191 research outputs found

    Reconceptualising the Instructional Roles of Academic Librarians in Order to Better Serve Underserved Students at a California Public University

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    The need to equip society with information literacy (IL) has become essential, as evidenced by the 2016 and 2020 U.S. elections, COVID 19 pandemic, and QAnon. A deficiency in information provenance and credibility, combined with internet users’ poor information-seeking habits, has fostered the perfect environment for misinformation. In this atmosphere, higher education institutions (HEIs) must take the lead in developing a citizenry with the necessary IL skills to make informed judgments. The need to impart IL is even more crucial among the underserved student population (i.e., low-income, first-generation college students, and students of colour) who suffer from a deficiency in IL, because of the digital divide, when arriving at HEIs. The problem of practice (PoP) addressed here concerns the impact of Golden State Academy – Valley (GSA-V) not implementing an academic librarian (AL) taught IL credit-bearing course, crucial for its large underserved student population. GSA-V continues to underutilize its AL concerning the development of such courses, despite their expertise in IL and the literature demonstrating the positive impact on academic success. As a proponent of the critical paradigm, I envision this PoP as an opportunity for empowering marginalized voices. Using Kotter’s eight-stage process, combined with distributed and servant leadership principles, this Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) proposes the development of an experimental AL-taught IL credit-bearing course. The aim is to utilize this course as an entryway for improving AL instructional roles and developing the IL skills of GSA-V’s underserved student population. The hope is that the experimental course can act as a catalyst for creating a general education IL requirement, thereby significantly increasing the reach and impact of such instruction

    The growth of the silver nanoparticles on the mesoporous silicon and macroporous silicon: A comparative study

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    Two porous silicon (PS) layers, namely mesoPS and macroPS have been prepared by electrochemical etching (ECE) and photo–electrochemical etching (PECE) processes, respectively. The surface morphology of mesoPS and macroPS reflects a different form of morphology. Silver nanoparticles (AgNPAs) have been obtained through immersion of PS samples in AgNO3 solution. The mechanism of Ag growth depends on the substrate morphology. In the case of using mesoPS substrate, the AgNPAs have sizes ranging from 0.25 to 2.25 µm, so they can’t enter inside pores and therefore they aggregate on the mesoPS surface, while by using macroPS substrate, they have sizes ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 µm, decorate the inner of the pores and the separate Ag nanoaggregates form on the macroPS surface. The highest SERS has been obtained for AgNPAs/macroPS substrate rather than AgNPAs/mesoPS substrate. The enhancement factor (EF) values achieved by using AgNPAs deposited on macroPS and mesoPS substrates are about (1.8×106) and (3.2×104), respectively

    Translating Necessity Modality Verbs in Governmental Contracts Texts from Arabic into English

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    The present paper goes to discover the notion and types of contracts. Moreover, it tries to find the employment of necessity modality verbs in the governmental contract’s texts. The methodology of analysis employed in this research is Fairclough\u27s (1989) linguistic model, which is used in the analysis and interpretation of the necessity verbs in governmental contracts texts. The Data of this study have been rendered by 15 M.A. students in the department of translation at the College of Arts, University of Tikrit. The translational model suggested by Catford (1965) is also employed

    Kinematics Simulation of Gough-Stewart Parallel Manipulator by Using Simulink Package in Matlab Software

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    كووف ستيوورت هو مناور متوازي ذو ست درجات من الحرية، وله ست معادلات كينماتك(معكوس وامامي) مع ست متغيرات (اطوال, موقع, واتجاه).  في هذا العمل تم اشتقاق معادلات الكينماتك المعكوسة، التي تستخدم لحساب اطوال الاذرع والتغير بالطول لها بالاعتماد على موقع واتجاه مركز القاعدة المتحركة، بعد ذلك تم اشتقاق معدلات الكينماتك الامامية التي تستخدم لحساب موقع واتجاه القاعدة العليا المتحركة بدلالة الاطوال. هذا النموذج الرياضي للتحليلي الكينماتيكي للكووف ستيوورت تم استخدامه في حزمة السميولنك في برنامج الماتلاب لحساب الاطوال، الموقع، والاتجاه للمناور عند أي زمن للحركة. المتغيرات المدخلة (الموقع والاتجاه) في المعادلات المعكوسة بالسميولنك قورنت مع المتغيرات الخارجة من المعادلات الامامية بالسميولنك واظهرت نتائج جيدة.The Gough Stewart Robotic manipulator is a parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom, which has six equations of Kinematics (Inverse and forward), with six variables (Lengths, Position, and Orientation). In this work derived the inverse equations, which used to compute the lengths of the linkages and its changes depended on the position and orientation of the platform's center, then derived the forward equations to calculate the position and orientation of the moving platform in terms of the lengths. This theoretical model of the kinematics analysis of the Gough Stewart has been built into the Simulink package in Matlab to obtain the lengths, position, and orientation for the manipulator at any time of motion. The input parameters (Position and Orientation) in inverse blocks compared with the output parameters (Position and Orientation) in the forward blocks, which show good results

    Modeling of Gough Stewart Robot Manipulator Inverse Kinematics by Using MSC ADAMS Software

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    كووف ستيوورت هو روبوت متوازي له ست درجات حرية، وله ست معادلات كينماتك مع ست متغيرات. في هذا البحث تم نمذجة معادلاته باستخدام البرنامج ((MSC ADAMSبالاعتماد على المعادلات الكينيماتكية له. في هذا البحث تم بناء نموذج للستيوورت وتم تحركيه بالاعتماد على معادلات الحركة العكسية له. وبعد ذلك يتم مقارنة النتائج المحصلة من البرنامج مع النتائج النظرية والتي تم احتسابها.The Gough Stewart Robotic manipulator is a parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom, which has six equations of inverse and forward with six variables. This paper model of the Gough Stewart has been built into the MSC ADAMS software and its motion based on the inverse equations of the Stewart. Then compare the obtained results from the software with the results, which obtained from theoretical model

    Dynamic Analysis of Gough Stewart Robot Manipulator by Using Lagrange Formulation in Matlab Software

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    في هذا البحث، استخدم الروبوت المتوازي كووف ستيوورت له ست درجات من الحرية كنموذج لاشتقاق معادلات الكينماتك المعكوسة والمعادلات الديناميكية العكسية. إن اشتقاق التحليل الكينماتيك العكسي بسيط جداً الذي يستخدم لحساب مصفوفة جاكوبيان وأطوال الارجل لتحديد مسار المنصة المتحركة. المعادلة الديناميكية اشتقت بطريقة لاكرانج من خلال حساب الطاقة الحركية والكامنة للنموذج. المعادلة الديناميكية تم ادخالها في قالب السميولنك كملف ماتلاب تؤدي إلى حساب قوى الارجل في أي وقت من المحاكاة ويمكن استخدامها لبيان ما إذا كان المسار يحتوي على شذوذ حيث تتزايد القوى بسرعة كبيرة في نقطة الشذوذ مقارنة بالنقاط الأخرى أثناء مسار المنصة المتحركة. أخيرا يمكن استخدام هذه القالب في النماذج الأخرى مع مدخلات مختلفة.In this paper, Gough Stewart parallel manipulator with six-degree of freedom used as a model to derived the inverse kinematics equations and inverse dynamic equations. The inverse kinematic problem is very simple to derive then used to computed the jacobian matrix and the lengths of the linkages to determine the path trajectory of the moving platform. The dynamic equation based on the Lagrange method by calculated the kinetic and potential energies for the model. The dynamic equation inserted in Simulink block as Matlab file lead to computed the forces of the linkages at any time of simulation and can be used to explain if the path contain a singularities where the forces increasing very quickly in singular point compare with other points during the path of the moving platform. Finally, these blocks can be used in the other models with different parameters inputs

    Design Blocks in Simulink to Detection Singularity in the Workspace of Gough-Stewart Robot Manipulator

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    هذه البحث يتعامل مع الروبوت كووف ستيوورت، الذي يحتوي على ست درجات من الحرية، وست مشغلات، وقاعدة ثابتة، ومنصة متحركة. هنا، اشتقت مصفوفة جاكوبيان للكشف عن نقطة الشذوذ في مساحة العمل للروبوت حيث ان محدد مصفوفة جاكوبيان تساوي الصفر ثم اشتقت معادلة الحركة من التحليل الديناميكي بواسطة طريقة لاكرانج للتحقق من نقاط الشذوذ تتطابق مع نقاط الجاكوبيان حيث تزيد القوى بسرعة في هذه النقطة. وأخيرًا، يتضمن البحث تصميم برنامج في السميولنك لمصفوفة الجاكوبيان ومعادلات الحركة للكشف عن الشذوذ في أي زمن للمدخلات الحالية (X, Y, Z, α, β, γ)، حيث يساوي المحدد للجاكوبيان يساوي الصفر عند اقصى قيمة للقوى.This work deals with Gough-Stewart robot manipulator, which has six degrees of freedom, six actuators, fixed base, and moving platforms. Here, the Jacobian matrix derived to detect the singular point in the workspace for manipulator at determinant of Jacobian matrix equal to zero, then derived the equation of motion from the dynamic analysis by Lagrange method to verify the singular points with Jacobian where the forces increase rapidly at this point. Finally, design blocks in Simulink include the Jacobian matrix and the equations of motion to detection the singularities at any time for current input parameters (X, Y, Z, α, β, γ), where the determinant of the Jacobian equal to zero at maximum forces

    A Computer Program for Calculating the Circular Product Dimensions During Deep Drawing Operations Steps

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    Deep drawing process is an important industrial processes where it has been extensively used. It is a process for converting the blank metal to make cylindricalshape in most of the cases. A research program for performing basic calculations related to the product shape was utilized. Eighteen geometric shapes have been selected for the production in this process. The program is include the general equations for this controlling process for each form. When choosing one of the shapes in the program, the dimensions of the desired product are selected. In other words, the inputs to the program are the required dimensions of the product before reaching the required deportation. In addition, diameter, height and other related dimension are computed which were chosen for each stage throughout the operation. Visual Basic language was used to implement this program because of its ability to deal with graphical interface. The program also accounts for a large number of mathematical equations. Computer program is aimed to help designers templates deep drawing quickly through the implementation of the process, and this exceeds the designer experience that is required to perform the require calculations

    COVID 19,Risk of Infection and Biosafety Protocols in Diagnostic Laboratories

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    على مدى العقود القليلة استطاعت التقارير المختبرية توثيق العديد من حالات الإصابات بالأمراض المعدية ضمن العاملين في هذه المختبرات. حوالي 80% من هذه الحالات يعتقد بكونها مرتبطة ارتباطا مباشرا بالرذاذ الجوي داخل المختبر نتيجة العمل مع عينات من المحتمل ان تكون معدية.  الجزيئات الصغيرة السائلة او الصلبة لهذا الرذاذ قد تبقى لفترة طويلة داخل جو المختبر أو قد تنتشر لمسافات بعيدة حيث يتم  استنشاقها بسهولة. يمكن لهذه الجزيئات أن تترسب بسهولة على الاسطح المختلفة مثل الجلد او انظمة التهوية خصوصا اذا كانت اقطارها اكثر من 5 مايكرون. نتيجة لما سبق أصبح من الواجب اتباع خطوات أو إجراءات فعالة ومنتظمة لحماية العاملين في المختبرات بالإضافة الى حماية البيئة أو تقليل انتاج مثل هذا الرذاذ الجوي. بعض الإجراءات تتضمن قياس مدى خطورة  الرذاذ الجوي عندما تكون إجراءات السلامة البايولوجية عند مستوى P2 او المستويات الاعلى من ذلك ضرورية للقيام بالتجارب المختبرية. في معظم الحالات, يجب ان تكون معدات السلامة و كافة الاجراءات الوقائية متوفرة داخل المختبر وفي جميع الاوقات وأن تكون ملائمة للمستوى المطلوب من السلامة البيولوجية لاي عمل مختبري (بما في ذلك العوامل البيولوجية, فايروس كوفيد 19).  من الواجب حماية العاملين في المختبرات الذين يتعاملون من عينات مشتبه بها او مؤكدة الاصابة بفايروس كوفيد 19 . إجراءات السلامة الجيدة أصبحت مشخصة لتفادي ضرر إنتشار العدوى بفيروس سارس كوفيد 19. من المتوقع إن جميع الاجراءات الوقائية القياسية تكون متبعة من قبل العاملين في المختبرات والمذكورة في الارشادات العامة للمختبرات والتي تتماشى مع الاجراءات القياسية. هذه الإجراآت القياسية المتعلقة بمتطلبات السلامة البايولوجية يجب أن تطبق عند التعامل مع عينات افيروس سارس كوفيد 19.  تشمل هذه الإجراىت القياسية المختبرات الميكروبيولوجية  والسرسرية التي تتعامل مع عينات الدم ، المصل ، البلغم او غيرها من العينات المتعلقة بالبحوث.Over several decades, plenty of records of lab. workers contracting disease due to the infectious materials have been documented. About 80 percent of these cases are thought to be directly associated with the formation of aerosols during the lab. works with potentially infectious samples. Small liquid or solid particles of aerosols suspended in the air for a while or spread over a wide range of distances and then inhaled easily. However, they can be settled rapidly on surfaces such as skin and ventilation systems if the diameters of particles are higher than 5 microns. Effective steps should regularly be used to protect staff and the environment, or to reduce the extent of the aerosols production. Measures containing the aerosol are to be applied where physical containment at practice 2(P2) and above levels is needed for the research operation. In most cases the safely equipment’s and precautions must be available in all time in the lab. and comply with the required level of Biosafety for any type of the laboratory work (including the relevant biological agents, SARS-CoV-2 in this case). Staff who working with suspected or confirmed specimens of COVID-19 or of SARS-CoV-2 should be completely protected from such infectious materials. Good biosafety practices have been recognized to avoid or mitigate the spread of infection (i.e., SARS-CoV-2). Standard precautions expected to be already used by laboratories as stated in the general guidelines and they should follow standard laboratory practices. Practices related with these biosafety requirements must be proceed when dealing with samples/specimens from SARS-CoV-2. This involves microbiological as well as clinical laboratories conducting routine serum, blood, sputum (respiratory) and other sample diagnostic, analytical, or other research-related studies

    Color image steganography in YCbCr space

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    Steganography is a best method for in secret communicating information during the transference of data. Images are an appropriate method that used in steganography can be used to protection the simple bits and pieces. Several systems, this one as color scale images steganography and grayscale images steganography, are used on color and store data in different techniques. These color images can have very big amounts of secret data, by using three main color modules. The different color modules, such as HSV-(hue, saturation, and value), RGB-(red, green, and blue), YCbCr-(luminance and chrominance), YUV, YIQ, etc. This paper uses unusual module to hide data: an adaptive procedure that can increase security ranks when hiding a top secret binary image in a RGB color image, which we implement the steganography in the YCbCr module space. We performed Exclusive-OR (XOR) procedures between the binary image and the RGB color image in the YCBCR module space. The converted byte stored in the 8-bit LSB is not the actual bytes; relatively, it is obtained by translation to another module space and applies the XOR procedure. This technique is practical to different groups of images. Moreover, we see that the adaptive technique ensures good results as the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and stands for mean square error (MSE) are good. When the technique is compared with our previous works and other existing techniques, it is shown to be the best in both error and message capability. This technique is easy to model and simple to use and provides perfect security with unauthorized