1,847 research outputs found

    Quantitative metrics for mutation testing

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    Program mutation is the process of generating versions of a base program by applying elementary syntactic modifications; this technique has been used in program testing in a variety of applications, most notably to assess the quality of a test data set. A good test set will discover the difference between the original program and mutant except if the mutant is semantically equivalent to the original program, despite being syntactically distinct. Equivalent mutants are a major nuisance in the practice of mutation testing, because they introduce a significant amount of bias and uncertainty in the analysis of test results; indeed, mutants are useful only to the extent that they define distinct functions from the base program. Yet, despite several decades of research, the identification of equivalent mutants remains a tedious, inefficient, ineffective and error prone process. The approach that is adopted in this dissertation is to turn away from the goal of identifying individual mutants which are semantically equivalent to the base program, in favor of an approach that merely focuses on estimating their number. To this effect, the following question is considered: what makes a base program P prone to produce equivalent mutants? The position taken in this work is that what makes a program prone to generate equivalent mutants is the same property that makes a program fault tolerant, since fault tolerance is by definition the ability to maintain correct behavior despite the presence and sensitization of faults; whether these faults stem from poor design or from mutation operators does not matter. Hence if we could only quantify the redundancy of a program, we should be able to use the redundancy metrics to estimate the ratio of equivalent mutants (REM for short) of a program. Using redundancy metrics that were previously defined to reflect the state redundancy of a program, its functional redundancy, its non injectivity and its non-determinacy, this dissertation makes the following contributions: The design and implementation of a Java compiler, using compiler generation technology, to analyze Java code and compute its redundancy metrics. An empirical study on standard mutation testing benchmarks to analyze the statistical relationships between the REM of a program and its redundancy metrics. The derivation of regression models to estimate the REM of a program from its compiler generated redundancy metrics, for a variety of mutation policies. The use of the REM to address a number of mutation related issues, including: estimating the level of redundancy between non-equivalent mutants; redefining the mutation score of a test data set to take into account the possibility that mutants may be semantically equivalent to each other; using the REM to derive a minimal set of mutants without having to analyze all the pairs of mutants for equivalence. The main conclusions of this work are the following: The REM plays a very important role in the mutation analysis of a program, as it gives many useful insights into the properties of its mutants. All the attributes that can be computed from the REM of a program are very sensitive to the exact value of the REM; Hence the REM must be estimated with great precision. Consequently, the focus of future research is to revisit the Java compiler and enhance the precision of its estimation of redundancy metrics, and to revisit the regression models accordingly

    Examining internalizing symptoms in child and youth victims of emotional abuse and bullying: The mediating effects of individual and family strength factors in clinical samples

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    Child and youth experiences of emotional abuse and bullying are harmful interactions by caregivers and peers, which produce adverse mental health and social outcomes (Glaser, 2011). This study examined the relationships between trauma exposure and internalizing outcomes through individual and parenting level strength factors. The study comprised 1,297 child and youth participants, aged 4 to 18, from inpatient and outpatient mental health facilities across Ontario, who were administered the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health assessment (ChYMH; Stewart, Hirdes et al., 2015) with their parents/caregivers. Generalized linear modelling (Nelder & Wedderburn, 1972) was used to determine the relationships between trauma types: bullying, emotional abuse, and poly-victimization, and internalizing outcome symptoms (i.e., depressive severity, anxiety, and anhedonia). Mediation analyses with bootstrapping (Hayes, & Preacher, 2014) were then used to estimate the effects of trauma types on internalizing symptoms through individual and parenting level strength variables. Children and youth who experienced poly-victimization, bullying, and emotional abuse reported more depression and anxiety than those who were not abused, with the highest internalizing symptoms reported by poly-victimized children and youth. Poly-victimized and bullied children and youth reported more anhedonia as compared to non-abused children. Mediation analyses demonstrated there were no significant correlations between trauma types and individual strength factors. There was no evidence that parenting strengths mediated the relationships between trauma types and depression. However, there was evidence of suppressing effects of parenting on the relationship between trauma and anxiety. Auxiliary analyses revealed that parenting did not moderate the effect of trauma on anxiety. The study exemplifies the detrimental effects of bullying and emotional abuse trauma, as well as the necessity for future examinations of the roles of risk, parent-child/youth attachment styles, and strength factors that promote resilience in the face of adversity

    Oral Delivery of Insulin: Novel Approaches

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    Logarithmic entropy--corrected holographic dark energy with non--minimal kinetic coupling

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    In this paper, we have considered a cosmological model with the non--minimal kinetic coupling terms and investigated its cosmological implications with respect to the logarithmic entropy-- corrected holographic dark energy (LECHDE). The correspondence between LECHDE in flat FRW cosmology and the phantom dark energy model with the aim to interpret the current universe acceleration is also examined.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; Can. J. Phys. Vol. 90, 201

    Conceptual Framework for Designing Virtual Field Trip Games

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    This thesis aimed to provide designing models to explore an alternative solution for a field trip when it becomes impossible for several reasons such as the limitation of cost and time. Virtual field trip games are relatively new means to create virtual field trips in game environments through adding game aspects to learning aspects to enhance the learning experience. The simple combining of game and learning aspects will not guarantee the desired effect of virtual field trips. Theoretical and logical connections should be established to form interweave between both aspects. This thesis proposes a designing framework by establishing three links between game design aspects and learning aspects. The three links are constructed by modelling: the experiential learning theory (ELT), the gameplay, and the game world. ELT modelling quantifies the theory into the internal economy mechanic and balances the levels of game task difficulty with the player’s ability through game machinations, game modelling links the learning process to gameplay, and world modelling connects field environment to game environment. The internal economy mechanic and its components (resources, internal mechanic, feedback loop), formulating equations to define generic player’s interactions and identify indicators to capture evidence of achievements via a mathematical (evaluation) model. The game modelling includes skill models to design two important high-order skills (decision-making and teamwork) and connects them to the evaluation model. The game world is modelled through defining its variables and relationships’ rules to connect both environments (game and field) expanding the evaluation model. The framework is supported by essential learning theories (ELT, task-based learning, some aspects of social learning) and pedagogical aspects (assessment, feedback, field-based structure, high-order skills) and connected to the key game elements (interaction, multimodal presentation, control of choice…etc) of field-based learning along with suitable game mechanics. The two research studies that were conducted as part of this thesis found that the designing framework is useful, usable, and provides connections between learning and game aspects and the designed VFTG based on the framework improved learning performance along with providing motivation and presence. This suggests the effectiveness of the framework

    The Impact of a Training Program - Which is Based on Developing Vocational Skills - Upon Changing the Orientations of Female Students towards Vocations

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    The present research was conducted to identify the impact of a training program which is based on developing vocational skills upon changing the orientations of female students towards vocations. In order to answer the study’s questions and to test the study’s hypotheses, the researchers built constructed (42) vocational skills. The researchers have also adopted a scale for female students’ orientations towards vocations. The validity and reliability that concerns the study’s instrument were both checked. The study’s sample consisted of (70) female students from the tenth grade.  The female students were subjected to a prior scale to measure the vocational orientations. The study’s results indicated that the female students’ orientations - on the prior scale – were negative orientations towards (industrial, agricultural, business, hotel, and nursing)vocations, and the arithmetic mean was (2.18). There was a positive orientation towards the field of (home economics) and the arithmetic mean was (3.70). Female students were taught the vocational skills which were constructed. After that, the scale of orientations towards vocations was applied. The study concluded that the orientations of female students towards vocations changed to turn out positive orientations. For instance, the arithmetic mean of vocations in various vocational fields (such as Industrial, agricultural, business, hotel, nursing, and home economics) was (4.55). The study also concluded that female students did not have a sufficient vocational knowledge and awareness towards learning vocations before teaching them (42) vocational skills. In the light of the study’s results, the study concluded a group of recommendations. Keywords: Vocational Skills, Negative Orientations, Towards Vocations

    The Effectiveness of a Training Program Based on Practice of Careers in Vocational Interests Development

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    The present research was conducted to identify the effectiveness of a training program based on practice of careers in vocational interests development, to answer questions about the study and test  its hypothesis the training program had been prepared and the adoption of a measure of vocational  interests, as validity and reliability of each of them were  verified. The study sample consisted of (60) female students from the tenth grade in a school in Ma'an, where we were taking the two sections at the school and was selected one at random to be the experimental group and studied using a training  program  based on  the  practice of the professions and the other as a control and studied using a theoretical method about professions . Both groups were subjected to a vocational before and after   interests scale. The study results indicated  the presence of a statistically significant difference for the significance level α = 0.05 in the vocational  interests between the experimental group and the control group and the experimental group in various professions (Mmedical, Engineering, Social, Applied Sciences, Business, Educational, Office Arts, Industrial, Military), the results showed that the practice of occupations develop real vocational  interests for students, and the study set a recommendations  from  the results. Keywords: Training Program Based on Practice, Vocational  Interests

    Analisa Pengaruh Pelatihan Ketrampilan Menjual Terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Penjualan

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    Tenaga penjualan mempunyai peranan yang penting bagi perusahaan, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi tenaga penjualan untuk mencapai target penjualan, salah satu faktor tersebut adalah ketrampilan menjual yang dimiliki oleh tenaga penjualan. Pelatihan ketrampilan menjual sebagai bentuk pengembangan diri untuk meningkatkan kinerja tenaga penjualan. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan ketrampilan menjual terhadap kinerja tenaga penjualanPT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Departemen Distribusi General Book Area Jawa Tengah. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Intact-Group Comparison. Tenaga penjualan cabang Jateng sebagai kelompok eksperimen yaitu kelompok yang diberi pelatihan. Tenaga penjualan cabang Sumatera Utara sebagai kelompok kontrol atau kelompok tanpa pelatihan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian campuran (Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif). Metode pengunpulan menggunakan data dokumentasi perusahaan, observasi, dan wawancara. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,03 (dengan p < 0,05), hal ini berarti bahwa ada pengaruh pelatihan ketrampilan menjual terhadap kinerja tenaga penjualan. Dua bulan setelah pelatihan terdapat peningkatan pencapaian target penjualan sebesar 13,5%, dari 83% menjadi 96,5%

    Effects of sucrose and vegetable oil on properties of native cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) starch-based edible films

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    Biopolymer films and coatings from polysaccharides, proteins and lipids, formulated either with one or more components have the potential to control mass transfer and thus extend food shelf life. Due to the increase in the price of starches from traditional sources (such as corn), native or modified cassava starch has been recently considered as an economic alternative for the food industry. In this study, the effects of sucrose and vegetable oil as natural, cheaper and available plasticizer and moisture barrier material, on optical, mechanical and water barrier properties of cassava starch-based films were analyzed. Visual appearance and the polarized light microscopy data revealed that oil made the film opaque, and larger oil droplets were formed as sucrose content increased. The modification of the starch network, when sucrose was used at higher concentrations (15-20%), in combination with oil, weakened mechanical and water barrier properties. The behaviour of sucrose added to aqueous starch solution, in combination with oil, favored a development of larger droplets observed by polar microscopy, and which made the film matrix discontinuous and irregular. The heterogeneity of the film structure made the composite films fragile and facilitated water vapor diffusion. However, the film formulations containing low sucrose concentration (≤ 10 %) and an oil content of 10%, significantly reduced water vapor permeability, in comparison to film without oil. The formulations of composite film with low content of sucrose (≤ 10 %) showed smaller lipidic droplets and a structure more homogeneous by polar microscopy. Film thickness increased with total solid content in film matrix, and this effect was significantly pronounced as higher sucrose content (15-20%) was present with added vegetable oil. In addition to the linking with total solid content, this study revealed that, the thickness of films depends on reordering of molecular chains to form a more compact matrix in composite starch films, and this results in further increase film thickness. The composite films, thicker than the film control, were less cohesive due to less affinity between matrix components, and this resulted in anti-plastifiant behaviour of sucrose. Thus, sucrose used at higher levels, in combination with oil, induced negative effects on mechanical and water barrier properties of polysaccharide film. This study revealed the impact of the nature of molecular interactions on the structural characteristics and functional properties of composite matrix.Keywords: cassava, biofilm, starch, sucrose, lipi