3,494 research outputs found

    Analisis Model Keberkesanan Komunikasi Interpersonal Antara Pengetua dan Guru Sekolah Menengah Terkawal di Pantai Timur Malaysia

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    Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meneroka hubungan antara komunikasi kepimpinan pengetua dan esteem kendiri guru dengan keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru. Permasalahan kajian ini difokuskan kepada tiga persoalan utama iaitu: (1) Adakah komunikasi kepimpinan pengetua mempunyai hubungan positif terhadap esteem kendiri guru? (2) Adakah esteem kendiri guru mempunyai hubungan positif terhadap keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru? (3) Adakah komunikasi kepimpinan, esteem kendiri dan faktor peramal menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru? Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kuantitatif dengan melibatkan pengujian lapan hipotesis utama. Data-data di perolehi melalui kajian soalselidik yang dilakukan terhadap 121 responden iaitu terdiri daripada guru-guru yang bertugas di sekolah menengah terkawal kawasan bandar di Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia. Responden tersebut dipilih daripada enam buah sekolah berdasarkan persampelan purposive yang dibuat ke atas 16 buah sekolah menengah terkawal kawasan bandar di Pantai Timur. Pemilihan 121 responden dibuat dengan menggu nakan persampelan rawak kluster mengikut jantina yang mewakili 30% daripada jumlah populasi. Responden diminta memberi persepsi terhadap komunikasi kepimpinan di seko/ah dengan menjawab seju m/ah 87 item soalan yang berasaskan kepada lima variabel utama kajian iaitu kepimpinan merintis struktur, kepimpinan pertimbangan, orientasi komunikasi, esteem kendiri dan keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru. Semua data yang diperolehi dianalisiskan menggunakan program SPSS versi 9.0 dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif, korelasi Pearson, korelasi partial, regresi berganda dan path analysis. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapatnya hubungan yang positif di antara komunikasi kepimpinan pengetua dengan peningkatan esteem kendiri guru dan seterusnya wujud pula hubungan yang positif dengan keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru. Dapatan juga menunjukkan komunikasi kepimpinan, esteem kendiri dan faktor peramal mempengaruhi keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru. Hasil dapatan ini memberi gambaran bahawa amalan komunikasi kepimpinan yang berasaskan kepada kepimpinan merintis struktur, kepimpinan pertimbangan, orientasi komunikasi terbuka terbukti dapat meningkatkan keberkesanan komunikasi interpersonal guru. Oleh itu stail komunikasi kepimpinan yang dapat menjanakan kesejahteraan diri di tempat kerja ini perlu disebarkan dan diterapkan dalam diri pemimpin dengan harapan supaya kualiti sesebuah organisasi itu dapat dipertingkatka

    Leadership and innovation: The moderator role of organization support for innovative behaviors

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    This study aims to advance the understanding of direct and moderated effect of transformational leadership on organizational innovation. A new framework is proposed in this research to identify the moderating effect of organization support for idea generating, risk taking and decision-making on the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational innovation. A sample of 63 companies from top 100 Iranian companies participated in this research. The results of this study supported the expected positive relationship between transformational leadership and organizational innovation. Besides, two of the predicted moderating effects were supported in this research. The results suggest that transformational leaders might not only promote innovative activity within the organization but also ensure the market success of the innovations

    Comparison of ex-vivo x-ray changes in different groups of injectable biomaterials (JectOS, MIIG®X3, Osteopaste) in critical size defect of rabbit tibia bone

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    Introduction: Critical size defect (CSD) is defined as a defect that will not heal without intervention within the lifetime. The gold standard treatment for CSD is bone graft, although with some limitations. Substitute biomaterials were introduced to overcome the limitations. JectOS and MIIG® X3 are commercially available biomaterials in the market. Osteopaste is a local product produced by SIRIM. The objective of this study is to compare the radiological changes between Osteopaste, JectOS and MIIG® X3 in CSD in rabbit tibia bone. Methods: New Zealand White rabbits were divided into four groups: control group (Sham operation, n=3); Osteopaste treatment (n=12); JectOS treatment (n=12) and MIIG® X3 treatment (n=12). CSD was created at the right proximal tibia bone of the rabbits in each of the groups and the defects were filled with the biomaterial as assigned. Four animals from each group were sacrificed at 6 weeks, 12 weeks and 24 weeks respectively. The bones were harvested and x-ray imaging performed using SkyScan 1176 at 90kV, 281µA, resolution 4000x2672 with Aluminium 1.0mm. Results: The radiographic density at the CSD area was more prominent in the JectOS group throughout the 24 weeks. Meanwhile, in the MIIG® X3, full resorption occurred at 24 weeks. The Osteopaste group exhibited radiographic density in between that of JectOS and MIIG® X3. Conclusions: Different types of biomaterial exhibit different radiological changes over the period of bone healing. KEYWORDS: critical size defect, osteopaste, bone biomateria

    Faktor pendorong penerimaan teknologi pengawasan pintar dalam kalangan masyarakat: kajian kes di Johor Bahru

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    Kewujudan teknologi pengawasan kian berkembang dengan pesat saban hari. Pembinaan bandar pintar adalah antara faktor yang mendorong peningkatan penggunaan teknologi pengawasan pintar ini. Dalam konteks pengawasan, bandar pintar memantau keadaan di bandar melalui sensor dan kamera atau video yang ditempatkan di sekitar bandar untuk mengumpul data mengenai kehidupan masyarakat (Xu & Liu, 2015)

    Pengawasan Dinas Cipta Karya dan Tata Ruang Kabupaten Rokan Hilir terhadap Pembangunan Fisik (Study Kasus Pembangunan Kantor Camat Kubu Babussalam Tahun 2014 )

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    The results showed that there are some things that impede the supervision of physical development that have an impact on the failure of the project to construct offices, the writers observation of the surveillance of physical development can be categorized still very poor, because still lacking maximum performance of officers of Settlements and Spatial Rokan Downstream in carrying out surveillance in the physical development Babussalam Kubu district, and there are still factors - factors inhibiting the supervision of the physical development of the district office Babussalam camp, which is still a lack of human resources, funding / costs and infrastructure facilities.In the process Supervision which sets standards, action judgments, take corrective action, and regular reports, based on the writers observation, the authors assess is still not good, which is the case according to the authors present a problem in conducting surveillance measures or monitoring physical development in Kecamtan stronghold Babussalam rokan downstream district is only done once a month, and the absence of regular reports prepared by the department of copyrighted works and the district spatial rokan downstream towards the execution of physical development projects. So the impact on the failure of the project to construct offices Babussalam camp. Inside factors - factors inhibiting the supervision of the Department of Human Settlements and Spatial districts rokan downstream to the physical development, the constraints in terms of human resources are categorized still lack quality inspectors agency copyrighted works and spatial planning, in terms of salaries inspectors also minimal, and not the facility or vehicle completeness Department in monitoring the physical project to construct offices Babussalam stronghold Rokan Hilir.Keywords: Surveillance Office of Human Settlements and Physical Developmen

    Penentu Komunikasi Kepimpinan Dan Empowermen Terhadap Motivasi Kakitangan Awam Di Kuala Terengganu

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    The purpose of this study is to predict the determination of head’s leadership communication and empowerment staff on work motivation among public sector workers. Three construct leadership communications have been made into determining factor which is hacked out structure, communication consideration and orientation communication and the study will cover relationship between empowerment and work motivation. Sample only involve from state agency. They comprise of state agency and statutory body staff state. A sum of 108 samples employee from state agency department have been select by using random sampling technique and have been analyses with descriptive method, pearson colerasion, factor analysis and study shows the communication forecaster model that have been built are suitable with the collected study data. Furthermore leadership communication aspect and empowerment should have been given an emphasizing is one organization management to increase motivation among staff

    Some Practical Guidelines for Effective Sample-Size Determination in Observational Studies

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    Abstract- The purpose of this present study was to determine the right sample size in observational study which is focusing on medical or health sciences field. Sample size calculation is actually depends on the type of how the study is designed. For example different formulas are used to calculate the sample size in different type of the study. In this article, the formula of single proportion and two proportions is discussed and an example from medical research, which may contribute to the understanding of this problem, is presented

    A look at social exchange at work: a literature survey approach

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    Considering exchange relations at work, this research is directed to see the effects of exchange relations at work. An attempt had been made to see the flow of exchange from relation to organizational outcomes. In the process of inquiry an attempt had been made to peep into good amount of literature to have true picture. Literature is evident that there are three forms of exchange relations at work i.e. organizationalemployee exchange, supervisor-employee exchange relations and employee-employee exchange relation. On the basis of these findings future recommendations and suggestion have also been given

    Impact of leverage and managerial skills on shareholders' return

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    The recent financial crisis that saw an increase in the risk premium and shareholders’ return around the world is partly caused by the management use of excessive leverage. This paper investigates the effect of leverage and managerial skills on shareholders’ return. Our regression analysis that accounts for managerial skill factors reveals that leverage has a positive relationship with shareholders’ return. Similarly, managerial skills have a positive relationship with shareholders’ return. Based on the findings, the study suggests that leverage and managerial skills may be priced in equity valuation. We develop an index measure of managerial skills and use the upper-echelon theory of the management literature to explain how managerial skills relate to shareholders’ return