923 research outputs found

    Effective Approaches With Young Adults: A Guide for Probation Services

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    The aim of this guide is to give probation practitioners, whether in the National Probation Service or Community Rehabilitation Companies, the tools to deliver a more effective approach to young adults. It provides practical suggestions for effective ways to engage young adults and support their desistance from crime. It also includes suggestions for managers on what they can do to enable practitioners to improve outcomes within probation services

    Marginalization of Fezzan Region in Libya

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    The Fezzan region of Libya experiences instability, conflict, and reduced quality of life. This qualitative case study aimed to understand and compare the positionality and marginalization of Fezzan relative to the other Libyan regions of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania and how this positionality had shaped Fezzan through the Constitutional Monarchy era (1952 to 1969), Gaddafi era (1969 to 2011), and February Revolution era (2011 to 2021). Data came from elite written interviews with former Libyan government members and secondary data from the academic and professional/international literature about Libya and archival information, such as demographics and budgetary data. The conceptual framework contained three theories of federalism: democracy in plural societies, and patterns of democracy, and the market-preserving federalism and economic development. Data were analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis, case study triangulation, and case study comparison between the three political eras of Libya to find six themes: Fezzan was underpopulated with lacking social and political actors, Fezzan\u27s marginalization was impacted by King Idris I from Cyrenaica, foreign sanctions against Gaddafi\u27s neoliberal ideas impacted Libya, reconciliation with the West improved the standard of living in Libya, Fezzan remains a pawn of the power struggle of internal and external actors, and Fezzan plays a role in the prevalence of crime, corruption, and terrorism. Recommendations emphasize the need to cultivate Libyan governmental self-sufficiency, a balanced constitution representing all regions equally, and governmental protection against outside influence. When accomplished, Fezzan will likely abandon the criminality it has adopted to protect itself and create economic opportunities

    Measuring the openness of land investment policy related to housing or residential ownership by foreigners in Indonesia

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    The existence of Government Regulation No. 103 of 2015 concerning Housing or Residential Ownership by Foreigners Occupied in Indonesia which contains a climate of openness for foreigners raises the problem of government openness policy in the field of land investment. One of the problems contained in the Government Regulation No. 103 of 2015 as a breakdown of Law No. 5 of 1960 concerns the Basic Regulations of Agrarian Principles and Law No. 5 of 2011 concerning immigration is the duration of the right of use. This duration is 80 years containing a climate of openness to foreigners. This period is longer than the enactment in the Government Regulation No. 41 of 1996 which regulates the same matter. This research is a normative juridical research using statute approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach. Comparisons are made between the existing primary legal materials, mainly between Government Regulation No. 103 of 2015 and the previous Government Regulation concerning the same matter, that is Government Regulation No. 41 of 1996.peer-reviewe

    Tanggung Jawab Hukum Terhadap Pelaksanaan Sewa Beli Armada Taksi (Studi Pada Koperasi Sopir Transportasi (Kosti) Solo)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan perjanjian sewa beli secara umum dan perjanjian sewa beli armada taksi secara khusus, mengetahui bagaimana hak dan kewajiban yang timbul dan mengetahui bagaimana tanggung jawab hukum yang timbul dalam perjanjian Sewa Beli Armada Taksi di Kosti Solo. Latar belakang penulisan skripsi ini adalahkarena pada saat ini transportasi merupakan sarana yang dibutuhkan orang sejak jaman dahulu dalam melaksanakan kegiatannya yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk transportasi, salah satunya adalah transportasi darat, khususnya pada transportasi perkotaan yang merupakan bagian pembangunan dalam menjawab pertumbuhan perkotaan yang sangat pesat seperti kota Solo. Dimana kota Solo sebagai kota budaya dan pariwisata diupayakan penyediaan pelayanan yang baik dalam bidang jasa armada umum, salah satunya kendaraan taksi. Sistem transportasi nasional ditata dan terus disempurnakan dengan didukung peningkatan sumber daya manusia sehingga terwujud pelayanan yang baik, serta disesuaikan dengan perkembangan ekonomi, tingkat kemajuan teknologi, kebijaksanaan tata ruang dan pelestarian lingkungan. Teknologi sangat berjasa meringankan beban manusia dalam memperpendek jarak tempuh, satu diantaranya adalah teknologi yang mencoba menjawab kebutuhan manusia menghadapi keterbatasan waktu yaitu alat angkut yang dalam hal ini alat angkut kendaraan roda empat yaitu taksi. Demikian halnya dengan Koperasi Sopir Transportasi Solo (KOSTI Solo) alat angkut kendaraan roda empat yaitu taksi yang berpusat di Mojosongo Surakarta telah membuka cakrawala baru bagi lapangan pekerjaan di bidang jasa armada taksi. Penelitian berlokasi di Koperasi Sopir Taksi Solo (KOSTI) sebagai tempat penelitian dengan menggunakan, metode penelitian Empiris. Kemudian untuk teknik pengumpulan data, penulis mengalisis data yang mengungkapkan dan mengambil kebenaran yang diperoleh dari kepustakaan, kemudian dipadukan dengan pendapat responden di lapangan, dianalisis secara kualitatif dan dicari pemecahanya, disimpulkan, kemudian digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ada. Dalam hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat dilihat dan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, dalam perjanjian sewa beli armada taksi apabila tejadi wanprestasi dan perbuatan melawan hukum maka pihak yang melakukan perbuatan tersebut dapat diminta tanggung jawab hukumnya untuk memberi ganti rugi. Hal ini dapat dibicarakan secara musyawarah atau melalui jalur hukum, yaitu mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan Negeri setempat

    A novel intermittent fault detection algorithm and health monitoring for electronic interconnections

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    There are various occurrences and root causes that result in no-fault-found (NFF) events but an intermittent fault (IF) is the most frustrating. This paper describes the challenging and most important area of an IF detection and health monitoring that focuses toward NFF situation in electronics interconnections. The experimental work focuses on mechanically-induced intermittent conditions in connectors. This paper illustrates a test regime, which can be used to repeatedly reproduce intermittence in electronic connectors, while subjected to vibration. A novel algorithm is used to detect an IF in interconnection. It sends a sine wave and decodes the received signal for intermittent information from the channel. This algorithm has been simulated to capture an IF signature using PSpice (electronic circuit simulation software). A simulated circuit is implemented for practical verification. However, measurements are presented using an oscilloscope. The results of this experiment provide an insight into the limitations of existing test equipment and requirements for future IF detection techniques. Aside from scheduled maintenance, this paper considers the possibility for in-service intermittent detection to be built into future systems, i.e., can IFs be captured without external test gear

    Analisis Modal Kerja dan Profitabilitas pada PT. Wahana Sumber Lestari Samarinda di Samarinda

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    This study aimed to calculate and test the amount of working capital and profitability on PT. Wahana Sumber Lestari Samarinda. The problem in this study is “"Is the increase in working capital in PT. Wahana Sumber Lestari Samarinda can increase profitability growth ?” Working capital is the total funds needed to generate income for the year or functional working capital or functional concepts. Profitability of a company shows a comparison between the earnings or capital assets that generate such profits, in other words, profitability is the ability of a company to generate profit for a certain period.Based on the analysis, working capital turnover at PT. Wahana Sumber Lestari Samarinda in 2009 only 2.5 times, in 2010 (2.8 times), in 2011 (2.9 times) and 2012 (2.6 times). Working capital turnover increased in 2010 and 2011 while in 2012 the working capital turnover has decreased. Overall value of working capital turnover is still below average that is 6 times the industry average or 60 days. The slow turnaround in the company's working capital caused by too much cash, inventory buildup and slow withdrawal of receivables.Profitability ratio in PT. Wahana Sumber Lestari Samarinda rides between 2009 and 2012 looks very volatile. Net Profit Margin, Return On Investment, Return On Equity, Growth Net Profit Margin, Return on Equity and Growth Growth Return On Investment had increased in 2010 then in 2011 and 2012 decreased. The decrease in 2011 and 2012 occurred because of decreased sales so little impact on net income. Despite an increase in 2010 than in 2009 but still below the value of the resulting average - the industry average is 20% net profit margin, return on investment 30% and 40% Return On Equity. (Kasmir, 2011:208). Profitability becomes a thing that is more important than just knowing the company earned net income