Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí

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    4710 research outputs found

    “El trabajo informal y su incidencia en la calidad de vida familiar en el sector comercial Nuevo Tarqui, del cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023.”

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    La falta de protección social, estabilidad laboral y reglamentaciones claras que regulen las condiciones de trabajo son algunas de las características intrínsecas del trabajo informal que afectan la calidad de vida laboral de quienes la ejercen. La presente investigación planteo como objetivo general investigar la incidencia del trabajo informal en la calidad de vida familiar en el sector comercial Nuevo Tarqui, del cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023.The lack of social protection, job stability and clear regulations governing working conditions are some of the intrinsic characteristics of informal work that affect the quality of working life of those who practice it. The general objective of this research was to investigate the incidence of informal work on the quality of family life in the Nuevo Tarqui commercial sector of the Manta canton, period 2022-2023. The methodology used was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory, using analytical, deductive-inductive methods, with the survey technique applied to a purposive sample of 100 informal workers in the area under study. Among the main results, it was identified that the main causes that originate informal work in the Nuevo Tarqui commercial sector are the lack of formal labor opportunities and capital, having as effects insufficient income to satisfy their needs, scarcity of family time and unstable labor situation. It is concluded that the impact of informal work on the quality of family life is significant due to the lack of social protection, job stability and clear regulations governing working conditions. The quality of life in the informal sector is low and is associated with factors such as job insecurity, lack of social protection and low pay. In addition, labor informality limits the benefits of trade for developing countries and increases their vulnerability to economic crises

    Análisis del poema Espacio, me has vencido para recuperar la preceptiva literaria.

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    El presente estudio se realizó con la finalidad de analizar el poema Espacio, me has vencido para recuperar la preceptiva literaria en los estudiantes de segundo de bachillerato paralelo “A” de la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Juan Montalvo” de Manta durante el periodo 2022-2023. En esta investigación se utilizó la metodología con enfoque cualitativo, que comprende los fenómenos y situaciones de manera descriptiva mediante la recolección de datos no numéricos, con la aplicación de instrumentos como encuestas y entrevistas.The present study was carried out with the purpose of analysis of the poem Espacio you beat me to recover the literary requirement in the students of the second year of parallel baccalaureate "A" of the Fiscomisional Educational Unit "Juan Montalvo" of Manta during the period 2022- 2023. In this research, the methodology with a qualitative approach was used, which includes the phenomena and situations in a descriptive way through the collection of non-numerical data, with the application of instruments such as surveys and interviews. For the sample, 30 students between the ages of 15 and 16 of both genders were considered, in which their surveys were structured based on the variables to be investigated with 15 items and the interview applied to the teachers of the Language and Literature area with 10 items. The results showed that 80% of the students are not sure they know how to carry out a literary analysis, especially when it is stipulated in their study plan with various types of poems. However, to emphasize the literary contribution, 96.7% of students consider that literary analysis is important for their academic training, while 3.3% do not find literature attractive in their studies. Finally, it is necessary to promote the reading and analysis of poems, encouraging poetry from the classroom to strengthen literary knowledge, also using ICTs such as: videos, audios or interactive presentations in various subjects, varying the didactic strategies to motivate students. students to recover the literary requirement

    Evaluación de dos fórmulas alimenticias con diferentes niveles de proteínas en pollos Broiler de etapa inicial en el Centro de gestión, innovación y transferencia de conocimiento “Finca Tigrillo” de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, 2022.

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    La investigación se realizó en el Centro de gestión, innovación y transferencia de conocimiento “Finca Tigrillo” del cantón Chone, con el objetivo de evaluar dos fórmulas alimenticias de diferentes niveles de proteína en pollos broiler en la etapa inicial. Se realizó la construcción del galpón con todas sus estructuras para la crianza de las aves. Se utilizaron 105 pollitos, divididos en dos grupos de tratamientos y un grupo testigo de 35 pollitos.The research was carried out at the "Finca Tigrillo" Management, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Center of the Chone canton, with the aim of evaluating two feed formulas of different protein levels in broiler chickens in the initial stage. The construction of the shed was carried out with all its structures flor the rearing of birds. 105 chicks were used, divided into two treatment groups and a control group of 35 chicks. The nutrition products were easily obtained, the initial weight was statistically evaluated daily up to 14 days, and the mortality control maintained an adequate biosafety control. Feeding the birds with 48% soy is a good alternative, a result similar to that of the control group was obtained. The 44% soybean group had a lower yield. The daily weight gain of Ration A-B, fed with soybeans of different protein levels with other inputs, obtained a not very favorable weight gain, the best weight gain was from the control group with (485.679 grams/day). Therefore, there is a need to improve the production of broiler chickens, obtaining better feed conversion and weight gain, seeking to feed intelligently, avoiding waste, good intestinal integrity, ensuring that the birds consume adequate and nutritionally balanced amounts. To obtain a cheaper and healthier protein for human consumption. It is important to suggest that chicken meat is a very good source of protein, niacin, selenium, vitamin B6 and phosphorus

    Niveles de fertilización en el cultivo de maní (Arachis hypogaea L.).

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    Se estableció una investigación en el cantón El Carmen vía venado a 800 metros los lados de la fábrica de queso, en coordenadas geográficas: 0°16'31.8" S y 79°28'30.1" W, con el objetivo general de evaluar la respuesta productiva del cultivo de maní (Arachis hypogaea L.) en niveles de nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio en El Carmen, Manabí; para esto se planteó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA), estableciendo un total de 11 tratamientos con 3 repeticiones cada uno, de los cuales se obtienen 33 unidades experimentales, bajo el uso de niveles de N, P y K; los datos obtenidos en relación con los promedios fueron comparados con la prueba de tukey al 5% de probabilidad; las dosis de los niveles establecidos fueron; para el Nitrógeno: 0, 40, 80 y 120 kg ha -1 para el Fósforo: 0, 40, 80 y 120 kg ha-1 y para el Potasio: 0, 25, 50 y 75 kg ha-1; las variables a medir fueron altura de planta, número de nudos, hojas y flores por plantas, además del número de cápsulas por planta y el rendimiento del cultivo por hectárea.An investigation was established in the canton of El Carmen via Venado, 800 meters from the sides of the cheese factory, at geographical coordinates: 0°16'31.8" S and 79°28'30.1" W, with the general objective of evaluating the productive response of the peanut crop (Arachis hypogaea L. ) in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels in El Carmen, Manabí; for this a completely randomized block design (DBCA) was proposed, establishing a total of 11 treatments with 3 replications each, from which 33 experimental units are obtained, under the use of N, P and K levels; the data obtained in relation to the averages were compared with the tukey test at 5% probability; the doses of the established levels were; for Nitrogen: 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 for Phosphorus: 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1 and for Potassium: 0, 25, 50 and 75 kg ha-1; the variables to be measured were plant height, number of nodes, leaves and flowers per plant, in addition to the number of capsules per plant and crop yield per hectare. The results obtained determined that there were no significant differences (p > 0.05 for the agronomic variables of the crop, i.e., plant height, number of nodes, leaves and flowers per plant; as for crop yield, significant differences (p < 0.05) were determined among the treatments, with the medium dose of N (80 kg ha-1), high dose of P (80 kg ha-1) and low dose of K (25 kg ha-1) having a higher average than the other treatments, reaching 5822.22 kg ha-1

    Ganancia de peso de bovinos en la fase de engorde con tres promotores de crecimiento.

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el propósito de evaluar la ganancia de peso de bovinos en fase de engorde con tres promotores de crecimiento. El experimento se llevó a cabo en la granja experimental “Rio Suma” de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí Extensión El Carmen, para el cual se utilizaron 12 novillos mestizos, con un peso promedio de 290 kg. A Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar; Se aplicaron tres tratamientos (T1: Trembolona + 17B Estradiol; T2: Boldenona; T3: Zeranol). Las variables a medir fueron el aumento de peso, conversión alimenticia y análisis económico de cada uno de los tratamientos aplicados. La evaluación fue realizado durante 120 días, donde se obtuvieron ganancias de peso promedio de un mínimo de 260 g y un máximo se obtuvieron 280 g. No se encontraron diferencias significativas p>0.05 para ganancia de peso y alimentación, conversión entre los grupos evaluados.The present investigation was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the weight gain of bovines in the fattening phase with three growth promoters. The experiment was carried out at the "Rio Suma" experimental farm of the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí, El Carmen Extension, for which 12 crossbred steers were used, with an average weight of 290 kg. A Completely Random Block Design was used, three treatments were applied (T1: Trenbolone + 17 B Estradiol; T2: Boldenone; T3: Zeranol). The variables to be measured were weight gain, feed conversion and economic analysis of each of the treatments applied. No significant differences p>0.05 were found for weight gain and feed conversion between the groups evaluated. The economic analysis of the treatments showed a low cost for treatment 2 based on Zeranol and a high cost per animal for treatment 1 (17 B Estradiol + Trenbolone) respectively

    Desarrollo fenológico y producción de biomasa de pasto king grass (pennisetum spp) usando tres niveles de fertilización orgánica y tres alturas de corte.

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo calcular la producción de biomasa y medir los distintos parámetros fenológicos de Pennisetum spp (King Grass) aplicando tres alturas de corte y tres niveles de fertilización orgánica en la granja experimental Río Suma perteneciente a la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí. El diseño experimental fue de bloques completamente al azar con doce tratamientos y tres repeticiones, los cuales incluían alturas de corte de 0; 10 y 20 cm, así como tres niveles de fertilización de 9; 18 y 27 ml de biol. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el programa Infostat y la prueba de Tukey p < 0,05 para la comparación de las medias. Las variables evaluadas fueron altura de la planta, longitud de hoja, ancho de hoja, número de hojas, diámetro del tallo, número de tallos, producción de materia verde, porcentaje de materia seca y análisis económico.The objective of this research was to calculate the biomass production and measure the different phenological parameters of Pennisetum spp (King Grass) applying three harvesting heights and three doses of organic fertilization in the Río Suma experimental farm belonging to the Laica Eloy Alfaro University of Manabí. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks with twelve treatments and three repetitions, which included harvesting heights of 0; 10 and 20 cm, as well as three fertilization doses of 9; 18 and 27 ml of biol. For the statistical analysis, the Infostat program and the Tukey p < 0.05 test were used to compare the means. The evaluated variables were plant height, leaf length, leaf width, number of leaves, stem diameter, number of stems, green matter production, dry matter percentage, and economic analysis. No statistical differences were found in the treatments, however, in factor A (harvesting height) the variables presented higher values in the harvest at 0 cm, while factor B (dose of biol) the control had a higher average in different variables. In the means it was observed that the percentage of dry matter was higher in T11 (harvest 10 cm and without fertilization) with 27,15%, while King Grass grass production was higher in T10 (harvest 0 cm and without fertilization) with 13703.71 kg/ha. The cost-benefit was higher in T10 (harvest 0 cm and without fertilization) with 0.59 dollars

    Buenas prácticas de seguridad e higiene alimentaria en restaurantes de la parroquia san mateo, Manta.

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    El turismo y la gastronomía sigue en su auge de crecimiento como potencia turística, entre los atractivos de sol y playa se encuentra la Parroquia San Mateo. Con una variedad en su área gastronómica en base a mariscos y de espacios para la recreación. A través del presente trabajo se pretende analizar los resultados de las buenas prácticas de seguridad e higiene alimentaria en restaurantes para garantizar la elaboración de productos seguros e inocuos para los clientes de la parroquia San Mateo, de la ciudad de Manta, para lo cual se aplica una metodología con un enfoque descriptivo no experimental, donde se aplican como instrumentos de recolección de información encuestas a las personas que administran locales de comida en el área de estudio.Tourism and gastronomy continue to grow as a tourist power, among the sun and beach attractions is the San Mateo Parish. With a variety in its gastronomic area based on seafood and spaces for recreation. Through the present work, it is intended to analyze the results of good food safety and hygiene practices in restaurants to guarantee the preparation of safe and innocuous products for the clients of the San Mateo parish, in the city of Manta, for which it is applied a methodology with a non-experimental descriptive approach, where surveys are applied as information collection instruments to the people who manage food stores in the study area. The results indicate that in these establishments many of the establishments apply certain food hygiene and health practices empirically, due to the little knowledge they have, for which a guide to standards is proposed that aims to improve the problems encountered

    Criterios para la fijación del precio de venta de cerveza artesanal.

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    El presente estudio investigativo se realizó con el objetivo de identificar el conocimiento de la población de la ciudad de Manta respecto a los métodos de fijación de precios de la cerveza artesanal. La investigación utilizó la técnica de la entrevista con varias cervecerías que elaboran sus propias cervezas artesanales para determinar los métodos de fijación de precios que aplican. Se utilizó un cuestionario que consta de 10 preguntas y se obtuvieron 112 respuestas, divididas en 3 ejes importantes: métodos de fijación de precios, personalización de la cerveza y selección de proveedores.The present investigative study was carried out with the objective of identifying the knowledge of the population of the city of Manta regarding the methods of pricing craft beer. The research used the interview technique with several breweries that brew their own craft beers to determine the pricing methods they apply. A questionnaire consisting of 10 questions was used and 112 answer were obtained, divided into 3 important axes: pricing methods, beer customization, and supplier selection. In particular, 90% of those surveyed stated that pricing methods play an important role in the creation of a product. In conclusion, it is essential to disseminate and share these findings with professionals in the field to generate interest and propose strategies that promote a deeper understanding of pricing methodologies and their correct application, particularly within the craft beer industry

    Plataforma web abierta para la comercialización de cerdos.

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    El comercio porcino anteriormente en la zona de Manabí no cuenta con una plataforma web abierta para la comercialización de cerdos; sin embargo, existen inconvenientes y dificultades para los productores al momento de vender sus productos, ya que allí interactúa el famoso llamado “intermediario”, siendo este el que se lleva el mayor porcentaje de ganancias y el productor con una pequeña parte y a veces hasta menos.The Pig trade currently in the Manabí area does not have an open web platform for the commercialization of pigs; However, there are drawbacks and difficulties for producers when selling their products, since the famous so-called "intermediary" interacts there, being the one who takes the highest percentage of profits and the producer with a small part and sometimes even less. . The current Integrating Project aims to develop an open web platform for the commercialization of pigs and to be able to meet the necessary requirements for the web application, thanks to the implementation of the interviews carried out with the pig producers, it was possible to obtain the necessary data to be able to develop the web platform, then some tools were used that were useful for the development of the web application: PowerDesigner allowed the physical, logical model and the database script, XAMPP and Visual Studio Code these two tools facilitated the connection between the database data and the web application, which allowed the development of a solid platform that includes improving the pig trade, with this web platform the producers will be beneficiaries of the maximum percentage of the profits

    Factores De Riesgos Psicosociales en Educación Superior de Manabí y su Variación Frente al COVID -19.

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    Los Factores de Riesgos Psicosociales serán evaluados en una Institución de Educación Superior en Manabí en el cambio de su modalidad virtual teletrabajo y posteriormente su retorno progresivo presencial, en el área administrativa y operativa frente al COVID-19. El método utilizado es del Ministerio de Trabajo del Ecuador, de naturaleza cuantitativa, con sus indicadores de 8 dimensiones, realizados en línea mediante el link institucional y presencial, obteniendo los resultados de los informes de las encuestas virtual y presencial del cuestionario de riesgos psicosociales aplicado en los periodos 2018, 2020 y 2022.The Psychosocial Risk Factors will be evaluated in a Higher Education Institution in Manabí in the change of its virtual teleworking modality and later its progressive return in person, in the administrative and operational area against COVID-19. The method used is from the Ministry of Labor of Ecuador, of a quantitative nature, with its 8-dimensional indicators, carried out online through the institutional and face-to-face link, obtaining the results of the reports of the virtual and face-to-face surveys of the applied psychosocial risk questionnaire. in the periods 2018, 2020 and 2022. In the results obtained, it was observed that in the dimensions Leadership, Margin of action and control and working conditions, the high risk decreased compared to 2018 with 2020 and increased compared to 2020 with 2022. However, workplace bullying, sexual harassment, double presence and self-perceived health, the high risk increased progressively. In conclusion, teleworking and the subsequent return to face-to-face activities have generated both positive and negative effects and, even more importantly, have allowed the possibility of continuing to work


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