417 research outputs found

    Health-related quality of life in inflammatory bowel disease: a comparison of patients receiving nurse-led versus conventional follow-up care

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    Background - Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), consisting of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a chronic disorder with a considerable negative impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). During the past decade, IBD nurse specialists have been increasingly involved in follow-up care of IBD outpatients, in a consultative and coordinating role, closely cooperating with gastroenterologists. Whether patients’ HRQoL differs between nurses’ follow-up care (NF) and conventional follow-up care (CF) has not been widely researched and the aim of this study was to compare two different follow-up regimes with respect to patients’ HRQoL. Methods - This cross-sectional, multicenter study involved seven centers; five organized as CF, two as NF. Results - A total of 304 patients aged 18–80 years, 174 females and 130 males, were included, of whom 140 received care under the NF model and 164 under the CF model. Participants in the NF group had a statistically significant higher median total score on the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) (p-value  Conclusions - Nurse-led models are not inferior to conventional models with regards to patient reported HRQoL except in the social domain where the model showed to be clinically significant better. Further studies are needed to advance efforts to implement these models and increase access to IBD care

    Real-Time Complex Langevin - A Differential Programming Perspective

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    In this thesis, I aim to find solutions to the NP-hard sign-problem that arises when modeling strongly correlated systems in real-time. I will use the complex Langevin (CLE) method, and address its problem of runaway trajectories and incorrect convergence using an implicit solver and a novel kernel optimization scheme, respectively. The implicit solver stabilizes the numerical solution, making the runaway solution problem a thing of the past. It also acts as a regulator, allowing for simulation along the canonical Schwinger-Keldysh contour. Additionally, our investigation shows that a kernel can act as a regulator as well, resulting in an effective change in the action and integral measure while leaving the path integral measure intact. To restore correct convergence in CLE simulations, we present a novel strategy that involves learning a kernel and utilizing functionals that encode relevant prior information, such as symmetries or Euclidean correlator data. Our approach recovers the correct convergence in the non-interacting theory on the Schwinger-Keldysh contour for any real-time extent. It achieves the correct convergence up to three times the real-time extent of the previous benchmark study for the strongly coupled quantum anharmonic oscillator. Furthermore, we investigate the stability of the CLE by calculating the Lyapunov exponents of the CLE and uncovering that the real-time CLE behaves like a chaotic dynamical system. This has consequences for obtaining a reliable gradient of a loss function that contains a real-time CLE simulation. To address this issue, we adapt the shadowing sensitivity method to a stochastic differential equation (SDE), which allows for calculating a reliable gradient of chaotic SDEs

    Årsaker til variasjon i velferdstilstand, kvalitet, og prestasjon i produksjonsdata fra oppdrett av atlanterhavslaks

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    Atlantic salmon aquaculture is an important industry in Norway and farmed salmon is among the most economically important global aquaculture species. Despite this, the growth of the industry has stagnated in Norway and it is affected by severe challenges to fish health and welfare. This thesis presents the findings from analyses of production data from one large Atlantic salmon production company with operations in Northern Norway. The aim was to identify risk factors for total and cause specific mortality, quality downgrading, and reduced production performance. We found that smolt weight did not significantly affect subsequent growth during the seawater stage, but a higher specific growth rate (SGR) during the freshwater stage resulted in a somewhat reduced thermal growth coefficient (TGC) during the seawater stage. We found that mechanical delousing treatments were significantly associated with increased total mortalities and mortalities due to heart and skeletal muscle inflammation (HSMI) or cardiomyopathy syndrome (CMS), while bathing treatments were not. A higher smolt weight was associated with both significantly higher mortalities due to HSMI or CMS and to mouth rot. The effect on mortalities due to mouth rot is strong but not easily explainable with the available dataset and should be subject to further investigation. Mortalities attributed to mouth rot predominantly occurred during the first 7 months post seawater transfer. We found a significantly increased mortality due to mouth rot in fish transferred to seawater with lower and falling temperatures, which agrees with previously reported observations from the industry. We also found that 1+ smolts had significantly lower mortality attributed to mouth rot. The presence of ulcers was the most important cause for downgrading during primary processing in the dataset from Northern Norway, affecting 7.4 % of the processed fish. Ulcers were also a persistent cause for mortalities over several production cycles. The prevalence of ulcers, both as a cause for downgrading and mortalities, were highest during the winter months and conformed with what is commonly called winter ulcer disease. Elevated mortalities due to mouth rot earlier in the production cycle significantly contributed to increased mortalities due to ulcers during the first winter at sea. Lower water temperatures significantly contributed to both increased mortalities due to ulcers during the first winter at sea and increased downgrading due to ulcers. Production cycles originating from one specific smolt 5 supplier experienced significantly lower mortalities due to ulcers during the first winter at sea. Other important causes for downgrading were the presence of dark spots, sexual maturation, and deformities, affecting 3.7 %, 2.4 %, and 1.5 % of the slaughtered fish, respectively. A higher prevalence of dark spots was significantly associated with a higher mortality due to HSMI or CMS, which agrees with previously published results. This thesis demonstrates the utility of collecting and analysing production data from commercial Atlantic salmon producers in identifying risk factors for reduced production performance, poor fish welfare and increased mortality, as well as reduced quality. There is a considerable need for standardising and quality control of data in the industry, but also the development of methods and analytical frameworks that can accommodate the challenges unique to analysing such datasets.Lakseoppdrett er en viktig nÊring i Norge og laks er en av de mest Þkonomisk betydningsfulle fiskeartene i akvakultur globalt. NÊringen er likevel preget av en stagnerende produksjonsvekst og store utfordringer med fiskehelse og -velferd. Denne avhandlingen presenter resultatene av analyser gjort pÄ produksjonsdata fra en stor lakseprodusent hvis produksjon er lokalisert i Nord-Norge. FormÄlet var Ä identifisere risikofaktorer for overordnet og Ärsaksspesifikk dÞdelighet, kvalitetsnedgradering ved slakt, og redusert prestasjon. Vi fant at smoltvekt ikke pÄvirket tilvekst i den etterfÞlgende sjÞfasen, mens hÞyere spesifikk vekstrate (SGR) i ferskvannsfasen medfÞrte en noe redusert termisk vekstkoeffisient (TGC) i sjÞfasen. Mekanisk avlusning, men ikke badebehandling mot lus, bidro til signifikant forÞket overordnet dÞdelighet og dÞdelighet grunnet hjerteog skjellettmuskelbetennelse (HSMB) eller kardiomyopatisyndrom (CMS). HÞyere smoltvekt var signifikant forbundet med bÄde forÞket dÞdelighet grunnet HSMB eller CMS og munnrÄte. Denne effekten pÄ munnrÄte er vanskelig Ä forklare og fordrer videre undersÞkelser. DÞdelighet pÄ grunn av munnrÄte forekom nesten utelukkende under de fÞrste 7 mÄnedene etter overfÞring til sjÞ. I trÄd med tidligere rapporterte observasjoner fra nÊringen fant vi en forÞket dÞdelighet grunnet munnrÄte nÄr fisk ble satt i sjÞ ved lavere og fallende temperaturer. Vi fant ogsÄ at 1+ smolt opplevde en signifikant lavere dÞdelighet grunnet munnrÄte. Forekomst av sÄr var den viktigste Ärsaken til nedklassing ved slakt og pÄvirket 7,4 % av den prosesserte fisken. SÄr forekom ogsÄ som en vedvarende dÞdsÄrsak i mange produksjonssykluser. Forekomsten av sÄr, bÄde som dÞdelighets- og nedklassingsÄrsak, var hÞyest gjennom vinteren og er nok derfor overveiende sammenfallende med diagnosen kjent som vintersÄr. ForegÄende dÞdelighet grunnet munnrÄte medfÞrte signifikant forÞket sÄr-relatert dÞdelighet under den fÞrste vinteren i sjÞ. Lave vanntemperaturer bidro til bÄde signifikant forÞket sÄr-relatert dÞdelighet under den fÞrste vinteren i sjÞ og forÞket forekomst av sÄr som nedklassingsÄrsak ved slakt. Produksjonssykluser som stammet fra én enkelt smoltleverandÞr opplevde signifikant lavere dÞdelighet pÄ grunn av sÄr under den fÞrste vinteren i sjÞ. Andre viktige nedklassingsÄrsaker var mÞrke flekker, kjÞnnsmodning, og deformiteter, som pÄvirket henholdsvis 3,7 %, 2,4 %, og 1,5 % av den prosesserte fisken. Forekomsten av mÞrke flekker var signifikant forbundet med hÞyere 7 dÞdelighet tilskrevet HSMB eller CMS, hvilket er i overensstemmelse med tidligere rapporterte funn. Denne avhandlingen demonstrerer at innsamling og analyse av produksjonsdata fra kommersielle produsenter kan vÊre et viktig verktÞy for Ä utlede risikofaktorer for nedsatt produksjonsprestasjon, dÄrlig fiskevelferd og forÞket dÞdelighet, samt kvalitetsreduksjon i oppdrettet laks. Det er likevel et behov for standardisering og kvalitetssikring av data i nÊringen, samt utvikling av prosedyrer og metoder som kan imÞtekomme utfordringene ved Ä analysere slike datasett

    Uporaba glagolskog vida u imperativu i preskriptivnom infinitivu u kuhinjskim receptima u bosanskom, hrvatskom, srpskom i ruskom jeziku: komparativni pristup

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    In this article, I present the results of a comparative study of the use of aspect in Bosnian (Bn), Croatian (Hr), Serbian (Sr) and Russian (Ru) imperatives and prescriptive infinitives—infinitives used with imperative function—as these verb forms are used in recipes. Based on an initial survey I narrow down my object of study to a limited set of verb phrases, including equivalents of the transitive ‘to bake’ and ‘to fry’, ‘to boil’, ‘to knead a dough’, ‘to cut’ and ‘to chop’, ‘to sprinkle’ and ‘to strew’, and ‘to fill’ and ‘to stuff’. The common denominator of (most of) these verb phrases is that they involve an incremental theme in the form of a direct object, of which the referent gets its qualities changed during a process. Typically, the situation type in question is an accomplishment, in the sense of Vendler (1957). Based on analyses of this corpus, from which I provide more than 40 examples, I draw the following conclusions. First, the use of aspect in the imperative and the prescriptive infinitive, as these verb forms are used in recipes, is approximately identical in all four languages. Second, the use of what I refer to as the fake IPF – the use of IPF to refer to a single, complete event – is more widespread in Bn, Hr and Sr than in Russian. The latter is contrary to the results of Benacchio (2010), von Waldenfels (2012) and Alvestad (2013) and suggests that the aspect use in the imperative and the prescriptive infinitive in literature such as recipes deserves further investigation.U radu se predstavljaju rezultati komparativne studije uporabe glagolskoga vida u bosanskim(Bn), hrvatskim (Hr), srpskim (Sr) i ruskim (Ru) imperativima i preskriptivnim imperativima (infinitivima koji se koriste u funkciji infinitiva) kako ih se koristi u kuhinjskim receptima. Na temelju inicijalne pretrage, suĆŸavamo predmet istraĆŸivanja na ograničeni skup glagolskih fraza koje uključuju ekvivalente prijelaznih uporaba glagola (‘peći’ i ‘prĆŸiti’; ‘kuhati’, ‘mijesiti tijesto’, ‘rezati’, ‘sjeckati’, ‘posipati’, ‘puniti’). Zajednički nazivnik (većine) ovih glagolskih fraza je da uključuju rasteću semantičku ulogu teme u obliku direktnog objekta,odlike čijeg referenta doĆŸivljavaju promjenu tijekom toga procesa. Obično se radi o postignuću kao tipu situacije po Vendleru (1957). Na temelju analiza korpusa, iz kojih se nudi viĆĄe od 40 primjera, izvlačimo sljedeće zaključke. Prvo, uporaba glagolskoga vida u imperative i preskriptivnom imperative na način na koji senm koriste u receptima je otprilike jednaka u svim četirima jezicima. Drugo, uporaba onoga ĆĄto nazivamo laĆŸnim nesvrĆĄenim vidom, odnosno njegova uloga da bi se označilo jedan, potpuni događaj raĆĄirenija je u bosanskome, hrvatskome i i srpskome nego u ruskome. Potonje se razlikuje od rezultata u Benacchio (2010), von Waldenfels (2012) i Alvestad (2013) i upućuje na to da uporaba glagolskoga vida u imperativu i presktiptivnome infinitive u tipu teksta kao ĆĄto su recepti zahtijeva daljnje analize

    Models for the relative biological effectiveness in proton therapy: on the impact of cell-irradiation design

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    Background: The use of protons was first suggested for use in treating cancer in 1946, due to its preferable dose distribution. In clinical practice, a constant Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) of 1.1 is used in treatment planning for protons, to account for the difference in biological effects between photon and proton irradiation. The RBE is, however, known to vary with variables such as physical dose levels, tissue type and Linear Energy Transfer (LET). RBE models are generally based on data derived from in vitro experiments. The aim of this study was to investigate how the restrictions of input data affect the estimates of RBE for protons predicted by such models. Methods: A database containing 98 in vitro experiments was gathered for this thesis. The database was divided into smaller homogenous databases, using the SPSS Two Step clustering algorithm. These databases were fitted to common equations for RBE_min and RBE_max. Finally, a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation was performed in order to recalculate the dose response in a spread out Bragg peak (SOBP), delivered to a planning target volume (PTV), predicted using the obtained RBE limits. Results: The cluster analysis divided our database into five clusters of different sizes. The fitting process provided fitting variables in the range of -0.031 to 0.097 (keV/ÎŒm)^(-1) for RBE_min, and -0.006 to 1.271 Gy(keV/ÎŒm)^(-1) for RBE_max. Furthermore, the recalculations predicted doses in the range of 0.60 to 3.50 Gy(RBE) to the PTV, whereas the highest dose values were located in the distal edge of the SOBP. Conclusion: Databases overrepresented by high α values, thus high (α/ÎČ)_x values, seemed to predict the highest doses. High D_min databases also predicted high doses. Databases representing low LET_d, and low α values, predicted the lowest doses in this study.Masteroppgave i fysikkPHYS399MAMN-PHY

    The prevalence of Aeromonas species in a Norwegian water treatment plant after disinfection

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    Background: Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites in drinking water may poses a risk to human health. Proteobacteria includes the most common pathogens isolated from drinking water. Belonging to this phylum, we find Aeromonas spp., which are bacteria that naturally reside in various aquatic environments. The most common clinical presentations of Aeromonas infections are diarrhea, wound infections, and bacteremia. Only a few studies have investigated the effect of various hygienic barriers and disinfection treatments on the prevalence of this pathogen in drinking water, and research is scarce in Norwegian settings. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of different treatments on the prevalence of Aeromonas spp. in a Norwegian drinking water treatment plant. Materials and methods: ten sampling points were tested weekly from September to November 2021 at various sites throughout the treatment plant. All samples were examined through three rounds of dilution, filtrated, and cultivated at 37°C for 20-24 hours on a selective Aeromonas medium with ampicillin. The quantified load was expressed in CFU/l with median and range. The Aeromonas prevalence was contextualized by descriptive trends of other drinking water quality parameters provided by the treatment plant. Inferential statistics were based on descriptive findings. Results: this study observed a great decline in median Aeromonas prevalence throughout the treatment process, with a 2.26 log10 reduction from raw water to clean drinking water leaving the treatment plant. Although a slight regrowth in the distribution network was observed, the median load is well below the infective dose reported for the most frequently isolated Aeromonas species, A. hydrophila. All sampling points appeared to have a declining Aeromonas load over the course of the study. Throughout the treatment course, the highest median Aeromonas growth was observed after the marble filter, with a 1.37 log10 increase from the sampling point before. The load remained elevated after the biological filter, and the median Aeromonas load observed after both filters were significantly higher compared to all sampling points except the raw water. Although a log10 reduction of 1.37 was observed from the samples before and after the ozone chamber, the greatest decline in median Aeromonas load was observed after the UV radiation chamber, with a 2.08 log10 reduction from the sampling point before. Conclusion: this study suggests that; (i) the environmental conditions such as temperatures and pH might favor Aeromonas growth, (ii) UV radiation seems effective in reducing the prevalence of this microorganism, and (iii) the observed Aeromonas load in the drinking water distribution may not pose a risk for human consumption. Nevertheless, more studies in a Norwegian setting are needed, both at different locations and in various seasons throughout the year.M-FO


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    Det psykososiale arbeidsmiljÞet i offentlig sektor kan pÄvirkes av mange ulike faktorer, e-postkommunikasjon er en av dem. Vi har begge opplevd at e-post pÄ arbeidsplassen stadig blir mer brukt som kommunikasjonsform mellom alle de ansatte. For Ä sette fokus pÄ dette utformet vi fÞlgende problemstilling: PÄ hvilke mÄte kan e-postkommunikasjon pÄvirke det psykososiale arbeidsmiljÞet? For Ä kunne besvare denne problemstillingen satte vi oss inn i relevant faglitteratur og teori innenfor kommunikasjon, etikk, arbeidsmiljÞ og verdi. Det ble ogsÄ innhentet informasjon fra diverse nettsteder. Datainnsamlingen foretok vi ved Ä gjennomfÞre to dybdeintervju og fire fokusgruppeintervju i organisasjonene TysvÊr kommune og Politiet i Haugesund. Dette gav oss en god kvalitativ innsamling av datamateriale. I forkant av dybdeintervjuene utarbeidet vi en Äpen intervjuguide (vedlegg 4), som igjen ble revidert fÞr fokusgruppeintervjuene. Totalt 21 informanter delte sine tanker og erfaringer rundt e-postkommunikasjon. Oppgaven er skrevet i en narrativ form og er delt inn i syv hoveddeler. Vi tar leseren gjennom alt fra oppstart, teori, gjennomfÞring, vÄre funn og konklusjon. Det er lagt vekt pÄ at oppgaven skal vÊre sÄ oversiktlig som mulig, for Ä belyse de temaene vi ser pÄ som viktigst. VÄr undersÞkelse viser at det er en klar sammenheng mellom e-postkommunikasjon og psykososialt arbeidsmiljÞ. En slik form for kommunikasjon kan pÄvirke bÄde positivt og negativt for de ansatte og deres organisasjon

    Er vi pÄ vei mot et boligkrakk? : en empirisk og komparativ analyse av boligmarkedet i forkant av boligkrakket 1987-1992 og i dag

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    Boligkrakket 1987-1992 var det stÞrste boligkrakket, mÄlt i realpriser, i Norges historie. I denne avhandlingen har vi gjort en empirisk analyse av ulike faktorer som bidro til boligkrakket, og som har bidratt til den kraftige prisstigningen vi har hatt fram til i dag. Til Ä begynne med har vi gjort rede for definisjoner og teori som blir brukt videre i avhandlingen. Krisemodellen og kriseteorien til Hyman P. Minsky og Charles P. Kindleberger blir sÄ gjort rede for. Modellen og teorien er gode verktÞy for Ä forklare hvordan finansielle krakk og finansielle kriser oppstÄr. I den empiriske delen av oppgaven tar vi fÞrst for oss hvordan boligprisene har utviklet seg fra 1970-tallet og fram til i dag. Videre ser vi pÄ hvordan viktige faktorer har drevet boligprisene til dagens nivÄ. Faktorene er valgt ut med grunnlag i Dag H. Jacobsen og BjÞrn E. Naug sin boligprismodell. I den empiriske analysen gjÞr vi rede for analyseverktÞy som HP-filteret, P/R- og P/Cverdier. Disse verktÞyene blir brukt i store deler av analysen for Ä finne avvik fra trend og avvik fra fundamentale verdier. Analysen er delt opp etter de to tidsperiodene og bygget opp rundt Minskys modell og Kindlebergers teori. Funnene som blir gjort i analysen viser at bÄde P/R- og P/C-verdiene i dag er pÄ et betydelig hÞyere nivÄ enn de var forut for boligkrakket. Samtidig er ikke forholdet mellom faktiske og fundamentale P/R-verdier pÄ et like hÞyt nivÄ. Vi ser ogsÄ at utviklingen i forkant av boligkrakket passer sÊrdeles godt inn i krisemodellen og kriseteorien til Minsky og Kindleberger. Videre ser vi i sammenligningen likheter mellom de to periodene. I periodene er det avvik fra fundamentale verdier og trend i boligprisene, og andre faktorer som boligprisveksten avhenger av. Samtidig ser vi en mer illevarslende utvikling i flere viktige faktorer i dag enn i forkant av boligkrakket. Med dette har vi derfor konkludert med at det eksisterer en aktivaboble i dagens boligmarked, og at vi kan fÄ et boligkrakk i fremtiden.nhhma

    Towards learning optimized kernels for complex Langevin

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    We present a novel strategy aimed at restoring correct convergence in complex Langevin simulations. The central idea is to incorporate system-specific prior knowledge into the simulations, in order to circumvent the NP-hard sign problem. In order to do so, we modify complex Langevin using kernels and propose the use of modern auto-differentiation methods to learn optimal kernel values. The optimization process is guided by functionals encoding relevant prior information, such as symmetries or Euclidean correlator data. Our approach recovers correct convergence in the non-interacting theory on the Schwinger-Keldysh contour for any real-time extent. For the strongly coupled quantum anharmonic oscillator we achieve correct convergence up to three-times the real-time extent of the previous benchmark study. An appendix sheds light on the fact that for correct convergence not only the absence of boundary terms, but in addition the correct Fokker-Plank spectrum is crucial
