11 research outputs found

    Measuring the Level of Public Service Quality Using SERVQUAL Method in Gayungan Village, Surabaya City

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    Kelurahan (village office) is the working area of lurah (village head), serving as a regional apparatus for developing economic facilities and public services. In this context, Gayungan Village has many problems arising from public opinion related to population registration, the need for correspondence, and the management of social assistance. Therefore, this research aimed to measure the level of public service quality as an evaluation material focused on tangibility, reliability, responsibility, assurance, and empathy dimensions. A quantitative analysis was adopted using service quality (servqual) method. The results showed that there was a discrepancy between expectations and reality in all dimensions. Tangibility, reliability, responsibility, assurance, and empathy dimensions obtained a gap value of -0.91, -1.06, -1.16, -1.04, and -0.88, respectively. Meanwhile, the improvement of public service quality should be carried out to appropriately meet the wishes and needs of the public.Kelurahan merupakan wilayah kerja lurah sebagai perangkat daerah kota berfungsi sebagai pusat penyelenggaraan, pengembangan, pembangunan fasilitas ekonomi, dan pelayanan masyarakat. Kelurahan Gayungan memiliki banyak permasalahan yang timbul dari opini publik terkait pelayanan yang diberikan, seperti pencatatan kependudukan, keperluan surat menyurat, dan pengelolaan bantuan sosial dari pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengukur tingkat kualitas pelayanan publik sebagai bahan evaluasi yang berfokus pada lima dimensi kualitas jasa, yaitu tangibility, reliability, responsibility, assurance, dan empathy. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dengan metode service quality (servqual). Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa adanya nilai kesenjangan antara harapan dan realita pada seluruh dimensi. Dimensi tangible didapatkan nilai gap sebesar -0.91, dimensi reliability -1.06, dimensi responsiveness -1.16, dimensi assurance -1.04, dan dimensi empathy -0.88. Perbaikan tingkat kualitas pelayanan publik perlu dilakukan agar memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan masyarakat dengan tepat

    Organizational Strategy Analysis to Increase Competitiveness Using SWOT and QSPM Methods at U.D. Garuda Jaya

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    U.D. Garuda Jaya is a furniture industry located in Bajera Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province. In running its business, U.D. Garuda Jaya found problems such as product sales that did not increase and decreased competitiveness. The methods used are the Porter matrix, SWOT, and QSPM. Data in the study were obtained from interviews based on the 7P marketing mix. The results of the first order of alternative strategic priorities are to develop a good organizational structure so that each process in the company can run according to its respective tasks to maximize its productivity and make U.D. Garuda Jaya is the only furniture SME in Bajera Village with a TAS value of 5.082. The second alternative strategy is to increase employee creativity in designing U.D. Garuda Jaya’s distinctive products in order to improve product quality and competitiveness with new competitors have emerged with a TAS value of 4.836. The third strategy is to recruit employees who are competent in their fields and provide training to employees by utilizing technological advances to be able to produce distinctive product designs from U.D. Garuda Jaya with a TAS value of 4.819


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    In Indonesia, there are three industrial sectors with the largest number of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from 2010 to 2014: food, clothing, and wood. Klastik Footwear is one of the SMEs in Indonesia that focuses on the footwear industry, especially women's shoes. Klastik Footwear brings classic and ethnic themes to its products. In order to be well received by the market, Klastik Footwear wants to identify potential consumer groups formed from market segmentation and assess the preferences of each group on Klastik Footwear products. In this study, the choice based conjoint analysis method is used to determine potential consumer preferences for Klastik Footwear products. From the results of the conjoint analysis, the importance and part-worth level of each attribute will be known. Next, a cluster and market simulator analysis is performed to see the profile of the formed segments. The results showed that there are 3 groups of potential consumers. After conducting market simulation on the three groups, it is predicted that the most ordered Klastik Footwear products by consumers are Galuh, Ara, Srikandi, and Gendhis 2 (in group 1); Brastagi, Telaga, and Gendhis 2 (in group 2); and Rinjani, Galuh, and Soko (in group 3).    In Indonesia, there are three industrial sectors with the largest number of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) from 2010 to 2014: food, clothing, and wood. Klastik Footwear is one of the SMEs in Indonesia that focuses on the footwear industry, especially women's shoes. Klastik Footwear brings classic and ethnic themes to its products. In order to be well received by the market, Klastik Footwear wants to identify potential consumer groups formed from market segmentation and assess the preferences of each group on Klastik Footwear products. In this study, the choice based conjoint analysis method is used to determine potential consumer preferences for Klastik Footwear products. From the results of the conjoint analysis, the importance and part-worth level of each attribute will be known. Next, a cluster and market simulator analysis is performed to see the profile of the formed segments. The results showed that there are 3 groups of potential consumers. After conducting market simulation on the three groups, it is predicted that the most ordered Klastik Footwear products by consumers are Galuh, Ara, Srikandi, and Gendhis 2 (in group 1); Brastagi, Telaga, and Gendhis 2 (in group 2); and Rinjani, Galuh, and Soko (in group 3). &nbsp

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pengguna pada Prototype Aplikasi ITTS-Mart dengan Menggunakan Model E-Servqual

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    ITTS Mart is an e-commerce application developed by the Telkom Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITTS) as a platform that makes it easier for users to carry out buying and selling transactions for vegetables and fruit. This research examines the level of customer satisfaction with application use and the extent of customer loyalty so that customers can make repeat purchases continuously. The model used in this research is the E-Servqual model with three data processing, namely GAP Test, Customer Satifaction Index (CSI), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), because these three data processing can be used to test the relationship between variables which can provide a deeper understanding. in-depth understanding of customer perceptions and expectations regarding ITTS Mart, as well as providing valuable recommendations to increase overall user satisfaction and loyalty. The research results showed that the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) test value on the ITTS-Mart application was 80.6%, meaning that application users were satisfied with the application service, the GAP test result was 1.13, which can be said to be good application quality, then the factors What influences the loyalty of ITTS-Mart application users is the Satisfaction variable with a P-Value of 0.000. So there still needs to be special attention in making improvements and evaluations related to the ITTS-Mart application so that it meets customer desires and needs.ITTS Mart merupakan salah satu aplikasi e-commerce yang dikembangkan oleh Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya (ITTS) sebagai sebuah wadah yang memudahkan pengguna untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli sayur dan buah-buahan. Penelitian ini menguji tingkat kepuasan pelanggan pada penggunaan aplikasi dan sejauh mana tingkat loyalitas pelanggan agar pelanggan dapat melakukan pembelian ulang terus menerus. Model yang dipakai pada penelitian ini merupakan model E-Servqual dengan tiga pengolahan data yaitu Uji GAP, Customer Satifaction Index (CSI), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), karena ketiga pengolahan data tersebut dapat digunakan untuk menguji hubungan antar variabel yang dapat memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang persepsi dan harapan pelanggan terkait ITTS Mart, serta memberikan rekomendasi yang berharga untuk meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas pengguna secara keseluruhan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa nilai Uji Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) pada aplikasi ITTS-Mart didapatkan hasil senilai 80,6% bahwa pengguna aplikasi sudah puas terhadap layanan aplikasi, hasil uji GAP senilai 1,13 yang dapat dikatakan kualitas aplikasi sudah baik, kemudian faktor yang mempengaruhi loyalitas pengguna aplikasi ITTS-Mart ada pada variabel Kepuasan (Satisfaction) dengan nilai P-Value sebesar 0,000. Sehingga masih perlu adanya perhatian khusus dalam melakukan perbaikan serta evaluasi terkait aplikasi ITTS-Mart agar memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan pelanggan

    Analisis Kredit Pembayaran Biaya Kuliah Dengan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Mesin

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    Salah satu tantangan dalam institusi keuangan adalah manajemen risiko kredit. Hal ini juga terjadi pada institusi pendidikan swasta dimana pengelolaan keuangan dilakukan secara mandiri serta sumber dana mayoritas berasal dari mahasiswa. Setiap institusi harus menjamin kesehatan finansial melalui monitoring cashflow. Adanya penundaan atau kredit pembayaran biaya kuliah mahasiswa akan mempengaruhi cashflow institusi. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan analisis kredit sebagai tindakan preventif guna mencegah terjadinya kredit yang bermasalah dan meminimalkan risiko kredit lainnya yang timbul di kemudian hari. Pada penelitian ini, algoritma machine learning digunakan untuk analisis kredit pembayaran biaya kuliah pada perguruan tinggi. Dataset yang digunakan adalah data riwayat tagihan, transaksi pembayaran, dan data pengajuan kredit/ angsuran. Tahap perancangan sistem terdiri dari preprocessing, pemilihan fitur, pemodelan, pengujian dan evaluasi hasil. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian algoritma dengan kinerja terbaik adalah KNN dengan recall untuk prediksi “gagal bayar” sebesar 0,8 dan prediksi “berhasil” sebesar 0,76.  Model machine learning ini kemudian ditanamkan dalam sebuah sistem informasi analisis kredit biaya kuliah. Selain itu juga sistem akan memberikan skor setiap pengajuan berdasarkan metode scorecard. Semakin tinggi skor kredit semakin kecil risiko gagal bayarnya. Skor kredit ini berkisar antara 250 – 600. Jika kredit yang diajukan diprediksi “gagal bayar” dengan skor kredit rendah atau berpotensi menjadi piutang macet, sistem akan merekomendasikan untuk menilik ulang skema pengajuan kredit dari mahasiswa tersebut agar mahasiswa tetap dapat melanjutkan pendidikan dan cash collection ratio tetap baik. AbstractOne of the challenges in financial institutions is credit risk management. This also occurs in private educational institutions where financial management is carried out independently and most of funding sources come from students. Each institution must ensure financial health through cashflow monitoring. Any delay or credit in paying student tuition fees will affect the institution's cashflow. Therefore, credit analysis is needed as a preventive measure to prevent non-performing loans and minimize other credit risks that arise in the future. In this study, machine learning algorithms are used for credit analysis for paying tuition fees activity at universities. The datasets used are billing history data, payment transactions, and credit/installment application data. The system design stage consists of preprocessing, feature selection, modeling, uji and evaluation of results. Based on the results of uji the algorithm with the best performance is KNN with a recall for the prediction of "failure to pay" of 0,8 and prediction of "success" of 0,76. This machine learning model is then embedded in a tuition credit analysis information system. In addition, the system will provide a score for each submission based on the scorecard method. The higher the credit score, the lower the risk of default. This credit score ranges from 250 – 600. If the proposed credit is predicted to be "in default" with a low credit score or has the potential to become bad debts, the system will recommend reviewing the student's credit application scheme so that students can continue their education and cash collection ratio remains good


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    In accordance with Hottelling's Law, strategic location is a significant factor to ensure the success of a business, thus two businesses which sell the same product tend to choose a closed location. The real practice of this concept is seen in the competition of two big retailers which often open their shop nearby. However, in such competition, the location factor is merely not sufficient. It is necessary to consider other factors such as price and rebate or discount types given to their customers. This paper, particularly, aims to see the customers' preferences towards given attributes i.e. price, location, and discount types. The data is collected bymeans of a survey with non-probability sampling that is judgmental sampling. The respondents are people reside in Surabaya, Sidoarjo, and nearby whose age between 15-45 years and having various profession. The data is then processed with conjoint analysis by which is used as a basisto reconstruct a demand model considering the customer's preferences. The result shows that the attribute which is most considerable by respondents is the discount types, herein is a bundling product that comprises various products. This attribute has a preference level at 54.53%. The second prioritized attribute is the retailer location with a preference level at 24.28%. This means that a closer retailer is the most preferable by the respondent. Meanwhile, price is the last attribute considered by the respondent in choosing the retailer with a preference level at 21.28%. Thus, a respondent tends to pick a cheaper product after considering its discount type and the distance of retailer

    Innovative Design of Ecommerce Mobile Application Using Kansei Engineering and System Usability Scale

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    Information technology is currently growing at a rapid speed in order to provide users with convenience, one of which is the ease of accessing the internet via mobile phones. The emergence of social media programs such as virtual buddy applications has contributed to the rapid increase in internet users, particularly via mobile phones. Social media, in addition to being a virtual friendship application, also functions as a promotional medium, one of which is the promotion of online shopping applications, hence boosting the number of online purchasing transactions in Indonesia. An online shopping platform was chosen to market university’s products, allowing customers to shop easier and may increase the growth rapidly. As a result, Kansei Engineering is used in this study to develop applications that tap into users’ emotional demands. In addition, to establish the optimum design for the user, the prototype was tested for performance and usability using a System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire. According to the study’s findings, the application will be created with the following feelings in mind: appealing, attractive, organised, practical, innovative, quick, effective, accessible, interactive, and unique. According to usability studies, the “friendly concept” application generated better levels of satisfaction than the other design concepts

    Proposed Marketing Concepts Using the Conjoin Method in MSMEs Sego Berkat Bu Murni

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    The food industry in Indonesia is one of the sectors that support the value of the national investment. However, in 2020 the food industry experienced a decline in growth during the Covid-19 pandemic and was slowly able to increase steadily in 2021. Bu Murni's Sego Berkat is one of the food industries that has also experienced declining income during the COVID-19 pandemic. The difficulty of MSMEs is changing the increase in income due to new competitors during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to provide a proposed marketing concept that suits the preferences of Sego Berkat MSME consumers based on place, price, and promotion factors. This research data was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires to Sego Berkat MSME customers, and the questionnaire results will be calculated as the weight of interests of each level and attributes using conjoin analysis. The results of the conjoin analysis resulted in a proposed marketing concept by the preferences of Sego Berkat MSME consumers and is to carry out sales promotion with the type of promotion buy 3 get 1, the price applied with a range of Rp. 15,000 – Rp. 19,000 on online and offline purchases


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    Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia, transaksi jual beli produk secara daring turut meningkat, termasuk salah satunya melalui e-commerce . Saat ini, kegiatan jual beli daring juga sudah mencakup banyak produk, salah satunya bahan pangan mentah, seperti sayur mayur, buah, bahan pokok, dan lain sebagainya. Pandemi juga menjadi salah satu alasan masyarakat tidak berbelanja bahan pangan mentah secara luring di pasar. Berbagai macam platform atau e-commerce turut mendukung jual beli bahan pangan mentah secara daring, baik berbasis laman situs maupun aplikasi ponsel.Usabilitas laman situs maupun aplikasi ponsel merupakan faktor penting untuk mendukung kualitas layanan jual beli daring.  Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan penelitian mengenai usabilitas platform aplikasi jual beli bahan pangan mentah. Penelitian ini mengukur gap antara harapan dan realitas yang dirasakan oleh responden menggunakan enam dimensi kualitas situs atau aplikasi, yaitu Web Appearance, Entertainment, Informational Fit-To-Task, Transaction Capability, Response Time, Trust, serta satu dimensi tambahan, yakni Government Policy yang diperlukan dalam sebuah situs atau aplikasi. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa dari ketujuh dimensi, terdapat enam dimensi yang menunjukkan gap signifikan antara harapan dan realita yang dirasakan oleh responden, dengan gap terbesar ditunjukkan oleh dimensi Government Policy, Web Appearance, dan Informational Fit-To-Task


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    Masyarakat desa yang menempati wilayah perkotaan berkumpul dalam satu daerah menjadikan suatu daerah tersebut perlu dilakukan pembangunan. Berkaitan dengan salah satu tujuan utama pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah melakukan sebuah pemberdayaan masyarakat kampung. Hal tersebutlah yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kota Surabaya untuk menjadikan beberapa wilayah binaan. Salah satu wilayah tersebut adalah Kampung Oase Ondomohen di Kota Surabaya. Kampoeng Oase merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata kampung edukasi yang berada di Jalan Ondomohen Magersari V, Kelurahan Ketabang, Kecamatan Genteng, Kota Surabaya. Diberi nama kampung edukasi dikarenakan kampung ini telah berhasil mengolah sampah menjadi sesuatu yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi. Namun dibalik keberhasilan dalam mengolah sampah tersebut ternyata terdapat kendala yang dialami oleh Kampung Oase khususnya dalam memproduksi arang briket. Permasalahan yang muncul antara lain, manajemen pemasaran serta branding dari arang briket juga belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, tim pelaksana bekerja sama dengan mitra merumuskan strategi berupa beberapa alternatif solusi berdasarkan permasalahan yang dihadapi yaitu berupa peningkatan pemasaran atau branding hasil produksi arang briket. Pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh Kampung Oase selama ini masih tergolong kurang maksimal dikarenakan hanya dilakukan pada saat adanya kunjungan dari wisatawan ke kampung tersebut. Alternatif solusi yang ditawarkan berupa pembuatan media sosial Kampung Oase yang berisi hasil produksi dengan harapan Kampung Oase lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat luas. Kemasan dan logo arang briket juga dinilai masih kurang dipersiapkan dengan baik, dibutuhkan strategi branding untuk mengubah kemasan dan logo arang briket agar lebih menarik nilai jual dan daya beli masyarakat