2,433 research outputs found

    Factores asociados al despertar intraoperatorio. Revisión sistemática

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    Introducción: la conciencia intraoperatoria durante el acto quirúrgico es un efecto adverso poco común, sin embargo, su aparición puede provocar trastornos psicológicos graves e incapacitantes a largo plazo. Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados al despertar intraoperatorio en pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas, mediante revisión sistemática. Métodos: estudio observacional de revisión bibliográfica. Se incluyeron artículos científicos originales con calidad de evidencia en categoría Q1 a Q4 de Scimago Journal y Country Rank durante los últimos 10 años. La información se obtuvo a través de los buscadores: Hinari, Scopus, Redalyc, Scielo, Pubmed, Springer, NJM, BMJ, Cochrane, Latindex y Google académico. Consistió en colocar palabras claves con la combinación de estas a través de operadores booleanos. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizó la estrategia PICOs. La información se consolidó en tablas personalizadas para el efecto. Resultados: la prevalencia del despertar intraoperatorio osciló entre 0.0095% a 8,2%. Los factores de riesgo identificados con significancia estadística fueron la edad <60 años, mujeres, la obesidad, bajo peso, ASA III-IV, historial de conciencia intraoperatoria previa, intervenciones prolongadas, cirugías de alto riesgo y de emergencia, anestesia general y falta de pre medicación. La sedación y la aplicación de analgesia perioperatoria son factores protectores. Conclusiones: la conciencia intraoperatoria es una complicación poco frecuente durante el acto quirúrgico, los factores de riesgo obedecieron a determinantes relacionados con el paciente, el tipo de intervención quirúrgica y la técnica anestésica.Introduction: intraoperative awareness during surgery is a rare adverse effect, however, its appearance can cause serious and long-term disabling psychological disorders. Objective: to determine the factors associated with intraoperative awakening in patients undergoing surgical interventions, through a systematic review. Methods: observational study of literature review. Original scientific articles with quality of evidence in category Q1 to Q4 of Scimago Journal and Country Rank during the last 10 years were included. The information was obtained through the search engines: Hinari, Scopus, Redalyc, Scielo, Pubmed, Springer, NJM, BMJ, Cochrane, Latindex and Google Scholar. It consisted of placing keywords with the combination of these through Boolean operators. For data collection, the PICOs strategy was used. The information was consolidated in personalized tables for this purpose. Results: the prevalence of intraoperative awakening ranged from 0.0095% to 8.2%. The risk factors identified with statistical significance were age <60 years, women, obesity, low weight, ASA III-IV, history of prior intraoperative awareness, prolonged interventions, high-risk and emergency surgeries, general anesthesia, and lack of pre medication. Sedation and the application of perioperative analgesia are protective factors. Conclusions: intraoperative awareness is a rare complication during the surgical act, the risk factors were due to determinants related to the patient, the type of surgical intervention and the anesthetic technique.Especialista en AnestesiologíaCuenc

    El diseño de CABIGO (Catálogo Bibliográfico sobre Góngora) Criterios, metodología y estadísticas

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    In this paper we describe the design of a catalogue called CABIGO, which collects 786 bibliographic entries, pertaining to the poetry of Luis de Góngora and published between 2000 and 2014. This paper, however, does not focus on the catalogue itself but rather on the editorial decisions made during its creation. We also exhibit the tools, which help users search through the database as well as assist them in creating additional bibliographies for their work. Finally we present some statistical data, which has revealed some meaningful publication patterns depicting how criticism on the poetry of Góngora is currently being disseminated

    Representações sociais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento para mulheres que adotam práticas de rejuvenescimento

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, Florianópolis, 2015.Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo compreender as relações entre as representações sociais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento com as práticas de rejuvenescimento adotadas por mulheres. Para isso foram descritas as representações sociais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento, identificadas as práticas de rejuvenescimento adotadas pelas participantes, bem como comparadas as representações sociais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento com os tipos de práticas de rejuvenescimento adotadas pelas mulheres participantes. Participaram da pesquisa 40 mulheres, entre 30 e 60 anos, sendo que 20 utilizavam práticas não invasivas e as outras 20 mulheres faziam uso de práticas invasivas e minimamente invasivas de rejuvenescimento. Para a coleta de dados foi empregada a técnica de associação de palavras a partir dos termos indutores rejuvenescimento e envelhecimento, entrevista semi-diretiva e não estruturada para investigação das representações sociais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento e possíveis zonas mudas, além de questionário contendo questões de caracterização das participantes e itens sobre as práticas de rejuvenescimento. A análise dos dados empregou estatística descritiva e relacional, com auxílio do Pacote Estatístico SPSS, análise de conteúdo do tipo categorial, com o suporte do software Atlas.ti, além de análise textual por meio do software IRAMUTEQ. Os resultados obtidos apontam que as representações sociais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento podem apresentar elementos distintos, de acordo com o tipo de prática de rejuvenescimento adotada e com o grau de favorabilidade e intencionalidade em relação à tais práticas. Assim, as mulheres que são favoráveis e apresentam intenção de adotar práticas de rejuvenescimento invasivas e minimamente invasivas destacam a relação entre feiúra-envelhecimento e beleza-rejuvenescimento, enquanto as mulheres que adotam práticas não invasivas e são desfavoráveis às práticas invasivas e minimamente invasivas, apresentam elementos representacionais do rejuvenescimento que vinculam o uso de práticas invasivas à negação do envelhecimento, sendo a aceitação do envelhecimento associada ao envelhecimento saudável por práticas não invasivas. Ao mesmo tempo em que o envelhecimento é apresentado como uma condição subjetiva são adotadas práticas de rejuvenescimento de cunho funcional e estético, justificadas a partir da concepção de envelhecimento saudável, o que pode representar a ocorrência do fenômeno de desejabilidade social. Pressão social e a cobrança das mulheres entre si surgem como elementos representacionais do envelhecimento e do rejuvenescimento que justificam a adoção de práticas de rejuvenescimento. Por fim, a representação social do envelhecimento vinculada ao estado subjetivo parece presente na concepção do rejuvenescimento associado ao bem estar, em que o convívio social e a apreensão de novos conhecimentos surgem como práticas de rejuvenescimento. Desse modo, salienta-se a necessidade da criação de espaços sociais que estimulem o convívio intergeracional, que auxilie para a atualização de novos conhecimentos e para o bem estar subjetivo daquele que almeja "sentir-se jovem".Abstract : This research aimed to understand the relationship between social representation of aging and rejuvenation with the rejuvenation practices adopted by women. For this, we described social representation of aging and rejuvenation, identified rejuvenation practices adopted by participants and compared social representation of aging and rejuvenation with the types of rejuvenation practices adopted by the participating women. Participants were 40 women, ranging from 30 to 60 years old. 20 of them used non-invasive practices and the other 20 women used invasive and minimally invasive practices of rejuvenation. For data collection, it was performed the word association technique from inductor terms rejuvenation and aging, semi-directive and unstructured interview for investigation of social representation of aging and rejuvenation and possible mute areas, and questionnaire including questions about participant characterization and items about rejuvenation practices. Data analysis employed descriptive and relational statistics with the help of SPSS Statistical Package, the categorical content analysis, with the support of Atlas.ti software, plus textual analysis through the IRAMUTEQ software. The results show that social representation of aging and rejuvenation may present different elements, according to the type of rejuvenation practice adopted and the degree of favorability and intent in relation to such practices. Thus, women who are favorable and have intention to adopt invasive and minimally invasive rejuvenation practices highlight the relationship between ugliness-aging and beauty-rejuvenation, while women who adopt non-invasive practices and are unfavorable to invasive and minimally invasive practices have representational elements of rejuvenation that link the use of invasive practices to aging denial, and acceptance of aging associated with healthy aging by non-invasive practices. While aging is presented as a subjective condition, functional and aesthetic rejuvenation practices are adopted, justified from healthy aging conception, which may represent the occurrence of the desirability social phenomenon. Social pressure and the demand among women themselves appear as representational elements of aging and rejuvenation that justify the adoption of rejuvenation practices. Finally, the social representation of aging linked to the subjective state seems to be present in the concept of rejuvenation associated with well-being, in which social life and seizure of new knowledge emerge as rejuvenation practices. Thus, we highlight the need to create social spaces that encourage intergenerational interaction, that helps to update new knowledge and the subjective well-being that it aims to "feel young.

    Assessment of the scientific evidence of the potential use of açaí (Euterpe oleracea, Mart.) in clinical outcomes: analysis with focus on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action

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    The açaí berry (Euterpe oleracea, Mart.), fruit native to the Amazon region and explored mainly in the region of Pará, gained importance in recent years due to potential health benefits, associated with its phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity, related to its high content of flavonoids. Among these, anthocyanins are responsible for the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacity of this fruit. Experimental studies show that due to its composition, the acai berry has antioxidant activity related to its ability to reduce the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and its potential to inhibit cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). Another benefit studied is the analysis of their effectiveness in the anti-inflammatory process, being observed inhibition of araquedônico acid-derived mediators, suggesting that the fruit can act in the chronic inflammatory process. Also it was possible to observe that the fruit may have anti-inflammatory effects in healthy patients. Thus, the supplementation of diets with use of acai berry could attenuate inflammation process and oxidative stress, today with more consistent evidence derived primarily from in vitro studies. However, there is still need for further studies to prove the action of this fruit in the mechanisms involved in these processes, isolation of specific compounds and determining their optimal dosage