348 research outputs found
Influence of lightning on electron density variation in the ionosphere using WWLLN lightning data and GPS data
Includes bibliography.In this study we have demonstrated that a seasonal and diurnal correlation exists between occurrence frequencies of wave-like structures in the form of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TID) in the ionosphere and tropospheric lightning in the mid-latitude region over South Africa. Lightning induced changes in total electron content (TEC) are strongest between September and March, with the more-pronounced effects occurring 12:00 - 22:00 UT, but from April through August there is a low probability of having significant lightning-induced TID occurrence. The strongest oscillations in the total electron content of the ionosphere have dominant periods of range 0.6 to 0.8 and 1.2to 2.5 hours, typical periods for medium scale TIDs and large scale TIDs respectively. Since ionospheric scintillation is caused by irregularities in electron density which act as wave scatterers, it is feasible that lightning-induced TIDs may provide the mechanism for causing the concomitant and co-located changes in ionospheric total electron con-tent that was observed. Both the lightning and the ionospheric irregularity have spatial dependence over South Africa dominating around Bloemfontein. We have also found a strong seasonal and diurnal correlation between occurrence frequencies of the high rate of change of TEC index (ROTI _ 0.8 TECU/min) as a proxy for amplitude scintillationS4 index and lighting stroke rate. The correlation coefficient linking diurnal lightning stroke rate and high ROTI is found to be about 86%. While the seasonal correlation between the monthly average ROTI and average stroke rate is about 70%, the seasonal average ROTI and average stroke rate correlation is found to be about 84%. This there-fore implies that the presence of lightning is a likely cause of the generation of TIDs and subsequent irregularities in the ionosphere
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat (ULM) merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi terbesar dan tertua yang berada di Kalimantan. Pada tahun 2018 jumlah mahasiswa baru yang terdata oleh kampus ini sebesar 2.255 mahasiswa di Banjarbaru dan 4.156 mahasiswa di Banjarmasin. ULM sebagai institusi pendidikan wajib melakukan pengelolaan air limbah kegiatan domestik yang dihasilkannya. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Tahun 2016 No.P.68 menyatakan bahwa setiap usaha dan/atau kegiatan yang menghasilkan air limbah domestik wajib melakukan pengolahan air limbah domestik yang dihasilkannya. Berdasarkan hasil pemantauan kondisi eksisting terdapat beberapa fakultas memiliki kondisi tangki septik yang ada sudah tidak sesuai standar dan jarang dilakukan pengurasan. Selain itu pada beberapa tangki septik tidak ditemukan bak kontrol yang menyebabkan sukar dilakukan pemantauan dan pengelolaan. Tujuan dari perencanaan dan perancangan ini adalah menentukan teknologi pengolahan air limbah yang sesuai dengan karakteristik air limbah domestik, merencanakan dan merancang unit pengolahan air limbah serta memperkirakan rencana anggaran biaya diperlukan. Metode yang diperlukan dalam perencanaan ini ialah pengumpulan informasi berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Berdasarkan data analisis kualitas dan kuantitas air limbah dan pertimbangan dengan metode skoring, maka teknologi biofilter anaerob aerob ditetapkan sebagai teknologi pengolahan air limbah domestik dengan nilai total sebesar 2.85. Adapun unit-unit yang direncanakan pada instalasi pengolahan air limbah ini ialah bak ekualisasi, bak pengendapan awal, bak biofilter anaerob, bak biofilter aerob dan bak pengendapan akhir. Rencana Anggaran biaya yang diperlukan dalam pembangunan IPAL ialah sebesar Rp.1.323.618.000- (Satu Milyar Tiga Ratus Dua Puluh Tiga Juta Enam Ratus Delapan Belas Ribu Rupiah
Scour is an important issue due to the potential great extent of loss and risks associated with scouring. The work described herein constitutes laboratory testing of the time development of scour holes in clayey soils produced by a submerged vertical circular impinging jet. Long term laboratory tests were performed on three types of manufactured pottery clays, Buffstone clay (50.3-51.7% clay), P300 clay (48.7-50.7% clay), and M370 clay (51.1-51.3% clay). Detailed measurements of the entire scour hole were performed on a 2 mm grid using a computer controlled laser optical profiler after scouring times of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 16 h, 24 and then at every 24 h interval until the scour hole was considered to have reached equilibrium based on the criterion used by Mazurek et al. (2001). This resulted in long test durations ranging from 120 h to 384 h.
For the time development of the scour hole, a three-dimensional scour hole surface was produced using the data taken by an optical profiler. Thereafter, four cross sections of the scour hole were extracted from the three-dimensional scour hole surface. Dimensions considered for analysis were taken from both the three-dimensional scour hole surface and the cross sections of the scour hole. The volume of the scour hole, and the centreline and maximum scour hole depths were extracted from the scour hole surface. The section-wise maximum scour depth, radius of the scour hole, half-width about the jet centreline, and half-width about the section-wise maximum scour depth were extracted for each cross-sections. The growth of these dimensions were observed with time. For a significant portion of scouring, the centreline and maximum scour hole depths increased linearly with the logarithm of time. For the majority of the tests, the half-widths decreased with time. Temporary ceasing of the increment of the centreline and maximum scour hole depths was observed, called “plateaus”, in the time development plot. Scour hole dimensions for the cross-sections showed variability from the average scour hole dimensions. However, for most of the tests this variability decreased with time as the scour test proceeded.
To decide on whether the equilibrium state of the scour hole was achieved, all of the aforementioned scour hole dimensions were evaluated. The characteristic scour hole dimension to decide on the equilibrium condition was termed as the “critical equilibrium dimension”. Four of the scour tests reached an overall equilibrium state, the section wise maximum scour hole depth was the critical equilibrium dimension for three of those. The half-widths were the critical equilibrium dimension for one of the tests. However, previous studies did not consider the “side slope erosion” of the scour hole, hence neglected the section-wise maximum scour depth and half widths for identifying equilibrium condition.
Dimensionless scour hole profiles were developed using the centreline scour depth as the scale for scour hole depth and the half-width about the centreline depth as the scale for radial distance from the jet centreline. A general equation of the dimensionless equilibrium scour hole profile was developed by fitting a sine function to the equilibrium scour test profiles using linear regression analysis. Dimensionless scour hole profiles with time during the scour test were compared to the dimensionless profile at equilibrium. It was observed that while for some scour tests the equilibrium scour hole shape formed quickly compared to the time to equilibrium, for some scour tests the equilibrium shapes did not form until the scour hole stopped growing
Scour is an important issue due to the potential great extent of loss and risks associated with scouring. The work described herein constitutes laboratory testing of the time development of scour holes in clayey soils produced by a submerged vertical circular impinging jet. Long term laboratory tests were performed on three types of manufactured pottery clays, Buffstone clay (50.3-51.7% clay), P300 clay (48.7-50.7% clay), and M370 clay (51.1-51.3% clay). Detailed measurements of the entire scour hole were performed on a 2 mm grid using a computer controlled laser optical profiler after scouring times of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 16 h, 24 and then at every 24 h interval until the scour hole was considered to have reached equilibrium based on the criterion used by Mazurek et al. (2001). This resulted in long test durations ranging from 120 h to 384 h.
For the time development of the scour hole, a three-dimensional scour hole surface was produced using the data taken by an optical profiler. Thereafter, four cross sections of the scour hole were extracted from the three-dimensional scour hole surface. Dimensions considered for analysis were taken from both the three-dimensional scour hole surface and the cross sections of the scour hole. The volume of the scour hole, and the centreline and maximum scour hole depths were extracted from the scour hole surface. The section-wise maximum scour depth, radius of the scour hole, half-width about the jet centreline, and half-width about the section-wise maximum scour depth were extracted for each cross-sections. The growth of these dimensions were observed with time. For a significant portion of scouring, the centreline and maximum scour hole depths increased linearly with the logarithm of time. For the majority of the tests, the half-widths decreased with time. Temporary ceasing of the increment of the centreline and maximum scour hole depths was observed, called “plateaus”, in the time development plot. Scour hole dimensions for the cross-sections showed variability from the average scour hole dimensions. However, for most of the tests this variability decreased with time as the scour test proceeded.
To decide on whether the equilibrium state of the scour hole was achieved, all of the aforementioned scour hole dimensions were evaluated. The characteristic scour hole dimension to decide on the equilibrium condition was termed as the “critical equilibrium dimension”. Four of the scour tests reached an overall equilibrium state, the section wise maximum scour hole depth was the critical equilibrium dimension for three of those. The half-widths were the critical equilibrium dimension for one of the tests. However, previous studies did not consider the “side slope erosion” of the scour hole, hence neglected the section-wise maximum scour depth and half widths for identifying equilibrium condition.
Dimensionless scour hole profiles were developed using the centreline scour depth as the scale for scour hole depth and the half-width about the centreline depth as the scale for radial distance from the jet centreline. A general equation of the dimensionless equilibrium scour hole profile was developed by fitting a sine function to the equilibrium scour test profiles using linear regression analysis. Dimensionless scour hole profiles with time during the scour test were compared to the dimensionless profile at equilibrium. It was observed that while for some scour tests the equilibrium scour hole shape formed quickly compared to the time to equilibrium, for some scour tests the equilibrium shapes did not form until the scour hole stopped growing
Concrete has long been the most popular choice for constructing key infrastructural elements such as sewer pipes, water treatment facilities, industrial floors and foundations. However, many field cases from all around the world have shown that concrete elements in these environments are severely damaged due to biogenic and/or chemical sulfuric acid attack. Since high alkalinity is required for the stability of the cementitious matrix, concrete is highly prone to acid attacks, which decalcify and disintegrate the hydrated cement paste to various levels based on exposure conditions and type of concrete. Numerous studies have been conducted to enhance the durability of concrete and understand the influence of key mixture design parameters on its resistance to sulfuric acid attack. Yet, there is dearth of information on the behaviour of a new type of cement in North America, which contains a high level (5 to15%) of interground limestone powder (portland limestone cement: PLC), under acidic attack. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect PLC with or without supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) on the durability of concrete exposed to acidic attack. The study comprised 13 weeks (90 days) immersion of test specimens in 5% sulfuric acid solutions with pH in the range of 0.1 to 2.5. Physical and microstructural results reveal that PLC may improve the resistance of concrete to sulfuric acid attack, whereas the SCMs had a mixed effect on the results
Assessment of Equilibrium Scour by a Submerged Circular Turbulent Impinging Jet in Cohesive Soils
In this paper, results from a study where detailed measurements of the time development of the scour holes produced by a submerged circular vertical impinging jet in cohesive soils from long-term scour tests are presented. This type of jet is the one used in the ASTM standard Jet Erodiblity Test, which relies on measurements of the time development of scour for prediction of soil erodibility parameters. In the experiments, measurements of the entire scour hole were taken on a 2 mm grid using a computer-controlled laser displacement meter after scouring times of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 40 min, 50 min, and 1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 16 h, 24 h and then at an interval of 24 h thereafter until the scour hole was considered to have reached equilibrium based on the criterion used by Mazurek et al. (2001). For the tests, two types of manufactured pottery clays were used. The growth of the maximum depth of scour, average scour hole radii, centerline depth of scour, and scour hole volume were evaluated. Results for the equilibrium values are compared for a number of criteria typically used to decide when a scour hole has reached equilibrium, as well as models to predict equilibrium values. The maximum scour hole depth was appeared to be the appropriate characteristic length for defining equilibrium scour. Results also showed that the Blaisdell et al. (1981) method for predicting equilibrium scour, greatly overestimated equilibrium scour depths
Criticizing the Qur'anic anthropology of Muʿtazila, focusing on the issue of the superiority of angels over the prophets (PBUT) according to the principles of Ayatollah Jawādī Āmulī
Prophetology and angelology are one of the main issues mentioned in the Holy Quran. But the question is which of the virtues is superior to the other in terms of the Qur'anic verses when comparing the good qualities of the angels and the prophets and according to the principles and fundamental of virtue ethics in Qur'an? The Muʿtazila believe that because of being preceded in some Qur'anic verses, the absence of evil attributes and their infallibility, the difficulty of worship and the being the Messenger; the angels have absolute superiority and virtue over the prophets. According to Ayatollah Jawādī Āmulī's interpretative-theological principles, due to the divinity of the different names of the prophets, the absolute and inclusive infallibility, the singularity of the angels and the material life of the prophets, the intercession of angels in some types of revelation, not all of them, the reasons of the Muʿtazila faces serious challenges and thus the virtue and superiority of the Prophets (peace be upon them) are proved
Religious Conflict Management: A Study on the Ansor Youth Movement and Muhammadiyah in Lamongan, Indonesia
Violence in the name of religion continues to sprout within Indonesian society. This article aims to describe the religious conflict resolution model of the NU Ansor Youth Movement and the Muhammadiyah Youth of the Paciran Lamongan Branch. This research employs a qualitative method with a sociological approach to religion, and data collection was conducted through interviews and the study of relevant literature. The findings of this study indicate that: 1) Both the NU Ansor Youth Movement and Muhammadiyah Youth reject violent models of preaching. 2) There is a difference in attitude towards perpetrators of violence, where the NU Ansor Youth Movement tends to adopt a non-accommodative firm stance, unequivocally rejecting and insisting that perpetrators of violence must be punished according to legal statutes, whereas Muhammadiyah Youth exhibits a firm-accommodative attitude, sternly condemning acts of violence but remaining willing to embrace and invite the perpetrators back to a tolerant and inclusive understanding. 3) The media of resolution employed include issuing advisory letters, press releases to the media, dialogues among community elements, conveying deradicalization insights through religious study sessions (Yasinan and Tahlilan), and the formation of Densus 99 Anti-Terror. 4) The conflict resolution model consists of two stages: long-term, aiming to build cadre awareness of the importance of a tolerant attitude and peaceful living through education, training, social and economic empowerment, ideological development, and the distribution of cadres to the public domain; and short-term, wherein preaching programs are executed sporadically and reactively at the time or after acts of violence to prevent the expansion and escalation of conflict
Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write dan Motivasi Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of Think Talk Write learning models on motivation and learning outcomes in Indonesian. The research design used was nonequivalent post-test only control group design. The population in this study were all grade IV SD 3 Sidoluhur, Lawang Malang Regency in the 2018/2019 school year. Samples were taken by random sampling technique. The data collected was analyzed with the MANOVA test. The results showed that: 1) there were significant differences in learning motivation between groups of students who were taught with Think Talk Write learning models and groups of students who were taught with conventional learning models 2) there were significant differences in Indonesian learning outcomes between groups of students who were taught with models Think to Talk Write learning and student groups that are taught with conventional learning models, 3) there are significant differences in learning motivation and Indonesian language learning outcomes between groups of students who are taught with Think Talk Write learning models and groups of students who are taught with conventional learning models
Utilizing Facebook And Instagram (Facegram) To Create A Digital Learning Program For Integrated English Skills
The objective of this study is the development of a digital educational tool for English language instruction by utilising social media platforms, specifically Facebook and Instagram. The ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) paradigm, developed by Gagne et al. in 2005, was employed in the research and development (R&D) project under consideration. The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the process of creating a digital learning module for Integrated English Skills (IIC) education by utilising social media posts from Facebook and Instagram (FaceGram). Facebook and Instagram, because to their nature as social media platforms, are perceived as attractive resources for the purpose of facilitating Integrated English Skills instruction. The utilisation of Facebook and Instagram as platforms for English language training is anticipated to undergo a transformative process, resulting in a pedagogical approach that is both intellectually stimulating and distinctively innovative. This study aims to enhance the four English language skills, namely writing, speaking, reading, and listening, through the utilisation of Facebook and Instagram posts as educational resources. This study aims to provide several illustrative instances of information sourced from Facebook and Instagram that can be effectively utilised for the purpose of instructing Integrated English Skills within the context of digital learning. The present study employed a survey methodology within the English Literature Programme at Universitas Negeri Makassar. The participants consisted of students enrolled in the Integrated English Skills course. The findings of this study could serve as a valuable resource for educators of English as a second language, enabling them to develop engaging and distinctive instructional materials
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