205 research outputs found
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Kata kunci— Sistem Informasi,Website, Kepegawaian, RUP, PH
PENGEMBANGAN GAIT MOBILE ROBOT TIPE HEXAPOD UNTUK MELEWATI RINTANGAN - Robot,hexapod, pengembangan gait, rintangan, gait, mobile robot, robot berkaki, servo motor, SSC-32
Experimental Study of Bond Strength of Embedded Steel Reinforcement in Vibration-Based 3D Printed Concrete Mortar
Many new construction techniques have been developed in recent years, one of them is Three-Dimensional Concrete Printing (3DCP). It offers many advantages such as reduced human error, minimum manpower usage, and shorter construction period. This technique, however, still needs to be studied further to ensure good quality of constructions. This experimental study aims to investigate the bond strength of embedded steel reinforcement in vibration-based 3DCP mortar. The parameters varied are reinforcement diameter and direction of printing. It is found that average bond stress decreases as reinforcement diameter increases. Furthermore, 3DCP specimens with bars placed parallel to the printing direction have relatively higher bond stresses as compared to the ones with bars placed perpendicularly. As compared to conventional cast specimens, 3DCP specimens have higher bond stresses which might be due to vibration-based 3DCP mortar. Moreover, building code formulas significantly underestimate the bond stresses of vibration-based 3DCP specimens tested in this study
Correction to: Stories of loss and healing: connecting non-economic loss and damage, gender-based violence and wellbeing erosion in the Asia–Pacific region
The original article has been corrected. The phrasing of a part of the Abstract has been modified for clarity from "Through stories of loss and healing, we step into the realities of illustrating how women and children experience non-economic wellbeing loss within a climate-violence nexus in Bangladesh, Fiji, and Vanuatu. A storytelling and systems analysis approach guided the analysis of personal narratives gathered through a secondary data review and empirical field work. The research findings identified different pathways through which women and children’s mental health was compromised in the context of structural violence and climatic risks." to "Through stories of loss and healing, we step into the realities of women and children who illustrate how they experience non-economic wellbeing loss within a climate-violence nexus in Bangladesh, Fiji, and Vanuatu. A storytelling and systems approach guided the analysis of personal narratives gathered through a secondary data review and empirical field work. The research findings identified different pathways through which women’s and children’s mental health was compromised in the context of structural violence and climatic risks.
Perancangan Cergam Interaktif Dengan Tema Bullying Untuk Anak Umur 10-12 Tahun
Kasus bullying semakin marak terjadi terutama di lingkungan sekolah, namun ternyata masih banyak orang yang belum benar-benar mengerti apa itu bullying dan dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkannya. Dampak-dampak negatif yang disebabkan bullying bukan hanya pada korban tapi juga pada tapi juga pada pelaku, antara lain tidak percaya diri, depresi, gelisah dan kecenderungan bersifat agresif. Bullying yang terjadi pada anak dapat memberikan luka psikologis yang dibawa sampai seumur hidup. Perancangan ini dibuat dengan tujuan agar anak usia 10-12 tahun menyadari akan bullying yang terjadi dan dampak-dampak yang ditimbulkannya. Dengan begitu diharapkan dapat menciptakan generasi yang lebih baik dengan kehidupan sosial yang lebih sehat
Climate-smart agriculture: perspectives and framings
This paper offers a systematic analysis of the concepts and contexts that frame the climate-smart agriculture (CSA) discourse in the academic and policy literature. Documents (n = 113) related to CSA and published in peer-reviewed journals, books, working papers, and scientific reports from 2004 to 2016 were reviewed. Three key trends emerged from the analysis: studies are biased towards global policy agendas; research focuses on scientific and technical issues; and the integration of mitigation, adaptation, and food security (the three pillars of CSA) is becoming a popular scholarly solution. Findings suggest that CSA is a fairly new concept used to describe a range of adaptation and mitigation practices without a specific set of criteria. Although CSA is often framed around the three pillars, the underlying issues constructing the discourse differ at global, developing, and developed country scales. Although there is increasing research on developing countries, particularly in relation to how CSA can transform smallholder agriculture, there is a paucity of research documenting the experiences from developed countries. The findings suggest that research on CSA needs to move beyond solely focussing on scientific approaches and only in certain geographical contexts. If CSA is to be applicable for farmers across the globe, then cross-disciplinary research that is underpinned by broad socio-economic and political contexts is essential to understand how differences in narratives might affect implementation on-the-ground in both developing and developed countries
The relevance of political ecology perspectives for smallholder Climate-Smart Agriculture: a review
Abstract Climate-smart agriculture has emerged as a way of increasing food productivity, building resiliency to climate change and reducing carbon emissions. Despite rapid technical advances, research on climate-smart agriculture has arguably under-theorized the socio-political processes that continue to marginalize vulnerable groups such as smallholder farmers. This review discusses the potential usefulness of political ecology perspectives for improving climate-smart agriculture. Political ecology theory elucidates how three interrelated socio-political processes that perpetuate smallholder farmer vulnerability significantly influence climate-smart responses: inequality, unequal power relations and social injustice. The article discusses these three inter-connected political ecology factors using a number of examples from the Green Revolution, smallholder farming communities, and indigenous farmers. In comparison to conventional technical approaches, our article argues that Climate-Smart Agriculture needs to consider political ecology perspectives at different levels to explore the vulnerability of smallholder farmers to current and future climate change impacts. Interventions to support climate-smart agriculture should examine local risks, specificities and priorities of smallholder farmers. The article concludes with a renewed call for concepts of inequality, unequal power relations and social injustice to be embedded into both the policy and practice of climate smart agriculture. Keywords: climate-smart agriculture, equality, political ecology, power, smallholder, social justic
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