244 research outputs found


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    Meningkatnya kebutuhan ekonomi membuat manusia berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya dengan berbagai cara. Salah satunya dengan melakukan pertambangan emas rakyat. Akhir-akhir ini marak terjadi Pertambangan Tanpa izin (PETI) yang tersebar luas di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, dan khusus di Provinsi Aceh salah satunya terdapat di wilayah Gunung Ujeun, Kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Metode penambangan emas yang dilakukan oleh para penambang tradisional di Gunung Ujeun, Kabupaten Aceh Jaya menggunakan metode Amalgamasi, dimana pada saat pengolahan untuk memisahkan emas terhadap pengotornya menggunakan logam berat berupa Merkuri yang dapat merusak lingkungan di sekitarnya. Akibat aktivitas penambangan tradisional tersebut, Pemerintah Aceh telah mengkaji dari berbagai aspek teknis, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Sehingga mengeluarkan kebijakan berupa penetapan Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat (WPR) di daerah Gunung Ujeun, yang mana bertujuan memberikan Izin Pertambangan Rakyat (IPR), sehingga akan tercapai Good Mining Practice.Kata Kunci: PETI, WPR, IPR, Amalgamasi

    Identification of Mercury Content in Children Stunting Patients Aged 0–24 Months in the Regions Small Scale Gold Mine in Krueng Sabee District, Aceh Jaya Regency

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    Mercury is a type of heavy metal that is included in the category of Hazardous and Toxic Materials (B3) waste because it can harm living things and pollute the environment. Community mining activities are generally known to be the largest contributor of mercury to the environment. In addition, people's mining activities can indirectly result in the destruction of the landscape and vegetation on it. Mercury exposure can have a negative impact on the health of children living in ASGM areas. A reduced immune response or immune system in children living in ASGM areas with a high risk of exposure to mercury and exacerbated by concomitant malnutrition is very at risk of stunting. this study aims to identify mercury content in children stunting patients aged 0–24 months in the region's small-scale gold mine in Krueng Sabee district, Aceh Jaya Regency. The AAS instrument is used to analyze urine mercury levels. Three of the 11 urine samples did not show mercury, while the remaining 08 samples were found to contain mercury, each of the 08 urine samples was found to have mercury levels exceeding the acceptable threshold (7μg/L) Human Biomonitoring (HBM), while three twenty-nine samples had urine mercury levels below the threshold. This study concluded that 88% of stunted toddlers were found to contain mercury that exceeded the threshold. Meanwhile, 03 urine samples did not contain mercury

    The roles of work motivation and job involvement on the relationship between contextual factors and creative behavior

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence creative behavior among Malaysian researchers. Specifically, it investigated the mediating effect of work motivation on the relationships between the contextual factors, namely stressors, autonomy, culture, reward and supervisory style on creative behavior; the effect of work motivation on creative behavior; and the moderating effect of job involvement on the relationships between stressors, autonomy, culture, reward and supervisory style, and work motivation. Creativity is considered as the seed of innovation, where innovativeness has been considered as one of the fundamentals for organizational competitiveness. Acknowledging the importance of creative behavior on innovation, this study was carried out to investigate its predictors, and to include work motivation as the mediating factor and job involvement as the moderating variable between the contextual factors and work motivation. Accordingly, this study was based on the self-determination theory (SDT) and the organizational support theory (OST) to position the possible relationships between the variables in the research framework. A total of 201 researchers, representing a response rate of 40.8%, participated in this study. Data were collected via questionnaires. PLS-SEM was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. This study found that the level of creative behavior among the researchers was high. Statistical results showed that the relationship between stressors, work motivation, creative behavior as well as the relationship between autonomy, work motivation and creative behavior were supported. Work motivation was also found to be positively related to creative behavior. Empirical support was also found for the moderating effect of job involvement on the relationships between stressors and supervisory styles and work motivation. The theoretical and practical implications alongside recommendations for future research are discussed

    Factors Associated with Treatment Adherence among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Meulaboh, Aceh

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem, with at least three million deaths annually. Each year there are nearly 10 million new cases, of which four to five million are smear positive and, thus, highly contagious. This study aimed to analyze factors associated with adherence to TB treatment among pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Subjects and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out at Pahlawan Community Health Center, West Aceh. A sample of 40 TB patients were selected for this study by exhaustive sampling. The dependent variable was adherence to TB treatment. The independent variables were drug supervisor, knowledge, motivation, and familly support. TB status data were taken from medical record. The other data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Adherence to TB treatment was associated with active drug supervisor (OR = 3.38; p= 0.017), good knowledge (OR= 2.64; p= 0.029), strong motivation (OR = 4.48; p= 0.017), and strong family support (OR =3.11; p= 0.011). Conclusion: Adherence to TB treatment is associated with active drug super-visor, good knowledge, strong motivation, and strong family support. Keywords: TB treatment, adherence, drug supervisor, knowledge, motivatio

    Challenges in Primary Level Inclusive Education in Bangladesh

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    Bangladesh’s step towards inclusive education was given incentive by its involvement in major international declarations. Bangladesh agreed with the declaration of Education for All, in which education is to be provided to all children with an inclusive approach. In addition, Bangladesh is also committed to achieve Millennium Development Goals, which articulated the rights of all children into education through uniform system. It is important to note that the trend of enacting inclusive education policy and legislation in Bangladesh is mainly based upon the international treaties. The purpose of this paper is to highlight challenges in inclusive education for the policy formulators, implementers, and future researchers to take measures accordingly to universalize inclusive education in the country. The challenges identified in inclusive education concerned unfulfilled requirements of children with special needs, unfriendly situation, inadequate material and non-conforming curriculum, misinterpretation and mismanagement by stakeholders, restricted political and social backing, and adverse physiography. Pre-service training of teachers, along with continued assessment, collaboration and coordination to overcome challenges of inclusive schooling is recommended


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    Kata Kunci: Program Pemberdayaan, Kesejahteraan, Kontribusi, PartisipasiBerdasarkan dari pengalaman pemerintah yang selama ini telah melaksanakan berbagai program pengentasan kemiskinan, mulai dari masa orde baru sampai kepada masa reformasi yang tidak mendapat hasil yang memuaskan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh program pembangunan dan kesejahteraan tersebut yang tidak tepat sasaran, bersifat top down, tidak tersebarnya pembangunan secara merata di semua wilayah, dan kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat. Maka dibuatlah oleh pemerintah Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri yang mengharmonisasi semua program program pengentasan kemiskinan.Penelitian ini membahas 2 persoalan, yaitu : Bagaimanakah kontribusi Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (PNPM) Mandiri Perdesaan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat petani, apakah terdapat unsur-unsur partispasi masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan? Dan apa faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam pelaksanaan PNPM M-P? Apakah para aktor di dalam PNPM M-P itu mengetui tujuan pelaksanaan dengan baik?.Untuk membahas kedua persoalan di atas, penulis menggunakan pendekatan yang relevan untuk studi ini yaitu metode kualitatif. penarikan sampel menggunakan porpusif sampel, sehingga mendapat 20 orang informan. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan data yaitu dengan metode wawancara, melalui observasi partisipatif, dan pemanfaatan dokumen.Hasil analisis penelitian penulis menemukan bahwa konsep pemberdayaan PNPM M-P untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat dengan pendekatan partisipatif, yang dijalankan telah memberi kontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini terlihat dari semakin baiknya prasara dan sarana setelah adanya PNPM M-P di desa. Begitu juga dengan program pemberdayaan untuk perempuan yaitu dalam bentukSimpan Pinjam Perempuan (SPP), menurut pengakuan informan dari perempuan bahwa dana yang diberikan membantu perempuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya dan membantu modal usaha, baik untuk bertani maupun berdagang.Dengan keberhasilan PNPM M-P tersebut kiranya bagi pemerintah untukdapat melanjutkannya lebih baik ke depan. Masyarakat yang menerima bantuan program agar lebih dapat berpartisipasi secara lebih baik untuk pembangunan di masa yang akan datang

    Customer satisfaction and perception towards the service provided at Tenaga Nasional Berhad Distribution Tampin / Norafidah Ambia

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    The customer satisfaction and perception towards the service provided at TNB were studied at Tenaga Nasional Berhad main office Tampin. The study is important to see the level of customer satisfaction and the customer perception towards services provided at TNB Tampin. The data were gained through the interviews and questionnaires that distributed to the respondents. According to Mr. Shanker Rahman, the Business District Manager, TNBD Tampin had rarely received serious complaints towards the service provided at TNBD Tampin. The sample that chosen manage to contributed good information in this research from the feedback of the respondents, this research identified that 96% of the respondents satisfied with the counter service and electricity service, 98% satisfied with the meter reader service and 940/0 satisfied with Kedai Tenaga service. Customers also give good perception towards the service, provided at TNBD Tampin. The data were presented in the form of tabulations, graphs and charts to make it clear and easy to understand. However this research manage to reveal the level of customers satisfaction and perception towards the service provided at TNBD Tampin. In fact there were still small weaknesses in TNBD Tampin and the management team always attempts to improve its performance. Therefore it is important for TNBD Tampin to find ways to enhance its service quality. For example this organization can use the flowchart as the guideline for the workers in accomplishing their daily task. Motivation can also use to encourage workers to enhance their quality of work. As Malaysia's main electricity supply, utility, TNB must always tries to fulfill the customers satisfaction and show good image to other service organization

    Centralized power control strategy for AC-DC hybrid micro-grid system using multi-converter scheme

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    In this paper, an ac-dc hybrid micro-grid system including a centralized power control scheme is proposed. Multiple ac-dc bidirectional converters connected in parallel are considered in the system instead of a single converter that connects ac and dc buses. The proposed control scheme is basically coordination of two modes-control of power through the converters and selection of converter units. The power through the converter is controlled because the load unbalance between ac and dc buses should be mitigated. Selection of converter units is also important because each small unit can deal partial amounts of power of the entire micro-grid system and therefore control of parallel operation of multiple converter units should be considered. If any converter fails to operate in the system then the alternate converters come into operation, so that the micro-grid system will not be totally disconnected and thus reliability of the system is ensured. This will also increase the efficiency of the system during low power transmission condition. The system operation is investigated under three different conditions to show the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme
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