150 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains dan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa menggunakan penerapan model inkuiri terbimbing pada eksperimen kinetika enzim. Subjek yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa program studi kimia yang sedang mengikuti mata kuliah praktikum biokimia dan terdiri dari 18 mahasiswa pada kelas penelitian dan 19 mahasiswa pada kelas kontrol. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain “Pretest-postest, nonequivalent control group design”. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa 7 butir soal uraian yang mencakup 5 indikator keterampilan generik sains (pengamatan langsung, hukum sebab akibat, bahasa simbolik, pemodelan matematis, dan membangun konsep), 3 indikator keterampilan berpikir kreatif (kelancaran, keluwesan, dan kejelasan) dan lembar kerja mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model inkuiri terbimbing pada eksperimen kinetika enzim dapat meningkatkan keterampilan generik sains dan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa secara keseluruhan pada kategori tinggi dengan berturut-turut 0,77 dan 0,70. Hanya 4 indikator keterampilan generik sains yang peningkatannya tergolong pada kategori tinggi, yaitu pengamatan langsung, hukum sebab akibat, bahasa simbolik, dan pemodelan matematis. Sedangkan untuk keterampilan berpikir kreatif peningkatannya tergolong pada kategori tinggi untuk semua indikator. This study aims to improve generic science and creative thinking skills of students troughed implementation of guided inquiry model on experiments of enzyme kinetics. Method of this research was quasi-experimental methods, with pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. Subjects of this study were chemistry students enrolled in biochemistry lab course, consisted of 18 students in the experimental class and 19 students in control class. Instrument in this study was essay test that involves 5 indicators of generic science skills (i.e. direct observation, the law of cause and effect, symbolic language, mathematical modeling, and concepts formation), 3 indicators of creative thinking (i.e. fluency, flexibility, and elaboration) and also student worksheets. The results showed that experiments of kinetics enzyme using guided inquiry model have been enhance generic science and creative thinking skills in high category with consecutive 0,77 and 0,70. Only 4 indicators of generic science skills classified in the high category were direct observation, causality, symbolic language, and mathematical modeling. As for creative thinking skills classified in high category for all indicators. ;--

    System Modeling: An Exploratory Study Of Engineering Students’ Conceptual Knowledge And Problem-Solving Skills

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    System modeling (SM) instructional strategy, an application of system thinking (ST), canbe used as an instructional approach to help students develop SM skills and deepen their understanding of subject matter (Hung, 2009). Mechanical engineering students have difficulty applying gained knowledge in real-world contexts and are reportedly underprepared for workplace challenges (Kirkpatrick et al., 2011; Warsame, 2017). This study explored the efficacy of system modeling (SM) instructional strategy in a mechanical engineering course. Specifically, the study sought to understand students’ perceptions and experiences with the use of system modeling in enhancing their conceptual knowledge and problem-solving skills. This study employed a qualitative inquiry approach to understand engineering students’ experience and perceptions of the use of system modeling. A purposeful sampling technique was utilized to recruit mechanical engineering students to participate in the study. Semi-structured interviews and students’ artifacts including problem solving survey and causal modeling diagrams, were used to explore and gain an in-depth understanding of students’ experiences with the use of system modeling (SM) instructional approach. The findings indicated promising effects of the SM approach on students’ learning outcomes. Seven major themes emerged from the in-depth interviews conducted to gain insights into students’ experiences. These themes included: problem diagnosis, interconnection and interdependency, linearity, external representation of causal relationship, wholeness and decision making, organize problem-solving approach, and systematic and forward-thinking process. Students’ artifacts and data presented in this study supported their positive experiences using the SM approach. The problem solving inventory PSI survey responses indicated that most of the participants believed the SM approach affected their perceived problem-solving skills, especially their approach-avoidance style. Furthermore, the model diagram analysis suggested that all participants showed moderate system thinking skills after the SM instructional strategy. This current study provides insight and understanding about SM instructional strategy effectiveness and how it can help enhance student learning outcomes. Exploring the impact of SM on student learning experiences is important not only because it could provide alternative instruction to the traditional methods, but also to inform instructors of its potential benefit of undergraduate education instruction. Furthermore, the current study could serve as a guide for instructors on how to implement the SM instructional strategy in a mechanical engineering curriculum


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    Hipotermi bayi baru lahir disebabkan karena pengetahuan yang kurang tentang perawatan bayi baru lahir yang benar,dan pelaksanaan kontak dini yang belum optimal dilakukan pada semua ibu bersalin.Pelaksanaan IMD hanya dilakukan pada 30 ibu bersalin (75%).Menurut RIESKEDAS Jawa Timur tahun 2013, AKB 29,24/1000 kelahiran hidup.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan pelaksanaan inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) dengan kejadian hipotermi pada bayi baru lahir di RB Anugrah Surabaya. Desain penelitian analitik,jenis rancangan Cross Sectional.Variabel independen pelaksanaan IMD,variabel dependen hipotermi bayi baru lahir.Populasi sebanyak 40 bayi baru lahir.Sampel sebanyak 37 bayi baru lahir, diambil secara simple random sampling.Data diolah dengan editing,coding,dan tabulating dan diuji Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α=0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan responden bersedia untuk melakukan inisiasi menyusu dini sebanyak (67,6%) dan kejadian hipotermi ringan sebanyak (27,2%),hipotermi sedang sebanyak (24,3%). Sedangkan yang tidak mengalami kejadian hipotermi sebanyak (48,5%) dan didapatkan ρ=0,001 sehingga H0 ditolak. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan antara inisiasi menyusu dini dengan kejadian hipotermi pada bayi baru lahir di RB Anugrah Surabaya. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan dapat meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan dalam memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya inisiasi menyusu dini (IMD) dan aktif terlibat langsung dalam pelaksanaan IMD pada bayi baru lahir

    Adaptations and Translations of Shakespeare’s “Othello,” in France, during the Eighteenth Century. A comparative Study

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    The Effect Of Different Written Task Instructions On Students’ Scores In A Physical And Virtual Environment

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    Electronic laboratory activities offer opportunities to help students learn about concepts and develop practical competencies in electronic circuit systems. Evidence in the literature suggests that the effectiveness of laboratory activities might be affected by the type of instructions provided (explicit or implicit), and the lab environment (physical or virtual) in which the activities were performed. This study investigated the effect of different written task instructions (explicit versus implicit) and lab environment (physical versus virtual) on students’ scores in an electronic circuit task. This study was a quantitative experiment that used a repeated measure factorial design to determine how the written instructions used in different environments affected students’ scores. Study results showed that there was no statistical significant difference in scores when students were presented with implicitly or explicitly written instructions. Similarly, results indicated no significant difference in scores when students used either physical or virtual environments. However, the computed effect size revealed that virtual environments might have a slightly higher effect on students’ scores. These results suggest that the type of written instructions presented and the lab environment used may not have significantly affected students’ scores


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    Perencanaan karier merupakan suatu proses yang berawal dari mengenal dan memahami diri sendiri, menyadari adanya peluang dan beragam pilihan dengan segala konsekuensinya, mengidentifikasi pilihan, membuat keputusan, mengembangkan tujuan dan rencana sampai membuat rencana tehadap suatu pekerjaan. Tiga aspek utama dalam perencanaan karier yaitu pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap diri pribadi, pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap pekerjaan, serta cara berpikir yang benar antara diri pribadi dan dunia kerja. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh individu dalam memahami dirinya yang kemudian menghasilkan suatu konsep tentang diri sendiri  yang biasa disebut dengan konsep diri atau self concept. Konsep diri inilah yang menjadi kunci utama dalam perencanaan karier yang matang dan bijak. Sehingga apabila kita mampu memahami konsep diri yang ada pada diri kita, kita juga akan mampu mengetahui minat, bakat, kelebihan serta kekurangan yang kita punya. Sehingga mampu memudahkan kita dalam merencanakan karier. Kata Kunci: remaja, self concept, perencanaan karie


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    Mass media is one of the media publications to the public in the formation of the Image. Important positive images are formed to foster public trust. News in the newspaper media is still interesting to be appointed in an effort to build a positive image of educational institutions. In addition to targeting the masses of young people, higher education institutions also target parents who are still familiar with conventional media such as newspapers. The case study in this study was Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) and news in the Suara Merdeka newspaper. Suara Merdeka is interesting to be appointed because the local  central Java newspaper has amounts of printing and is still an alternative reading in the Central Java region where this segmentation is in line with Udinus segmentation which is domiciled in Semarang, Central Java.This study aims to analyze the theme of news that often arises about the institution, the frequency of occurrence of coverage in certain periodizations. Furthermore, this can be observed how the reporting of a media that has the power to shape the image of the institution. The method used is quantitative content analysis, which describes how the contents of the media using thematic and physical recording units are analyzed using the concept of public relations about media and the formation of the image of the institution. The result can be seen that there are 9 sections in Suara Merdeka which present Udinus related news, namely Semarang Metro rubric, Edukasia, Screen, Page 1, Business Economy, Around Young Tugu, Salatiga News, Youth Voice Expressions. Screen Rubric occupies the highest position in the news, which is 70.3%. For thetheme that is often reported, there are four types of reporting, namely news related to the world of academics (products), related to environmental responsibility (CSR), reporting related the environment and reporting relatedto the activities of communicating the activities of the institution.


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    Mass media is one of the media publications to the public in the formation of the Image. Important positive images are formed to foster public trust. News in the newspaper media is still interesting to be appointed in an effort to build a positive image of educational institutions. In addition to targeting the masses of young people, higher education institutions also target parents who are still familiar with conventional media such as newspapers. The case study in this study was Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) and news in the Suara Merdeka newspaper. Suara Merdeka is interesting to be appointed because the local  central Java newspaper has amounts of printing and is still an alternative reading in the Central Java region where this segmentation is in line with Udinus segmentation which is domiciled in Semarang, Central Java.This study aims to analyze the theme of news that often arises about the institution, the frequency of occurrence of coverage in certain periodizations. Furthermore, this can be observed how the reporting of a media that has the power to shape the image of the institution. The method used is quantitative content analysis, which describes how the contents of the media using thematic and physical recording units are analyzed using the concept of public relations about media and the formation of the image of the institution. The result can be seen that there are 9 sections in Suara Merdeka which present Udinus related news, namely Semarang Metro rubric, Edukasia, Screen, Page 1, Business Economy, Around Young Tugu, Salatiga News, Youth Voice Expressions. Screen Rubric occupies the highest position in the news, which is 70.3%. For thetheme that is often reported, there are four types of reporting, namely news related to the world of academics (products), related to environmental responsibility (CSR), reporting related the environment and reporting relatedto the activities of communicating the activities of the institution.


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Adapun teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah proportionate stratified random sampling dengan sampel sebanyak 172 orang. Adapun alat analisis menggunakan analisis regresi, Uji t, dan uji F, dengan menggunakan software IBM SPSS Statistic 22. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: (1) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Kualitas Pelayanan (X1) terhadap Kepuasan Peserta Didik (Y). Hal ini berdasarkan persamaan regresi ƶ=7,382+0,538X, dan nilai t hitung = 9,195 lebih besar dari t tabel = 1,9738. (2) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara Sarana Prasarana (X2) terhadap Kepuasan Peserta Didik (Y). Hal ini berdasarkan persamaan regresi ƶ=18,962+0,396 X, dan t hitung = 7,838 lebih besar dari t tabel = 1,9738. (3) Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara kualitas pelayanan, dan sarana dan prasarana yang disediakan secara simultan terhadap kepuasan peserta didik. Hal ini berdasarkan persamaan regresi ƶ=6,851+0,390X1+0,193X2, dan hasil Fhitung=49,643 lebih besar dari Ftabel=3,0494. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, Sarana Prasarana, Kepuasan Peserta Didi
