92 research outputs found

    Foraging pattern and harvesting of resources of subterranean stingless bee Geotrigona subterranea (Friese, 1901) (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini)

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    Flight activity of bees is influenced both by environmental factors and by internal condition of the colonies. Information about external activity of bees is very important, because it provides data of the species biology, supplying subsidies for the use of these insects in the pollination of crops. The present work aim to evaluate the flight activity of Geotrigona subterranea (Friese, 1901) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in natural environment. This study was performed on the Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais, in the municipality Januária, Minas Gerais State. Two natural nests were observed. The activities of bees of the colonies were recorded three days each month, during the period of December 2011 to November 2012, totaling 924 observations. It was recorded the number of bees leaving and entering the nest, and the type of material transported by them for ten minutes each hour from 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. The bees entered the colony carrying pollen, resin, detritus and also without apparent material. The bees began external activities by 6 a.m. at 20°C and finished at 6 p.m. at 28.8°C. The peak of activity of G. subterranea occurs on schedule from 1 to 2 p.m. Even though G. subterranea makes their nests in underground, their foraging activities are very similar to others stingless bee species that usually nest on tree cavities or aerial places. This indicate that despite their particular nesting way the external factors as climatic ones will significantly modulate their foraging pattern in a daily and seasonal way

    Lipofobia, disciplinamento do corpo e produção de valor

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    Objetivo: Este artigo versa sobre a relação existente entre lipofobia, disciplinamento do corpo e produção de valor. Procurou entender a lipofobia como técnica biopolítica de disciplinamento do corpo. Método: O caráter metodológico deste artigo foi qualitativo e bibliográfico. Resultados e Discussão: Percebemos que a subjetivação lipofóbica contribui para o desejo de um estilo de vida saudável para a produtividade no trabalho e o consumo de um corpo-capital. Conclusão: Concluímos que o modelo de governamentalidade neoliberal utiliza-se da lipofobia como política social para o disciplinamento do corpo, no qual o corpo-capital torna-se espaço de dominação e o consumo ganha uma dimensão mais complexa, já que o “bem” comprado adere-se ao corpo criando novas cadeias de produção de valor para o capital

    Distribuição e potencial erosivo das chuvas no Estado do Tocantins

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    The objective of this work was to determine rainfall erosivity values and to generate its spatial‑temporal distribution maps in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Pluviometric historical series from 97 rain gauges were analyzed, covering the period from 1985 to 2009. Erosivity was estimated by equations in which the independent variable was the average monthly rainfall or the Fournier rainfall index (Rc). Geostatistics was applied for mapping erosivity both monthly and annually. Annual erosivity values varied between 6,599 and 14,000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, with peak in December when it reached values up to 2,800 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 per month. From May to September, erosivity values had lower than the critical one, considered 500 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 per month. Three priority regions were identified for soil and water conservation planning activities: mid‑west region of the state, in the neighborhood of Cantão State Park, with greatest erosivity; northern region of the state, especially during the first quarter of the year; and southern region of the state, in the fourth quarter.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os valores de erosividade e gerar os mapas da distribuição espaço‑temporal das chuvas no Estado do Tocantins. Analisaram-se séries históricas pluviométricas de 97 postos pluviométricos, compreendendo o período de 1985 a 2009. A erosividade foi estimada por meio de equações nas quais a variável independente foi a precipitação média mensal ou o coeficiente de chuva de Fournier (Rc). A geoestatística foi aplicada para o mapeamento da erosividade tanto na escala mensal quanto na anual. A erosividade anual apresentou valores entre 6.599 e 14.000 MJ mm ha-1 h-1, com auge em dezembro, quando atingiu valores de até 2.800 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 por mês. De maio a setembro, a erosividade apresentou valores inferiores ao crítico, tido como 500 MJ mm ha-1 h-1 por mês. Foram identificadas três regiões prioritárias para ações de planejamento visando a conservação do solo e da água: região centro‑oeste do Estado, nas imediações do Parque Estadual do Cantão, com maior erosividade anual; região norte do Estado, especialmente no primeiro trimestre; e região sudeste do Estado, no quarto trimestre

    Pollen Spectrum and Trophic Niche Width of Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in Highly Urbanized and Industrialized Sites

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    The floristic composition of an environment is important to ensure the trophic niche of bee species. Melipona scutellaris Latreille, is a typical stingless bee of Atlantic rainforest sites in northeastern Brazil, a region widely established in meliponaries for honey and pollen production. M. scutellaris is reared (meliponiculture) in rural and urban areas, where the species depends on the availability of different plants for nectar and pollen collection. In this study, we estimated food niche width, equitativity, and similarity between different colonies of M. scutellaris in highly urbanized and industrialized sites of the Metropolitan Region of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. We analyzed pollen spectrum of 58 honey samples from six meliponaries, during 12 months. We identified 111 pollen types distributed in 28 plant families. The Fabaceae family showed the highest diversity in pollen types (33.33% of the total) and Mimosa caesalpiniifolia was the most frequent pollen type, found in 100% of the samples. M. scutellaris concentrated its foraging activity on a few trophic resources (H’ = 2.69 and J’ = 0.01) indicating a few melittophilous plant species belonging to the genera Eucalyptus, Mimosa, Protium, Serjania and Tapirira, should be managed on a regional scale to favor meliponiculture with this native bee species

    Pollen spectrum of honey of Apis mellifera L. and stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from the semi-arid region of Bahia State, Brazil

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    Pollen in honey reflects its botanical origin and melissopalynology is used to identify origin, type, and quantities of pollen grains of the botanical species visited by bees. This study aimed to identify the pollen spectrum of honeys from Apis mellifera and stingless bees produced in the semi-arid region of Bahia, Brazil. We analysed 78 honey samples, which were submitted to the acetolysis process for identification and quantification of pollen types. Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Euphorbiaceae were the most predominant families in pollen types. For Fabaceae, the most representative pollen types were Chamaecrista 1, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Mimosa pudica, Mimosa tenuiflora, Prosopis and Senna. The results indicate that the flora explored by the bees to collect nectar is diverse in the semi-arid region of Bahia and the honeys analysed were classified as multifloral.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Offspring analysis in a polygyne colony of Melipona scutellaris (Hymenoptera: Apidae) by means of morphometric analyses

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    In the few cases of polygyne colonies in Melipona the presence of active queens is common, generating offspring from different maternal origins. One of the techniques employed to identify maternity of the offspring is morphometric analysis, which allows inter- and intraspecific groups to be discriminated. The objective of this study was to identify the maternal source of Melipona scutellaris workers from a polygyne colony with five queens using wing morphometric analysis. The right forewings and hindwings of 209 workers were used. The workers came from a brood disk extracted from the colony and taken to a B.O.D. incubator maintained at 28±1°C and 75% relative humidity. Conventional and geometric morphometry analyses were made. Groups were discriminated, indicating that the material analyzed had different maternal origins, with predominance of one queen, which was responsible for 57% of the progeny. Cluster analysis allowed to confirm that the use of conventional morphometry can identify offspringgroups from existing queens in a M. scutellaris polygyne colony. However, such identification was not possible with geometric morphometry

    Ingestive Behavior and Nutritional and Physiological Parameters of Sheep Fed Diets Based on Cashew Byproduct

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    Objective of this study was to evaluate the ingestive behavior, feed efficiency, and nutritional and physiological parameters of sheep that were fed diets based on byproducts from the processing of cashew. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement with four levels of inclusion (6 %, 11 %, 16 %, and 21 % of cashew byproduct) and two forms of processing—with chemical treatment (CT) and without chemical treatment (NCT). The interaction levels of inclusion of the byproduct of cashew versus chemical treatments was not (P>0.05) for the dry matter intake, consumption of organic matter. No effect was observed (P>0.05) for the intake of dry matter in function of the type of chemical treatment used in the byproduct of cashew. There was no effect of interaction (P0.05). The inclusion of the byproduct of cashew did not influence the behavioral parameters, intake and digestibility of the diets of sheep, being recommended to use up to the level of 21%

    Monitoria de patologia nos tempos de pandemia: um relato de experiência / Pathology monitoring in times of pandemic: an experience report

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    Introdução: A Patologia Humana é uma disciplina teórico-prática que estuda os mecanismos de desenvolvimento das doenças. Na área da medicina, sua importância justifica-se pela possibilidade de realizar diagnósticos de diversas doenças a partir da comparação entre tecidos saudáveis e doentes. Nesse contexto, ressalta-se o desafio de auxiliar no ensino de uma disciplina teórico-prática durante a pandemia de COVID-19. Objetivos: Relatar as experiências da monitoria virtual no ensino da disciplina de Patologia. Metodologia: Para auxiliar no ensino do componente de Patologia foram desenvolvidos objetivos de aprendizagem semanais e roteiros com questões. A cada semana procuramos utilizar uma estratégia diferente de ensino, onde a gameficação é uma ferramenta bastante utilizada. Em alguns objetivos foram elaborados casos clínicos, jogos e quizzes intencionando-se maior fixação do conteúdo, interatividade, engajamento e motivação por parte dos discentes nesse semestre atípico. Alternando com essa ferramenta, utilizamos o site www.kahoot.it, o qual possui um quizz de perguntas e respostas que faz um ranking de acordo com o índice de acertos e tempo de resposta, estimulando uma competição saudável entre os participantes. Resultados: Após a utilização da estratégia de gameficação, observou-se maior estimulação no estudo prévio, maior interatividade dos alunos durante as monitorias e consequentemente maior desempenho dos mesmos nas dinâmicas propostas nas monitorias e atividade avaliativas da disciplina. Além disso, a monitoria propiciou à equipe de monitores a oportunidade aprender, explorar novas ferramentas e auxiliar os professores nesse mundo virtual. Conclusões: Observou-se, portanto, que mesmo à distância e utilizando ferramentas virtuais não habituais, a monitoria foi efetiva e cumpriu seu objetivo de auxiliar no aprendizado dos discentes, dar suporte ao docente e aproximar a teoria da prática