53 research outputs found

    Analysis of successful offensive play patterns by the Spanish soccer team

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    Victory is the ultimate aim in soccer and therefore when a team wins an elite European or world championship, attempts will invariably be made to emulate the winning team's style of play. In this study, we performed an in-depth analysis of play by the Spanish soccer team during the 2012 UEFA European Championship, where it was crowned champion. Using observational methodology and T-pattern analysis, we identified hidden patterns of play that ended in a goal for the Spanish team. A generalizability coefficient (e2) of 0.986 demonstrated that the offensive patterns detected are robust and highly generalizable. These patterns were formed by technical actions consisting of ball control and pass, with alternations between short and long passes, in the central area of the rival pitch, with use of both wings to achieve width of play and prioritization of width over depth of play. We also found patterns showing that goals and shots at goal were made on a ball delivered from the opposite direction to the shot and were not preceded by a technical action

    Detection and Selection of Behavioral Patterns Using Theme: A Concrete Example in Grassroots Soccer

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    Observational methodology provides a rigorous yet flexible framework for capturing behaviors over time to allow for the performance of subsequent diachronic analyses of the data captured. Theme is a specialized software program that detects hidden temporal behavioral patterns (T-patterns) within data sets. It is increasingly being used to analyze performance in soccer and other sports. The aim of this study was to show how to select and interpret T-patterns generated by the application of three “quantitative” sort options in Theme and three “qualitative” filters established by the researchers. These will be used to investigate whether 7-a-side (F7) or 8-a-side (F8) soccer is best suited to the learning and skills development needs of 7- and 8-year-old male soccer players. The information contained in the T-patterns generated allowed us to characterize patterns of play in children in this age group. For both formats, we detected technical-tactical behaviors showing that children of this age have difficulty with first-touch actions and controlling the ball after a throw-in. We also found that ball control followed by a pass or a shot at the goal are common in the central corridor of the pitch. Further, depth of play is achieved by ball control, followed by dribbling and a pass or shot. In F8, we saw that depth of play was achieved through ball control, followed by dribbling and passing of one or more opponents leading to a pass or shot. However, in F7, we saw that players succeeded in advancing from their goal area to the rival goal area through a sequence of actions.Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad DEP2015-66069-P Avances metodologicos y tecnologicos en el estudio observacional del comportamiento deportivo (Secretaria de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion del Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad) PSI2015-71947-REDT University of La RiojaPeer Reviewe

    Analysis of external load and internal load in AirBadminton: A new healthy and recreational sports modality

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    The aim of this study was to compare internal load and external load between AirBadminton and traditional indoor badminton. The research was conducted with 8 badminton players from the Alicante Technification Centre, including both men and women. The study was carried out based on the recommendations and guidelines of the International Badminton Federation. The procedure included competitions in both 1vs1 and 2vs2 formats, first on sand and then on hard court. Various variables related to players' internal and external load were analysed, using devices such as WIMU PRO for external load and Polar H7 transmitters for internal load. Data analysis was performed using statistical tests such as T-Student and Wilcoxon. Results showed significant differences between indoor badminton and AirBadminton in terms of internal and external load. In the 1vs1 format, indoor badminton was found to be more demanding, with higher intensity efforts, greater distance covered, and higher heart rate compared to AirBadminton. Similar results were observed in the 2vs2 format, confirming that indoor badminton involves greater effort. AirBadminton may be a healthier and more accessible alternative, suitable for different age groups, as it is less explosive and lighter in terms of internal and external load. Future research should focus on technical, tactical, and full-match duration aspects of this new modality

    Detection and selection of behavioral patterns using Theme: a concrete example in grassroots soccer

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    Observational methodology provides a rigorous yet flexible framework for capturing behaviors over time to allow for the performance of subsequent diachronic analyses of the data captured. Theme is a specialized software program that detects hidden temporal behavioral patterns (T-patterns) within data sets. It is increasingly being used to analyze performance in soccer and other sports. The aim of this study was to show how to select and interpret T-patterns generated by the application of three "quantitative" sort options in Theme and three "qualitative" filters established by the researchers. These will be used to investigate whether 7-a-side (F7) or 8-a-side (F8) soccer is best suited to the learning and skills development needs of 7- and 8-year-old male soccer players. The information contained in the T-patterns generated allowed us to characterize patterns of play in children in this age group. For both formats, we detected technical-tactical behaviors showing that children of this age have difficulty with first-touch actions and controlling the ball after a throw-in. We also found that ball control followed by a pass or a shot at the goal are common in the central corridor of the pitch. Further, depth of play is achieved by ball control, followed by dribbling and a pass or shot. In F8, we saw that depth of play was achieved through ball control, followed by dribbling and passing of one or more opponents leading to a pass or shot. However, in F7, we saw that players succeeded in advancing from their goal area to the rival goal area through a sequence of actions

    Análise das interações da linha de mídia de um time de futebol de elite. Estudo de caso

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    El análisis de las interacciones que se producen entre jugadores de un equipo de fútbol durante una competición tiene una gran importancia ya que del resultado de las mismas se alcanzan los resultados de los encuentros. Unas interacciones que a priori parecen ser fruto de la casualidad, pero se ha demostrado que no son el resultado del azar. La capacidad de anticiparse y/o estar preparado a estos comportamientos del adversario, aumentará las posibilidades de éxito. Por ello se ha establecido un doble objetivo de estudio; identificar mediante análisis de coordenadas polares las relaciones y vínculos que se establecen entre los jugadores que componen la línea de medios, centrocampistas, del equipo campeón de la Supercopa de España 2020, el Real Madrid C. F.entre sí. Así como identificar las sinergias que se producen entre esta línea de jugadores, en su conjunto, con las diferentes líneas que conforman la estructura táctica del equipo.Para ello se ha hecho uso de un instrumento de observación contrastado para la recogida de datos los cuales se trataron, posteriormente, mediante el análisis de coordenadas polares. En ellos se constata que la línea de medios, en referencia a las relaciones inter-líneas, manifiesta una desconexión de la línea de medios con la defensa y portero, y se relaciona consigo misma de forma significativa, aunque no con la misma intensidad en todos sus miembros (relaciones intra-línea).he analysis of the interactions that occur between players of a soccer team during a competition is of great importance since the results of the matches are obtained from the results of the same. Some interactions that a priori seem to be the result of chance, but it has been shown that they are not the result of chance. The ability to anticipate and/or be prepared for these adversary behaviors will increase the chances of success. For this reason, a double objective of study has been established; To identify, through analysis of polar coordinates, the relationships and links that are established between the players that make up the midfielder line, midfielders, the champion team of the 2020 Spanish Super Cup, Real Madrid CF and each other. As well as identifying the synergies that occur between this line of players, as a whole, with the different lines that make up the tactical structure of the team.For this purpose, a contrasted observation instrument has been used to collect data, which were subsequently treated by means of the analysis of polar coordinates. They show that the midfield line, in reference to inter-line relationships, shows a disconnection between the midfield line and the defense and goalkeeper, and is significantly related to itself, although not with the same intensity in all of them (intra-line relationships).A análise das interações que ocorrem entre jogadores de umtime de futebol durante uma competição é de grande importância uma vez que os resultados das partidas são obtidos a partir dos resultados das mesmas. Algumas interações que a priori parecem ser fruto do acaso, mas foi demonstrado que não são fruto do acaso. A capacidade de antecipar e/ou estar preparado para esses comportamentos adversários aumentará as chances de sucesso. Por isso, estabeleceu-se um duplo objetivo de estudo; Identificar, através da análise de coordenadas polares, as relações e ligações que se estabelecem entre os jogadores que compõem a linha de médios, os médios, a equipa campeã da Supertaça de Espanha 2020, o Real Madrid CF e entre si. Assim como identificar as sinergias que ocorrem entre esta linha de jogadores, como um todo, com as diferentes linhas que compõem a estrutura tática da equipe.Para tanto, utilizou-se um instrumento de observação contrastado para a coleta de dados, os quais foram posteriormente tratados por meio da análise de coordenadas polares. Eles mostram que a linha do meio-campo, em referência às relações entre as linhas, apresenta uma desconexão entre a linha do meio-campo e a defesa e o goleiro, e está significativamente relacionada a si mesma, embora não com a mesma intensidade em todas elas. -relações de linha)

    Impact of socioeconomic level on the physical condition of schools: A motor gap

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    The objective of this study was to analyse the physical condition of students in the third cycle of Primary Education from various educational centres in the Province of Alicante, in relation to their socioeconomic level. The study sample was made up of a total of 240 students from the third cycle of Primary Education, specifically 136 boys and 104 girls, from various schools located in three different geographical environments in the province of Alicante (urban, rural, coastal). A correlational and descriptive study was carried out. To measure the socioeconomic level of the students, families completed the Social Class Questionnaire; Regarding the anthropometric and motor condition of the students, body composition, musculoskeletal capacity, aerobic capacity and motor capacity were evaluated, for which the ALPHA-Fitness battery was used. In addition, to measure the students' adherence to the Mediterranean diet and extracurricular sports activity, the students filled out the KIDMED and PAQ-C questionnaires (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Children) respectively. The results showed that the students in the study with a higher socioeconomic level have a better physical condition in terms of body composition, musculoskeletal capacity, aerobic capacity and motor capacity. Therefore, it is necessary to implement programs and activities that encourage the practice of physical activity and the acquisition of healthy habits, especially in the most disadvantaged areas

    Fútbol: efectos de una unidad didáctica en la iniciación temprana

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    La iniciación temprana en el fútbol, que ya es habitual, ha justificado propuestas de adaptación que pretenden facilitar el primer contacto del niño con este deporte. Los especialistas coinciden en señalar al fútbol 3 como la propuesta de juego más recomendable en la iniciación al fútbol, al ser la unidad mínima que permite el desarrollo de todos los principios del juego. El presente trabajo pretende analizar el efecto, en el desempeño técnico del jugador prebenjamín, de una unidad didáctica construida para garantizar el respeto a estos principios, a partir de unas premisas de juego que fomentan la superioridad numérica del equipo en fase ofensiva. Mediante modelos de regresión logística simple se ha analizado la calidad –adaptación (al proceso formativo del niño) y éxito (si implica continuidad del ataque –pase acertado– o supone tiro)– de los contactos técnicos realizados por el jugador de categoría prebenjamín en el juego de fútbol 3, antes y después de la realización de la unidad didáctica. Se ha constatado que la unidad didáctica objeto de estudio mejora la calidad del desempeño técnico del jugador de categoría prebenjamín

    Aplicación de modelos de regresión logística en metodología observacional: modalidades de competición en la iniciación al fútbol.

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    This study shows how simple and multiple logistic regression can be used in observational methodology and more specifically, in the fields of physical activity and sport. We demonstrate this in a study designed to determine whether three-a-side futsal or five-a-side futsal is more suited to the needs and potential of children aged 6-to-8 years. We constructed a multiple logistic regression model to analyze use of space (depth of play) and three simple logistic regression models to determine which game format is more likely to potentiate effective technical and tactical performance.El presente trabajo constituye un ejemplo de las posibilidades de utilización de modelos de regresión logística -múltiple y simple- en el ámbito de la metodología observacional y más concretamente en su aplicación a la actividad física y el deporte. La ejemplificación se concreta en un estudio que pretende discriminar qué modalidad de juego (fútbol 3 o fútbol 5) constituye una propuesta más adaptada a las posibilidades del niño de 6 a 8 años. La satisfacción de ambos objetivos -metodológico y disciplinar- se satisface mediante un modelo de regresión logística múltiple, que va a analizar en qué modalidad el niño obtiene un desempeño espacial de mayor calidad; y tres modelos de regresión logística simple, que van a aportar información relevante acerca de en qué modalidad de fútbol el niño obtiene un desempeño técnico-táctico más eficaz y adaptad

    Momentos críticos del partido en las mejores ligas europeas de fútbol sala

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    El presente estudio pretende determinar los momentos críticos donde se consigue el mayor número de goles en la competición de fútbol sala estableciendo diferencias entre las mejores ligas europeas según títulos conseguidos. Material y método: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y comparativo entre las ligas española, italiana y rusa durante la temporada 2014-2015. La muestra asciende a la totalidad de la población objeto de estudio, que corresponde a 110 partidos en la liga italiana (11 equipos), 240 en la liga española (16 equipos) y 273 en la liga rusa (14 equipos), lo que supone un total de 623 partidos de los que se han podido analizar 619 y una muestra (n) alcanzada de 4716 goles, de los que se han podido analizar 4468. Para el registro de los goles se ha dividido la variable tiempo en intervalos de 5 minutos. Se há utilizado uma estadística descriptiva e inferencial en la búsqueda de relaciones asociativas entre variables categóricas. Resultados: se obtiene que los momentos con más goles del partido son los últimos 10 minutos de la segunda parte y los últimos 5 minutos de la primera parte. Además se determina que las tres mejores ligas europeas se comportan de la misma manera no encontrando diferencias significativas entre ellas. Estos resultados proporcionan información útil sobre las características de los partidos que ayudan a entender mejor la lógica interna de este deporte. The presented research is a quantitative, descriptive and comparative study whose objective is to determine the critical moments of the futsal match by dividing the time variable up to 5 minute intervals, establishing if there are differences between the best European leagues according to titles obtained; Spanish, Italian and Russian league, during the 2014-2015 season. The sample amounts to the entire population under study, corresponding to 110 matches in the Italian league (11 teams), 240 in the Spanish league (16 teams) and 273 in the Russian league (14 teams), which means a total of623 matches of which 619 have been analyzed and a sample (n) reached of 4716 goals, of which 4468 have been analyzed. The results obtained establish that the moments with the most goals of the game are the last 10 minutes of the second part and the last 5 minutes of the first part. In addition it is determined that the three best European leagues behave in the same way, not finding significant differences between them

    Análisis observacional de las relaciones interlíneas de la Selección Española de Fútbol, mediante coordenadas polares.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el grado de relación (activación e inhibición) inter-líneas y respecto a su rival que presenta la Selección Española de fútbol cuando se encuentra en posesión del balón. Para ello se analizaron los partidos de España durante la UEFA Euro 2012 (6861 multieventos han sido codificados). Se ha utilizado un instrumento de observación ad hoc, formado por 8 criterios y 96 categorías, que permitieron registrar cuatro líneas o niveles de organización: POR (portero), DEF (defensas), CEN (centrocampistas) y DEL (delanteros), así como también su relación con el rival (JR). Los datos fueron sometidos a un análisis de coordenadas polares, utilizando cada línea como conducta focal. Los resultados muestran la relación y cohesión inter-líneas que presenta el equipo, así como la activación de jugadores rivales. Esto nos permite conocer el componente táctico de la selección española y su relación con los jugadores rivales. También se ha destacado la eficacia de la metodología observacional como un filtro metodológico óptimo para el estudio del comportamiento espontáneo de los jugadores, incluyendo poderosos técnicas como el análisis de coordenadas polares. Los estudios futuros pasan por profundizar en la realidad del jugador en particular, para a continuación construir la compleja estructura que conforman las interrelaciones entre los diferentes integrantes de un equipo. Sin duda esto redundará en un mejor desempeño de la realidad del fútbol en los campos de juego