58 research outputs found


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    The Covid-19 pandemic, according to PHEOC data from the Ministry of Health as of July 31, 2020, in Indonesia from 866,539 specimens examined, 108,376 confirmed cases, 5,131 cases (4.7%) died and 65,907 cases (60.8%) recovered and 37,316 cases in care. One of the government's programs to prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to use masks properly. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of compliance and accuracy of the use of masks for traders in traditional markets in Surakarta as an effort to prevent Covid-19 disease. This research was conducted using a descriptive survey of 5 markets in the city of Surakarta including the Gede market, Nusukan, Jongke, Kadiplo, and Sidodadi markets. The research sample was taken by random sampling as many as 200 traders in the traditional market of Surakarta. The results of this study indicate that the compliance of traders who interact and conduct transactions in traditional markets in Surakarta City is quite good, because 85% of traders obey using masks as a health protocol to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19 virus. However, the level of accuracy in using masks is still poor, because of the 200 respondents, only 25.24% traders use masks correctly. Suggestions, it is better for the Surakarta City Government, especially the Trade Office, to make regulations and increase socialization and supervision of traders and buyers who interact actively in traditional markets so that new clusters of Covid-19 spread in traditional markets are not formed.Pandemi Covid-19 menurut data PHEOC Kemenkes sampai dengan tanggal 31 Juli 2020, di Indonesia dari 866.539 spesimen yang diperiksa, sebanyak 108.376 kasus terkonfirmasi, 5.131 kasus (4,7%) meninggal dan 65.907 kasus (60,8%) sembuh serta 37.316 kasus dalam perawatan. Salah satu program dari pemerintah untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19 dengan penggunaan masker yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat kepatuhan dan ketepatan penggunaan masker bagi pedagang di pasar tradisional kota Surakarta sebagai upaya pencegahan penyakit Covid-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan survey deskriptif terhadap 5 pasar di kota Surakarta meliputi Pasar Gede, Nusukan, Jongke, Kadiplo, dan pasar Sidodadi. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan random sampling sebanyak 200 responden pedagang di pasar tradisional Surakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepatuhan pedagang yang berinteraksi dan melakukan transaksi di pasar-pasar tradisional di Kota Surakarta sudah cukup baik, karena 85% pedagang taat menggunakan masker sebagai protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah penularan virus Covid-19. Namun tingkat ketepatan penggunaan masker masih buruk, karena dari 200 responden pedagang hanya 25,24% yang menggunakan masker dengan tepat. Saran, sebaiknya Pemerintah Kota Surakarta, khusunya Dinas Perdagangan perlu membuat regulasi serta meningkatkan sosialisasi dan pengawasan terhadap pedagang dan pembeli yang berinteraksi aktif di pasar-pasar tradisional agar tidak terbentuk kluster baru penyebaran Covid-19 di pasar-pasar tradisional

    Pemetaan Area Pelayanan Dan Jaringan PT. Pln (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Golongan Pelanggaran Pelanggan

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    PT. PLN (Persero) East Java Distribution (PLN Jatim) is one of the biggest providing electrics companies in East Java. Electrics is very important need for people. If PLN experiences some financial losses, then the society will sufter from the impact. One of the causes of PLN losses is the illegal USAge of the electricity by some customers. PLN Jatim has recorded five categories of cutomer violation. The research aimed is to know the position of service area and the network (APJ) based on the violation category. This research uses Cross Tabulation Analysis method and Correspondence Analysis method. The Result shows that Malang and Situbondo's APJs tend to be A violation category. Mojokerto and Kediri's APJs tend to be B violation category Banyuwangi, Jember and Pamekasan's APJs tend to be C violation category. Madiun, Pasuruan and Sidoarjo's APJs tend to be D violation category. Gresik's APJs tend to be E violation category

    Implementasi Kegiatan Pidato Untuk Pemahaman Pendidikan Agama Islam Di Mts Asy – Syarifah Brumbung Mranggen Demak

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    Muhammad Safiul Amin. 31501900088. IMPLEMENTASI KEGIATAN PIDATO UNTUK PEMAHAMAN AGAMA ISLAM DI MTS ASY-SYARIFAH BRUMBUNG MRANGGEN DEMAK. Skripsi, Semarang: Fakultas Agama Islam universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Juli 2023. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah pertama Untuk mengetahui praktek kegiatan pidato di MTs Asy – Syarifah Brumbung Mranggen Demak. Kedua untuk mengetahui implementasi kegiatan pidato terhadap pemahaman Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Asy – Syarifah Brumbung Mranggen Demak. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah sumber data primer dan sumber data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Sebelum program pidato dilaksanakan, pengurus OSIS melakukan sosialisasi kepada kelas VII dan VIII sesuai perintah dan arahan waka kesiswaan. Sosialisasi tersebut dilakukan pada saat Masa Orientasi Siswa (MOS) untuk menginformasikan program pidato dengan baik. Dalam sosialisasi tersebut OSIS menjelaskan bahwa program pidato dilaksanakan setiap hari Sabtu pada jam ke VII dan VIII setelah kegiatan KBM selesai. Selain itu OSIS juga menjelaskan tugas siswa kelas VII dan VIII dalam pelaksanaan pidato tersebut. tugas siswa dalam pelaksanaan pidato meliputi pembawa acara (MC), pembaca ayat suci Al-Qur’an (tilawah), pembaca arti Al-Qur’an (sari tilawah), dan yang berpidato (pemateri). (2) Pada pelaksanaan pidato yang pertama kali siswa kelas VII dan VIII tidak langsung praktek, melainkan digunakan untuk pembentukan kelompok dan pembuatan tata tertib atau peraturan serta sanksi, dengan didampingi oleh Dewan Guru yang bertugas. Pembuatan kelompok dilakukan secara acak. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari 4 sampai 5 anak yang nantinya akan bertugas secara bergantian setiap minggunya.(3) Dewan guru bimbingan konseling juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan untuk mengatur kegiatan. Dalam program pidato dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu sebagai penanggung jawab kelas, bertugas mengawasi pelaksanaan pidato dari awal sampai dengan selesai, memberikan evaluasi, motivasi atau arahan, dan saran untuk para petugas pidato agar lebih bersemangat dan kedepannya dapat tampil lebih bagus lagi. Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Pidato, Pemahaman, Pendidikan Agama Isla

    Institution reinforcement of mosque in social economic empowerment of small traders community

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    Historically, mosque is the center for human civilization with various activities covering social, economy, and culture. However, its function have been shifted and specialized into a place of worship. This paper aims to describe the contribution of the great mosque of Attaqwa Pancor in social economic empowerment, particularly small businesses in Pancor, East Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). The Data are collected through observation, interview, and document study. The result of the analysis shows that mosque involvement in the small-scale economic activities has brought them to be free from the difficulty of capital access and dependence. In the first stage, that is the period of 2019 to August 2020, through Mawar Emas program, total of 80 small-traders in Pancor village was helped to be free from debt problems. The great mosque of Attaqwa which is supported by Indonesia Sharia Economic Community (Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah, MES) were successfully distributing the total amount of 80 million rupiahs for the small business purposes. The existence of the Attaqwa mosque proves and affirms that religious institutions can contribute to the social economic development. Considering the strategic position, this paper suggests the need for institutional reinforcement of mosque to restore its broad role in addition to religious issues

    Development of missing data prediction model for carbon monoxide

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) is one of the most important pollutants since it is selected for API calculation. Therefore, it is paramount to ensure that there is no missing data of CO during the analysis. There are numbers of occurrences that may contribute to the missing data problems such as inability of the instrument to record certain parameters. In view of this fact, a CO prediction model needs to be developed to address this problem. A dataset of meteorological and air pollutants value was obtained from the Air Quality Division, Department of Environment Malaysia (DOE). A total of 113112 datasets were used to develop the model using sensitivity analysis (SA) through artificial neural network (ANN). SA showed particulate matter (PM10) and ozone (O3) were the most significant input variables for missing data prediction model of CO. Three hidden nodes were the optimum number to develop the ANN model with the value of R2 equal to 0.5311. Both models (artificial neural network-carbon monoxide-all parameters (ANN-CO-AP) and artificial neural network-carbon monoxide-leave out (ANN-CO-LO)) showed high value of R2 (0.7639 and 0.5311) and low value of RMSE (0.2482 and 0.3506), respectively. These values indicated that the models might only employ the most significant input variables to represent the CO rather than using all input variables

    Assessing indoor air quality using chemometric models

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    The objectives of this study are to identify the significant variables and to verify the best statistical method for determining the effect of indoor air quality (IAQ) at 7 different locations in Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia. The IAQ data were collected using in-situ measurement. Principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), linear discrimination analysis (LDA), and agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) were used to classify the significant variables as well as to compare the best method for determining IAQ levels. PCA verifies only 4 out of 9 parameters (PM10, PM2.5, PM1.0, and O3) and is the significant variable in IAQ. The PLS-DA model classifies 89.05% correct of the IAQ variables in each station compared to LDA with only 66.67% correct. AHC identifies three cluster groups, which are highly polluted concentration (HPC), moderately polluted concentration (MPC), and low-polluted concentration (LPC) area. PLS-DA verifies the groups produced by AHC by identifying the variables that affect the quality at each station without being affected by redundancy. In conclusion, PLS-DA is a promising procedure for differentiating the group classes and determining the correct percentage of variables for IAQ

    Development of e-learning, mobile apps, character building, and outdoor study (emco learning model) to improve geography outcomes in the 21st century

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    This development study aims to 1) create a learning model that fuses e-learning, a mobile app, character building, and outdoor study and 2) determine the effectiveness of the EMCO learning model on student learning outcomes. This study uses a research and development design with the model of Dick and Carey. A product feasibility test is performed by the learning, media, and materials expert validators, and the product’s effectiveness is tested by students. The data analysis includes descriptive statistics to determine the product feasibility and an independent sample t-test to determine the effectiveness of the learning model. The results of the expert validation show that the EMCO model is in the very good category and does not need revision. The EMCO model has a learning syntax with four phases: LKPD (student worksheet), assessment instrument, learning media, and teaching materials. Results indicate that the EMCO learning model is effective in improving geography learning outcomes. The model has the advantages of 1) effective and innovative material delivery; 2) easy-to-use navigation keys to access the material; 3) attractive design; 4) availability of CBT (computer-based test); and 5) online learning media that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and under any conditions. The research has a positive impact on students and is able to transform them into 21st-century learning agents

    The evaluation on artificial neural networks (ANN) and multiple linear regressions (MLR) models over particulate matter (PM10) variability during haze and non-haze episodes: A decade case study

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    The comprehensives of particulate matter studies are needed in predicting future haze occurrences in Malaysia. This paper presents the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Multiple Linear Regressions (MLR) coupled with sensitivity analysis (SA) in order to recognize the pollutant relationship status over particulate matter (PM10) in eastern region. Eight monitoring studies were used, involving 14 input parameters as independent variables including meteorological factors. In order to investigate the efficiency of ANN and MLR performance, two different weather circumstances were selected; haze and non-haze. The performance evaluation was characterized into two steps. Firstly, two models were developed based on ANN and MLR which denoted as full model, with all parameters (14 variables) were used as the input. SA was used as additional feature to rank the most contributed parameter to PM10 variations in both situations. Next, the model development was evaluated based on selected model, where only significant variables were selected as input. Three mathematical indices were introduced (R2, RMSE and SSE) to compare on both techniques. From the findings, ANN performed better in full and selected model, with both models were completely showed a significant result during hazy and non-hazy. On top of that, UVb and carbon monoxide were both variables that mutually predicted by ANN and MLR during hazy and non- hazy days, respectively. The precise predictions were required in helping any related agency to emphasize on pollutant that essentially contributed to PM10 variations, especially during haze period

    Antibacterial and hemocompatible pH-responsive hydrogel for skin wound healing application: in vitro drug release

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    The treatment of successive skin wounds necessitates meticulous medical procedures. In the care and treatment of skin wounds, hydrogels produced from natural polymers with controlled drug release play a crucial role. Arabinoxylan is a well-known and widely available biological macromolecule. We produced various formulations of blended composite hydrogels (BCHs) from arabinoxylan (ARX), carrageenan (CG), and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) using and cross-linked them with an optimal amount of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). The structural, morphological, and mechanical behavior of the BCHs samples were determined using Fourier-transform infrared spec-troscopy (FT-IR), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), mechanical testing, and wetting, respectively. The swelling and degradation assays were performed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution and aqueous media. Maximum swelling was observed at pH 7 and the least swelling in basic pH regions. All composite hydrogels were found to be hemocompatible. In vitro, silver sulfadiazine release profile in PBS solution was analyzed via the Franz diffusion method, and maximum drug release (87.9%) was observed in 48 h. The drug release kinetics was studied against different mathematical models (zero-order, first-order, Higuchi, Hixson–Crowell, Korsmeyer–Peppas, and Baker–Lonsdale models) and compared their regression coefficient (R2) values. It was observed that drug release follows the Baker–Lonsdale model, as it has the highest value (0.989) of R2. Hence, the obtained results indicated that, due to optimized swelling, wetting, and degradation, the blended composite hydrogel BCH-3 could be an essential wound dressing biomaterial for sustained drug release for skin wound care and treatment