11,819 research outputs found

    Seletividade de extrato aquoso de Zingiber officinale [Willd] Roscoe sobre o predador Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant (Coleoptera: Coccinelidae)

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    Os coleópteros da família Coccinellídeae são predadores de diversas pragas de importância econômica. Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant é uma espécie exótica no qual foram enviada da Austrália à Califórnia entre 1891-92 por Albert Koeble, para controlar as espécies de cochonilhas que estavam atacando citros (SANCHES et al, 2002). De acordo com Gravena et al. (2006) C. montouzieri é um consumidor generalista e voraz de várias espécies de cochonilha em ambas as fases de larva e adulto. Dentre os predadores de cochonilhas e afídeos, os Coccinelídeos são os mais conhecidos e eficientes, pois uma única larva pode consumir até 250 cochonilhas. O produto fitossanitário ideal, do ponto de vista da produção agrícola e do Manejo Integrado de Pragas, seria aquele que apresentasse seletividade total, isto é, que matasse somente as pragas visadas e preservasse os artrópodes benéficos, evitando, com isso, o desequilíbrio biológico. Os inseticidas comumente utilizados em citros, na sua maioria, são nocivos às joaninhas e outros insetos benéficos que visitam esta cultura (YAMAMOTO e BASSANEZI, 2003). De acordo com Bacci (2001) é de extrema importância que sejam utilizados inseticidas seletivos para a preservação das espécies benéficas no agroecossistema. Apesar da importância da seletividade na preservação do controle biológico natural de pragas, existem ainda poucos estudos a esse respeito.pdf 170

    Constraining Elko Dark Matter at the LHC with Monophoton Events

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    A mass dimension one fermion, also known as Elko, constitutes a dark matter candidate which might interact with photons at the tree level in a specific fashion. In this work, we investigate the constraints imposed by unitarity and LHC data on this type of interactions using the search for new physics in monophoton events. We found that Elkos which can explain the dark matter relic abundance mainly through electromagnetic interactions are excluded at the 95\%CL by the 8 TeV LHC data for masses up to 1 TeV.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Tissue engineering as a remarkable tool for cartilage repair

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    Articular cartilage is a very specialized tissue with outstanding load-bearing capacity. It consists mainly of a dense extracellular matrix (ECM) with chondrocytes embedded on it. Cartilage has very low capacity of self-repair and regeneration after traumatic, degenerative or inflammatory injury. Current available surgical treatments for cartilage repair present several drawbacks, such as possible implant rejection or infection, or the need for revision after some years of implantation. Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is an autologous therapy that was proposed as a basis for tissue engineering strategies to repair cartilage (1). Modifications on various aspects of this surgical technique have been developed, comprising the use of natural-based scaffolds as supports for chondrocyte expansion (2). Many strategies and systems have been developed along the years for cartilage regeneration and repair. Scaffolds play a major role in those strategies, as they provide the support for cell growth and to promote extracellular matrix production. Both natural based (3) or synthetic scaffolds (4) have been successfully used as supports for chondrogenic differentiation or cartilage-like tissue production. The interest in cells cross-talk and communication has been growing in the past years, revealing that signalling pathways are pivotal elements when understanding the tissue formation and its repair mechanisms (5). Chondrocytes release morphogenetic signals that influence the surrounding cells, for example, stem cells, to differentiate into the chondrogenic lineage (5). In fact, the increased cartilage formation on co-cultures using stem cells and articular chondrocytes has been reported (6). Therefore, the study of co-cultures using chondrocytes and undifferentiated cells is a very promising strategy to develop engineered cartilage

    Remote Experimentation supported by Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems

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    This paper proposes a process based on learning analytics and recommender systems targeted at making suggestions to students about their remote laboratories activities and providing insights to all stakeholders taking part in the learning process. To apply the process, a log with requests and responses of remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed. A request is the setup of the experiment including the assembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment. In turn, a response is a message provided by the measurement server indicating measures or an error when it is not possible to execute the experiment. Along the two phases of analysis, the log was analyzed and summarized in order to provide insights about students' experiments. In addition, there is a recommendation service responsible for analyzing the requests thus returning, in case of error, precise information about the assembly of circuits or configurations. The evaluation of the process is consistent in what regards its ability to afford recommendations to the students as they carry out the experiments. Moreover, the summarized information intends to offer teachers means to better understand and develop strategies to scaffold students' learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Remote Experimentation supported by Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems

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    This paper proposes a process based on learning analytics and recommender systems targeted at making suggestions to students about their remote laboratories activities and providing insights to all stakeholders taking part in the learning process. To apply the process, a log with requests and responses of remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed. A request is the setup of the experiment including the assembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment. In turn, a response is a message provided by the measurement server indicating measures or an error when it is not possible to execute the experiment. Along the two phases of analysis, the log was analyzed and summarized in order to provide insights about students' experiments. In addition, there is a recommendation service responsible for analyzing the requests thus returning, in case of error, precise information about the assembly of circuits or configurations. The evaluation of the process is consistent in what regards its ability to afford recommendations to the students as they carry out the experiments. Moreover, the summarized information intends to offer teachers means to better understand and develop strategies to scaffold students' learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Controle alternativo de podridões pós-colheita de framboesas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de tratamentos pré-colheita sobre a ocorrência de podridões pós-colheita e sobre os atributos de qualidade de framboesas (Rubus idaeus L.) 'Heritage'. As frutas foram pulverizadas com um dos seguintes tratamentos: água destilada (controle), 6 g L-1 de quitosana, 100 mg L-1 de dióxido de cloro, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Curtobacterium pusillum ou Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Foram realizadas colheitas aos 3, 7 e 14 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. Após cada uma das colheitas, realizadas no estádio de maturação comercial (coloração rosa), as frutas foram inoculadas individualmente com suspensão de conídios (2x105 conídios mL-1) de Botrytis cinerea ou Rhizopus stolonifer. As frutas foram mantidas a 12±0,5ºC por sete dias e avaliadas quanto à incidência de podridões e quanto aos principais atributos de qualidade. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, C. pusillum e S. cerevisiae proporcionaram menor área abaixo da curva de progresso da incidência das podridões por Botrytis e Rhizopus. Os agentes de controle biológico avaliados não interferem negativamente sobre os atributos de qualidade das frutas, e, portanto, são alternativas potenciais no controle de podridões pós-colheita de framboesas

    Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems toward Remote Experimentation

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    This paper presents a process based on learning analytics and recom- mender systems to provide suggestions to students about remote laboratories ac- tivities in order to scaffold their performance. For this purpose, the records of remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed taking into account one of its installations. Each record is composed of requests containing the as- sembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment, as well as the response provided by the measurement server that evaluates whether a par- ticular request can be performed or not. With the log analysis, it was possible to obtain information in order to determine some initial statistics and provide clues about the student’s behavior during the experiments. Using the concept of rec- ommendation, a service is proposed through request analysis and returns to the students more precise information about possible mistakes in the assembly of circuits or configurations. The process as a whole proves consistent in what re- gards its ability to provide suggestions to the students as they conduct the exper- iments. Furthermore, with the log, relevant information can be offered to teach- ers, thus assisting them in developing strategies to positively impact student’s learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio