6 research outputs found

    Face Graft Scaffold Production in a Rat Model.

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    BACKGROUND: As a route toward face bioengineering, the authors previously reported the production of a complete scaffold by perfusion-decellularization of a porcine ear subunit graft and partial recellularization. To extend the scaffold to the whole face and to down-scale it, they applied their findings to a rodent hemifacial graft model. METHODS: After the animals were killed, seven full-thickness rat hemiface grafts were harvested with the common carotid artery and the external jugular vein as a pedicle, and cannulated. Grafts were decellularized by a detergent-based protocol: either by perfusion through the common carotid artery, or by mechanical agitation. After decellularization, samples were analyzed for DNA quantification and histology by hematoxylin and eosin, Masson trichrome, Sirius red, or Safranin O staining. Vascular tree patency was assessed by microangiographic computed tomography after contrast injection. Cell-friendly extracellular matrix was assessed by seeding of human adipose-derived stem cells and vital staining after 7 days of culture. RESULTS: Decellularization was effective in both groups, with a cell clearance at all levels, with the exception of cartilage areas in the agitation-treated groups. Microscopic assessment found a well-preserved extracellular matrix in both groups. Vascular contrast was found in all regions of the scaffolds. After the animals were killed, seeded cells were found viable and well distributed on all scaffolds. CONCLUSIONS: The authors successfully decellularized face grafts in a rodent model, with a preserved vascular tree. Perfusion-decellularization led to better and faster results compared with mechanical agitation but is not mandatory in this model. The rat face is an interesting scaffold model for further recellularization studies, in the final goal of human face bioengineering

    Single-Artery Human Ear Graft Procurement: A Simplified Approach.

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    In the field of experimental facial vascularized composite tissue allotransplantation, a human auricular subunit model, pedicled on both superficial temporal and posterior auricular arteries, was described. Clinical cases of extensive auricular replantation, however, suggested that a single artery could perfuse the entire flap. In this study, variants of this single-pedicle approach have been studied, aiming to develop a more versatile replantation technique, in which the question of venous drainage has also been addressed. For arterial perfusion study, the authors harvested 11 auricular grafts, either on a single superficial temporal artery pedicle (n = 3) or a double superficial temporal and posterior auricular artery pedicle (n = 8). The authors then proceeded to selective barium injections, in the superficial temporal, posterior auricular, or both superficial temporal and posterior auricular arteries. Arteriograms were acquired with a micro-computed tomographic scan and analyzed on three-dimensionally reconstructed images. Venous drainage was investigated in eight hemifaces, carefully dissected after latex injection. Observations showed a homogenous perfusion of the whole auricle in all arterial graft variants. Venous drainage was highly variable, with either a dominant superficial temporal vein (37.5 percent), dominant posterior auricular vein (12.5 percent), or co-dominant trunks (50 percent). The authors demonstrated that auricular subunit vascularized composite tissue allotransplantation can be performed on a single artery, relying on the dynamic intraauricular anastomoses between superficial temporal artery and posterior auricular branches. Potentially, this vascular versatility is prone to simplify the subunit harvest and allows various strategies for pedicle selection. Venous drainage, however, remains inconstant and thus the major issue when considering auricular transplantation. Therapeutic, V


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