8 research outputs found

    Mekanisme Penanganan Pembiayaan Murabahah Bermasalah Studi Pada Bmt Syari'ah Pare

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    Problems of human life is always against the background of the increasinglydifficult economic conditions. They need help in the form of funds to accelerateits business, the BMT develop products namely Murabaha financing inaccordance with developments in the banking world and the profit improvementtarget of the public welfare. Through such financing , financing their sometimesappear problematic because there are several factors, including the inability of customers to pay on time or maturity payments and sometimes the result of aneffort that substandard and others. This research is qualitative descriptive dataanalysis using primary and secondary data sources with interview techniquesand documentation. Research shows that the causes of murabaha financingproblems: 1) Analysis of the lack of proper financing , 2) Lack or absence of honesty of customers, 3) the Customer does not actually taking in the operations,4) Business customer experience total bankruptcy, 5) Character from thecustomer itself. As for how to handle the problem of murabaha financingthat is by identifying the characters from the customer itself, approaching thecustomer later and provide solutions for businesses with examples of the BMThelp market the products of its customersMasalah kehidupan manusia selalu dilatarbelakangi kondisi ekonomi yangsemakin sulit. Mereka membutuhkan bantuan dalam bentuk dana untukmempercepat USAhanya, BMT mengembangkan produk yaitu pembiayaanMurabahah sesuai dengan perkembangan dunia perbankan dan targetpeningkatan laba dari kesejahteraan masyarakat. Melalui pembiayaan tersebut, pembiayaan mereka terkadang muncul permasalah karena ada beberapa faktor, termasuk ketidakmampuan pelanggan untuk membayartepat waktu atau jatuh tempo pembayaran dan kadang-kadang hasil tidaklancar dan lain-lain. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan data secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder dengan teknikwawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebabmasalah pembiayaan murabahah: 1) Analisis kurangnya pendanaan yangtepat, 2) Kurangnya atau tidak adanya kejujuran pelanggan, 3) Nasabahtidak benar-benar mengelola dana dalam operasi, 4) pengalaman pelanggandalam kebangkrutan total, 5) Karakter dari pelang gan itu sendiri. Adapuncara untuk menangani masalah pembiayaan murabahah yaitu denganmengidentifikasi karakter dari pelang gan itu sendiri, melakukan pendekatandengan pelanggan dan memberikan solusi untuk berbisnis dengan contoh-contohbantuan pasar produk dari BMT kepada para pelanggan

    Persepsi Mahasiswa Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Hes) Terhadap Mata Kuliah Ekonomi Konvensional

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    To find out the perception of Islamic economics law students against conventional economics courses compared to Islamic economics courses, find out the relevance of both to the level of success and know the factors forming the perception of this conventional course. This type of quantitative research and in the form of secondary data that pour numbers, starting from data collection, interpretation of the data, and the appearance of the results. The population of this research is students of Islamic Economics Law IAIN Tulungagung. By presenting a sample of IAIN Tulungagung Islamic Economics Law majoring students taking conventional economics courses as many as 100 students were drawn from six sharia economics law classes. This research is based on qualitative data with quantitative data, we will present the data in graphical form then clarified with the description below. Respondents have positive perceptions about the importance of studying conventional economics and its relevance to increasing insight into the field of conventional economic scholarship. Respondents believe that conventional economics can help with certain legal issues. And conventional economics can create opportunities for ease and smoothness in undergoing a career later as law enforcement. Respondents proved to have a positive perception of conventional economic learning. This learning has benefits in getting good judgment. It was found that there are many factors that influence HES students in studying conventional economics. It can be seen that the important factor is the HR factor, namely the students themselves and the lecturer as the material deliverers. Motivation, students' perspectives and the insight of lecturers delivering the material are believed by the respondents as the main factors influencing their success in studying this conventional economic course. Factors that are considered to hinder the learning process of information systems in the HES department are as follows: Interest and motivation low for conventional economics learning; students' negative perceptions about the relevance of information systems to conventional economics. &nbsp


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    Investment can be  interpreted  as  an  activity to invest    in  both  money  and objects in an object with the aim of obtaining profits over a certain period. Investment decisions   are    a  very  important  decision  in  investing, where in order to get a profit we have to deal with  risk, therefore investors must evaluate the relationship between return  and  risk. This type of research is associative. The data used is primary data obtained through the dissemination of questionnaires to 264  student respondents of the Sharia Economic Law  study program of the Faculty of Sharia and  legal sciences  UIN SATU  Tulungagung. The sampling method used by researchers in each study program is proportionate stratified random sampling. The results  show  that the coefficient value of the variable parameters of investment  knowledge is 1.61  which  means that any  increase in the value  of  knowledge  or  understanding  of  investment    will  increase one's interest.   in  investing.   This  means that there is a  positive  linear  relationship  between  one's  knowledge  and  one's  interest  in  making  investments. The higher the knowledge a person knows investing,  the    higher  one's  interest  in  investing. The result of measuring the goodness of the model is to use the value of the coefficient of determination R2  which shows a number of 48.6%. The value  can be  interpreted  that the model  is able to  explain  the actual condition of only 48.6% where the remaining 51.4%  of a person's interest in investing is influenced by other variables outside the investment knowledge  variable.

    Elementos generales de la atención médica al paciente pediátrico.

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