2 research outputs found

    Use of instagram to improve verbal-linguistic intelligence and kinesthetic-body intelligence of low-class students through scientific approach in primary schools

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    Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence and Kinesthetic-Body Intelligence are important for students to have at an early age. The purpose of this study is to see improvement in Verbal-Linguistic and Kinesthetic-Body Intelligence through Instagram-assisted Scientific Approaches. The study used a pre-experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design on the thematic learning of my hobby topic. Determination of the sample by purposive sampling technique. Participants consisted of 15 male students and 12 female students in first-grade elementary school in Purwakarta Regency. Measurement through observation and documentation to observe and record the activities of students' verbal-linguistic and kinesthetic intelligence. Research shows an increase in Verbal-Linguistic and Kinesthetic-Body Intelligence is in the medium category with n-gain values of 0.59 and 0.56, and an increase in Verbal-Linguistic and Kinesthetic-Body Intelligence after learning with a more scientific-assisted Instagram approach significantly better than before being treated with sig. 0,000<0.05. The use of Instagram shows students enthusiastic about expressing their hobbies. Learning development should be able to accommodate a variety of student intelligence and utilize social media that serves to facilitate learning and assessment more interestin


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    ABSTRAKKecerdasan menggambarkan kemampuan individu menyelesaikan tugas untuk mencapai tujuan. Perkembangan jaman turut mengembangkan temuan baru diantaranya kecerdasan jamak yang dicetuskan Howard Gardner terdiri sembilan kecerdasan. Dalam kajian literatur ini akan membahas pengembangan kecerdasan visual-spasial dan kecerdasan verbal-lnguistik siswa dengan mind map berbantuan youtube untuk menunjang alternatif pembelajaran masa depan setelah munculnya COVID-19. Mind map dianggap cocok untuk mengembangkan kecerdasan visual spasial dan kecerdasan verbal-linguistik karena pembelajaran mind map berhubungan dengan gambar, warna, kata-kata yang sesuai dengan indikator kecerdasan visual-spasial dan kecerdasan verbal-linguistik, media youtube membantu siswa mengembangkan topik yang dibahas serta menunjang kecerdasan dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh ditengah pandemi COVID-19. Dengan demikian penelitian ini sebagai solusi gambaran pembelajaran jarak jauh untuk pengembangan kecerdasan jamak ditengah pandemi COVID-1.ABSTRACTIntelligence describes the ability of individuals to complete tasks to achieve goals. Development of the times helped develop discoveries including multiple intelligences that Howard Gardner coined consisted of nine intelligences. This literature review will discuss the development of visual-spatial intelligence and the verbal-linguistic intelligence of students with a YouTube-assisted mind map to support future learning alternatives after the advent of COVID-19. The mind map is considered suitable for developing spatial-visual intelligence and verbal-linguistic intelligence because mind map learning is related to images, colors, words that are following indicators of visual-spatial intelligence and verbal-linguistic intelligence, YouTube media helps students develop topics discussed and support intelligence in distance learning amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, this study as a solution to the description of distance learning for the development of multiple intelligences amid the COVID-19 pandemic