589 research outputs found


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    At the TUB Department of Highway and Traffic Engineering track formation tests haye been pursued for years. At this test a rubber wheel with 0.4N /mm² load is moying up and down on the warm asphalt specimen. A test series has been made for studying the influence of natural sand content of the natural mineral carcass and the hardness of bitumen on track formation. Although mixtures made with 100% crushed sand haye the minimum warm deformation. increasing natural sand proportion aboye 75/25% reduces warm deformation at a low rate. The application of hard bitumen also reduces track formation but it is important to say that near to the softening point of the applied bitumen asphalt properties change steeply


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    The distribution of the product mixtures from the one-step catalytic Grignard syntheses was investigated in the case of phenylethoxysilanes. It was stated, that the Fuoss distribution theory can be used for describing of the distribution of the differently substituted phenylethoxysilanes formed in the reaction-mixture only if the dependence of α and ß distribution coefficients on the R/Si (Phenyl-Silicon atom) ratio was taken into account during the reaction

    Quantum superposition principle and gravitational collapse: Scattering times for spherical shells

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    A quantum theory of spherically symmetric thin shells of null dust and their gravitational field is studied. In Nucl. Phys. 603 (2001) 515 (hep-th/0007005), it has been shown how superpositions of quantum states with different geometries can lead to a solution of the singularity problem and black hole information paradox: the shells bounce and re-expand and the evolution is unitary. The corresponding scattering times will be defined in the present paper. To this aim, a spherical mirror of radius R_m is introduced. The classical formula for scattering times of the shell reflected from the mirror is extended to quantum theory. The scattering times and their spreads are calculated. They have a regular limit for R_m\to 0 and they reveal a resonance at E_m = c^4R_m/2G. Except for the resonance, they are roughly of the order of the time the light needs to cross the flat space distance between the observer and the mirror. Some ideas are discussed of how the construction of the quantum theory could be changed so that the scattering times become considerably longer.Comment: 30 pages and 5 figures; the post-referee version: shortened and some formulations improved; to be published in Physical Revie

    Embedding variables in finite dimensional models

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    Global problems associated with the transformation from the Arnowitt, Deser and Misner (ADM) to the Kucha\v{r} variables are studied. Two models are considered: The Friedmann cosmology with scalar matter and the torus sector of the 2+1 gravity. For the Friedmann model, the transformations to the Kucha\v{r} description corresponding to three different popular time coordinates are shown to exist on the whole ADM phase space, which becomes a proper subset of the Kucha\v{r} phase spaces. The 2+1 gravity model is shown to admit a description by embedding variables everywhere, even at the points with additional symmetry. The transformation from the Kucha\v{r} to the ADM description is, however, many-to-one there, and so the two descriptions are inequivalent for this model, too. The most interesting result is that the new constraint surface is free from the conical singularity and the new dynamical equations are linearization stable. However, some residual pathology persists in the Kucha\v{r} description.Comment: Latex 2e, 29 pages, no figure

    Multiplex ligatiofüggő szondaamplifikáció az onkohematológiai kutatásban és diagnosztikában

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    Absztrakt: A malignus hematológiai betegségek kialakulását, progresszióját, illetve terápiával szemben mutatott rezisztenciáját kísérő genetikai eltéréseket ma már egyre alaposabban ismerjük. A klinikailag releváns abnormalitásoknak a mindennapi diagnosztika keretein belül való célzott kimutatása gyors, megbízható és költséghatékony módszereket igényel. A multiplex ligatiofüggő szondaamplifikáció a genomikus kópiaszám-eltérések vizsgálatának hatékony eszköze, mellyel 55–60 lókusz egyidejűleg analizálható. Az eljárás lehetőséget nyújt prognosztikai és prediktív markerek átfogó felderítésére, így alkalmazása hatékonyan kombinálható a kariotipizálással és fluoreszcencia in situ hibridizációval, melyek jelenleg a legelterjedtebb diagnosztikus technikák citogenetikai aberrációk kimutatására. Ezenkívül a módszer képes a metilációs státusz célzott meghatározására és specifikus mutációk detektálására is, 24 órán belül eredményt szolgáltatva. Az alábbiakban bemutatjuk a multiplex ligatiofüggő szondaamplifikáció technikai hátterét, összefoglaljuk előnyeit és korlátait, valamint megbeszéljük az onkohematológiai kutatásban és diagnosztikában betöltött szerepét. Végezetül, az új generációs szekvenáláshoz kapcsolódó, közelmúltbeli technológiai újítások fényében tárgyaljuk a módszerben rejlő jövőbeli lehetőségeket. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(15): 583–592. | Abstract: Genetic abnormalities associated with the development, progression and treatment resistance of hematological malignancies are extensively characterized. Rapid, reliable and cost-efficient techniques are needed to screen the clinically relevant aberrations in routine diagnostics. Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification is an efficient tool to analyze genomic copy number aberrations at 55–60 different genomic loci. The method allows the profiling of prognostic and predictive markers; thus, it can efficiently be combined with karyotyping and fluorescence in situ hybridization, the most commonly used diagnostic techniques to detect cytogenetic lesions. Furthermore, the method can interrogate methylation status and unravel point mutations at specific sites, providing results in 24 hours. Here, we describe the technical background of multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification, summarize its advantages and limitations as well as discuss its role in oncohematological diagnostics and research. Finally, future outlook is provided, with emphasis on recent technological advances related to next-generation sequencing. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(15): 583–592

    Fabry-betegség - Diagnosztikai útmutató

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    A Fabry-kór a lizoszomális tárolási betegségek csoportjába tartozó, X-kromoszómához kötötten, recesszív módon öröklődő betegség, amely a globotriaosylceramid felhalmozódásához vezet a szervezet legkülönbözőbb szöveteiben. A betegség első tünetei többnyire gyermekkorban jelentkeznek, a progresszió során a betegek súlyos szervi károsodásokkal és korai halálozással számolhatnak. Elsősorban fiúk és férfiak érintettek, azonban a betegség tüneteit heterozigóta nők esetében is megfigyelhetjük, de náluk a kórkép súlyossága változó, általában enyhébb lefolyású. Az enzimpótló kezelések megjelenése szükségessé tette, hogy részletes diagnosztikus és terápiás protokollt dolgozzunk ki. A jelen dolgozatban megjelenő ajánlásokat egy, a magyarországi Fabry-betegek kezelésében aktívan részt vevő orvosokból, a diagnosztika területén dolgozó biológosukból és egyéb szakemberekből álló multidiszciplináris munkacsoport foglalta össze. A munkacsoport áttekintette a korábbi klinikai tanulmányokat, a publikált vizsgálatokat és a közelmúltban megjelent nemzetközi és nemzeti útmutatókat. | Fabry disease is a rare, X-linked lysosomal storage disorder that leads to accumulation of globotriaosylceramide in different tissues of the body. The disease is progressive, first symptoms usually present in childhood. Consequencies of the diseases are disability and premature death. The disease in females could be as severe as in males although women may also be asymptomatic. The possibility of enzyme replacement therapy has made it necessary to elaborate a comprehensive guideline for the diagnosis and treatment follow-up. The guideline was established by a Hungarian multi-disciplinary working group, consisting of physicians who are involved in health care of Fabry patients. Previous clinical studies, published materials, and recently established international treatment guidelines were reviewed by the group

    Regional integration of long-term national dense GNSS network solutions

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    The EUREF Permanent Network Densification is a collaborative effort of 26 European GNSS analysis centers providing series of daily or weekly station position estimates of dense national and regional GNSS networks, in order to combine them into one homogenized set of station positions and velocities. During the combination, the station meta-data, including station names, DOMES numbers, and position offset definitions were carefully homogenized, position outliers were efficiently eliminated, and the results were cross-checked for any remaining inconsistencies. The results cover the period from March 1999 to January 2017 (GPS week 1000-1933) and include 31 networks with positions and velocities for 3192 stations, well covering Europe. The positions and velocities are expressed in ITRF2014 and ETRF2014 reference frames based on the Minimum Constraint approach using a selected set of ITRF2014 reference stations. The position alignment with the ITRF2014 is at the level of 1.5, 1.2, and 3.2 mm RMS for the East, North, Up components, respectively, while the velocity RMS values are 0.17, 0.14, and 0.38 mm/year for the East, North, and Up components, respectively. The high quality of the combined solution is also reflected by the 1.1, 1.1, and 3.5 mm weighted RMS values for the East, North, and Up components, respectively

    I-Motif Structures Formed in the Human c-MYC Promoter Are Highly Dynamic–Insights into Sequence Redundancy and I-Motif Stability

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    The GC-rich nuclease hypersensitivity element III1 (NHE III1) of the c-MYC promoter largely controls the transcriptional activity of the c-MYC oncogene. The C-rich strand in this region can form I-motif DNA secondary structures. We determined the folding pattern of the major I-motif formed in the NHE III1, which can be formed at near-neutral pH. While we find that the I-motif formed in the four 3′ consecutive runs of cytosines appears to be the most favored, our results demonstrate that the C-rich strand of the c-MYC NHE III1 exhibits a high degree of dynamic equilibration. Using a trisubstituted oligomer of this region, we determined the formation of two equilibrating loop isomers, one of which contains a flipped-out cytosine. Our results indicate that the intercalative cytosine+–cytosine base pairs are not always necessary for an intramolecular I-motif. The dynamic character of the c-MYC I-motif is intrinsic to the NHE III1 sequence and appears to provide stability to the c-MYC I-motif