwegian cereal grain. Pigs are more sensitive to DON exposure than other farm animals, possibly due to differences in uptake. Acute exposure of the pigs to high levels of DON (20 mg/kg or above) will typically cause emesis. Chronic dietary exposure of pigs to diets naturally or artificially contaminated with DON has led to decreased feed consumption, visible feed aversion, and reduced weight gain, with the lowest observed adverse effect levels (LOAEL) varying from 0.35 to 2 mg DON/kg feed in different experiments. Transient reduction in feed intake at relatively low contamination levels has been observed in several of these experiments. The exposed animals may sometimes manage to compensate for some or most of the reduction in weight gain later in the growing period. The European Commission Recommendation 2006/576/EC has set the recommended maximum acceptable level for DON to 0.9 mg/kg, while the Norwegian national feed safety authority recommends a lower maximum acceptable level of 0.5 mg DON/kg for pig feed. Despite this national recommendation, Norwegian pig farmers and feed industry have reported observations of temporary reduction in feed consumption and increased stress in the pigs when using feed batches with DON levels close to the Norwegian limit. Therefore, Norwegian pig farmers, feed industry, and authorities are in need of additional knowledge about the occurrence, importance and prevention methods of mycotoxin contamination in pig production. The risk of toxic effects of mycotoxins can be reduced by different methods and strategies. The supplementation of detoxifying feed additives, such as mycotoxin adsorbents, chemical supplements or active biotransforming agents containing bacteria, fungi or enzymes that can degrade mycotoxins into non -or less toxic metabolites have all been used in feed processing. Some of these methods, such as the addition of adsorbents, are valuable in binding of aflatoxins and several other mycotoxins, but less effective in binding and deactivating of trichothecenes. Addition of the ruminal microbe Coriobacteriaceae gen. nov. sp. nov. DSM 11798 (also known as BBSH 797), which can detoxify DON to de-epoxy-DON (DOM-1) has been investigated by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). This product has been used as a commercialized method, and has been shown to de-epoxidize DON in vitro. It has also been shown to have activity against DON in some in vivo studies, but the results of different studies have varied. Thus, the ability of DSM 11798 to detoxify DON in animals under practical feeding conditions still needed clarification. An objective of the present thesis was to study the effects of DON on pigs in different stages of their life cycle. The thesis is based on two main feeding studies. The first study aimed to investigate the effects of 6 weeks’ exposure of growing pigs to DON (up to 5.7 mg/kg) in pelleted feed produced from naturally contaminated oats, with and without the addition of DSM 11798; by analyzing feed uptake, growth performance, clinical parameters, hematology and biochemistry parameters, as well as plasma levels of DON and its metabolites. The second feeding study consists of two main study-parts conducted under a real-word condition in a commercial specific pathogen-free (SPF) high-yield piglet production unit. The first study-part (clinical study) aimed to elucidate the effects of DON (up to 1.7 mg/kg) on sow feed consumption, body weight (BW ) changes, litter gain, and reproduction performance in late gestation and during lactation. In addition, the effect of different levels of DON contamination on hematology and biochemistry parameters, skin temperature, litter size, number of stillborn piglets, and production results in the subsequent litter were studied in this field trial. The second study-part aimed to study the DON uptake of the sows and vertical transmission from the sows to their offspring; through the placenta in the last stage of gestation and through colostrum and milk during lactation. Before the start of the study on growing pigs, a toxicokinetic study of uptake and metabolism of pure DON in growing pigs was also performed, in order to get a better basis for the evaluation of the results of the main experiments. The results of the growing pig study showed that feeding growing pigs with DON-contaminated diets (up to 5.7 mg/kg) resulted in a temporary reduction in feed intake and weight gain, in the highest DON level groups. This effect on growth performance was reduced and the growth was normalized towards the end of the experiment. DON exposure reduced serum protein levels in pigs after 3 weeks of exposure and at the end of the experiment, in a dose-dependent manner. Serum calcium and phosphorous were also reduced in DON-exposed pigs at the end of the experiment. DON did in contrast not affect hematological parameters. No association between gender and DON-related toxicity was found in tested animals. In this study, the addition of DSM 11798 to experimental diets had no influence on the DON-related changes in feed intake and growth performance. Furthermore, the data from the plasma analyses of DON and its metabolites, especially DOM-1, showed that DSM 11798 was ineffective in detoxifying DON. There were also no differences in plasma concentrations of DON and its metabolites between male and female piglets. Addition of DSM 11798 had also no effect on the DON related changes in serum biochemical parameters. A possible reason for the ineffectiveness of DSM 11798 in this study could be the incorporation of the microbial feed additive into pelleted feed. It should also be mentioned that the stabilizing matrix used by Biomin in the preparation of the DSM 11798 product for our experiments was somewhat different from the standard commercial product. The results of the first (clinical) part of the feeding study in sows demonstrated that naturally contaminated diets with DON concentrations up to 1.7 mg/kg did have a small but significant effect on feed intake during lactation; but no significant effect on sow BW or performance, including backfat thickness. No effects on production or reproduction performance were detected. The blood parameters were unaffected and the effects on skin temperature were variable. The possibility that SPF status made the sows in this herd more resistant to DON-related toxicity can not be ruled out. This may be an important issue for future studies. The results from the second part (uptake and transmission study) of the study in sows demonstrated a high degree of variability in the uptake of DON, both among individuals and between different times of sampling, probably due to the variation in feed intake at different stages during gestation, farrowing and lactation. However, the results for glucuronidation rates showed that metabolism of DON was not strongly affected by the different stages in gestation and lactation. A comparison between the data in the sow study and the data from the growing pig study, indicated a somewhat higher glucuronidation rate in the sows, compared with the growing pigs. The transmission data showed that DON is transferred across placenta and through milk, from sows to their full-term, new-born and suckling piglets. However, the results from plasma DON concentrations in sows and piglets and the levels of DON in milk samples showed that the DON transfer is more efficient across placenta than through milk, indicating that piglets are most strongly at risk of DON exposure during the fetal period and in the first days of life. Taken together, these studies provide a knowledge update on DON and its toxicity in pigs in different stages of the production cycle, under both controlled and realistic, practical conditions. In addition, vertical transmission of DON and exposure of sows and their piglets in late gestation and during lactation were elucidated

    Effects and biotransformation of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in growing pigs fed naturally contaminated grain pelleted with and without the addition of Coriobacteriaceum DSM 11798

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    Deoxynivalenol (DON) is one of the most prevalent Fusarium mycotoxins in grain and can cause economic losses in pig farming due to reduced feed consumption and lower weight gains. Biodetoxification of mycotoxins using bacterial strains has been a focus of research for many years. However, only a few in vivo studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of microbial detoxification of fusariotoxins. This study was therefore aimed at investigating the effect of a feed additive containing the bacterial strain Coriobacteriaceum DSM 11798 (the active ingredient in Biomin® BBSH 797) on growth performance and blood parameters, as well as uptake and metabolism of DON, in growing pigs. Forty-eight crossbred (Landrace-Yorkshire/Duroc-Duroc) weaning pigs were fed with pelleted feed made from naturally contaminated oats, with DON at four concentration levels: (1) control diet (DON < 0.2 mg kg−1), (2) low-contaminated diet (DON = 0.92 mg kg−1), (3) medium-contaminated diet (DON = 2.2 mg kg−1) and (4) high-contaminated diet (DON = 5.0 mg kg−1) and equivalent diets containing DSM 11798 as feed additive. During the first 7 days of exposure, pigs in the highest-dose group showed a 20–28% reduction in feed intake and a 24–34% reduction in weight gain compared with pigs in the control and low-dose groups. These differences were levelled out by study completion. Towards the end of the experiment, dose-dependent reductions in serum albumin, globulin and total serum protein were noted in the groups fed with DON-contaminated feed compared with the controls. The addition of DSM 11798 had no effect on the DON-related clinical effects or on the plasma concentrations of DON. The ineffectiveness of the feed additive in the present study could be a consequence of its use in pelleted feed, which might have hindered its rapid release, accessibility or detoxification efficiency in the pig’s gastrointestinal tract.acceptedVersio

    Effects of feeding naturally contaminated deoxynivalenol diets to sows during late gestation and lactation in a high-yield specific pathogen-free herd

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    Abstract Background The most prevalent Fusarium mycotoxin in grains is deoxynivalenol (DON). Contamination of swine feed with DON can result in reduced consumption and poor growth performance. Gestating and lactating sows need sufficient feed intake for fetus development during late gestation and milk production and body maintenance during lactation. Therefore, there is considerable concern in modern piglet production about the effects of DON contamination in sow feed. Most previous studies in sows have been done under experimental conditions, with DON levels ≥2.8 mg/kg feed. The aim of the current field trial was to investigate the effects of feeding grains that are naturally contaminated with more realistic levels of DON on sows during late gestation and lactation. Methods In a commercial, high-yield specific pathogen-free piglet production unit, 45 Norwegian Landrace × Yorkshire sows were fed three diets from 93 ± 1 days of gestation until weaning of the piglets, and average daily feed intake (ADFI), body weight (BW), production and reproduction performance, as well as sow blood parameters were recorded. Diets were made from naturally contaminated oats, with three concentration levels: 1) control (DON < 0.2 mg/kg), 2) DON level 1 (1.4 mg DON/kg), and 3) DON level 2 (1.7 mg DON/kg). Results Sows that were fed DON level 1 and 2 diets showed a 4–10% reduction in feed consumption during lactation, compared with sows in the control group. However, the DON-contaminated diets did not significantly affect sow BW or backfat thickness. Similarly, there were neither effects on production or reproduction performance, nor on blood parameters in the sows. The effects on skin temperature were variable. Conclusion Naturally contaminated diets with realistic, moderately increased DON levels, fed during late gestation and lactation in a modern high-yield piglet production farm, had limited effects on sow health and production

    Behavioural and metabolomic changes from chronic dietary exposure to low-level deoxynivalenol reveal impact on mouse well-being

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    International audienceThe mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) has a high global prevalence in grain-based products. Biomarkers of exposure are detectable in most humans and farm animals. Considering the acute emetic and chronic anorexigenic toxicity of DON, maximum levels for food and feed have been implemented by food authorities. The tolerable daily intake (TDI) is 1 µg/kg body weight (bw)/day for the sum of DON and its main derivatives, which was based on the no-observed adverse-effect level (NOAEL) of 100 µg DON/kg bw/day for anorexic effects in rodents. Chronic exposure to a low-DON dose can, however, also cause inflammation and imbalanced neurotransmitter levels. In the present study, we therefore investigated the impact of a 2-week exposure at the NOAEL in mice by performing behavioural experiments, monitoring brain activation by c-Fos expression, and analysing changes in the metabolomes of brain and serum. We found that DON affected neuronal activity and innate behaviour in both male and female mice. Metabolite profiles were differentiable between control and treated mice. The behavioural changes evidenced at NOAEL reduce the safety margin to the established TDI and may be indicative of a risk for human health