206 research outputs found

    HIP 10725: The first solar twin/analogue field blue straggler

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    Context. Blue stragglers are easy to identify in globular clusters, but are much harder to identify in the field. Here we present the serendipitous discovery of one field blue straggler, HIP 10725, that closely matches the Sun in mass and age, but with a metallicity slightly lower than solar. Aims. We characterise the solar twin/analogue HIP 10725 to assess whether this star is a blue straggler. Methods. We employed spectra with high resolution (R ~ 105) and high signal-to-noise ratio (330) obtained with UVES at the VLT to perform a differential abundance analysis of the solar analogue HIP 10725. Radial velocities obtained by other instruments were also used to check for binarity. We also studied its chromospheric activity, age, and rotational velocity. Results. HIP 10725 is severely depleted in beryllium ([ Be/H ] ≤ −1.2 dex) for its stellar parameters and age. The abundances relative to solar of the elements with Z ≤ 30 show a correlation with condensation temperature, and the neutron capture elements produced by the s-process are greatly enhanced, while the r-process elements seem normal. We found its projected rotational velocity (vsini = 3.3 ± 0.1 km s-1) to be significantly higher than solar and incompatible with its isochrone-derived age. Radial velocity monitoring shows that the star has a binary companion. Conclusions. Based on the high s-process element enhancements and low beryllium abundance, we suggest that HIP 10725 has been polluted by mass transfer from an AGB star that probably had an initial mass of about 2 M⊙. The radial velocity variations suggest the presence of an unseen binary companion, probably the remnant of a former AGB star. Isochrones predict a solar-age star, but this disagrees with the high projected rotational velocity and high chromospheric activity. We conclude that HIP 10725 is a field blue straggler, rejuvenated by the mass-transfer process of its former AGB companion

    The effect of excess fluid balance on the mortality rate of surgical patients: a multicenter prospective study

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    INTRODUCTION: In some studies including small populations of patients undergoing specific surgery, an intraoperative liberal infusion of fluids was associated with increasing morbidity when compared to restrictive strategies. Therefore, to evaluate the role of excessive fluid infusion in a general population with high-risk surgery is very important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of intraoperative fluid balance on the postoperative organ dysfunction, infection and mortality rate. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study during one year in four ICUs from three tertiary hospitals, which included patients aged 18 years or more who required postoperative ICU after undergoing major surgery. Patients who underwent palliative surgery and whose fluid balance could change in outcome were excluded. The calculation of fluid balance was based on preoperative fasting, insensible losses from surgeries and urine output minus fluid replacement intraoperatively. RESULTS: The study included 479 patients. Mean age was 61.2 ± 17.0 years and 8.8% of patients died at the hospital during the study. The median duration of surgery was 4.0 (3.2 to 5.5) h and the value of the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) 3 score was 41.8 ± 14.5. Comparing survivors and non-survivors, the intraoperative fluid balance from non-survivors was higher (1,950 (1,400 to 3,400) mL vs. 1,400 (1,000 to 1,600) mL, P <0.001). Patients with fluid balance above 2,000 mL intraoperatively had a longer ICU stay (4.0 (3.0 to 8.0) vs. 3.0 (2.0 to 6.0), P <0.001) and higher incidence of infectious (41.9% vs. 25.9%, P = 0.001), neurological (46.2% vs. 13.2%, P <0.001), cardiovascular (63.2% vs. 39.6%, P <0.001) and respiratory complications (34.3% vs. 11.6%, P <0.001). In multivariate analysis, the fluid balance was an independent factor for death (OR per 100 mL = 1.024; P = 0.006; 95% CI 1.007 to 1.041). CONCLUSIONS: Patients with excessive intraoperative fluid balance have more ICU complications and higher hospital mortality

    18 Sco: A solar twin rich in refractory and neutron-capture elements. Implications for chemical tagging

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    We study with unprecedented detail the chemical composition and stellar parameters of the solar twin 18 Sco in a strictly differential sense relative to the Sun. Our study is mainly based on high-resolution (R ∼ 110,000), high signal-to-noise ratio (80

    Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Data Science

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    The Park City Math Institute 2016 Summer Undergraduate Faculty Program met for the purpose of composing guidelines for undergraduate programs in data science. The group consisted of 25 undergraduate faculty from a variety of institutions in the United States, primarily from the disciplines of mathematics, statistics, and computer science. These guidelines are meant to provide some structure for institutions planning for or revising a major in data science

    Teatro na educação de crianças e adolescentes participantes de ensaio clínico

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção pedagógica na aprendizagem de crianças e adolescentes participantes de pesquisa clínica. MÉTODOS: Estudo quantitativo, quasi-experimental e longitudinal, parte de um conjunto de estudos envolvidos no teste de uma vacina contra ancilostomíase. Amostra por conveniência com 133 estudantes de dez a 17 anos, de ambos os sexos, da Escola Municipal de Maranhão, MG, Brasil, 2009. Utilizou-se um questionário estruturado aplicado pré e pós-intervenção. O dispositivo pedagógico foi o Teatro do Oprimido. As variáveis dependentes foram o conhecimento específico e global sobre pesquisa clínica e sobre verminoses; a variável independente foi a participação na intervenção educativa. RESULTADOS: Houve aumento do conhecimento sobre sinais e sintomas, susceptibilidade à reinfecção e modo de contágio da verminose após a intervenção educativa. Aumentaram acertos relativos à duração da pesquisa clínica, aos procedimentos previstos, à possibilidade de desistência da participação e de ocorrência de eventos adversos. Permaneceu a noção de que o propósito primário da pesquisa é terapêutico, embora tenha reduzido o percentual de participantes que associaram a pesquisa ao tratamento médico. O Teatro do Oprimido possibilitou que as discussões acerca da helmintose e da pesquisa clínica fossem contextualizadas e materializadas. Os sujeitos puderam se despojar ou reduzir suas representações prévias. CONCLUSÕES: A participação de crianças e adolescentes em ensaios clínicos deve ser precedida de intervenção educativa, já que indivíduos dessa faixa etária nem sequer reconhecem que têm direito a decidir por si próprios

    Introgression of Aegilops speltoides segments in Triticum aestivum and the effect of the gametocidal genes

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    • Background and Aims Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) has been through a severe genetic bottleneck as a result of its evolution and domestication. It is therefore essential that new sources of genetic variation are generated and utilized. This study aimed to generate genome-wide introgressed segments from Aegilops speltoides. Introgressions generated from this research will be made available for phenotypic analysis. • Methods Aegilops speltoides was crossed as the male parent to T. aestivum ‘Paragon’. The interspecific hybrids were then backcrossed to Paragon. Introgressions were detected and characterized using the Affymetrix Axiom Array and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH). • Key Results Recombination in the gametes of the F₁ hybrids was at a level where it was possible to generate a genetic linkage map of Ae. speltoides. This was used to identify 294 wheat/Ae. speltoides introgressions. Introgressions from all seven linkage groups of Ae. speltoides were found, including both large and small segments. Comparative analysis showed that overall macro-synteny is conserved between Ae. speltoides and T. aestivum, but that Ae. speltoides does not contain the 4A/5A/7B translocations present in wheat. Aegilops speltoides has been reported to carry gametocidal genes, i.e. genes that ensure their transmission through the gametes to the next generation. Transmission rates of the seven Ae. speltoides linkage groups introgressed into wheat varied. A 100 % transmission rate of linkage group 2 demonstrates the presence of the gametocidal genes on this chromosome. • Conclusions A high level of recombination occurs between the chromosomes of wheat and Ae. speltoides, leading to the generation of large numbers of introgressions with the potential for exploitation in breeding programmes. Due to the gametocidal genes, all germplasm developed will always contain a segment from Ae. speltoides linkage group 2S, in addition to an introgression from any other linkage group

    Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals

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    Our motivation for writing this editorial is to alert the academic community about the risks of predatory publishing in Biology. By piggy-backing on the open access (OA) movement and taking advantage of the “publish or perish” culture in a system that prioritises quantity over quality, predatory publishing has grown exponentially in recent years and spread across all areas of knowledge. Thousands of predatory journals and books have emerged and (provided a fee is paid) they publish scientific papers and chapters without submitting them to rigorous peer review. Now there are even predatory meetings, which promise to accept talks and publish complete works for a fee, also without reviewing them properly. These profit-making machines can damage both academia and society, putting at risk the quality of science and public trust in it, the well-being of the population, the conservation of biodiversity and the mitigation of climate change. We show the modus operandi behind invitations to contribute to predatory journals, books and meetings and suggest ways to separate the wheat from the chaff. Finally, we discuss the need to create regulatory agencies that perform a careful and systematic evaluation of the activities carried out by publishers