1,368 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de marcadores Serológicos Infecciosos Hemotransmisibles en donantes de sangre

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    La transfusión de sangre constituye una vía de transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas, cuyos marcadores serológicos permiten identificar y descartar unidades previo a ser transfundidas. Existen 400 millones de personas con infecciones de transmisión transfusional (ITT) en el mundo, sin embargo, solo 80.3% de las donaciones se tamizan para estas enfermedades. En Ecuador a pesar de la cobertura existente para las ITT no se cuentan con estudios de seroprevalencia actualizados. Establecer la prevalencia de los marcadores serológicos de ITT en las unidades sanguíneas donadas. Estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo. Se incluye toda donación sanguínea receptadas en el Banco de Sangre de la Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana, las cuales son sometidas a tamizaje serológico. Se calcularon las frecuencias absolutas y prevalencias de las ITT, se evaluó la relación entre ellas y el sexo y edad; se aplicó la prueba de Chi cuadrado y Kruskal Wallis. Se analizaron 51.686 donaciones. La reactividad global de ITT fue de 2,73%, edad mediana: 32 años, sexo masculino, 72,8% (p= 0,000), tipificación sanguínea: O Rh positivo, 67,3% (p= 0,138). Las prevalencias parciales fueron 2,01%, 0,41%, 0,22%, 0,14% y 0,08% para el T. pallidum, VIH, T. cruzi, VHB y VHC respectivamente; en cada grupo, la distribución predominó en los hombres (p=0,007) y la mediana de edad fluctuaba entre 30,5 y 34 años, siendo menor, 26 años, para el VIH. (p=0,000). Existe una importante prevalencia global de marcadores de las ITT, a predominio principalmente de T. pallidum y VIH y su correspondiente coinfección

    Target organ damage and cardiovascular complications in patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes in Spain: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Target organ damage (mainly cardiac and renal damage) is easy to evaluate in outpatient clinics and offers valuable information about patient's cardiovascular risk. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, using simple methods, the prevalence of cardiac and renal damage and its relationship to the presence of established cardiovascular disease (CVD), in patients with hypertension (HT) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: The RICARHD study is a multicentre, cross-sectional study made by 293 investigators in Nephrology and Internal Medicine Spanish outpatient clinics, and included patients aged 55 years or more with HT and type 2 DM with more than six months of diagnosis. Demographic, clinical and biochemical data, and CVD were collected from the clinical records. Cardiac damage was defined by the presence of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy (ECG-LVH), and renal damage by a calculated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of <60 ml/min/1.73 m(2), and/or the presence of an albumin/creatinine ratio ≥ 30 mg/g; or an urinary albumin excretion (UAE) ≥ 30 mg/24 hours. RESULTS: 2339 patients (mean age 68.9 years, 48.2% females, 51.3% with established CVD) were included. ECG-LVH was present in 22.9% of the sample, GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m(2 )in 45.1%, and abnormal UAE in 58.7%. Compared with the reference patients (those without neither cardiac nor renal damage), patients with ECG-LVH alone (OR 2.20, [95%CI 1.43–3.38]), or kidney damage alone (OR 1.41, [1.13–1.75]) showed an increased prevalence of CVD. The presence of both ECG-LVH and renal damage was associated with the higher prevalence (OR 3.12, [2.33–4.19]). After stratifying by gender, this relationship was present for both, men and women. CONCLUSION: In patients with HT and type 2 DM, ECG-LVH or renal damage, evaluated using simple methods, are associated with an increased prevalence of established CVD. The simultaneous presence of both cardiac and renal damage was associated to the higher prevalence of CVD, affording complementary information. A systematic assessment of cardiac and renal damage complements the risk assessment of these patients with HT and type 2 DM

    Exploiting visual saliency for assessing the impact of car commercials upon viewers

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    Content based video indexing and retrieval (CBVIR) is a lively area of research which focuses on automating the indexing, retrieval and management of videos. This area has a wide spectrum of promising applications where assessing the impact of audiovisual productions emerges as a particularly interesting and motivating one. In this paper we present a computational model capable to predict the impact (i.e. positive or negative) upon viewers of car advertisements videos by using a set of visual saliency descriptors. Visual saliency provides information about parts of the image perceived as most important, which are instinctively targeted by humans when looking at a picture or watching a video. For this reason we propose to exploit visual information, introducing it as a new feature which reflects high-level semantics objectively, to improve the video impact categorization results. The suggested salience descriptors are inspired by the mechanisms that underlie the attentional abilities of the human visual system and organized into seven distinct families according to different measurements over the identified salient areas in the video frames, namely population, size, location, geometry, orientation, movement and photographic composition. Proposed approach starts by computing saliency maps for all the video frames, where two different visual saliency detection frameworks have been considered and evaluated: the popular graph based visual saliency (GBVS) algorithm, and a state-of-the-art DNN-based approach.This work has been partially supported by the National Grants RTC-2016-5305-7 and TEC2014-53390-P of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Publicad

    Aproximación a la economía de Guinea Ecuatorial durante el periodo colonial

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    A thorough study of the economic history of Spanish colonization in Africa today is still a pending issue. With this paper we aim to contribute to a better understanding of the economic history of a territory - Equatorial Guinea-, which was a Spanish colony. Its economic role within the Hispanic colonizing strategy was increased as we approached their emancipation, from being a supply station for ships in the Gulf of Guinea to become a major exporter of raw materials and food products to the metropolis. Its economic dynamics meant profound changes in the social relations of production, ownership of resources and marketing channels and distribution of its exports. It also played an important role in the investment options of the great Spanish capital.; Un estudio en profundidad de la historia económica de la colonización española en Africa es hoy en día todavía una asignatura pendiente. Con este artículo pretendemos aportar nuestro grano de arena para un mejor conocimiento de la historia económica de un territorio -Guinea Ecuatorial- que estuvo bajo el dominio de España. Su función económica dentro de la estrategia colonizadora hispana se fue acrecentando a medida que nos acercamos a su emancipación, pasando de ser una estación de aprovisionamiento a buques en el Golfo de Guinea a convertirse en una importante economía exportadora de materias primas y productos alimenticios hacia la metrópoli. Su dinámica económica supuso profundos cambios en las relaciones sociales de producción, en la propiedad de los recursos y en los canales de comercialización y distribución de su oferta exportadora. Asimismo, desempeñó un papel importante en las opciones de inversión del gran capital español

    O lineamento Piúma, sul do estado do Espírito Santo: expressão estrutural e significado tectônico

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    The Piúma lineament, located in the Southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil, is one of the most prominent linear morphostructural features of the northern Mantiqueira Province. The lineament stands out in satellite images and topographic maps, extending for about 70 km in a N50°W direction, between the towns of Iconha and Conceição do Castelo (Espírito Santo). In order to investigate the nature and role played by the Piúma lineament in the tectonic evolution of the Mantiqueira Province and adjacent Campos Basin, we carried out a detailed structural analysis based on fieldwork, as well as geophysical data processing and interpretation. The results we obtained indicate that the Piúma lineament is a brittle shear zone characterized by N50W-trending and SW-dipping shear fractures, faults and joints. These structures record two distinct and incompatible motions, thereby recording the operation of two tectonic regimes: NNE-SSW extension and E-W transtension. Comparing our results with the literature on the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Margin, we conclude that the Piúma lineament more likely developed after the Ediacaran Brasiliano orogenic event in response to an NNE-SSW extension, experiencing later a reactivation as normal dextral to dextral transtensional zone, probably in connection with the South Atlantic rifting in the Lower Cretaceous.The Piúma lineament, located in the Southern Espírito Santo State, Brazil, is one of the most prominent linear morphostructural features of the northern Mantiqueira Province. The lineament stands out in satellite images and topographic maps, extending for about 70 km in a N50°W direction, between the towns of Iconha and Conceição do Castelo (Espírito Santo). In order to investigate the nature and role played by the Piúma lineament in the tectonic evolution of the Mantiqueira Province and adjacent Campos Basin, we carried out a detailed structural analysis based on fieldwork, as well as geophysical data processing and interpretation. The results we obtained indicate that the Piúma lineament is a brittle shear zone characterized by N50W-trending and SW-dipping shear fractures, faults and joints. These structures record two distinct and incompatible motions, thereby recording the operation of two tectonic regimes: NNE-SSW extension and E-W transtension. Comparing our results with the literature on the Southeastern Brazilian Continental Margin, we conclude that the Piúma lineament more likely developed after the Ediacaran Brasiliano orogenic event in response to an NNE-SSW extension, experiencing later a reactivation as normal dextral to dextral transtensional zone, probably in connection with the South Atlantic rifting in the Lower Cretaceous.The Piuma lineament, located in the Southern Espirito Santo State, Brazil, is one of the most prominent linear morphostructural features of the northern Mantiqueira Province. The lineament stands out in satellite images and topographic maps, extending for464531546sem informaçãosem informaçãoO lineamento Piúma, situado na porção sul do estado do Espírito Santo, está entre as feições morfo-estruturais mais proeminentes da província Mantiqueira Setentrional. Constitui uma feição linear regional, bem marcada em imagens de sensoriamento remoto e mapas topográficos, com aproximadamente 70 km de comprimento e direção N50°W, entre as cidades de Iconha e Conceição do Castelo (Espírito Santo). Para investigar sua natureza e o papel que desempenha na evolução tectônica da Província Mantiqueira e da bacia de Campos, adjacente, foi feita uma analise estrutural detalhada, levada a efeito através de trabalhos de campo, processamento e interpretação de dados geofísicos. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o lineamento Piúma se traduz numa zona de cisalhamento rúptil, caracterizada pela presença de falhas e juntas com direção preferencial N50W e mergulho para SW. Essas estruturas registram a ação de dois movimentos distintos e incompatíveis, que marcam a ação de dois regimes tectônicos: distensão NNE-SSW e transtração E-W. Comparando-se os resultados com a literatura disponível para a margem continental sudeste brasileira, conclui-se que o lineamento Piúma, provavelmente, se desenvolveu em algum momento após o evento orogenético ediacarano Brasiliano, em resposta a uma distensão NNE--SSW, posteriormente sendo reativado como uma zona normal dextral a transtracional dextral, possivelmente relacionada à abertura do rifte do Atlântico Sul, no Cretáceo InferiorO lineamento Piúma, situado na porção sul do estado do Espírito Santo, está entre as feições morfo-estruturais mais proeminentes da província Mantiqueira Setentrional. Constitui uma feição linear regional, bem marcada em imagens de sensoriamento remoto


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    Esse trabalho objetiva compreender de forma teórica o processo de aprendizagem gerencial ocorrida por docentes ao se tornarem gerentes assumindo o cargo de coordenadores de curso em instituições de ensino superior. Para tanto, utilizou-se como metodologia de pesquisa uma revisão de literatura integrativa, e como ferramentas de busca as seguintes palavras-chaves: management learning, managerial learning, management development, aprendizagem gerencial, aprendizagem de gestores, aprendizagem de administradores, aprendizagem de líderes. A partir da seleção e da análise dos dados, foram detectadas algumas das principais abordagens que englobam os conceitos evolutivos da aprendizagem gerencial. Conforme os resultados da pesquisa, as funções da coordenadoria estão diluídas entre práticas gerenciais e pedagógicas, permeadas pela falta de planejamento e por improvisos no seu conturbado cotidiano de trabalho


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    O presente trabalho é um resultado de uma pesquisa sobre o mapeamento das Incubadoras Tecnossociais de Cooperativas Populares (ITCP) realizada no sul do Brasil, cujo objetivo é analisar a situação atual destas. A metodologia utilizada para a realização desta pesquisa foi o método da revisão bibliográfica integrativa seguida pelos dados do mapeamento das incubadoras, construção e qualificação de um questionário quantitativo. O questionário foi aplicado em incubadoras da região sul do Brasil onde foram analisados e processadas as respostas das ITCPs do Rio Grande do Sul em uma Planilha Calc do software livre da LibreOffice. Com a pesquisa, observou-se que os empreendimentos incubados nas ITCPs enfrentam dificuldades no início da incubação, principalmente quanto aos custos de financiamento. Constatou-se também que muitos empreendimentos incubados não possuem legalização de suas atividades. Pôde-se observar que as principais linha de atuação dos empreendimentos incubados são a Economia Solidária, Cooperativas e Agricultura Familiar. Os dados obtidos com a presente pesquisa são de grande relevância para avaliar a situação atual das ITCPs do Rio Grande do Sul, porém é necessário um aprofundamento em futuras pesquisas para entender qualitativamente a situação e como esta pode ser melhorada