331 research outputs found

    Multi-Objective Optimization of a Vapor Compression Portable Cooler

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    Is There Any Correlation between Insulin Resistance and Nitrate Plasma Concentration in White Coat Hypertensive Patients?

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    We evaluated a relationship between nitric oxide plasma correlation and insulin resistance in white coat hypertensive patients. Patients were screened for white coat hypertension using an ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. The homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) was used to assess insulin resistance, and plasma nitrate concentrations were determined by chemiluminescence. The HOMA-IR was significantly higher in hypertensive (3.84 ± 0.62) when compared to white coat (2.11 ± 0.36) and normotensive (1.40 ± 0.21). We found no correlation between HOMA-IR and plasma nitrate levels in all three groups. We suggest that the more important issue for these patients is to focus on the metabolic abnormalities where lifestyle interventions such as weight control and exercise have proven effective

    Competitividade na indústria automobilística no Brasil: um estudo de caso da Renault

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    This work aims to analyze what are the factors that influence the automakers market gain and make the automobile sector in Brazil more competitive. At first, the automotive sector in the world and the in Brazil will be covered, with a case study focused on the Renault company. For this, concepts such as: visions and strands on competitiveness, organizational skills, competitive strategies of the automotive sector, a brief contextualization of the sector in the country, concentration indicators, characteristics of the world sector and in Brazil will be analyzed. Finally, the study in question will be aimed at the Renault company, due to its growing market gain in the sector in Brazil. For this, the monograph will address the company's market strategies, its relationship with parts suppliers, the company's governance, tools used by the company to achieve high quality standards, the company's strategies in the country and finally the installation of the first factory in Brazilian territory. The results obtained pointed out that the strategies used by the company gave results to increase its Market Share in the Country and increase competitiveness in the sector.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A presente monografia visa analisar quais são os fatores que influenciam o ganho de mercado das montadoras e as tornam mais competitivas dentro do setor automobilístico no Brasil. A princípio serão caracterizados o setor automobilístico no Mundo e no Brasil, com um estudo de caso voltado para a empresa Renault. Para isso serão analisados conceitos como: visões e vertentes sobre competitividade, competências organizacionais, estratégias competitivas do setor automotivo, uma breve contextualização do setor no país, indicadores de concentração, características do setor mundial e no Brasil. Por fim, o estudo será voltado para a empresa Renault, devido a seu crescente ganho de mercado no setor no Brasil. Para isso, a monografia abordará as estratégias de mercado da empresa, sua relação com os fornecedores de peças, as modalidades de governança adotada pela empresa, ferramentas utilizadas para atingir o alto padrão de qualidade, suas estratégias utilizadas no País e por fim a instalação da primeira fábrica em território brasileiro. Os resultados obtidos apontam que as estratégias utilizadas pela empresa deram resultados para aumentar seu Market Share no País e aumentar a competitividade no setor


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    Objective: Identify the residual volume in ampoule-vials after the preparation of injectables, associating the errors related to underdosing with the classes of drugs.Method: This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Data were collected between December 2020 and September 2021, in a private outpatient service located in a Brazilian municipality in the northeast of the state of São Paulo. A total of 562 ampoule-vials of medications prepared by a nursing staff were analyzed. A form was used containing the commercial name of the medication, therapeutic class/indication, reconstitution date and time, volume used to reconstitute the medication and residual volume of each vial. The datawere tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics and the ANOVA test.Results: theresidual volume of 462 (82.2%) ampoule-vials varied between 0.1 ml and 1.5 ml, whereas 165 (29.4%) ampoule-vials had 0.2 ml of residual volume, with a mean loss of 4.5% of the solution. There was no difference in the loss of solution between the different classes of drugs.Conclusion: The findings highlight the need for interventions to reduce failures in the medication preparation phases, with emphasis on errors associated with therapeutic underdosing

    Gli investimenti diretti all'estero delle imprese piemontesi : tendenze, strategie e risultati

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    Contributi di ricerca ; n.208/2007- Indice #6- Introduzione #8- Integrazione dei mercati e modificazioni della geografia economica #16- Il database delle imprese piemontesi all'estero #46- L'indagine diretta #70- Conclusioni #90- Bibliografia #9

    Leptina, hipertensión arterial y obesidad: importancia de las acciones de enfermería

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    O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi o levantamento de tópicos de relevância sobre as implicações da leptina na modulação da pressão arterial e na gênese, prevenção e tratamento da hipertensão arterial associada à obesidade. Considerando o hormônio como um elo comum entre as duas condições patológicas, foram identificadas as ações para a redução da leptinemia, propostas e discutidas na literatura. Constatou-se que a enfermagem carece de produção de conhecimento que subsidie a assistência ao hipertenso obeso com alterações nos níveis séricos de leptina. Foram descritos os sinais e sintomas multifatoriais que se interrelacionam de maneira dinâmica e paradoxal na manifestação do quadro clínico estudado, com ordenação de intervenções eficazes no cuidado a esses clientes.The objective of this systematic review was to retrieve topics of relevance to the implications of leptin in modulating blood pressure and in the genesis, prevention and treatment of hypertension associated with obesity. Considering the hormone as a common link between the two pathological conditions, were identified actions to reduce the leptinemia, proposed and discussed in the literature. It was found that nursing lacks production of knowledge to subsidize the assistance to hypertensive obesity that present alterations in serum leptin. Were described signs and multifactorials symptoms dynamically interrelated and paradoxical in the manifestation of the clinical case studied, with effective management interventions in caring for those clients.El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue el levantamiento de tópicos de relevancia sobre las implicaciones de la leptina en la modulación de la presión arterial y en la génesis, prevención y tratamiento de la hipertensión arterial asociada a la obesidad. Considerando a la hormona como un eslabón común entre las dos condiciones patológicas, fueron identificadas las acciones para la reducción de la leptinemia, propuestas y discutidas en la literatura. Se constató que la enfermería carece de producción de conocimiento que subsidie la asistencia al hipertenso obeso con alteraciones en los niveles séricos de leptina. Fueron descritas las señales y síntomas multifactoriales que se interrelacionan de manera dinámica y paradojal en la manifestación del cuadro clínico estudiado, con ordenación de intervenciones eficaces en el cuidado a esos clientes

    Serological evidence of Toscana virus infection in Portuguese patients.

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    SUMMARYToscana virus (TOSV) is an emergingPhlebovirusof growing interest as a human pathogen in the Mediterranean Basin. In Portugal, however, little is known about the prevalence of TOSV infection. The aim of this work was to perform a seroprevalence study in patients with requests for laboratory diagnosis of vector-borne viruses. A total of 538 patients with and without neurological signs from 2004 to 2008 were studied by in-house indirect immunofluorescence assay and commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. A prevalence of 4·2% for IgG antibodies was found in the group of patients with neurological signs. Five (3%) of these had recent infections. In the group with no neurological signs, the IgG prevalence was 1·3%. Two samples, belonging to two patients, were also confirmed with plaque reduction neutralization tests with the TOSV ISS. Phl.3 Italian strain. This work showed that TOSV is present and causing disease from north to south in Portugal. The probable circulation of different phlebovirus serotypes in Portugal emphasizes the need for further studies

    Adesão ao tratamento anti-hipertensivo: análise pelo Teste de Morisky-Green*

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    Considerando que a adesão ao tratamento é um desafio para o controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar os sujeitos da pesquisa segundo as variáveis sóciodemograficas e econômicas e avaliar o nível de adesão pelo Teste de Morisky-Green. Trata-se de estudo descritivo transversal de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 90 hipertensos em um Centro de Saúde. O instrumento utilizado para coleta de dados foi o Teste de Morisky-Green (TMG). Os resultados mostraram que 63,0% da amostra eram mulheres e a média de idade foi de 66 anos, sendo que 72,2% não apresentaram adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso, corroborando pesquisas realizadas sobre adesão. Conclui-se que este estudo pode proporcionar subsídios para intervenções sobre a assistência aos pacientes com HAS, com a finalidade de aumentar as taxas de adesão e a qualidade de vida