97 research outputs found
How young adults imagine their future? The role of temperamental traits
Abstract Relatively few empirical studies have addressed the psychological dimensions involved in the imagination of the future. The present study aimed to verify the hypothetical link between the temperament traits of young adults and their attitudes towards the future. Through an online panel, 246 subjects aged 20 to 30 years (M = 26.07 ± 2.36), of whom 54.5% were female, answered a protocol consisting of an identity record, a specially designed tool called the Future Thinking Questionnaire, and the Temperament and Character Inventory developed by Cloninger. The data were analysed through linear regression, Student's t test, and the Kruskall-Wallis test. Results show that specific temperament traits, such as Reward Dependence and Harm Avoidance, significantly predict the perception of Uncertainty, the sense of Helplessness, the attitude of Persistence, and Fantasy regarding external solutions. Findings suggest that the view of the future is influenced by a temperamental and hence hereditary disposition
Temperament and Generativity during the life span
Abstract This review aimed to collect and discuss a variety of studies that utilized the Temperament and Chatacter Inventory (TCI), an instrument developed by Cloninger in 1993, based on his psychobiological model of temperament and character. Searching on PubMed, 26 from 828 researches has been selected on the basis of four criteria: (a) articles published in English between 1993 and 2013 and identified as empirical or longitudinal studies; (b) reaserches conducted in non pathological sample; (c) measuring temperamental traits or dimensions with the TCI; (d) regarding relevant topics to generativity. Implication for Temperament and character of couples and about the transmission of temperament from parents to children are pointed out. In conlcusion it can be said that TCI is a valid instrument that can describe and predict couples relationship and child temperament and character, until the late adulthood
Clinical Psychology of Oral Health: The Link Between Teeth and Emotions:
The effects of oral health conditions on physical and psychosocial dimensions have been a matter of interest for several authors over the last decades. Nevertheless, literature lacks studies that address the relationship between the oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL) and emotions. The present study aimed to investigate the psychological impact of oral disorders on people's emotional well-being, with a particular attention to gender and age differences. Two hundred twenty-nine dental patients in care at private dental clinics were individually tested. One hundred thirty of them were females (56.8%) and 99 males (43.2%), aged between 18 and 83 years ( M = 38.11; SD = 16.7). For the evaluation, the Profile of Mood States (POMS) and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) were used. Data were analyzed using Pearson's correlations, the ANOVA, and the Kruskal–Wallis test. OHRQoL showed several correlations with all the emotions explored, overcoming the well-known relationship with anxiety and depression ( p < .05). The degree of OHRQoL produced differences on mood states, which could appear normal, moderately altered, or psychopathological ( p < .03). Furthermore, in different life stages, patients showed specific OHRQoL and emotions
Family drawing and psychological vulnerability in Children's representations of parental divorce
Parental divorce is a traumatic experience for children, a stressful life event which may contributes to a future psychological vulnerability. The aim of this study is to explore psychological distress in children after parents' separation. This research was based on a convenience sample of one-hundred children, divided in two subgroups: (1) 50 coming from a separated family (observational sample) with an age range spanning from 7 to 12 years [Mean age = 9.2 ± 1.5] and (2) 50 belonging to a nuclear family (control sample) with the same range of age [Mean age = 9.5 ± 1.6]. The sample resulted homogeneous for the gender: in particular, the observational group, is composed of 30 females (60%) and 20 males (40%). Showed several differences, highlighting the presence of negative affectivity, a well-known risk factor for the development of a depressive disorder, by reflecting the possible link between home environment and self-perception. In conclusion, this instrument, like any other projective proof, constitutes a privileged access to the psychological world in which the drawing remains the best communication channel and provides us precious informations about the emotional state of the children
Fathers and Murders: a retrospective study of paternal filicide in Italy
Background. An amount of literature has heavy focused on homicidal mothers. Nevertheless, due to the lower frequency of these events, yet little is known about the paternal filicides.
Aim. The purpose of this study was to identify the spatio-temporal coordinates, authors and victims characteristics, and the context in which these murders take place, in order to identify specific patterns.
Methods. We analyzed 76 events occurred in Italy, between 1996 and 2012 involving 134 victims. The data were collected through a careful and thorough review of the daily press and encoded on a Excel ® sheet specially designed for data collection.
Results. Findings show a significant incidence of psychiatric disorders, history of violent behavior, employment problems and low-skilled professional roles. In particular, violence seems to be determined by the fear of loss which is more common among the common law partner and among youngest male, especially when son is far.
Conclusion. The in-depth analysis of the phenomenon may contribute to its best knowledge and to identify the areas on which psycho-social intervention, based on prevention best practices, are required
Stigma against Mental Illness and Mental Health: the role of Social Media
In social psychology, prejudice is a negative attitude toward a person belonging to a specific social group or a condition that is assumed negatively influences interpersonal relationships. In social psychiatry, the term stigma refers to a set of negative factors associated with individuals with a mental disorder. Stigma related to mental health issues is prevalent in collective thinking, widespread, and difficult to modify. Common behaviours among people include fear of interacting with individuals with psychological issues due to their perceived unpredictability. Social media platforms play a powerful role in informing, raising awareness, and influencing public perceptions of mental disorders. On the one hand, they provide an unprecedented platform for sharing personal experiences, reducing stigma, and promoting mutual support among individuals facing similar challenges. On the other hand, there is a risk that these platforms can spread misleading information, harmful stereotypes, and sensationalistic or sanitized representations, negatively impacting both public perception and the well-being of affected individuals
Negative Emotions in Skin Disorders: A Systematic Review
The main purpose of this study is to describe how negative emotions were investigated in the sphere of dermatological diseases, in order (1) to summarize literature trends about skin disorders and emotions, (2) to highlight any imbalances between the most studied and neglected emotions, (3) and to offer directions for future research. A computerized literature search provided 41 relevant and potentially eligible studies. Results showed that the study of emotions in skin disease is limited to Sadness/depression and Fear/anxiety. The emotions of Anger and Disgust have been poorly explored in empirical studies, despite they could be theoretically considered a vulnerability factor for the development of skin disorders and the dermatological extreme consequences, as negative emotionality toward self and the pathological skin condition. The bibliometric qualitative analysis with VOSViewer software revealed that the majority of the studies have been focused on the relationships between vitiligo and Sadness/depression, dermatitis and Fear/anxiety, psoriasis, and Anger, suggesting the need of future research exploring Disgust and, in general, a wider emotional spectrum
The Role of Basic Symptoms and Aberrant Salience in Borderline Personality Disorder
Background: The prevalence of pre-psychotic symptoms and aberrant salience in BPD has not been systematically studied. The present study aims to investigate the intensity, frequency and correlation between basic symptoms, aberrant salience and borderline personality traits, in subjects that have not yet developed a frank psychotic episode.Â
Methods: Twenty-eight subjects, 8 males and 20 females, aged between 24 and 55 years (M = 41.36 ± 9.9) has been individually tested throughout the Frankfurt Complaint Questionnaire (FBF), the Aberrant Salience Inventory (ASI) and the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5- Adult (PID-5).Â
Results: Findings showed that 85.7% of the sample (n = 24) reported significant scores of the aberrant salience traits, which in turn were correlated to basic symptoms. Furthermore, emerged several correlations between pre-psychotic symptoms and PID-5 personality dimensions not only with Negative Affectivity and Detachment but also with Psychoticism.
Conclusions: This study highlights the phenomenological continuity between the borderline personality traits and the attenuated manifestation of the psychotic disease
Revisión de la adecuación de una escala para su medida.
Este trabajo es un primer estadio de un proyecto más amplio que pretende analizar las actitudes hacia las matemáticas de estudiantes del grado de maestro y maestros en ejercicio de las etapas de educación infantil y primaria en el entorno iberoamericano. Para ello en este trabajo se hace una revisión bibliográfica de las herramientas usadas y se identifica el cuestionario más utilizado en el entorno de habla hispana que es el cuestionario de Auzmendi. Se analiza la adecuación del mismo para nuestra muestra compuesta por 205 estudiantes del grado de maestro de educación infantil y primaria mediante un análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio del mismo con el programa SPSS v22. Los resultados indican que para esta muestra el modelo de 5 factores del cuestionario no es adecuado, siéndolo más un modelo de 1 factor con 7 Ãtems. Se concluye que este cuestionario modificado de Auzmendi es un buen cuestionario para valorar la ansiedad
The feeling of anger: From brain networks to linguistic expressions.
This review of the neuroscience of anger is part of The Human Affectome Project, where we attempt to map anger and its components (i.e., physiological, cognitive, experiential) to the neuroscience literature (i.e., genetic markers, functional imaging of human brain networks) and to linguistic expressions used to describe anger feelings. Given the ubiquity of anger in both its normative and chronic states, specific language is used in humans to express states of anger. Following a review of the neuroscience literature, we explore the language that is used to convey angry feelings, as well as metaphors reflecting inner states of anger experience. We then discuss whether these linguistic expressions can be mapped on to the neural circuits during anger experience and to distinct components of anger. We also identify relationships between anger components, brain networks, and other affective research relevant to motivational states of dominance and basic needs for safety
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