993 research outputs found


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    This article aims to discuss connections between Mathematics and Music from scientific productions, as a network of possibilities for Elementary and High School. It relied on Machado's (2011) Network of Meanings and characterized as state-of-the-art research, it comprised three methodological stages: Stage 1 consisted of a literature survey on the relationship between Mathematics and Music. In Stage 2, the exploration of this material was conducted, and typical characteristics and approaches and perspectives of these productions were defined. Stage 3 consisted of the analysis of these data, and systematization through a network of meanings of the relationships between Mathematics and Music. It is expected to contribute to present potentialities and limitations and central characteristics of research that deal with this theme, for the identification of theoretical and practical contributions to the fields of research and teaching.O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir sobre conexões entre Matemática e Música a partir de produções científicas, como uma rede de possibilidades para o Ensino Fundamental e Médio. Apoiou-se na teoria de Rede de Significados de Machado (2011) e caracterizada como uma pesquisa do tipo Estado da Arte compreendeu três etapas metodológicas: A Etapa 1 consistiu no levantamento de literatura acerca da relação entre Matemática e Música. Na Etapa 2 foi realizada a exploração desse material e foram definidas características gerais e enfoques e perspectivas dessas produções. A Etapa 3 consistiu na análise desses dados, e sistematização por meio de uma rede de significados das relações entre Matemática e Música. Espera-se contribuir para apresentar potencialidades e limitações e características centrais das pesquisas que tratam dessa temática, para a identificação de aportes teóricos e práticos para os campos de pesquisa e ensino

    The implications of professional practice uf nurses obstetricians graduated from EEAN: the quality of care

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    Objective: To analyze the implications of professional practice of these nurses graduated from the CEEO EEAN / UFRJ for quality health care for women. Method: This was a qualitative study, where the subjects were twenty (20) obstetrician nurses graduated at CEEO / EEAN who work in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Results: The autonomy and ownership of the practice of midwives are legitimized and enforces the law as a nurse midwife, however, the autonomy of childbirth care is limited by its lack of knowledge about the legal support to serve in this area of care, due to the impediment professional practice and prejudice from health institutions and medical staff through verbal violence and its derivations, generating negative implications for the quality of care and practice. Conclusion: So, professional recognition by the acceptance of nursing practice in its entirety should be legitimized

    Nursing care postpartum women seropositive for hiv before the inability to natural breastfeeding

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    Objectives: to know the expertise of nurses in caring for postpartum women seropositive for HIV on breastfeeding; identify the interaction of nurses with women with HIV about the impossibility of breastfeeding. Method: this was a descriptive, exploratory and qualitative in nature, with twenty-three women in the rooming Antônio Pedro University Hospital (HUAP) through structured interviews and analyzed with the precepts of content analysis in thematic, after approval by the Ethics Committee of the HUAP, under nº 254.060/13. Results: the following categories emerged: disparities in the guidelines at the rooming set: natural breastfeeding; interaction of nurses rooming with HIV-positive mothers for HIV on the impossibility of breastfeeding. Conclusion: the need for guidance and awareness of women about their reasons and issues related to the inability to breastfeed

    A proposal with low cost for cathode ray experiments

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    This paper presents a proposal for the adaptation of one of the experiments on the nature of the cathod rays performed at the end of the 19th century, specifically the one presented in textbooks and scientific dissemination as "the Thomson experiment" for the calculation of charge /mass ratio of the electron. Our proposal uses materials at a lower cost than experiment kits available on the market and presents a detailed description of its construction and operation, and contributes in several respects as a solution to some of the reasons related to the low utilization of experiments in science classes: the high cost materials and equipment, the lack of laboratories and the lack of ability of teachers. The elaboration of the experimental apparatus is also accompanied by the mathematical development necessary for its use and the indication of the various physical phenomena that can be treated in parallel with its implementation. With the experimental adaptation, we were able to measure and calculate the magnetic field to which the electrons are subjected inside a cathode ray tube, the potential difference between cathode and anode in the tube (electron acceleration voltage), the magnetic deflection that the electrons undergo, and to a good approximation the speed of translation of the electrons and the charge/ mass ratio of these particles

    Uropatógenos mais incidentes na infecção do trato urinário hospitalar em Guanambi – BA: Most incidents uropathogens in hospital urinary tract infection in Guanambi – BA

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    A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) por bactérias é bastante comum na prática clínica, e constam como as infecções nosocomiais mais prevalentes. Com isso, ela corrobora para o aumento no período de internação, além de elevação de morbidade e mortalidade nos pacientes hospitalizados. Ela pode ser ocasionada por diversos uropatógenos, e a urocultura é considerada o exame padrão ouro para diagnóstico – pois identifica o crescimento das colônias bacterianas. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar os agentes etiológicos mais incidentes na ITU nosocomial no Hospital Geral de Guanambi. Trata-se de estudo quantitativo, do tipo corte transversal, no qual foi realizada análise de resultados de exames de urocultura coletados no Laboratório Genoma, empresa terceirizada pelo Hospital Geral de Guanambi (HGG) - localizado no município de Guanambi - BA. Os dados obtidos foram tabelados na planilha eletrônica Excel, sendo realizada análise estatística pelo software SPSS (Statiscal Package for the Social Sciences). Como resultado do estudo, constatou-se que houve 6,7% (85) de uroculturas positivas, dessas 63,5% (54) pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 36,5% (31) ao masculino. Em relação aos uropatógenos, em ambos os sexos, houve uma incidência similar, portanto, em uma análise geral, a Klebsiella pneumoniae ficou em primeiro lugar com 49,4%, seguida da: E. coli (23,5%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17,6%). Com isso, conclui-se que dentre os uropátogenos mais incidentes, essas três bactérias foram as principais presentes nas uroculturas coletadas no Hospital Geral de Guanambi no período de janeiro de 2020 a dezembro de 2021.A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) por bactérias é bastante comum na prática clínica, e constam como as infecções nosocomiais mais prevalentes. Com isso, ela corrobora para o aumento no período de internação, além de elevação de morbidade e mortalidade nos pacientes hospitalizados. Ela pode ser ocasionada por diversos uropatógenos, e a urocultura é considerada o exame padrão ouro para diagnóstico – pois identifica o crescimento das colônias bacterianas. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar os agentes etiológicos mais incidentes na ITU nosocomial no Hospital Geral de Guanambi. Trata-se de estudo quantitativo, do tipo corte transversal, no qual foi realizada análise de resultados de exames de urocultura coletados no Laboratório Genoma, empresa terceirizada pelo Hospital Geral de Guanambi (HGG) - localizado no município de Guanambi - BA. Os dados obtidos foram tabelados na planilha eletrônica Excel, sendo realizada análise estatística pelo software SPSS (Statiscal Package for the Social Sciences). Como resultado do estudo, constatou-se que houve 6,7% (85) de uroculturas positivas, dessas 63,5% (54) pertenciam ao sexo feminino e 36,5% (31) ao masculino. Em relação aos uropatógenos, em ambos os sexos, houve uma incidência similar, portanto, em uma análise geral, a Klebsiella pneumoniae ficou em primeiro lugar com 49,4%, seguida da: E. coli (23,5%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (17,6%). Com isso, conclui-se que dentre os uropátogenos mais incidentes, essas três bactérias foram as principais presentes nas uroculturas coletadas no Hospital Geral de Guanambi no período de janeiro de 2020 a dezembro de 2021

    Jabuticaba residues (Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg) are rich sources of valuable compounds with bioactive properties

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    The main environmental issue associated with compost production is the production of a liquid leachate. Leachate from municipal wastes contains carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements that can be used as nutrients by plants. The advantages of the use of organic wastes such as compost leachate as fertilizers are evident. Their use would reduce the consumption of commercial fertilizers, which need, with their production, high cost and energy. This work aims to determine the physical and chemical properties of a specific leachate with a variable composition, collected from the composting line of a mechanical and biological treatment facility. The goal is to assess if the leachates can be used as a potential source for fertilizers, and thus develop and design a sequence of processes which could effectively convert the leachates to commercial fertilizers according to the requirements of the proposal of regulation of the European Parliament of 2016 for fertilizers. Preliminary results show that the leachate samples qualitatively meet the requirements established for the composition of commercial fertilizers, especially organo-mineral fertilizers. Furthermore, there is no production cost of leachate as a raw material. The results show that the leachate is characterized by manageable concentrations of heavy metals which can be removed by adsorption processes, and it presents suitable amounts of organic carbon after a water removal procedure. However, the establishment of the conditions for suitable conversion processes are still under investigation considering the high composition variability due to factors like storage and environmental conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Jabuticaba residues (Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg) are rich sources of valuable compounds with bioactive properties

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    Jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba (Vell.) Berg) is a Brazilian berry, very appreciated for in natura consumption. However, its epicarp is not normally consumed due to its stiffness and astringent taste, and in manufacture of products from jabuticaba fruit, it is responsible for the generation of large amounts of residues. The exploration of by-products is becoming important for the obtainment of valuable bioactive compounds for food and pharmaceutical industries. In this context, jabuticaba epicarp was studied regarding its chemical composition, namely in terms of phenolic compounds, tocopherols, and organic acids, and its bioactive properties, such as antioxidant, anti-proliferate, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activities. A total of sixteen phenolic compounds, four tocopherols and six organic acids were identified in jabuticaba epicarp. Regarding bioactive properties, it showed high antioxidant activity, also presenting moderate anti-inflammatory, anti-proliferative, and antimicrobial activities. The extract did not present hepatotoxicity, confirming the possibility of its applications without toxicity issues.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019); national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment programcontract for M.I. Dias, L. Barros, and R.C. Calhelha contracts; C. Pereira contract though the celebration of program-contract foreseen in No. 4, 5 and 6 of article 23° of Decree-Law No. 57/2016, of 29th August, amended by Law No. 57/2017, of 19th July; and B. Albuquerque (SFRH/BD/136370/2018) PhD grant; to FEDER-Interreg España- Portugal programme for financial support through the project 0377_Iberphenol_6_E; the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Regional Operational Program North 2020, within the scope of Project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-023289: DeCodE and project Mobilizador Norte-01-0247-FEDER-024479: ValorNatural®. The authors thank Dra. Cyanthia J. Kunigk (Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia, Brazil) for her collaboration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objetivo: Analisar as implicações da prática profissional desses enfermeiros egressos dos CEEO da EEAN/UFRJ para a qualidade da assistência à saúde da mulher. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, onde os sujeitos foram vinte (20) enfermeiros obstetras egressos do CEEO/EEAN que atuam no Município do Rio de Janeiro. Resultados e Discussão: A autonomia e a apropriação da prática dos enfermeiros obstetras são legitimadas e faz valer o direito como enfermeiro obstetra, entretanto, a autonomia da assistência ao parto está limitada por seu desconhecimento sobre o respaldo legal para atuar nesta área do cuidado, por conta do impedimento e preconceito o exercício profissional provenientes de instituições de saúde e da equipe médica por meio de violência verbal e de suas derivações, gerando implicações negativas para a qualidade da atenção e sua prática. Conclusão: Então, o reconhecimento profissional pela aceitação do exercício de enfermagem na sua plenitude deve ser legitimado