450 research outputs found
Perkembangan Media Online dan Fenomena Disinformasi (Analisis pada Sejumlah Situs Islam)
Dunia telah beralih dari era industrialisasi ke era informasi revolusioner yang kemudian melahirkan information society (masyarakat informasi). Demam globalisasi melanda hampir di setiap negara bahkan sampai ke level desa terkecil sekalipun, tidak terkecuali sejumlah desa di wilayah Indonesia. Dalam aktivitas kehidupan masyarakat informasi, teknologi dan medium komunikasinya dianggap merupakan aspek paling vital dalam menuntaskan dan memudahkan berbagai persoalan kehidupan. Namun, menjadi penting pula diketahui bahwa dalam era kecanggihan teknologi, masyarakat perlu memahami dengan baik bagaimana penggunaan teknologi secara optimal, efisien, dan berdaya guna. Selain itu, perlu pula pemahaman yang jelas terkait muatan (content) dari sebuah informasi yang disampaikan sejumlah media, khususnya media online. Karena tidak sedikit dari banjir informasi (overload of information) yang ada di tengah masyarakat memunculkan informasi yang memberdayakan, melainkan sebaliknya dapat memunculkan beragam informasi yang justru menyesatkan (disinformasi). Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan mensinergikan sejumlah kajian kepustakaan (library research) dan wawancara kepada sejumlah aktivis media online Islam. Analisis dilakukan terhadap sejumlah disinformasi terhadap ajaran Islam yang terjadi di sejumlah media online yang ada di Indonesia
Integration of Student Information Data Using XML
Schools in Malaysia have been provided with few systems to increase their capabilities to manage student data in the schools environment. With so many workloads that teachers have to face, those systems really give a relief to the
teachers. This study was carried out to formulate the integration model of student information data using XML. There are three main phases involved in the study which are analysis and modeling, prototype development and testing. Upon completion, models of data integration were formulated and prototype was developed based on the model. Finally the prototypes were tested and the results are promising. There are some recommendations also for future work
Improvement of the total mass and operating time of Knapsack sprayer to Propel Cart Sprayer (PCS)
There are two types of background of the farmers which are the large scale and small scale of agriculture. Usually, the large scale farmers will use the motorize Knapsack Sprayer while the small scale farmers will use manual-operated Knapsack Sprayer. The motorize Knapsack Sprayer that uses by the large scale of agriculture farmers’ area is to save the cost and time [1]. Unfortunately, both types of Knapsack Sprayer have their own ineffectiveness and risk especially the manual Knapsack Sprayer. The farmers that use the manual Knapsack Sprayer will have to carry the heavy load at their back while spraying the pesticide. These are a very burden to the farmers, especially for the old farmers. The weight of the mixture carried can be up to 17 kilograms depends on the density of the mixture whereas the safe weight lifting legalize by OSHA is 22.68 kilograms which the load almost near to its limit for average man and will affect the body locomotion and bones structure is carried in a long term period [2]. The total sprayed area per full tank is 44.09 meters square. The process of spraying the pesticide will slow down because the farmers have to bring the heavy load
Improvement of the ergonomical structure of Knapsack sprayer to propel cart sprayer (PCS)
A sprayer is a device used to spray a liquid projection mostly used in agriculture crop used to apply such as pesticides. The sprayer’s usage are based on the type of the background of the farmers scale in agriculture. Large scale of farmers will use the motorize sprayer that will help saving their time to pesticide a large are of corps [1]. Meanwhile, small scale of farmers will use a manual operated sprayer such as Knapsack Sprayer which it is a low cost, low maintenance and easy to use since it does not have engine when operated. Both type of the sprayer has its own advantages and disadvantages that will affect the user. Mainly the manual operated Knapsack Sprayer is a knapsack type, a burden that will make user carry the heavy load at their back while spraying pesticide. The weight of the mixture carried can be up to 17 kilograms depends on the density of the mixture whereas the safe weight lifting legalize by OSHA is 22.68 kilograms which the load almost near to its limit for average man and will affect the body locomotion and bones structure if carried in a long term period. Total sprayed area per full tank are 44.09 meters square [2]. The product that will be made are to counter this problem occur while using Knapsack Sprayer. This product using pushing force to spray the targeted area without having the user to carry a heavy burden while working
Abstract; Informasi merupakan unsur pokok yang secara implisit melekat dalam konsep pembangunan yang terencana. Meskipun peranan informasi dalam beberapa dekade kurang mendapat perhatian, namun sesungguhnya kebutuhan akan informasi dan komunikasi itu merupakan hal yang tidak kalah pentingnya dari kebutuhan sandang dan pangan manusia. Kegiatan pembangunan manapun juga hanya dapat berlangsung dan mencapai sasaran bila dalam setiap tahapannya –perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan- didasarkan pada informasi yang memadai. Informasi memang diperoleh melalui kegiatan komunikasi tetapi yang sesungguhnya yang menentukan nilai komunikasi adalah informasi yang dibawa. Revolusi informasi, biasanya difahami sebagai perubahan yang dihasilkan oleh teknologi informasi. Dua bentuk teknologi komunikasi manusia yang terpenting adalah teknologi untuk menyalurkan informasi dan sistem komputer modern untuk memprosesnya. Dikatakan revolusi karena dapat memberikan perubahan yang amat cepat dalam kehidupan manusia. Hal yang mendasar dari teknologi komunikasi dan informasi adalah standar. Sementara itu, perkembangan jaringan amat membutuhkan sebuah standar sistem operasional. Ketika seseorang menggunakan jaringan untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang lain, maka sesungguhnya dia secara tidak langsung membutuhkan sistem yang kompatibel antara satu dengan lainnya.. Keterikatan antara standar, jaringan dan sistem ibarat perekat dalam menunjang komunikasi bersama. Teknologi memang dapat memberi berbagai dampak positif dan negatif, tetapi dengan pemahaman yang paripurna terkait problematika dan dinamika teknologi yang berkembang, maka setiap individu dan masyarakat yang ada di sebuah Negara akan menjadi Penguasa teknologi dan bukan sebaliknya menjadi masyarakat yang dikuasai dan dikendalikan oleh teknologi. Kata Kunci:Teknologi, Revolusi Komunikasi dan Informasi, Standar Teknologi Information is a fundamental element that is implicitly inherent in the concept of a planned development. Although the role of information in a few decades have received less attention, but the real need for information and communication it is no less important than human food and clothing needs. Any construction activity also can only take place and reach the target when in every stage -Planning, implementation, and controls based on adequate information. Information is obtained through communication activities but true that determines the value of communication is information carried. Information revolution, usually understood as changes generated by information technology. Two forms of human communication that is the most important technology is to distribute information technology and modern computer systems to process it. It said the revolution because it can provide a very rapid change in human life. The fundamental of communication and information technology is standard. Meanwhile, network development in desperate need of a standard operating system. When someone uses the network to communicate with other people, then surely he is not directly require a system that is compatible with one another .. Entanglement between standards, networks and systems like adhesive in the joint communication support. The technology is able to provide a wide range of positive and negative effects, but with a complete understanding of related problems and dynamics of evolving technology, the individual and society is in a state will be the Lord of the technology and not the other way into a society dominated and controlled by technology. Keywords:Technology, Information and communication revolution, Technology standard
Design of Turbine Aerator with Remote Control and Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Water pH Monitoring
Water plays a very important role for living things including fish, with good water fish can grow optimally and healthily. The acidic and alkaline content of water and also oxygen greatly affects its growth. Currently, the majority of fish farmers monitor the pH and oxidation process of the pond manually. Therefore, in an aquaculture business, water quality must be monitored by fish farmers. In this research, an internet of things (IoT) based tool will be made that will produce oxygen in the water in tilapia ponds and is equipped with a pH sensor that will read how much pH value is contained in it, then the data can be viewed remotely via a cellphone connected to the internet. The telemetry system of this aerator research uses the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller then the pH sensor reading data can be seen through the cellphone with the Blynk application as well as the aerator control can be easily done from the application. fish farmers can easily monitor the quality of water pH in real-time as well as control the aerator. The results achieved by the aerator can cause the oxidation process (dissolved oxygen) in water from the rotation of the impeller. Testing was carried out on a tilapia pond with a pond diameter of 15m2. The methodology used is quantitative with the results obtained from 10x experiments and comparison of the pH sensor and also the pH meter shows 96% accuracy of the pH sensor 4502C while 4% for the error value. the pH value before the aerator is active is 6 which means acidic. After the aerator is active and the dissolved oxygen process runs the pH value of the water becomes 7-7.5 which means neutral, this value is good for freshwater fish to breed well. from the help of this tool, fish farming farmers can more efficiently monitor water pH and aerator control
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