69 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Petani belimbing terkendala harga produknya yang fluktuatif atau cenderung rendah. Harga produk ditentukan oleh tengkulak, petani tidak mempunyai nilai tawar untuk menentukan harga jual belimbing. Rendahnya ketramiplan untuk membuat diversifikasi produk menjadi permasalahan petani. Pada era pasar global sekarang pemberdayaaan industri kecil sangat penting, karena industri kecil merupakan tulang punggung perekonomian. Tujuan kegiatan ini memberikan ketrampilan untuk membuat diversifikasi produk belimbing sehingga dapat menjadi produk unggulan desa dari produk lokal. Tahapan kegiatan yang dilakukan mengembangkan alat penggoreng buah vakum, sosialisasi warga masyarakat, workshop pembuatan kripik buah dengan penggoreng vakum. Berdasarkan kegiatan dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1). Telah dikembangkan penggoreng vakum kapasitas 2 kg dengan demensi 50x60x130 cm3 bahan stainless steel, sebagai set alat untuk pembuatan kripik buah belimbing , 2). Masyarakat pedesaan memiliki motivasi kuat dalam pelatihan membuat diversifikasi produk lokal menjadi produk unggulan desa seperti kripik buah, dengan teknologi penggorengan vakum. Saran saran yang diberikan: 1) Perlu penyempurnaan vakum penggoreng belimbing sehingga pemvakuman lebih optimum, 2) Perlu dilakukan peningkatan kualitas dan viriasi kripik belimbing yang telah dibuat. Abstract: Starfruit farmers are constrained by the fluctuating or low price of their products. The price of the product is determined by the middlemen, the farmers do not have a bargaining value to determine the selling price of starfruit. Low ketramiplan to make product diversification a problem for farmers. In the current era of the global market, empowerment of small industries is very important, because small industries are the backbone of the economy. The purpose of this activity is to provide skills to diversify star fruit products so that they can become superior village products from local products. The stages of the activities carried out were developing a vacuum fruit fryer, socialization for the community, a workshop for making fruit chips using a vacuum fryer. Based on the activities and discussions that have been carried out, it can be concluded: 1). A vacuum fryer with a capacity of 2 kg with dimensions of 50x60x130 cm3 stainless steel has been developed, as a set of tools for making star fruit chips, 2). Rural communities have strong motivation in training to diversify local products into superior village products such as fruit chips, using vacuum frying technology. Suggestions given: 1) It is necessary to improve the vacuum of starfruit fryer so that the vacuum is more optimal, 2) It is necessary to improve the quality and viriation of starfruit chips that have been made


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    The service of electricity consumer has no optimal get according toUUNo. 20 / 2002 (Electricity Act). The Local Regulation in City / Regency at Central Java has just regulated general lighting tax taken and managed by Department of Income Affair. The aspect of electricity service has no mentioned from the aragement of duty and right of electricity commodity contract and there is no mechanism of supervision for electricity consumer. For those needs maximization of PLN sheet lighting consumer service model

    Penerapan Teknologi Produksi Biodiesel dari Minyak Jelantah pada Kelompok Masyarakat di Kampung Mokwam Distrik Masni Kabupaten Manokwari: -

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    The acquisition of subsidized diesel fuel is challenging, and the elevated prices of non-subsidized diesel fuel have significantly impacted small and medium enterprise groups, causing operational issues. To mitigate this problem, it is vital to explore alternative fuels that can replace diesel fuel. Used cooking oil presents itself as a viable substitute for diesel fuel due to the abundance of cooking oil in households, which has the potential to cause environmental pollution. The esterification reaction can be employed to convert used cooking oil into biodiesel, suitable for use in diesel engines. This training aims to provide comprehensive guidance and practical training to Kharisma household business members on the production of biodiesel from used cooking oil. The training methods encompass lectures, discussions, and demonstrations. The reactor utilized has a 30-liter capacity for used cooking oil. The training results indicate that the Kharisma household business members are proficient in operating the biodiesel-making equipment (reactors) and are capable of independently producing biodiesel.Sulitnya untuk mendapatkan solar subsidi dan mahalnya harga solar non-subsidi menyebabkan kelompok usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) menghadapi masalah dalam usaha mereka terutama yang menggunakan motor penggerak berbahan bakar solar. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut maka perlu dicari bahan bakar alternatif untuk menggantikan bahan bakar solar. Minyak goreng bekas (jelantah) sangat potensial sebagai pengganti solar. Limbah minyak goreng sangat banyak terdapat di masyarakat karena terus berkembangnya usaha rumah tangga yang menggunakan minyak goreng. Limbah minyak goreng bekas ini jika tidak dimanfaatkan akan menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan. Melalui reaksi esterifikasi maka minyak jelantah dapat diubah menjadi biodiesel yang dapat digunakan untuk menggerakkan mesin diesel. Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah untuk memberikan bimbingan dan praktek kepada anggota UKM. Kharisma membuat biodiesel dari minyak goreng bekas (jelantah). Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah ceramah, diskusi, dan demonstrasi. Reaktor yang digunakan berkapasitas 30 liter minyak goreng bekas (jelantah). Hasil dari pelatihan ini menunjukkan bahwa anggota UKM. Kharisma telah terampil mengoperasikan alat pembuat biodiesel (reaktor) dan mampu memproduksi biodiesel secara mandiri

    A Review: Synthesis of Biodiesel from Low/Off Grade Crude Palm Oil on Pretreatment, Transesterification, and Characteristics

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    Biodiesel from natural materials has proven its contribution as a renewable energy source. Exploration of natural materials has expanded until many studies have begun to consider natural waste materials to reduce the impact of environmental damage. A natural material that is still considered waste is Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Low/Off Grade. Research on this waste has begun to be projected as a raw material for biodiesel. Research on the use of various catalysts in the transesterification and esterification reaction of this waste has expanded. Then, the biodiesel produced has unique characteristics. Thus, some of these studies have been reviewed on a small scale. From that, it is proposed a route to utilize CPO Low/Off Grade which is sustainable and renewable. Therefore, this review article aims to provide a unique understanding of research on the use of Low/Off Grade CPO as biodiesel. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v13i4.163

    Fischer-tropsch synthesis: effect of temperature and iron-cobalt ratio in Fe-Co/meso-HZSM-5 catalyst on liquid product distribution

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    The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis converted hydrogen and carbon monoxide into linear hydrocarbons as liquid fuel. Iron and cobalt were used as polymerization catalyst, that impregnated on HZSM-5. The Fe-Co/HZSM-5 could be applied as bifunction catalyst which combined polymerizing synthesis gas and long chain hydrocarbon cracking for making biofuel. The objective of this study is observing the effect of temperature and composition of iron and cobalt combination, supported by HSZM-5 (Fe-Co/HZSM-5) catalyst on fuel product composition. The results obtained from this study would be used to find optimum condition for various iron and cobalt ratio in the catalyst. The mesoHZSM-5 was prepared from ammonium ZSM-5 over calcination, desilication, and dispersion. The mixed solution consisted of Co(NO3)2.6H2O and Fe(NO3)3.9H2O were used as precursor for incipient wetness impregnation on HZSM-5. The catalyst performance was observed in a continuous fixed bed reactor using Fe-Co/meso-HZSM-5 catalyst with synthesis gas at various composition iron and cobalt ratio (10–40 % wt. Fe in Co), various temperature (225–275 Â°C) at 20 bars. All catalysts were reduced in situ in the reactor. The 10Fe-90Co/mesoHZSM-5 catalyst was more suitable for FTS at 250 Â°C with alkane (20.49 %) as the main product and alcohol as the by-product (79.51 %). The others catalysts composition of 20–40 % Fe (by weight) in Fe-Co were more suitable for FTS at 225–250°C because under these conditions, alkanes as the main product were obtained in relatively higher compositions compared to other compounds. The mechanism of paraffins, olefins, aldehydes and alcohols formation in this FTS reaction followed the hydrogen assisted CO dissociation with CO-insertion mechanis

    Implementation of Problem-Based Learning-Stem Strategy on Students’ Conceptual Understanding and Critical Thinking in Fundamental of Chemical Equilibrium

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    This research aims to determine differences in students’ conceptual and critical thinking of XI High School Students that teach using Problem Based Learning-STEM strategy on learning chemical equilibrium. This research use design quasi-experimental factorial 2x2 design with convenience sampling. Instruments used in this research are students’ conceptual and critical thinking tests. The result shows that (1) there are differences students’ conceptual and critical thinking in the group that learned by Problem Based Learning-STEM with the group that learned using Problem Based Learning Strategy, (2) there are differences in students’ conceptual and critical thinking based on initial abilities in the group that learned by Problem Based Learning-STEM with the group that learned using Problem Based Learning strategy, (3) there is no interaction of Problem Based Learning-STEM strategy and Problem Based Learning based on initial abilities to students’ conceptual and critical thinkin

    Pengaruh Strategi Project Based Learning (Pjbl) terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa Kelas XI IPA pada Materi Koloid

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    The 21st century education aims to develop the ability of intelligence of students in order to resolve the problems faced in real life. Project-Based Learning is one instructional strategies to develop the skills required in the 21st century. Through a given project, students are not only required to achieve the learning objectives that have been set, but students will be trained to face the world of work that requires their ability to access, mesintesis, communicating information, and work together to solve complex problems so as to improve the ability of students critical thinking. This research is a quasi-experimental research (quasy experiment) with posttest only control group design. This research aims to determine the influence of Project Based Learning Strategy (PjBL) to the critical thinking skills of students of class XI IPA at SMAN 1 Malua on colloidal material. The research population includes students of class XI IPA at SMAN 1 Malua, with random cluster sampling technique sampling. Data were analyzed using independent sample t-test in SPSS 20 for windows at the 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that the significance level of critical thinking skills of 0.001 which indicates that there are differences between students' critical thinking skills that learned using a strategy of Project Based Learning (PjBL) with students that learned using conventional methods.Pendidikan abad 21 bertujuan untuk membangun kemampuan intelegensi siswa dalam pembelajaran agar mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi. salah satu strategi pembelaj aran di abad 21 yang mengembangkan keterampilan siswa ialah Project Based Learning. Melalui proyek yang diberikan, siswa tidak hanya dituntut untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan, tetapi siswa akan lebih terlatih menghadapi dunia kerja yang membutuhkan kemampuan mereka dalam mengakses, mesintesis, mengomunikasikan infomasi, dan bekerja sama memecahkan masalah yang kompleks sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasy experiment) dengan rancangan penelitian posttest only control group design. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi Project Based Learning (PjBL) terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas XI IPA di SMAN 1 Malua pada materi koloid. Populasi penelitian meliputi siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Malua, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel cluster random sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan independent sample t-test pada program SPSS 20 for windows pada taraf signifikasi 0,05. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa taraf signifikasi kemampuan berpikir kritis sebesar 0,001 yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis antara siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan strategi Project Based Learning (PjBL) dengan siswa yang dibelajarkan menggunakan metode konvensional

    Motivasi Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa Setelah Pembelajaran Kimia Dengan Strategi Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    Motivasi dan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa Setelah Pembelajaran Kimia Dengan Strategi Inkuiri Terbimbing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh strategi inkuiri terbimbing terhadap motivasi dan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa pada pembelajaran hi­drolisis. Penelitian eksperimen semu ini menggunakan pretest-postest control group design. Subjek pe­nelitian adalah dua kelas XI IPA dengan rerata kemampuan yang setara, yaitu kelas XI IPA 1 (kelas eks­positori) dan kelas XI IPA 3 (kelas inkuiri terbimbing) SMA Negeri 6 Malang tahun pelajaran 2013/2014. Ketiga instrumen pengukuran yaitu tes motivasi, tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi yang terdiri dari tes pemahaman konseptual dan algoritmik serta tes kemampuan logika deduktiv, telah diuji coba dan menun­jukkan bahwa ketiganya valid dan reliabel. Perbedaan hasil tes di kedua kelas dianalisis dengan uji MA­NOVA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar dan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi, baik dalam bentuk pemahaman konseptual dan pemahaman algoritmik, maupun kemampuan logika de­duktif, dari siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi inkuiri terbimbing adalah lebih tinggi dibanding siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan strategi ekspositori

    Synthesis of Biodiesel from Refined Waste Cooking Oil with Active Natural Zeolite

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      This research evaluates refining waste cooking oil with active natural zeolite, utilizes it for biodiesel synthesis, and characterizes the synthesized methyl ester. This experimental laboratory research was carried out: (1) activation of natural zeolite, (2) refining waste cooking oil with active natural zeolite, (3) determination of free fatty acid (FFA) content of the oil, (4) transesterification with KOH catalyst, (5) characterization of the synthesized methyl esters according to the SNI 7182:2015, and (6) identification of the methyl ester component by GC-MS. The results showed that the FFA content of the refined waste cooking oil using active natural zeolite with concentrations of 10%, 20%, and 30% per mass of oil were 2.97, 2.0, and 1.56%, respectively. The yield of methyl ester transesterified with various concentrations of KOH (0.8, 1.0, and 2% per mass of oil), respectively, were 80.13, 85.34, and 74.98%. The synthesized methyl ester resulted in the characteristics: 0.867 g/mL of density; 5.72 cSt of viscosity; 1.449 of refractive index; 1.46 g KOH/g of acid number; and 0.023% of water content. Identification of GC-MS obtained the synthesized methyl esters, which include: 46.10% of methyl hexadecanoic, 41.68% of methyl 9-octadecanoic, 6.42% of methyl octadecanoic, and 5.80% of methyl eicosanoic

    Karakterisasi Metil Ester Dari Minyak Biji Bunga Matahari dan Minyak Zaitun di Bawah Katalis KOH

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    Fatty acid methyl esters can be obtained from the synthesis of vegetable oil with methanol using a base catalyst. Vegetable oil has potential as biodiesel feedstock, the methyl ester character of various vegetable oils is different, for example from sunflower seed oil and olive oil. The synthesis of methyl esters by conventional transesterification reactions generally takes 1-2 hours. The purpose of this study was to synthesize methyl esters from sunflower seed oil and olive oil with a KOH catalyst and to determine the yield and its characteristics. This research is a type of laboratory experimental research. The research was carried out in 3 stages which included (1) determination of the free fatty acid content (ALB) of the oil, (2) transesterification of the oil with methanol and potassium hydroxide as a catalyst, and (3) characterization of the synthesized methyl ester which included density, viscosity, and number. acid. The results showed that the yield of methyl esters synthesized by transesterification reaction of sunflower seed oil was 95.61% and the yield of methyl esters synthesized by transesterification reaction of olive oil was 95.09.%. The methyl ester characters synthesized from sunflower seed oil are, density of 0.906 g/mL, viscosity of 5.035 cSt, acid number of 1.21 g KOH/g. The methyl ester characters synthesized from olive oil by transesterification reaction are density of 0.909 g/mL, viscosity of 12.203 cSt, acid number of 0.629 g KOH/g
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