145 research outputs found

    The Growth of Giant Clams Juvenil is Influenced by Nutrient Addition

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    Ekosistem karang merupakan daerah yang memiliki produktivitas tinggi namun kandungan nutrient anroganiknya sangat rendah. Sehingga dapat diduga bahwa kenaikan nutrient anorganik dalam ekosistem ini akan mempengaruhi kehidupan organisme yang ada di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh peningkatan nutrien yakni N dan P terhadap pertumbuhan juvenil Kima. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan penambahan nutrien N secara nyata meningkatkan pertumbuhan juvenil Kima tersebut. Di lain pihak penambahan P tidak berpengaruh terhadap laju pertumbuhan juvenil Kima. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ammonium seharusnya dilakukan di hatchery untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi Kima


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    Absol u te growth and shell color of juvenile H asinina was moni tored over a period of 2-months in an experiment consisting of 8 treatments with 3 repl icates (n = !O individuals per replicate). The treatments were: fresh red seaweed ( Gracillaria verrucosa), and green algae ( Viva lactuca) and 6 formulated . feeds using different seaweed meals. This study is an attempt made on the effects of partially replacing fish meal with aigae (U lactuca) of the formulated feeds on the growth This preliminary study investigated the effect of seaweed and formulated feed on the growth, the shell color of this abalone and survival of abalone. The result s showed that the absolute growth of abalone fed by macroalgae G.verrucosa higher .than abalone fed with other feed and significantly different from the makroalgae U lactuca and others feeds fommlated. Results showed that abalones fed the seaweed G. 'verrucosa and formulated feed with G. verrucosa meal had dark - brown shells. However, abalones fod with makroalgae U !actuca and either of the formulated feeds (with spiru1ina) and formulated feeds (with U lactuca meal) remarkably had the s2me good growth performance and green shell appea;:ance. Investigations showed that seaweeds meal could be the better replacement for fish meal in pelleted feeds of H asinina. Keywords : abalone, growth, formulated feed, seaweed, seaweed mea

    Calculating the Contribution of Zooxanthellae to Giant Clams Respiration Energy Requirements

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    Giant clams (Tridacnidae) are known to live in association with photosynthetic single cell dinoflagellate algae commonly called zooxanthellae. These algae which can be found in the mantle of the clams are capable of transferring part of their photosynthates which become an important source of energy to the host ( apart from filter feeding activity). In order to understand the basic biological processes of the giant clams , the contribution of zooxanthellae to the clam's energy requirement need to be determined. This review describes how to calculate the contribution of zooxanthellae to the giant clam's energy requirement for the respiration process


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    ABSTRAK Pengetahuan tentang asupan nutrisi yang sesuai untuk kerang Totok Polymesoda erosa sangatlah penting yakni untuk meningkatkan kegunaan diet alga yang digunakan pada penangkaran agar sesuai dengan pola diet yang tepat. Penelitian tentang pengaruh pemberian pakan alami Tetraselmis chuii dan Skeletonema costatum terhadap kandungan asam lemak omega 6 (asam arakhidonat) pada kerang Totok Polymesoda erosa, bertujuan untuk mengkaji kandungan asam lemak arakhidonat pada kerang Totok P. erosa setelah mendapat perlakuan, mengkaji apakah ada perbedaan kandungan asam arakhidonat dari perlakuan tersebut, serta mengkaji interaksi antar variabel perlakuan. Sampel yang digunakan adalah kerang Totok P. erosa ukuran 5 ā€“ 6 cm yang berasal dari perairan P.Gombol, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah ekperimental laboratorium dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor dan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah pakan alami dengan 3 perlakuan yang berbeda yaitu Tetraselmis chuii dengan konsentrasi 45 x 104 sel/ml; Skeletonema costatum dengan konsentrasi 45 x 104 sel/ml; dan kombinasi dari kedua pakan tersebut dengan konsentrasi 22.5 x 104 sel/ml : 22.5 x 104 sel/m. Faktor kedua terdiri dari 4 level periode waktu (2, 4, 6, dan 8 hari). Metode Gas Liquid Chromatography (GLC) digunakan untuk menentukan kandungan asam arakhidonat. Semua data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji Anova dua jalur dengan SPSS. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa, pengaruh interaksi antara variabel independen pakan alami dan variabel waktu periode sampling memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan asam arakhidonat (F test= 2.595; p= 0.044). Pakan alami sebagai variabel independen tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap kandungan asam arakhidonat (F test= 2.859; p= 0.077), demikian juga untuk variabel independen waktu periode sampling tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap kandungan arakhidonat (F test= 0.988 ; p= 0.415). Kata-Kata kunci: Asam Lemak arakhidonat; Kerang Totok Polymesoda erosa ; Tetraselmis chuii; Skeletonema costatum, dan metode GLC

    Improving Research Capacity at Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia

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    As a higher education institution with a vision to become a research university, programs and activities related to research are Universitas Diponegoro main concern. Research is one of the three main pillars of higher education in Indonesia, apart from education and community service. Besides that, as a state university, its development is also influenced by central government policies. Currently, Undip is a state university with legal status and has wide autonomy. This paper explains research programs, activities and challenges that still need to be addressed in the future. To increase research capacity at Diponegoro University, there are five main programs, namely: 1. Increasing the capacity of human resources; 2. Improvement of facilities and supporting facilities; 3. Increasing the availability of research funds, 4. Collaboration and 5. Creating a conducive environment to research development at universities. Based on the application of the five programs, there has been a substantial increase in a research capacity, especially when viewed from indicators of international scientific publications, and an increase in the number of patents obtained. But there are still many challenges that need to be overcome, including the increase in the citation of published papers and the utilization of patent by industries

    Keterkaitan Megabentos yang Berasosiasi dengan Padang Lamun terhadap Karakteristik Lingkungan di Perairan Jepara

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    Seagrass bed are one of the ecosistems in shallow waters that can support the biodiversity of marine organisms. Megabenthos as benthic organisms that usually live in association in seagrass beds, have an important role in the food web in their habitat. This study aims to analyse the diversity of megabenthos associated with their habitat characteristics in seagrass waters in Bandengan, Teluk Awur and Panjang Island Jepara. This research was conducted using a descriptive field method, and megabenthos data collecting was carried out using the line transect method. Thr result showed that 158 individuals from 8 species of megabenthos were found (from 2 phyla: Echinodermata and Molluska) from three observation locations. Condition factors that influence the abundance and diversity of megabenthos are the substrat type and seagrass cover. Ā Ā Padang lamun sebagai salah satu ekosistem di perairan laut dangkal dapat menopang keanekaragaman hayati organisme laut. Megabentos yang termasuk dalam organisme bentik merupakan organisme yang biasa hidup berasosiasi di padang lamun, mempunyai peranan penting dalam jaring-jaring makanan di habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa keanekaragaman megabentos dikaitkan dengan karakteristik habitatnya di perairan padang lamun di Bandengan, Teluk Awur dan Pulau Panjang Jepara. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metoda deskriptif lapangan, dan pengambilan data megabentos dilakukan dengan metoda line transek. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ditemukan 158 individu dari 8 spesies Ā megabentos (dari 2 filum: Echinodermata dan Molluska) dari ketiga lokasi pengamatan.Ā  Faktor kondisi yang berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman megabentos adalah jenis substrat dasar dan tutupan lamun

    Antibacterial activity of mangrove Avicennia marina leaves extract against Virgibacillus marismortui and Micrococcus luteus bacteria

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    Sources of bioactive compounds are widely found in natural resources such as mangrove plants. Avicennia marina is one of the natural materials that contain antibacterial bioactive compound. The purpose of this research is to investigate the potency of A. marina leaves as a source of antibacterial agents against Virgibacillus marismortui and Micrococcus luteus. Leaves of A. marina were collected from mangrove ecosystem Tugurejo village, Semarang. Experimental laboratories method was used in this research, while data was analyzed descriptively. Sample was extracted by using methanol. Agar Diffusion method was utilized on anti bacterial test against V. marismortui and M. luteus with concentration of 1000 Ī¼g discā»Ā¹, 500 Ī¼g discā»Ā¹ and 250 Ī¼g discā»Ā¹. The result of the test showed that A. marina leaves extract of 1000 Ī¼g discā»Ā¹ could inhibit both bacteria, with 13.50Ā±0.13 mm inhibition zone for V. marismortui and 13.46Ā±0.32 mm for M. luteus, at concentration of 500 Ī¼g discā»Ā¹ to inhibit both bacteria with inhibition zone of 5.69Ā±0.30 mm for V. marismortui and 6.56Ā±0.51 mm for M. luteus, the concentration of 250 Ī¼g discā»Ā¹ did not inhibited bacteria. Antibiotic Amoxicillin as positive control showed smaller inhibition zone compared to inhibition zone that was formed by the extract of mangrove leaves. It was assumed because the high concentration of mangrove extracts, so that the bigger inhibition zone could be formed compared to the antibiotic treatment

    Pertumbuhan Juvenil Kima Tridacna squamosa pada Kondisi Terumbu Karang Berbeda

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    Kima sisik (Tridacna squamosa) merupakan organisme yang hidup di ekositem terumbu karang, bernilai ekonomis penting dan dilindungi, dengan status populasi hampir punah. Kehadiran kima dalam ekositem tersebut dipengaruhi oleh kondisi atau kualitas terumbu karang sebagai habitatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan juvenil kima Tridacna squamosa pada kondisi terumbu karang yang berbeda di perairan Bolok dan Kuanheum Nusa Tenggara Timur. Stasiun penelitian dibagi dalam 3 stasiun berdasarkan kondisi terumbu karang yaitu perairan Bolok I, Perairan Bolok II dan perairan Kuanheum. Metode pengambilan data terumbu karang yaitu LIT (Line Intercept Transect). Pengambilan data pertumbuhan menggunakan metode pengukuran panjang cangkang. Hasil pengamatan di lapangan menunjukan nilai persen tutupan karang hidup berada pada kisaran 8,28-26,12%, nilai tersebut menunjukan bahwa tutupan karang hidup berada dalam kategori buruk sekali hingga sedang. Hasil pengukuran pertumbuhan mutlak dan pertumbuhan spesifik juvenil kima Tridacna squamosa pada penelitian menunjukan bahwa perairan Bolok I mempunyai nilai 2,75 cm dan 0,10 cm, perairan Bolok II mempunyai nilai 2,36 cm dan 0,09 cm, dan perairan Kuanheum mempunyai nilai 1,77 cm dan 0,07 cm. Hasil pengukuran parameter lingkungan masih dalam kondisi yang normal bagi pertumbuhan kima, dimana suhu perairan berkisar antara 29-310C, salinitas 30-31ā€°, kecepatan arus 0,7-1,04 m/detik dan kecerahan 7 m. Kata Kunci: Terumbu Karag, Tridacna squamosa, Pertumbuhan


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    Strong market demand and uncontrolled exploitation and/or the inadequate management of fisheries have caused many stocks of sea cucumbers to be overexploited. One suggested effort to overcome this problem is sea ranching. Stocking density is the most important consideration in sea cucumber rearing; therefore, this present work is aimed at elucidating the best stocking density for sea ranching of Holothuria atra. H. atra was taken from the Panjang Island, Jepara waters and reared in bottom cages in Teluk Awur waters, Jepara with a density of 30, 20, or 10 individuals per cage measuring 2 m ƃā€” 2 m ƃā€” 1.8 m (with bottom area of 4 m2). Stocking times of H. atra were at the initial time of cage installation, the second and the third months after installation. Bottom sediment characteristics (i.e., chlorophyll a, b, phaeophytin, and total carotene) of the sea cucumber habitat and water quality in the cages were measured monthly during the study. The results showed that growth of H. atra fluctuated; low stocking density yielded a higher weight gain than high stocking density did. The highest weight gain was present in the density of 10 individuals/cage in the second stocking month. The highest survival rate of H. atra was seen in the condition of 30 individuals/cage (93%) at the third stocking month, which means that these sea cucumbers were only reared for three months. The highest mortality occurred at a density of 20 individuals/cage with the survival rate being low (45%) at the first stocking time or in the fifth month of rearing. There was fission evidence among H. atra reared in the cages, resulting in smaller organisms. Among the water quality parameters, the concentration of chlorophyll a, b, phaeophytin, and carotene in the sediment fluctuated according to the time of sea cucumber rearing caused by their feeding and bioturbation. The study results suggested to stock H. atra at low density during the second stocking month to get higher growth

    Estimasi Daya Dukung Terumbu Karang Berdasarkan Biomassa Ikan Karang Di Perairan Misool Selatan, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat

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    Terumbu karang merupakan ekosistem yang memiliki banyak fungsi ekologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang, biomassa ikan karang,dan estimasi daya dukung tutupan karang keras hidup pada area terumbu karang di perairan Misool Selatan. Pengambilan data lapangan dilakukan pada tanggal 15-28 November 2013. Nilai daya dukung terumbu karang diperoleh dengan perhitungan luasan area terumbu karang dikalikan jumlah biomassa pada area transek pengamatan (250 meter). Pengambilan data kondisi terumbu karang menggunakan metode Point Intercept Transect dan sensus visual untuk ikan karang pada kedalaman 10 meter dengan 5 transek sepanjang 50 meter sejajar garis pantai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kondisi terumbu karang di lokasi penelitian dalam keadaan sedang hingga baik dengan total genus yang ditemukan sebanyak 32 genus. Nilai Biomassa ikan karang tertinggi ada pada stasiun Waaf sebesar 97 kg/ha dan terendah pada stasiun Yoss sebesar 32,8 kg/ha. nilai daya dukung terumbu karang dengan persentase tutupan karang 36,7-70,7% serta bentuk lifeform yang ada di lokasi penelitian untuk tiap Famili ikan karang Scaridae 2,55-50,3 kg, Serranidae 0,5-6,8 kg, dan Caesionidae 6,4-44,8 kg. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kondisi tutupan karang keras pada area terumbu karang mempengaruhi biomassa ikan karang untuk beberapa family ikan yaitu Caesionidae, Scaridae, dan Serranidae
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