20 research outputs found

    Modeling of Dengue by Cluster Analysis and Probability Distribution Functions in the State of Alagoas in Brazilian

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    Abstract Dengue is a viral disease whose number of cases has increased in Brazil. This study aimed to characterize the spatio-temporal distribution patterns of the reported dengue infection cases in the state of Alagoas (AL), Northeastern Brazil (NEB). The data of the officially reported dengue cases from 2000 to 2015 was retrieved from the State Health Secretariat of Alagoas (SESAL), which captures national demographic and health data from the System for the Reporting of Notifiable Conditions (SINAN). After applying the Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) function, maps were generated based on the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) interpolation method. By using the clusters analysis (CA) technique, three homogeneous groups of dengue in AL were determined. Next, the LN (Lognormal), GUM (Gumbel) and GEV (Generalized Extreme Value) probability distributions were applied to monthly model dengue case data in AL, with the LN continuous probability distribution standing out. Maceió and Arapiraca have a higher number of dengue cases than other cities, being the main reason for their interpretation as separate groups. The coefficients of determination (R2) of dengue cases analysis as a function of month of each year for the studied years were low (between 0.03 and 0.63) and many regression slopes were not significant. Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) between dengue and the Human Development Index (HDI) of LA was considered moderate (0.53) and the correlation between dengue and demographic density was high (0.76). The importance of constant monitoring and assistance for these areas is reinforced

    Rainfall in the urban area and its impact on climatology and population growth

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    Due to the scarcity of studies linking the variability of rainfall and population growth in the capital cities of Northeastern Brazil (NEB), the purpose of this study is to evaluate the variability and multiscale interaction (annual and seasonal), and in addition, to detect their trends and the impact of urban growth. For this, monthly rainfall data between 1960 and 2020 were used. In addition, the detection of rainfall trends on annual and seasonal scales was performed using the Mann–Kendall (MK) test and compared with the phases of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The relationship between population growth data and rainfall data for different decades was established. Results indicate that the variability of multiscale urban rainfall is directly associated with the ENSO and PDO phases, followed by the performance of rain-producing meteorological systems in the NEB. In addition, the anthropic influence is shown in the relational pattern between population growth and the variability of decennial rainfall in the capitals of the NEB. However, no capital showed a significant trend of increasing annual rainfall (as in the case of Aracaju, Maceió, and Salvador). The observed population increase in the last decades in the capitals of the NEB and the notable decreasing trend of rainfall could compromise the region’s water security. Moreover, if there is no strategic planning about water bodies, these changes in the rainfall pattern could be compromising

    Design and baseline characteristics of the finerenone in reducing cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in diabetic kidney disease trial

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    Background: Among people with diabetes, those with kidney disease have exceptionally high rates of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality and progression of their underlying kidney disease. Finerenone is a novel, nonsteroidal, selective mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist that has shown to reduce albuminuria in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) while revealing only a low risk of hyperkalemia. However, the effect of finerenone on CV and renal outcomes has not yet been investigated in long-term trials. Patients and Methods: The Finerenone in Reducing CV Mortality and Morbidity in Diabetic Kidney Disease (FIGARO-DKD) trial aims to assess the efficacy and safety of finerenone compared to placebo at reducing clinically important CV and renal outcomes in T2D patients with CKD. FIGARO-DKD is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, event-driven trial running in 47 countries with an expected duration of approximately 6 years. FIGARO-DKD randomized 7,437 patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate >= 25 mL/min/1.73 m(2) and albuminuria (urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio >= 30 to <= 5,000 mg/g). The study has at least 90% power to detect a 20% reduction in the risk of the primary outcome (overall two-sided significance level alpha = 0.05), the composite of time to first occurrence of CV death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or hospitalization for heart failure. Conclusions: FIGARO-DKD will determine whether an optimally treated cohort of T2D patients with CKD at high risk of CV and renal events will experience cardiorenal benefits with the addition of finerenone to their treatment regimen. Trial Registration: EudraCT number: 2015-000950-39; ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02545049

    Relações solo-paisagem no Quadrilátero Ferrífero em Minas Gerais

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os solos de uma área representativa do Quadrilátro Ferrífero, em Minas Gerais, e avaliar suas relações com os principais componentes do meio natural. Sete unidades de paisagem (pedoambientes) distintas foram identificadas - Depressão do Paraopeba, Serras Itabiríticas, Platô da Moeda, Vale do Rio das Velhas, Gandarela, Vale do Conceição e Serra do Caraça -, cujos aspectos relacionados a solos em suas interrelações com os componentes do meio natural foram descritos. Sob a influência de grande variabilidade litólógica, em conexão com um longo período de evolução geomorfológica, a região é marcada por acentuados contrastes topográficos. Há domínio de solos pouco evoluídos (Cambissolos e Neossolos Litólicos), de baixa fertilidade natural, não obstante a acentuada diferenciação da vegetação nativa, representada por formações campestres lado a lado à floresta. Em algumas áreas é expressiva a ocorrência de afloramentos rochosos. É marcante a influência do material de origem nas características dos solos, com destaque para o conjunto de solos relacionados a rochas ferríferas, distinguidos pelos teores de óxidos de ferro muito elevados e intensa cor vermelha. A presença de concreções ferruginosas é também muito comum nesses solos. A ocorrência de Latossolos Vermelhos perférricos, desprovidos de pedregosidade, está associada principalmente a formações pedimentares nas adjacências das Serras Itabiríticas

    Relações solo- superfície geomórfica e evolução da paisagem em uma área do Planalto Central Brasileiro

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    Com base em levantamento pedológico de reconhecimento de alta intensidade, foram investigadas relações pedogeomorfológicas em uma área do Planalto Central Brasileiro, com vistas à predição de atributos e distribuição dos solos em áreas vizinhas carentes de mapas pedológicos. Três superfícies geomórficas, com distintos padrões de espacialização de solos, foram identificadas. Na mais elevada, a distribuição dos solos é estreitamente relacionada à variação do regime hídrico ao longo das encostas. Ocorrem Latossolo Vermelho (LV), Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA), Latossolo Amarelo (LA), Latossolo Amarelo plíntico, Latossolo Amarelo petroplíntico (concrecionário) e Plintossolo Háplico, todos muito argilosos, com teores de Fe2O3 e TiO2 relativamente homogêneos e índices Ki e Kr indicativos de mineralogia oxídica. Na segunda superfície, os solos apresentam maior variação quanto à textura e teores de Fe e Ti. Predominam LV e LV acriférrico, além de LVA e LA. Nos limites com as chapadas, observa-se a ocorrência de LVA e LA acriférricos endopetroplínticos. Na terceira superfície, que disseca as anteriores, predominam solos menos intemperizados, com atributos muito variáveis, como Cambissolo Háplico, Argissolos Vermelho e Vermelho-Amarelo, Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, Neossolo Litólico e Neossolo Flúvico. O trabalho inclui a proposição de um modelo de evolução para a paisagem regional.The soil-geomorphic surface relationships were investigated in an area of the Central Brazilian Plateau, based upon a high intensity reconnaissance pedological survey, aiming at the prevision of the soil attributes and their distribution in adjacent areas which don't have pedological maps. Three geomorphic surfaces, with distinctive soil distribution patterns, were identified. In the highest geomorphic surface, the soil distribution is highly related to the hydric regime variation along the hillsides, occurring Red-Latosol (RL), Red-Yellow Latosol (RYL), Yellow Latosol (YL), Plinthic Yellow Latosol, Petroplinthic Yellow Latosol (PYL) (concretionary soil) and Haplic Plinthosol. These soils show very clayey texture, values of Fe2O3 and TiO2 relatively homogeneous, and Ki and Kr indexes indicatives of oxidic mineralogy. In the second surface, the soils show higher variation with respect to texture and iron and titanium contents. RL, Acricferric RL, RYL and YL are the dominant soils, with occurrence of Acriferric Endopetroplinthic RYL and YL near the borders of the high tablelands. In the third surface, that cuts the first and second ones, predominate less weathered soils, with high variable attributes, such as Haplic Cambisol, Red and Red-Yellow Argisols, Eutroferric Red Nitosol, Litholic Neosol and Fluvic Neosol. This work includes a proposition of a regional landscape evolution model

    Soil-geomorphic surface relationships and landscape evolution in an area of the Brazilian Central Plateau

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    Com base em levantamento pedológico de reconhecimento de alta intensidade, foram investigadas relações pedogeomorfológicas em uma área do Planalto Central Brasileiro, com vistas à predição de atributos e distribuição dos solos em áreas vizinhas carentes de mapas pedológicos. Três superfícies geomórficas, com distintos padrões de espacialização de solos, foram identificadas. Na mais elevada, a distribuição dos solos é estreitamente relacionada à variação do regime hídrico ao longo das encostas. Ocorrem Latossolo Vermelho (LV), Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo (LVA), Latossolo Amarelo (LA), Latossolo Amarelo plíntico, Latossolo Amarelo petroplíntico (concrecionário) e Plintossolo Háplico, todos muito argilosos, com teores de Fe2O3 e TiO2 relativamente homogêneos e índices Ki e Kr indicativos de mineralogia oxídica. Na segunda superfície, os solos apresentam maior variação quanto à textura e teores de Fe e Ti. Predominam LV e LV acriférrico, além de LVA e LA. Nos limites com as chapadas, observa-se a ocorrência de LVA e LA acriférricos endopetroplínticos. Na terceira superfície, que disseca as anteriores, predominam solos menos intemperizados, com atributos muito variáveis, como Cambissolo Háplico, Argissolos Vermelho e Vermelho-Amarelo, Nitossolo Vermelho eutroférrico, Neossolo Litólico e Neossolo Flúvico. O trabalho inclui a proposição de um modelo de evolução para a paisagem regional.The soil-geomorphic surface relationships were investigated in an area of the Central Brazilian Plateau, based upon a high intensity reconnaissance pedological survey, aiming at the prevision of the soil attributes and their distribution in adjacent areas which don't have pedological maps. Three geomorphic surfaces, with distinctive soil distribution patterns, were identified. In the highest geomorphic surface, the soil distribution is highly related to the hydric regime variation along the hillsides, occurring Red Latosol (RL), Red-Yellow Latosol (RYL), Yellow Latosol (YL), Plinthic Yellow Latosol, Petroplinthic Yellow Latosol (PYL) (concretionary soil) and Haplic Plinthosol. These soils show very clayey texture, values of Fe2O3 and TiO2 relatively homogeneous, and Ki and Kr indexes indicatives of oxidic mineralogy. In the second surface, the soils show higher variation with respect to texture and iron and titanium contents. RL, Acricferric RL, RYL and YL are the dominant soils, with occurrence of Acriferric Endopetroplinthic RYL and YL near the borders of the high tablelands. In the third surface, that cuts the first and second ones, predominate less weathered soils, with high variable attributes, such as Haplic Cambisol, Red and Red-Yellow Argisols, Eutroferric Red Nitosol, Litholic Neosol and Fluvic Neosol. This work includes a proposition of a regional landscape evolution model