3,457 research outputs found

    “I know of places where there are stones that talk to me”: A. M. Pires Cabral’s "Arado" through the lens of Ecocriticism

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    A.M. Pires Cabral (b. 1941) is a Portuguese poet, novelist, essayist, and translator. His first book of poetry Somewhere in the Northeast (1974), condenses the originality of his poetic achievement: the meeting between classic form and rural experience. Stemming from the fact that his poetry is based on a specific place and on an instance of attention to ordinary people and objects is a vision which underlines the involvement of the human destiny with the landscape we inhabit. This paper concentrates on the way A. M. Pires Cabral’s poetry has been an example of attentiveness to and of human conversation with the non-human world. Its uniqueness stems from the relationship to a remote and rural Portuguese region. If isolation defines the place, Pires Cabral’s poetry builds a sense of inclusion and communion between physical place, people, and animals, that is, a sense of belonging. The article analyses A. M. Pires Cabral’s Plow (2009), a book in which his poetic engagement with the natural world promotes new insights into the potential role of poetry, generating a greater environmental awareness and calling for new visions and new responsibility.A. M. Pires Cabral (n. 1941) es un poeta portugués, novelista, ensayista y traductor. Su primer libro de poesía, Algún lugar en el noreste (1974), condensa la originalidad de su logro poético: la unión entre la forma clásica y la experiencia rural. De hecho, su poesía se basa en un lugar específico y en un ejemplo de atención a la gente común y a los objetos como resultado de una visión que pone de relieve la participación del destino humano con el paisaje que habita. Este trabajo se concentra en cómo la poesía de A. M. Pires Cabral ha sido un ejemplo de atención y de conversación humana con el mundo no humano. Su singularidad se debe a la relación con una región portuguesa remota y rural. Pero si el aislamiento define el lugar, la poesía de Pires Cabral construye un sentido de inclusión y de comunión entre el lugar físico, las personas y los animales, es decir, un sentido de pertenencia. El artículo analiza Arado (2009), obra de A. M. Pires Cabral, un libro en el que su compromiso poético con el mundo natural promueve nuevos conocimientos sobre el papel potencial de la poesía, lo que genera una mayor conciencia ambiental, pidiendo nuevas visio nes y nuevas responsabilidades

    Leitura do texto de teatro:Teoria, prática e análise

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    Tese de doutoramento, Estudos Artísticos (Estudos de Teatro), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de LetrasO principal objectivo deste trabalho é demonstrar a especificidade que envolve a leiturado texto de teatro, e o papel que este tipo de texto pode assumir no desenvolvimento dacompetência da leitura, nomeadamente através da promoção de uma relação próximaentre prosódia e interpretação. Com esse fim em vista, concebemos um plano deintervenção, que implementámos numa escola de Lisboa, durante o segundo trimestredo ano lectivo 2003/ 2004, com uma turma de 3ºano e outra de 7º. Durante aintervenção, instámos os alunos a interpretar, estabelecendo relações entre o seuconhecimento do mundo e o texto, para inferir, por exemplo, o carácter geral de certainformação textual. Foram ainda realizadas gravações dos alunos a lerem diferentestipos de texto, entre eles, o de teatro, antes e depois da intervenção. Foram, igualmente,gravadas as leituras de alunos de duas turmas de controlo, uma de 3ºano e outra de 7º.Após a avaliação das leituras da turma de teste e controlo do 7ºano, em termos defluência e expressividade, decidimos analisar a leitura de duas alunas, uma da turma deteste, CP, e outra da turma de controlo, MM. Assim, o corpus é constituído por duasleituras de um fragmento de um texto de teatro, gravadas em Janeiro de 2004, préintervenção,e outras duas em Abril do mesmo ano, pós-intervenção. Ao nível dosresultados, verificámos que, da primeira para a segunda leitura, CP apresenta diferençasconsideráveis, no sentido de uma maior expressividade, como a crescente distinçãoentre indicações cénicas e falas, com tempo de pausa e contrastes de F0 a atestá-lo. Emcontraste, em relação a MM, há poucas alterações significativas da primeira para asegunda leitura, sendo que os valores de F0 mais relevantes se encontram dispersos pelotexto, sem evidenciarem, portanto, uma determinada estratégia interpretativa.The main goal of this work is to give proof of the good influence that dramatic text hason the development of reading ability, as it prompts readers to engage in the virtualstaging of the action. For that, we carried a project at school for three months,promoting interpretation around a particular dramatic text. We urged students toestablish connections, tangling over inferences, between what they already knew abouttheater, other texts and ways of showing it (movement and speech), and the text itself.Then we came to analyse acoustically two reading aloud of two students from seventhgrade, one from the class we had been working with and the other from a control class,recorded before and after the project took place. We discovered that the first oneexhibited clear strategies in facing this particular type of text, like introducing adistinction among didascalia and speech in order to achieve expressiveness, withconsequent F0 contrasts. On the other hand it also became evident that the controlsudent presented fewer changes from the first reading to the second, in comparison tothe student from our class, lacking a strategie to convey dramatic meaning. Therefore,as results, we defend that dramatic text at school has the power to make interpretation amatter of performance, promoting students quest for an increasing suitable perspectiveand their awareness around text's meaning, as means to the end of finding the right wayto put it all into practice

    Sustainability as a key asset in establishing differentiation strategies for fashion brands

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    In referring to the fashion system or business, we can address to a wide variety of approaches. On an economical and business analysis, fashion can be defined as a cycle that allows to some mature industries, such as clothing, footwear or even cars, to be dynamic and maintain certain profitability over the time. While our attention tends to focus solely on the finished products, we must understand that these are the result of a long chain of stages, activities and technologies whose interaction is largely responsible for the product’s success on the market. Sustainability arises as a main vector of differentiation for fashion brands in today’s world context. In a fast moving industry such as fashion, sustainability is a concept for designers to explore, breaking the grounds for the environmental impact of the production supply, considerations of end uses or the lifecycle of the product. One of the challenges that we can present to fashion brands nowadays is to deliver a blend of both sustainability and elegance in fashion. In an era dominated by economic and financial crises, how can fashion brands coop with this new reality and enhance their differentiation vectors in order to succeed? This paper intends to explore the sustainable business model and strategy for fashion brands towards a more responsible branding, facing the challenges that the new world places upon them.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Communication strategies and processes within fashion brands : Nordic brands as case studies for successful communicationstrategies

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    The study conducted intends to demonstrate to what extent Nordic fashion brands are positioning themselves in the market and the way they are assuming a leading position in a globalized market through the adoption of personalized communication strategies. Through the analyses of the differentiation concepts and the “country of origin” effect we have conducted an empiric study of these brands, whose market recognition has been crescent in recent years. We intend to show that these brands are differentiation themselves from the competitors by the adoption of well integrated communication strategies reinforce by the promotion of a Scandinavian heritage. Through successful communication languages, clear positioning and international expansion, these brands are transforming the “Nordic” term into a major key asset, due to its favourable perceived brand attributes and region’s strength. Studied brands were: Acne, By Malege Birger and Designers Remix Collection. The gathered data allowed us to develop a data base of brand analyses, one that is built upon 3 main directions: brand character, emotional territory and communication registry.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    The Impacts of Emerging Technologies on Accountants Role and Skills: Connecting to Open Innovation A Systematic Literature Review

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    Purpose: This paper reviews the recent accounting literature focusing on emerging technologies’ impacts on accountants’ role and skills. Specifically, it determines what emerging technologies are most studied concerning their impacts on accountants’ role and skills, which research strategies are used in the studies that focus on this theme, and the impacts of the identified emerging technologies on accountants’ skills. It also investigates whether open innovation is an influencing factor in this connection. Methodology: Through a systematic literature review following the five-step approach described by Denyer and Tranfield, the Web of Science and Scopus databases are used as a source of article collection. Thus, our analysis starts with a total of 157 articles. Findings: The main analytical results of the study identify the skills that today’s accountants must have and what role is assigned to them. Practical implications: Professional bodies and regulators may take the results into account in informing the revision of standards, rules, and laws for the new environment. Educational institutions can use the results to adjust their programs to prepare students with the skills employers expect them to have. Contribution: This study provides an integrated understanding of the implications of recent technological developments on the accountant’s role and skills that have been hitherto discussed in the existing literature in a fragmented way. Future research suggestions are also provided, based on identified gaps in the literature, assisting other researchers in finding a way to augment knowledge in this area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pesquisa de microrganismos em dispensadores de antissépticos, desinfetantes e detergentes num hospital

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    As Infeções Associadas aos Cuidados de Saúde (IACS) estão entre as principais causas de mortalidade em todo o mundo. Adquiridas em meio hospitalar, resultam da incorreta desinfeção praticada, desde dispositivos médicos a superfícies hospitalares e práticas de higienização de profissionais de saúde. O presente trabalho teve como principais objetivos verificar a existência de microrganismos em dispensadores de antissépticos, desinfetantes e detergentes em diferentes serviços na Unidade de Saúde de Bragança; e identificar e testar o perfil de sensibilidade dos microrganismos detetados. As amostras recolhidas foram semeadas em Gelose Columbia + 5% de sangue de carneiro, incubadas a 37ºC durante 48 horas. Em caso de crescimento bacteriano procedeu- se à repicagem das colónias para meio Gelose Columbia + 5% de sangue carneiro e/ ou para meio MacConkey para obtenção de culturas puras. A identificação bacteriana e determinação do perfil de sensibilidade aos diferentes antimicrobianos foi realizada com recurso ao aparelho Vitek 2 da BioMérieux. De entre as 151 amostras semeadas, 25 apresentaram crescimento de microrganismos, constituindo uma percentagem de contaminação de 17%. Os microrganismos mais frequentemente isolados foram Staphylococcus hominis, Sphingomonas paucimobilis e Staphylococcus epidermidis com uma percentagem de 20%, 20% e 16%, respetivamente. Algumas das bactérias isoladas demonstraram perfis de resistências preocupantes que apesar de pertencerem a um grupo de bactérias comensais, estes são responsáveis por IACS. É essencial que se tomem medidas relativas ao manuseamento e acondicionamento de todas as soluções, para que se consiga diminuir a taxa de contaminação das mesmas e, consequentemente, as IACS.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Supervisão no ensino clínico no serviço de cirurgia: um estudo com alunos do 3º ano de enfermagem

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    A supervisão de estudantes de enfermagem em ensino clínico implica (re)pensar as práticas e aprofundar o processo formativo dos futuros enfermeiros, não só na dimensão científica da profissão, mas também no desenvolvimento de capacidades de análise crítico-reflexivas que contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional. Esta investigação sobre o processo supervisivo numa unidade hospitalar visou, entre outros objetivos: analisar as caraterísticas da reflexão desenvolvida por alunos de enfermagem durante o seu estágio no ensino clínico. Para a recolha destes dados foi utilizada a observação participante e instrumentos de supervisão tais como diários de sessões, semanários reflexivos, portefólios, estudos de caso, reflexões críticas no final do estágio e grelhas de avaliação intercalar e final. Os dados recolhidos durante o estágio clínico mostraram que os alunos de enfermagem: foram interiorizando as orientações, reajustaram comportamentos e posturas, progrediram gradualmente no seu desempenho e na aquisição de competências, e nas situações mais ansiogénicas o papel da supervisora foi fundamental. Também se verificou que a relação supervisiva foi baseada num clima afetivo-relacional positivo. Além disso, o semanário foi um instrumento importante no relato e expressão dos factos e opiniões publicamente difíceis de revelar. O estudo de caso foi valorizado por possibilitar uma reflexão sobre a prática enquanto a reflexão crítica final mostrou um confronto entre a identidade atual e as expetativas para a identidade do futuro enfermeiro. Os resultados evidenciaram a necessidade de aprofundar a investigação sobre os instrumentos de supervisão a utilizar no estágio em ensino clínico, para que este se torne eficaz no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional dos futuros enfermeiros.The supervision of nursing students in clinical internship implies the (re)thinking of practices and a deepening of the training process for future nurses, not only in the scientific dimension of the profession but also in the development of critical-reflective analysis capacities which contribute to their personal and professional development. This research on the supervisory process in a hospital unit aims to accomplish the following aim, among others: to analyze the characteristics of nursing students' reflexions during their internship. Participant observation and supervisory tools such as daily sessions, weekly reflective diaries, portfolios, case studies, critical reflections at the end of the internship and intercalary and final evaluation grids were used for data collection. Data collected during the clinical internship of nursing students showed that: they were internalizing the guidelines, readjusting behaviours and attitudes, gradually they were progressing in their performance and skill acquisition and in anxiogenic situations the supervisor's role was considered essential. Also, the supervisory relationship was based on a positive relational and cultural climate. In addition, the weekly diary was an important tool in the narration and expression of the facts and opinions publicly difficult to reveal. The case study was valuable because it allowed for a reflection on practice while the final critical reflection showed a confrontation between the present and the expectations of the future identity of the nurse. These results highlighted the need for further research on supervisory tools to use in clinical internship in order for it to become effective in the personal and professional development of future nurses

    Pedagogical differentiation in the early ages for the construction of an inclusive practice

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    Este estudo de natureza qualitativa centra-se na temática da diferenciação pedagógica (DP) na educação pré-escolar e no 1.º ciclo do ensino básico de modo a promover uma prática inclusiva. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a sete educadoras de infância e a sete professoras em que se procuraram identificar as suas conceções sobre DP e de que forma a implementam na sua prática. Da análise dos dados pode perceber-se que as docentes procuram implementar estratégias de DP de forma a responder às necessidades e capacidades de cada criança, respeitando os seus ritmos de aprendizagem. Neste sentido realçam o papel do planeamento da avaliação e organização do ambiente educativo. Verificam-se, no entanto, que são várias as dificuldades sentidas na implementação de estratégias de DP, o que nos leva a refletir sobre a necessidade de um maior apoio formativo nesta área, para o desenvolvimento de práticas que respondam efetivamente às necessidades específicas de cada criança.This qualitative study focuses on the theme of pedagogical differentiation (PD) in pre-school education and in the 1st cycle of basic education in order to promote an inclusive practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven kindergarten teachers and seven teachers in which they sought to identify their conceptions about PD and how they implemented it in their practice. From the analysis of the data it can be seen that the teachers seek to implement PD strategies in order to respond to the needs and capacities of each child, respecting their learning rhythms. In this sense, they emphasize the role of evaluation planning and organization of the educational environment. However, there are several difficulties in the implementation of PD strategies, which leads us to reflect on the need for greater formative support in this area, for the development of practices that effectively respond to the specific needs of each child.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio